All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Unplanned Baby : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
86 Chapters
Chapter 52
TYLERI took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before I began to share my story. Sitting across from her, I could see the concern etched on her face. It was difficult to talk about this, but I knew it was necessary. She was the mother of my child and there were certain things she had to know about me. I took a deep breath, knowing she was attentive, and listening to me."I guess it all started when I was just a kid, let's say five or six." I began, my voice trembling slightly until I found composure. "My parents... they weren't exactly the loving and caring type, not like the parents of my friends in school who would come to pick up their kids after school and pack their lunch. Mine were never like that, they were abusive, both physically and emotionally." As I spoke, memories flooded back, vivid and painful. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to steady myself. "As I grew older, I found solace in drugs and sex. To escape from the pain at home, I turned to drugs and sex, I had my
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Chapter 53
SARAHThe anger evaporated into irritation and hatred and damn...I sat in the cosy coffee store across the street from Tyler's house - the store was cosy because of the warmth of the coffee and it was supposed to make me feel at home. But my heart, pounding with a mix of anger, sadness and made it all uncomfortable. I watched that woman, Booker, leave Tyler's house. She just left his place, confirming my suspicions that there was another woman in his life. It all made sense now even though Tyler had corrected some mistakes of the media on the news about him and the 'Booker Greyson', It all made sense – Tyler had stopped our relationship, stopped returning my calls, and I couldn't understand why. But seeing that woman walking out of his house was like a punch to the gut.I watched as she walked down the street, her laughter echoing in my ears like a broken tape of the 1950s. Now it was clear that he had been seeing this woman behind my back. The news wasn't wrong after all. Tyler lef
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Chapter 54
THEAI was dreaming... dreaming that I was seated with him and he was talking. I weighed his words, his pain and how he trusted me to have told me so much. He trusted me so much.He had started, telling the graphic story like I was there with him, he said, "... as I grew older, I found solace in drugs and sex. To escape from the pain at home, I turned to drugs and sex, I had my first penetration when I was fourteen, then again when I was sixteen and it was constant, every day I had sex and every day I took drugs."I saw him again, when he was little, I saw his Ma and Da physically grappling and he was there looking at them, I was like a statue, I couldn't move, I wanted to help him, to pull him away, it was then I heard a bang and slowly, the house I was in was fading and even little Tyler and his parents were fading, it took long to realize I was dreaming and not really in Tyler's old house. I was in Manhattan, on my bed and it was last night I saw Tyler and he told me this.I opened
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Chapter 55
TYLER"Check your messages, it's on again!" I got those last words from my new manager and truly as I took my phone, I was faced with a barrage of messages on my phone, each one more alarming than the last. Each one tearing the tissues in my heart and making me sink back on my bed. Investors were cancelling their deals with my company, citing concerns about my personal life, citing concerns about my 'illegitimate child'. I had no idea what they were talking about, but the words "illegitimate child" and "bad father" kept popping up over and over again.I tried to shake off the confusion and focus on the situation at hand. My business was crumbling around me, and I had no idea how to stop it. I had just started to recover from the last scandal, when one of my companies got burnt down, I don't think I would ever recover from that, and now this new matter had arisen.I stumbled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, still trying to process the news. My mind was racing with thoughts of
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Chapter 56
TYLERI sat back in my chair, feeling a heavy weight lift off my shoulders. I felt a mix of relief and exhaustion after delivering that unbelievable speech at the conference. I never planned for this, but the instant I saw the news stories saying terrible things about Thea, I knew I had to do all in my power to get her out of the mess I caused - I don't even know how I caused it. On a normal day, if this was what I have been preparing for weeks, I would have been pouring over notes and rehearsing this delivery until I know in me that I was confident and prepared. But this, this came unexpectedly and I had to do the speech without rehearsing. And heaven knows as soon as I stepped onto the stage and began speaking, at first I was scared of what to say, and how my speech would sound like, as I began, I could feel the weight of the faces of the men I've worked with all my life bearing down upon me.If I lost it all, how would I live? How was I going to make ends meet. How am I supposed
