All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Unplanned Baby : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
Chapter 42
Thea“I know you might be wondering why I resorted to blackmail when I could have just persuaded your father.” Her eyes nodded a yes as she stared at me with extra attention, her hands were placed on the couch she was no longer leaning into, and I feared she would jump at me if I said even one wrong word. “I resorted to blackmail because I got the information late and if I had waited just a day longer, we both would have lost everything. Everything Thea, you would have been left penniless.”The walls around me looked like they were spinning as I heard these words, there was deafening silence but my ears were hot and it sounded like loud sounds were being played in my head. I looked up at Tyler still in the same position; he took his eyes away from me and glanced around the room awkwardly. And then I screamed. “WHAT?” “WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?”"Thea, I-""Shut it please, just shut it." I let Tyler into the house willingly yet he had the guts to stand in front of me and utt
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Chapter 43
THEAAs I sat in my office, playing with the rim of my favourite coffee mug, my mind was swirling with a whirlwind of emotions — anger, hope, relief, forgiveness and some others I couldn’t define. Tyler's revelation had left me utterly flabbergasted. As he was saying it, God knows I didn’t believe, not until I had my own check did I believe him and how bewildered I was. I intentionally did the research myself, with a little help from my men.Father’s manager wanted to sell the company after all. I remember he would come with father, looking all sorry about the fact that the investors were pulling out and the company was losing money. Even after all the other workers had resigned, he was still with father, telling him to do this and do that. I was pretty sure he made father get that much loan from those people who threatened to harm Lily if their money wasn’t paid. How could he have done that? How could have betrayed my father? And all because he wanted to sell our family company? It w
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Chapter 44
THEAI woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and I smiled. Cora and her ways with making coffee. I was on my bed for a while, reminiscing on the event of last night. Tyler ensured he created a bond between him and Lily and I was sure if I told her we'd be meeting him again, she would be thrilled.He passed the test, which means I would give him a chance? I wasn't so sure what to do but then any decision I make now will all be in Lily's favour. And it must be now. I sighed and got off the bed, feeling the need to drain down Cora's hot coffee down my burning throat. As I approached the sitting room, I heard Cora talking to someone. Mark must have arrived earlier and I have never seen him talk to Cora before, I was curious so I didn't go through the kitchen directly, I went to the sitting room and stood still for a while - there he was, Sebastian. He was standing in my living room. It was as if he had materialized out of thin air, or had slept here overnight. He would never come
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Chapter 45
TYLERI got out of the car feeling all brand new. It was my first time going to pick my daughter - the daughter I never planned for. But then, I loved the new me, and having a daughter changed me since Thea came back to Manhattan. I became a changed person. I smiled, knowing I wasn't thinking about Thea the way I was before. I made a promise to take good care of Lily and I wouldn't ever forger that. She was unplanned for, but in my power, with all I had, I will give Lily the best life a child could ever ask for.Having a daughter was unplanned, but then, as at now, I already have a lot I envisioned with Lily. My mind wandered through the fun time we had that night and how I had wanted her to call me 'papa'. I envisioned taking her on adventurous trips to explore different countries, immersing her in new cultures and experiencing the wonders of the world. I would climb ancient mountains with her, hike through lush rainforests, and marvel at breathtaking landscapes. Lily loved arts, she
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Chapter 46
TYLERThink of her… think of her not… think of her… think of her not…Like picking off the petals of a rose, I deliberated thinking about Thea. I remembered how I sat next to her watching her fears, which centered around losing Lily. I also feared the thought of Lily getting hurt and I promise to protect her with all I have. With this in mind, one realization dawned upon me. There was another side to Thea, one that I had failed to see before. She wasn’t all stubborn and hot-headed as the world sees her to be; there was a kind of complexity hidden beneath her fiery exterior, but in her, she was vulnerable in a very cute way.Her words echoed in my mind, her fears and her thoughts. I got to know them all. She had confided in me about her deepest fear and what had happened before I got to know I was Lily’s father. And then the most paramount fear was - the fear of her daughter getting hurt. As she relayed that, I saw a vivid side of her that I had never seen before, a vulnerability that
