All Chapters of The Omega's Revenge Against Her Lycan King Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
229 Chapters
Chapter 61
   " Congratulations, Maya, or shall I say, Alpha Maya of the Moonfire Pack, " Julia said, jumping into me as soon as Tyler and his folks left the Pack. It was all up to us now, to make this Pack what we've always wanted it to be. " Thank you so much, my amiable Beta. I look forward to working with you, " I responded, hugging her back. It felt really strange, being the Alpha of a Pack where I was once an Omega. " Yo girlies, is this a pack ruled by females now? " Bella teased and Julia and I burst into laughter. Of course, it was a pack ruled by females, with me as the Alpha, Julia as the beta and Bella as the Gamma. " Yeah. And together, we're gonna make this work, " Julia replied, grinning widely until we heard the clearing of a throat. " Uhm….. Alpha, " someone called out and we all turned to see three middle-aged women standing behind us, looking so n
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Chapter 62
   YAY……. WE HAVE BEEN INAUGURATED!!! I was sitting down on my chair, with Julia and Bella sitting down in front of me while Ethan slept on the sofa after he had refused to go to his room unless I slept together with him. The three of us had a lot to do, it was as if we were rebuilding the pack from scratch. The pack was in a little debt due Tyler's gambling ways and I had to use my personal money to pay for the debt. We also had to renovate the packhouse, it was too old and almost collapsing and we had to save it before someone got hurt.  Also, the grounds. I had ordered all pack members from the age of fifteen and above to participate in the general cleaning of the pack. Most of them weren't in support of the cleaning as they felt it was the work of the Omegas, but it was an order from the Alpha, they had no other option. 
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Chapter 63
  VICTOR BLOODBORNE Five years was enough for my revenge on the Moonfire Pack. I had planned out everything I needed to attack the pack and what was left was the message I had to tell them about the attack, which I had sent over this morning. " I heard there was a new Alpha for the Moonfire Pack, he challenged Tyler into a duel and won and then took over the pack. Tyler and Justin left the pack, " Nelson, the new Beta, informed me, sipping from the glass cup of whiskey. " A new Alpha? Why am I just hearing of this? " I asked him and he shrugged, rubbing his temple. " They got inaugurated last week and the news just came to me today, " he replied nonchalantly.  Unlike Gabriel, Nelson was more blunt and spoke his mind more freely. He was open and a bit rude, always getting into fights with me. But, I preferred him to Gabriel in some aspects, Gabriel w
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Chapter 64
  VICTOR BLOODBORNE Like, what the fuck?? Am I looking at Maya right now?? I shook my head, closing my eyes for a while to know if she was just an imagination, but she was still there when I opened it back, smiling at me. " What….. How are you here? " I asked, trying to form words out of what was happening. She folded her lips and walked past me, walking around the living room as her cologne filled the air. " What else do you think? I came on behalf of the Moonfire Pack. You asked for a meeting, didn't you? " She asked, stopping to face me. " I did. Wait….. you have been in the Moonfire Pack all these years? " I questioned, but she only tsked at me. " Do you think they would have accepted me if I went there? A wife who ran away from her husband's home? What difference is the Bloodfang Pack from the Moonfire Pack? " She
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Chapter 65
   3RD PERSON Serena walked up to them as Maya stood up from the couch to greet the second person she had been wanting to see for a while now. " Luna Serena, it's been such a long time," she greeted, smiling softly and looking around. " Wow! This feels familiar, apart from the fact that Gabriel isn't present, " she added. " Drop the act, bitch. What the hell are you doing here? " Serena snapped at her, but Maya only grinned widely at her. " C'mon Luna, you sound so scared and nervous to see me right now. Don't worry, I'm not here to stay, at least for now, " she assured Serena, but it only infuriated her the more. Victor couldn't tell if Serena was the nervous one in the living room or him. But what he could tell was that Maya was far from being nervous, infact sfe was enjoying every bit of what was happening. " You have
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Chapter 66
  MAYA " What do you mean by that? How can you be carrying that mark? " Serena asked, rambling like someone who just lost an important treasure. As proof, I pulled the collar of my top down a bit and showed her the mark, a bloodied fang. " C'mon Serena, I told you I'm Victor's wife not you. I only gave you that position because I didn't see any need for it then, because I didn't want to make an issue of it now. But let me tell you, if you think you can act all that because of a measly position, then I'll let you know that I became an Alpha in less than six hours. Now, that's a threat, " I told her and turned to Victor. " Alpha Victor, we need to leave now. I'm sure we had a nice talk with each other and we both understood everything. If you still want to go ahead with the attack on the Moonfire Pack, I won't stop you. But just know that I won't sit back and watch you raid my Pack without turning
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Chapter 67
   VICTOR BLOODBORNE " Are you gonna watch her leave without doing anything? " Serena asked me after Maya had left the house and I sat down on the couch ignoring her. " Victor! She just threatened me and you did nothing but stand there like a statue, watching her like she was doing the right thing, " she complained, raising her voice. " Not now, Serena. Please, I need to think, " I pleaded, not facing her. Only if that was enough for her to walk away. " So, Maya has the Luna's mark which you gave to her. You betrayed me and you are telling me you want to think? " She yelled at me and I stood up, turning to face her as I fumed in anger. " Betray? I didn't betray you, Serena. Maya would have become Luna if she didn't cheat on me. I had marked her even before I found out about her affair with Gabriel, " I explained to her and she scoffed at me.
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Chapter 68
   " What do you mean by the future Alpha of the Bloodfang and Moonfire Pack? What does Moonfire Pack have to do with this? " Lila asked. " …… Because I'm the Alpha of the Pack, " I admitted and she burst into laughter, like she didn't believe me. " Nice, Maya. How did you become the Alpha? What happened to the other Alpha? " She asked, amusement laced in her voice and I smiled at her, patting her hands as I indicated that she shouldn't worry herself about that. The car went silent as we drove to the Moonfire Pack, even though Lila occasionally threw glances at me. I found it fun, seeing her so nervous and uncomfortable due to the numerous questions she wanted to ask. We finally got to the pack and the driver parked in front of the higher-ups house. We came down and went inside the house with Lila, who was looking around. " Wai
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Chapter 69
   I went downstairs as well as Julia and Bella who were following me behind. I walked to the sitting room and saw him standing there, his back facing me. " What brings you to my pack? It's pretty late and I thought we had already discussed all we needed to earlier, " I spoke out and he turned to face me, smiling softly at me.  Did I forget to say how handsome he looked that made me skip a breath? His intense amber eyes observing me as if he wanted to read me. " You're truly the Alpha of this Pack, " he said and I snorted. " Did you think I was lying and leveraging my position as a member of this Pack? " I accused, glaring at him and he shook his head. " I mean no harm, I only came here so we could discuss, " he raised his hands above his head to show that he was defenseless but he suddenly furrowed his brow. " Bella? What are you doing
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Chapter 70
   " You have a son? " Victor asked me and I twitched my lips, unsure of what to reply. It was obvious that Ethan was his son, the resemblance struck. " I do. You just heard him call me, do you need any other proof than that? " I asked him, patting Ethan on the head. " Is he my son? " He questioned and I stifled a laugh, placing a hand over my mouth. " You think too highly of yourself, Victor. What makes you think he is your son? Do you have proof of that? " I spat out, eyeing him with contempt. " Whose son is he then? ". " He is Gabriel's son, " I lied smoothly, as if I've been preparing for it for a long time. Victor scoffed, shaking his head as he licked his bottom lip. " So, you actually did cheat on me and here I was, stupidly wanting to think I was wrong. You've actually confessed that you had an affair with Gabrie
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