All Chapters of A Step Closer to Love : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
210 Chapters
"Good morning" Arabella greeted Everly as she walked into the kitchen to see her staring out the kitchen window with coffee in hand. She was gently sipping from the cup."Oh, good morning darling would you like a cup of coffee?" Everly asked turning to face her."Yes, but I will make a cup for myself instead, you can just continue to enjoy the view," Arabella asked walking to the coffee machine to get started."Oh thank you, I just love staring out the window this early in the morning," Everly said tilting her head as if she was looking at a famous painting."I guess the landscape is somewhere worth watching" Arabella replied looking out the window briefly before returning to her coffee.'You are up early today"Everly commented."Unfortunately I can't really rest today as I want to do some reading and research but I can't seem to focus on the room" Arabella told her.She had been up for a while now but had found it hard
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"Where do you think you are going?" Ethan asked when he saw Arabella and Everly hand in hand walking toward the door."Out for breakfast," Everly said in a voice that said 'You should know where I am going and not ask me useless questions like this'"What about breakfast?" Ethan asked his face drawing up in confusion. Where was she going when she had not made anything for him to eat?"What do you mean?" Everly replied blinking rapidly. She wondered why he became so distant from her and began to treat her like a maid all of a sudden. It was as if he was brainwashed."Aren't you going to make what I would eat for breakfast?" Ethan replied."You have two hands don't you?" Everly said and watched him raise his hands to his face."What are you trying to ask?" "Since you have two hands you can whip up something quickly for yourself" Everly said and he jumped out of his chair so quickly it was like a flash moving about.
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"I found this cute place in town where they serve various varieties of breakfast," Everly said with excitement. "Oh really have you been there before?" Arabella asked. She was careful and so she did not like trying new things."No, but it would be a fun thing to do, don't you think so?" Everly asked."I guess" Everly could hear the doubt in the voice of Arabella."You don't like trying new things do you?" Everly asked turning to her."Is it obvious?" Arabella said with a nervous chuckle. "Your eyes dilated, your hands shook on the wheel and I could see your body tense up," Everly said. Arabella turned to her with widened eyes shocked she was able to get all that information in such a short time."I am a mom, we know these things," she said when she saw her stare. "You might be afraid to try new things but I want you to try this place and see for yourself" Arabella nodded. What else did she have to be afraid o
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"But Mom, he is sulking here in the living room," Kieran said. He was concerned for his father."Oh he would be fine," Everly said like it was not a big deal and it was not supposed to be a big deal. It was just breakfast after all."Order something for him or I can bring something home for him from the restaurant on my way back" She added.Kieran did not know what to say about the situation. He had always thought that his Father was being extra about meals."Don't worry I will get him something to eat. Enjoy your meal" Kieran said."Wait," Everly said before he could cut off the line."What is it?""Why did you call then?" She wondered what made him call and even started screaming."I wanted to speak with Arabella because I believed it was her doing" "What was she doing?" "That you left home without making breakfast" Kieran put it simply. He was not ready to waste his time beating around the
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Arabella had a good time at the restaurant and she was glad she overlooked her fear and ate there. As she drove in the music-filled car with the occasional lip sync from Everly from time to time she thought of how she needed to do something about Kieran's sudden outburst.If her presence was somehow disturbing them she needed to do something to stop it, but she needed to talk to him as soon as she got home. She did not want him to think that she was after his kind of life.She sent a text to him telling him to meet her in the garden outside so she could trash out whatever it was that she needed to before she went inside. He had seen and read the text but he did not respond."Home sweet home" Everly exclaimed as she drove into the driveway."Thank you so much for today," Arabella said as she parked the car and took off her seat belt. "I should be the one to thank you" Everly cut in before she could let out another word. "I would have been
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"Yes I did," Arabella said trying her best to show that he startled her. She sat still and gestured for him to sit beside her."Make it fast or else I might be tempted to walk out" Kieran said as she rounded the chair and sat on it keeping a safe distance between them."I keep getting a feeling that you don't like me but I don't recall doing anything to you" Arabella started. She glanced at him and the state of his face was as if he was going for the championship of the frowning association."And the way you talk to me, I did not hear what you told Everly the other time but I am guessing that it is not something nice" she continued.He sat beside her like a statue and did not move. She would have been fooled if she did not hear his silent breathing."I don't want to ask what I did because you would only evade the question and tell me I did nothing when it is obvious that there is something about me that is bugging you" "All I wa
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Arabella rolled in bed as she could not take her mind off what Kieran had said. She could hear it so clearly that it was like her mind was replaying the scene over and over again.'I am quite interested in you so I don't think I can stay out of your business'"Interested in me? What does that mean?" she muttered to herself as she sat up straight in bed. Maybe her mind was not working because she was lying down."Maybe I should have asked him what he meant and not allowed him to walk away like he had not just dropped a bomb on me" "What did he mean?" she mumbled to herself again.Her eyes darted to the alarm clock by her bedside. She had only four more hours before she had to be up and out so she could go to work.She wondered why her mind did not play this truck on her while it was day. It has to wait till night and then keep her awake all night.She knew that she would be so exhausted at work and she would probably mak
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"I can't believe that guy, it's his fault that I am going so late to work and yet he could not even check on me" she murmured as she climbed down the stairs.She was out of the house with the speed of light and she saw Kieran standing there with his hands up as he frowned at his watch. He leaned on his car and looked up and their eyes locked."I thought you were not going to make it to work today" he said opening his door and entering inside. She stood there wondering what he was doing there. He always left the house earlier so why was he still around at this time? Was he waiting for her?"Aren't you going to work?" he asked rolling down his window.She caught herself from staring and gaping at him and ran down the final stairs to overcome. She ran and sat in the front passenger seat of the car."I thought you had left already," she said as she struggled to put on her seatbelt."I was waiting for you," he said silently.
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"You are late" Aurora said as soon as she came into the office."I have no excuse," Arabella said immediately. There was no need for her to begin to beg for forgiveness and understanding, all she needed to do was accept her fault so that Aurora could get off her back.Aurora was thrown off for a second because she had expected her to make excuses. "Don't be late next time" she said before walking away as quickly as she could.Chole waved over to her and Arabella skipped to her. "You are usually early? What happened today?" Chole asked as she sat in her seat."The weirdest thing happened to me, I overslept even past my alarm," she said and Chole gasped.Arabella had never been one who found it difficult to wake up in the morning except she had had a hard time going down to bed."I am shocked you were able to tame her, She had been waiting for you all morning just to give you an earful. I wonder what generation she thinks we are. how ca
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"Aren't you going for lunch?" Chole asked standing up and stretching so loudly."I wish I could but I have a lot to catch up on with work" Arabella said looking up from the papers in her hand."I think she is just giving you extra work on purpose" Chole whispered bending to her level."It's obvious isn't it?" Arabella sighed as she clicked her pen multiple times."Stay safe with the papers, I will bring you back a sandwich or something," Chole said taking her jacket off her chair and walking to the entrance where the rest of the team was waiting for her.Arabella sighed as she turned in her chair. She could at least get a cup of coffee to keep her awake since she was the only one left in the office.She stood by the counter waiting for the water to boil. She tried to stretch herself as she was there."It's lunchtime what are you doing here?" Kieran asked as he pushed the door to the kitchen open."Oh my god" Ara
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