All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Unplanned Baby : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
Chapter 21
TYLERI sat in my personal office at home, my mind consumed with thoughts of Thea's personal life. I couldn't help but feel a burning curiosity about who she really was as Booker Greyson, and what made her have the nerve to talk to me anyhow she wants now. The incident at the restaurant, where Sebastian had defeated me in a fight and given me a black eye, had only fueled my hatred towards him. I needed to know more about him and his connection to Thea.I called in some of my trusted men and instructed them to investigate both Thea and Sebastian - both of their lives in their city, what made them come close to eachother to delude everyone that they are into some kind of a relationship. They were to gather quite a handful of information as possible, focusing particularly on Sebastian's background and his position in the city.I called the men in, eager to hear what he had discovered about the assignment. As they entered, I motioned for me to take a seat. I was always that nice to my loy
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Chapter 22
THEALily will be fine. Lily will be fine.I never thought I would find myself in this situation, constantly worrying about the well-being of my daughter, the girl I had raised by my own self and left to be alone back in the city we were coming from. But here, I was worried, I can't even let her out of my sight because I was scared Tyler might see her and probe her with questions, and the secret that I have been keeping from him will be out.I couldn't forget the way he looked at her with a mix of curiosity and something else I can't quite put my finger on. Like I hurt him, like I betrayed him, like we had something more than a single night together, like we were - lovers! And I cheated on him. That was how he looked at me, an unreasonable strange combination of hurt and longing. And he looks at Lily as if he knows there is a connection between them but can't quite grasp what it is.I know Lily looks a lot like Tyler, it was even worse when I first gave birth to her and I held her in
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Chapter 23
THEAMy arms were wrapped around Lily like she was about to die, her wails were louder and my heart sank as I saw the shattered window. It was shattered beyond recognition and could kill Lily if she had been close enough to the window. My mouth was opened as I looked around.The window glass was shattered in a manner that indicated a significant amount of force had been applied to it. The impact was strong enough to cause the glass to break into multiple tiny pieces and create a pattern of cracks and shards. A typical possible scenario is that a heavy object, perhaps a rock or a brick, was thrown at the window. The force of the impact would cause the glass to fracture and break apart. The size and shape of the object used would determine the extent of the damage and the pattern in which the glass shattered. If thrown, the object could actually have landed on Lily's head, give her a ghastly head blow, concussion and perhaps death, because it was unexpected.Another possibility is the p
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Chapter 25
THEAI sat in the car, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as I navigated through the city streets. I already had Mark take care of Lily and I trusted him to take extra care of her, so I wasn't in any hurry to go back home. It was where I was going that mattered. The weight of what Tyler had done to my family and me bore down on me like an unbearable burden and now, I was going to face him and watch him crumble just like my father had - just like he made my family crumble. Determination fueled my every thought, as I replayed the events over and over again in my mind.How could he have blackmailed my father? How could he have manipulated me into sleeping with him? How could he just put some money down and asked me to leave the country, under a new name? The anger simmered within me, fueling my resolve to make him pay for his actions. I couldn't let him get away with it; justice needed to be served. But amidst my burning rage, a flicker of fear danced at the edges of my conscio
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Chapter 26
THEAThere was a heavy weight on my chest. The event that took place in Tyler's office had taken a toll on me. It's been ages I cried the way I did earlier today and it was all because of Tyler. I desperately needed a break from it all. As I dragged myself out of bed, I made a decision - tonight, I would let loose and forget about my troubles, even if just for a few hours. I was going to the club to party.I got into the bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were tired, and there were dark circles underneath them as a result of the tears. I needed to do something to shake off this sadness that had consumed me. Tonight was going to be different; tonight, I would be someone else. I rummaged through my closet, searching for the perfect outfit to wear. I wanted to look good, to feel good about myself. After what felt like an eternity, I settled on a sleek black dress that hugged my curves in all the right places. Black was just perfect on me, I wore black to Tyler's