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Chapter 57
SARAHI sat still, unable to move, not because of anything but because of what I watched on the news. I have been whipped, lashed with this reality, that felt like a betrayal, a slap in the face. I clenched my fists, feeling the urge to break something.The memories flooded back – the late nights spent talking about our future, the dreams we shared, and the plans we made. Not once did he mention being a father. Was it all a lie? How could he keep such a significant part of his life hidden from me? I stood up abruptly, knocking over the coffee mug at my feet in the process. The hot liquid spilt onto the rug, soaking into it quickly, but I didn't care. My anger consumed me as I stormed around the room, knocking over books and smashing picture frames against the wall. Each crash brought temporary relief from the pain and betrayal that coursed through me. The shards of glass scattered across the floor mirrored the shattered pieces of my heart. How could Tyler deceive me like this? Did he
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Chapter 58
BOOKERI stood in the lobby waiting for Tyler to return from his phone call while wondering what was so important he couldn't take the call in my presence. My mind searched for answers, was there another crisis? Or was he about to do something to create one? I couldn't quite put it all together, but feeling safe had gone down to the bottom of my list these days. Everything was suspiciousThe door swung open revealing a strange woman who attracted my attention. "Tyler, baby boy, I'm..." She paused and stood still for quite a while and there was shock written all over her face. Confusion was beyond me, I had never seen this face in all my years in earth and here she was barging rightfully into Tyler's house about to utter what I imagined to be sweet words.The shocked look on her face soon turned into that of anger and bitterness and for some reason I couldn't fathom, I stood there watching her with growing curiosity each second. What was it about her that attracted me? I didn't know an
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Chapter 59
THEAI must have been sitting for almost thirty minutes when the strong stench of blood started to etch its way into my nose. It was then I realised the blood hadn't been scrubbed off, perhaps it was because I was used to having the servants do everything. Fortunately, they weren't around now to witness the horror that took place and unfortunately, this meant I had to do the cleaning by myself."Ugh" I groaned dreading the long walk from the lobby to the kitchen. Whatever Tyler was on when he decided to build such a big house, I needed it now. I just couldn't understand why it took almost ten minutes just to make my way to the kitchen.I walked slowly, each step heavier than the last. I was drained, all my energy must have gone into slamming the vase on her head. Getting into the kitchen, I grabbed a bundle of toilet paper, some wash soap, a towel and a bucket.Walking out of the kitchen, I thought about what would happen if Sarah had actually died. Would I still feel the same way I f
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Chapter 60
THEA"Welcome to today's edition of the news at noon. Here's our top stories...""Damn!" I cursed silently and switched off the TV, returning to the couch I've been sitting on all day. Even though the paparazzi were about half a mile away from the main house in front of Tyler's gate, worry consumed me. My mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts, ranging from work-related stress to the ever-present reminder that Tyler, had told the whole world that he was Lily's father. Paparazzi were everywhere, even in his own house but the distance from the gate to the house was far enough not to hear their voices.Work was piling up, I needed to see to some things. The paparazzi had swarmed outside Tyler's house, making it impossible for me to leave without attracting unwanted attention. I needed to get some essentials for Lily and myself, but I couldn't risk stepping out into the chaos outside and getting chewed up. Lily couldn't go to school and the constant presence of those people outside i
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Chapter 61
THEA"Didn't you hear me? Mummy, there's blood on Tyler's neck."As Lily asked that question again, I watched as her eyes widened in shock at the sight of blood on Tyler's neck and she reached up to touch it. Panic immediately set in, and without thinking, I blurted out, "It's just jam!" With that, Lily's little finger stopped in mid-air and she looked at Tyler.Tyler quickly caught on and played along, "Ah, yes, jam. I need to clean it up now, Lily, I'll be right back." He said and got up.I smiled awkwardly as he left and was glad that Lily bought the lie. But deep down in me, I knew this was more than just a simple accident. It was another reminder of the chaos that had consumed our lives lately. The constant presence of paparazzi, their cameras flashing everywhere we went, had taken its toll on all of us. And now Lily was being pulled into it all too and damn, I've thought of this over and over again and it's not worth it anymore and I feel so tired.I couldn't help but feel the r
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