All Chapters of A Step Closer to Love : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
210 Chapters
"Hello ma'am" Mark said as Everly opened the door.Everly's eye went up and down his body like she was accessing him. "Who are you and how may I help you?" she said with a smile on her face.She had been unable to stop smiling ever since Arabella agreed to help her in the morning. She had so much fun in the kitchen while trying to teach Arabella how to make some snacks.The women in her club complimented Arabella's manner so much it made her feel so good, she even felt like she was the one who had trained her all this year."I am Mark and I am here for Arabella," Mark said.He had insisted to come pick her up at home saying it was bad manners to allow her to come to the venue all by herself. She did not want him to do so but had to agree since he was not giving up the idea."Oh, she did not tell me she was expecting a guess or else I would have prepared something for you" Everly said ushering him in.She wondered where s
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"Mom, why do you always give bad advice?" Kieran asked as he walked into the kitchen."What do you mean by bad advice?" Everly muttered."How can she date him just because he asks her?" he asked walking towards the kitchen and opening it."Two mature people can date, Arabella is mature and can choose whoever she wants to date" Everly said in a deep voice.She hated it whenever her son decided to tell her off on any matter. What was so bad about her advising a young girl to date and live a little? "Shouldn't they first get to know each other before they jump to the dating stage?" Kieran asked pulling out a jug of juice."Why should they waste their time getting to know each other when they can get to know each other as the date?" Everly stroked her chin as she tilted her head to watch her son. "What an outdated thing to say" Arabella finally jumped in."Outdated?" Kieran scoffed as he turned to her. "Are you ju
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"Did you wait long?" Arabella asked coming down the stairs into the sitting room."I did not and I was the one who arrived an hour earlier" Mark said standing up to meet her. "Moreover Kieran here kept me entertained and your mom was really cosy too" "He did?" Arabella asked raising her eyebrow at Kieran. He barely spoke so how was he supposed to keep another person entertained?"Yeah" Kieran stood up as if they were not just talking about him. "We will get going now" Arabella announced to the man who decided it was nice to just walk away without saying anything."Be back early" Kieran said turning to face them."What?" Arabella asked shocked at what he was trying to say."Be back early, you don't want to spend your night out in the city" Kieran said."Oh don't worry about that I will make sure she is back safe and sound" Mark said."I was not talking to you" Kieran's voice sounded as if he was at the
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"That's really strange" Mark said as he put his car into motion."What is?" Arabella asked putting on her seatbelt."That he isn't your brother, he is acting like how a big brother would act when someone comes to date his sister" "Oh please," Arabella said with an eye roll. "He has no capability of acting like a normal human" she added."But he was acting just the same way. It was as if he was born to act that way as if he saw me as a threat to you" he said and she shook her head."You must have gotten it wrong, he only cares about himself," Arabella said leaning in.She wondered why she was thinking of bailing out on this date when he made her feel so comfortable like this. The initial weariness and fear she felt about going out with someone gradually wore off when she saw how considerate and kind he was. "He was not that way when you were at the hospital" Mark commented and Arabella shook her head."Really K
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"This looks like a really fancy place," Arabelle said as they were ushered to their seat."What have it away?" Mark asked with a teasing smile on his face."Oh I guess it has to be when the man at the door wanted to take my coat" Arabella said taking up his teasing voice too."Hope I did not make you uncomfortable with my gesture. I just wanted you to have a good time" Mark asked and Arabella shook her head.She could not remember the last time when she had such an opportunity to dine in such an exquisite place."It's funny, I have been thinking of bringing myself here" she added the teasing tone still in her voice and a threatening teasing smile on her lips. "I guess my shrink must know something" Mark replied.Arabella was glad that the comfortable air from before returned and they were able to talk to each other like they had known themselves for a while.She had wondered what would happen at the restaurant
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"Thank you so much for dinner and a lovely conversation," Arabella said as they walked out of the dining hall."I am glad you enjoyed it," Mark said. He was suddenly feeling so shy that he wanted the ground to swallow him up at that moment.He had done all the complimenting all night long so it was nice for him to hear some positive reviews about the night from her end."I did enjoy it and I won't be able to eat anything else tonight" Arabella said rubbing her excitement. "I am glad we took the recommendation of the waiter or else we could have missed out on such a good meal" Arabella said and he agreed."I mean being a good person kind of has its benefit doesn't it?" he said and she nodded in agreement."I don't think I will be able to eat Everly's breakfast and I am not sure she would be happy about it" Arabella said."Should we take a walk around the area? It might help with rapid digestion" Mark suggested."That's a
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"Thank you so much for tonight," Arabella said as they stood outside the door to the house."I am glad you had a good time because I would have felt bad if I was the only one having a good time" Mark replies with a smile. "I did have a good time" She returned his smile and he felt good about the situation. At least his friends were wrong when they called him boring. He was dropping a girl after a date and she was smiling."I hope I am not too late to drop you off?" Mark asked his eyes weary dancing around the house to see if Kieran was somewhere around."Oh don't bother about him, I am a big girl," she said as if she had just done something to be extremely proud of."Of course, you are a big girl" Mark was teasing her now."Wait that came out all wrong" she said with a laugh at the end of her statement."It did didn't it?" he asked and she nodded."I better get inside now, good night," she said pushing him towa
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"JESUS CHRIST" Arabella screamed as she stepped to the entrance and found a figure squatting right before the door.What scared her the most was that she could not see the face of the figure and it seemed like an unidentified object that might be dangerous was just lying casually on the front porch. "What are you doing there?" Arabella asked her hands on her chest and her soul almost escaped from her body. "You gave me a scare," she said with a long breath."What do you mean by that? This is my mom so I can be wherever I want to be" Kieran answered standing and then turning to her."I never said you could not be where you want to be" Arabella said with an eye roll as she felt her heart rate begin to come back to normal slowly."Then what are you saying?" he asked when she did not reply."Can you calm your panties?" she said as she watched his face fall into a deeper frown. Until she met him she had never known that there were le
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Arabella wondered why he had acted like that to her. Her phone rang in her pocket and she automatically knew it was going to be her sister. She probably wanted to know how the date went. She answered the call and put the phone to her ears."Tell me all about this guy," Seraphina said as soon as she noticed the call got connected."I am fine, thank you for asking, I had a good day, thank you for asking. How are you and mom too? How was your day? Did you have a good day?" Arabella rambled on."Oh come on you are so boring that I know the answer to all those questions without you even saying a word" Seraphina whined."What? Are you calling me boring?" Arabella shrieked."I am not calling you names, I am just telling you the truth" Seraphina responded."I always remembered you as a mean person and you never seem to change" Arabella said and Seraphina made a sound to make her know she agreed."I have never been nice so I wond
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"What nonsense are you on about now?" Arabella asked with an eye roll."Not nonsense. You had one take you on a date and one who tried to ruin your chances with the other one" Seraphina said."Kieran has many other important things to do than to try and ruin my chance and why would he ruin my chance? it's none of his business" Arabella asked."This is what you get when you have never dated your entire life, you will always never be able to tell people's emotions" Seraphina said."What do you think this is? A movie set?" Arabella asked with a snort."I wish this was a script, I would gladly direct this," Seraphina said in a dreamy voice. "You are daydreaming for nothing" Arabella said telling her sister off."So between Mark and Kieran who do you see as a potential boyfriend?" "Sera?" Arabella whined."What? I just want to know" Seraphina teased."This is nothing to tease me about and Kieran i
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