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Chapter 27
TYLERI was in my personal office, seated at my desk , my mind consumed by thoughts of Daniel Andrew's daughter. She was seemingly impossible to detect, an enigma, a female shrouded in absolute mystery. Despite my best efforts, despite the efforts of my abled men, with their best techs and all, I couldn't uncover any additional information about her or her family, than the ones I have already - worse still, there was nothing more about that bodyguard of hers - Sebastian. It was as if she had appeared out of thin air, leaving no trace of her past behind as Booker Greyson, and Sebastian had helped her delete it with his own.I even looked into the debt she said her father was owing and the amount baffled me. How did Daniel Andrew end up owing so much? The company must have hit its end at the beginning of the first two years of its establishment, yet, it thrived for a whole while, with loans and personal savings. I wonder how Daniel was able to keep his daughters, perform his duties as a
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Chapter 28
THEAI woke up with a smile creased across my face, there was a feeling and sense of accomplishment and happiness. The previous day had been quite eventful, as I had managed to sabotage Tyler's business in a day and put it on the brink of failure. With just few taps, I was able to bring everything down in minutes. This was exactly how Tyler destroyed my family in just one day. I was proud of myself for being able to sabotage his bussiness in such a significant way. However, my joy was short-lived as I remembered sleeping with Tyler's friend. It was a momentary lapse in judgment, driven by my desire for revenge.Somehow, I hated myself for doing that. and regret washed over me ike a tidal wave. I had slept with Tyler's friend, a man I barely knew, convincing myself it was an act of revenge. I knew I would have to risk my body to get my revenge on Tyler Blackwood and this was just the starting point, I was going far because Tyler must be completely destroyed. As I closed my eyes for a
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Chapter 29
THEAI couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Tyler sitting there in our living room like I got at least a dollar from him to get the chair. My heart started racing, and before I knew it, anger consumed me. How could Cora let him in without even giving me a heads up? Especially after everything he had done in the past. I felt betrayed, hurt, and furious all at once. I felt like she wasn't on my side.She was cleaning the mess when I stormed towards her, my voice trembling with anger. "Cora! What were you thinking? How could you let Tyler into our house without telling me first? You even let him sit, Cora, you entertained him."Cora looked taken aback by my outburst, but she quickly regained her composure, dropping the mop. "Thea, calm down. I didn't think it was a big deal. Tyler just wanted to talk, you know.""Just wanted to talk? Don't you have any idea what he's done?" I scoffed, unable to hide my disbelief. "You know damn well what he's capable of by what he had done to us. After e
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Chapter 30
THEAI had hoped the day would be productive considering the embarrassing events of yesterday. I had just taken my bath and it was refreshing, I walked out of the bathroom feeling fulfilled as ever. There were many things to worry about, but I chose to be sane today. I had learned that thinking about negativity affected the positive nature of things, I just had to accept things for what they were. My favourite people surrounded me and there was nothing more someone like me could possibly want. Except revenge of course. I still had that at the back of my mind. My phone started ringing, so I walked over to pick it up. Unknown caller? I hoped it wasn't one of father's misdemeanors again. I couldn't take care of anymore of his mistakes."Who is this?" I asked again, my breathing shaky with increased anticipation of who the caller might be.The caller said nothing. I waited for some seconds and asked again."Who is this?" I screamed this time, my uneven breathing patterns very much obvious
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Chapter 31
Tyler's PovFirst sip, second sip, third sip until I could sip no more. I placed the cup on the table and took a deep sigh.I can't explain the way I feel lately - in a more correct way, I couldn't understand the way I felt since Thea came back to Manhattan. All I think of was her and even when I want to be mean to her, the way she will look at me reminds me of the night I had her moaning my name. Now, this isn't about sex, thoughts of her just filled my head. It's like a wild rollercoaster ride inside my head rolling to infinity. Thoughts of her face consumed me, weaving through my mind like a never-ending maze. I found myself daydreaming about being with her, wishing I could hold her close and whisper sweet things into her ear. It's a strange sensation, one that I never thought I'd experience, I must have started this experience that night.But why wouldn't I think of her? She is the epitome of beauty, grace, and intelligence. Every time I see her, my heart skips a beat, and my mind
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