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Chapter 47
TYLERI've not been in California in about six years now, upon arriving there, I felt a wave of unfamiliarity wash over me. It's been damn long, I've been here with my ex then, and now, I totally detached myself from her. Not because she wronged me, but because I just stopped caring about her. I remember how we were so close and then she came here, I remembered the whole city. The bustling streets and towering buildings that were a stark contrast to the quiet suburban neighborhood I called home, although, there are some parts of Manhattan that were as busy as this place. Now, my main worry was that; I had no idea where to start from in this clusters of people and houses.I already pulled a call to one of my man who went further into digging in the phone number and he was able to detect the call came from a public booth. I visited the public phone booth that had been calling her. It stood there, inconspicuous among the hustle and bustle of the city. I couldn't help but wonder who had b
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Chapter 48
THEAHe wants a second chance, yet he runs off right in the middle of a date with no explanation? Confusion was an understatement and I was extremely angry; angry at how he ruined the night I didn't want to admit I was enjoying so much. As much as I was angry, I couldn't help but be worried too; I was really worried. I had no idea where he ran off to and there was no logical explanation but I could tell from his lack of composure that something was seriously wrong.I sat for a while, staring at the large trays of food in front of me and fumbling with my fork. Tyler's dramatic exit had somehow drained me of my full appetite and all I did now was try to pinpoint where he might have run off to, buti just couldn't think of anything that would make him run off like that.A notification sound drew my attention back to my surroundings and then it didn't stop, chime after chime each second until I picked up my phone and the reason why Tyler had run off lay in front of me on the screen. "What
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Chapter 49
THEA"Hi Thea." After about two minutes of staring, Tyler got himself together and finally uttered words. "What are you doing here?"My brows creased into a frown, what did he mean by that? I felt offended, first he runs off and now this? The displeasure must have shown on my face, hiding my feelings wasn't really a me thing."I'm so sorry Thea, I didn't mean it that way. I also didn't mean to leave you in the restaurant by yourself, I just didn't want you getting dragees into all these mess but oh well I guess the media did their thing. I'm-" I placed a finger on his lips shutting him up. "It's fine Tyler."It was evident from his composure that he wasn't himself, he was confused and tired. All he did was nod continuously before turning to face his building, watching it as it burnt down to ashes. Whatever or whoever set up this fire had to be an expert, somehow the fire didn't go out, at least not completely despite the efforts of the firefighters.I noticed Tyler grip his trousers b
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Chapter 50
TYLERI watched Thea stir on my thighs, her hair spilled all around her, draping against my legs. I ran my hands through the soft long strands, feeling them slip through my fingers.For the love of all things good, she was beautiful.And I was a damned idiot.Her eyes fluttered open revealing piercing blue orbs that stared up at me drowsily. I gave a weak smile, unaware of what else to do. I hadn't expected she would stay through the entire night, I had hoped she would however. Everything seemed to fall apart when she wasn't there."Hey," She murmured, her voice soft and husky."Hey," I called back, reaching for her face. Without thinking , I ran my hands over her nose. It was cute and turned up giving her a somewhat haughty look. I loved that it fitted right on her adorable face. Loved the surprised gasp that slipped from her lips.My eyes fell on her parted lips and my throat worked up and down as I swallowed. She had the perfect mouth. Full pink lips with the most seductive bow I
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Chapter 51
THEAI walked through the front door of my house, and a wave of relief washed over me when I saw Sebastian sitting on the couch, looking much better than he had been just yesterday. His pale complexion had regained some colour, and his eyes which were kind of blue no longer filled with exhaustion. He must have heard about his burnt company and he seemed to be taking it well, at least not so well, but he didn't let it show. I should have stayed with him but then Tyler also needed me, he had no one to take care of him, as I was now friends with him, the least I could do was to stay when he wasn't okay. I smiled at the thought of waking up to feel his touch.His touch, I remembered it like the back of my palm and the thought turned everything feminine in me on. Tyler could wreck me, he could build me, he could hurt me, and he could make me crave his touch over and over again. But then, I feel I'm moving this way too fast. Tyler wanted nothing more than to take care of Lily, I mustn't let
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