All Chapters of The Omega's Revenge Against Her Lycan King Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
229 Chapters
Chapter 71
   VICTOR BLOODBORNE I stopped my car in front of the house and got down, storming into the house. I went straight into my room, clenching my jaw as I ignored all greetings from those that I passed by. She had a son? With Gabriel? I didn't think she would betray me to that level. I wasn't going to let that slide, she was still my wife. I took off my clothes and went into the bathroom, coming out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I wore a comfortable cloth and hopped on the bed, my eyes wide open as I thought about the events that took place in the Moonfire Pack. * " Where did you go last night? " Nelson asked, entering inside my room as I opened my eyes. I didn't even know when I slept off.  I wanted to lash out at him, tell him to get the fuck out, but I closed my eyes, trying to control myself. 
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Chapter 72
  MAYA Julia and I walked into the station, my heels making a clicking sound with the ground as we passed through different cells, until we got to my destination. " Alpha Maya, I've been expecting you, " Mr Adams greeted, standing up from the chair he was sitting on. " Where is he? " I asked and he pointed to the cell where Victor was staying. I smirked and began to walk towards the cell, Adams following me behind. " Alpha Maya, I think we need to discuss more about this, all the charges against Alpha Victor are absurd, he hasn't done anything of such, " Beta Nelson said, running to my side as soon as he saw me coming. " Are you sure all the allegations against him are not true? Or are you trying to say that I made false accusations against him? " I stopped walking, turning to face him. " I didn't mean it that way, Alpha Maya. I'm ju
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Chapter 73
   I stared at Victor, my mouth slightly opened, but I was unable to form words. I didn't understand what he meant by Uncle Unkar, why would his Uncle kill Gabriel. " What do you mean by that? What business does your Uncle have with Gabriel? " I asked him, not believing a bit of what he said. " I found out a year after Gabriel's death that he was responsible for it. When I asked him about it, he confessed and said he saw Gabriel as a potential threat to the Pack that had to be eliminated, " he replied and I erupted into laughter, not knowing what to do anymore. I slammed the table, standing up abruptly as I glared at him, taking him by surprise. I released a low growl, not hiding this fact that I didn't believe him. " I won't take anymore of your lies, Victor. I know you want to save your skin, but I find it lowly of you to stab your Uncle in the back just becau
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Chapter 74
   " Uncle Unkar, such a pleasant surprise to see you here, in my Pack, " I greeted as soon as I got downstairs, Julia and Bella, following closely behind me. " I heard you were the new Alpha of the Moonfire Pack, so I came here personally to greet you since we go way back, " he responded and I gestured for him to sit down, taking a seat in front of him as well. " Wow! I can't believe the changes life has brought in five years, you look more like a woman in power now. I didn't believe it when I was told you had become an Alpha but I must say, being rich looks good on you, " he complimented and l giggled, placing a hand over my mouth. " Being rich looks good on everyone. How have things been? I heard you were no longer staying at the Bloodfang Pack, " I started and he nodded, rubbing his palms together. " You know I'm the type of person who travels around, stayin
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Chapter 75
   " That piece of garbage, " Bella cursed after we were sure that Unkar had left the pack. She bawled her fists in anger, breathing noisily. " This is crazy. So, Alpha Victor was right. Uncle Unkar killed Gabriel because he saw him as a potential threat to the Pack, " Julia stated and I stood up, turning to the both of them. " We can't be so sure about it, it would be bad if we jump into conclusion without gathering facts, " I told them, but the both of them only ganged up on me. " What other facts do we need? We have Victor's testimony, we can end that scumbag's life at once, " Bella pressed on. " Sweetheart, that was what we thought and ended up blaming Victor even though he was innocent. If we jump in like that, we'll end up making mistakes, " I explained, but they weren't having it. " What makes Victor innocent? He's a scumbag just like
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Chapter 76
CHAPTER SEVENTY SIX  I scoffed at what he said, unsure whether I should believe him or not. What did he mean by Unkar was responsible for Victor's mother's death? " Why would Uncle Unkar kill his sister-in-law? " I asked and he let out a sigh, clasping his hands together. " Alpha, not everyone is as good as they act, Unkar Bloodborne is a very good example. From what I figured out, Alicia Martin was pregnant with the current Alpha when she died. It was only a miracle that the baby was able to survive. It turned out that the person he was targeting was the child, so he wouldn't take over the Alpha's position, " he elaborated and I scoffed again, as this felt like a movie to me. " The same Unkar that I know killed Victor's mother? So much for being his favorite person in the world, " I mumbled, rolling my tongue as different thoughts ran through my head. " Thanks for y
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Chapter 77
   " Alpha Victor is an evil man, someone who uses the power he has to prey on the weak. He doesn't care for anyone apart from himself and he takes others like his pests who he can treat with so much cruelty. He abuses power and cares only about what he will gain and not what he can offer, " he said, fidgeting with his fingers as he lowered his head. " Why haven't you spoken up sooner, we would have done something about it, " the council head asked and he licked his quivering lips. " We couldn't do anything about it as we had no power. One of us who tried to voice out her opinion got into serious trouble and ended up begging for death. We were scared, until Alpha Maya offered to help, " the other lady replied and he nodded, like he was still in doubt. " What made you think that she was going to succeed in helping you? For all we know, she could have ended up like your friend did, be
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Chapter 78
   " A secret? " He asked, his brows furrowed in questioning and I nodded slowly, closing my eyes momentarily. " The council head has agreed to go ahead with the charges that I have pressed against you. I found out and decided to come share the good news with you first before any other person. You're going to have to answer to the council and then they'll debate on whether to let you keep your position. Though, it would be very difficult for you to keep your position if you get detained, no one would want an ex-convict to lead them as an Alpha, " I stated and he scoffed unbelievably, ruffling his hair. " Good news? You see my misfortune as good news? " He asked and I threw my head back in amusement, enjoying the reaction I was getting from him. " Do you expect me to give a fuck about your misfortune? You didn't care that I was suffering five years ago when you toyed with me, but you
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Chapter 79
  I glared at Serena, wondering what her unnecessary tantrum was for. She was fuming, like I had stolen something from her, even though I was positive that the news had reached her. " Can you please explain what the slap was for? And let it better be worth it, " I warned, causing her to scoff at my words. " Your threats mean nothing to me, Maya. What else do you want from us? You locked up my husband in the cell house and now, you're trying to bring him down for no reason, " she accused and I burst into laughter, clapping my hands as I did. " What? Your husband? " I asked her, in between laughter. " The nerve of you to stand in front of me and claim Victor as your husband. What right do you have? " I growled at her. " What about you? What the hell have you done for him that you claim rights about being his wife? I have done so much for him to qualify as his wife than you, "
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Chapter 80
  " Huh?! " He broke into sweat and kept gulping repeatedly, causing me to burst into laughter. " Calm down, I was just joking. It's not like I would have any use for you here apart from being my bodyguard, which would be too low, considering your current position, " I told him and he let out a sigh of relief, wiping off his sweat. " I was actually scared that you would want that in exchange for Alpha Victor's freedom, ". " What would you have done if you were given that option? Would you stay with him till the end? Or come to me in order to free him? " I asked, folding my hands and he twitched his lips. " I would actually come to you in order to free him. Like I said, the pack cannot function without him. So please, if there's anything I can do to release him, I'll be willing to do that, " he pleaded again and I smirked, finding it funny that some people are willing to thro
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