All Chapters of A Step Closer to Love : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
210 Chapters
Unit XI
As Kieran pulled into the driveway of the Spice Symphony, Everly put off her seat belt and opened the door. She stood outside with the door open. "Ara, are you sure you don't have anything special you want to eat?" Everly asked. "I am good, thank you for asking," Arabella said. She had promised her mother she would be on her best behavior. If it were her mother all up in her business while we were reading her book she would be raining fire all over her. "I would be back," Everly said closing the door and moving. The car fell silent as Arabella focused on her book and Kieran pulled out his phone to scroll through his Instagram. Everly spent quite a very long time before coming back. "As usual it was packed. I got a spicy pulled pork sandwich and a pizza" Everly said opening the door and sitting with the pizza box and nylon containing the pulled pork sandwich. "I hope you like them?" oh I forgot to ask do you have any allergies you developed?" Everly added realizing she forgot to
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Unit XII
Arabella wanted to go tell her mom and sister about how she got there. She especially wanted to tell her sister about the young boy who left for college the same day her dad died and how now he was a huge hunk to be admired. She would not leave out how rude he was to her all through the journey from the airport to his mansion. She knew that it would take up all her time so she decided to send her mom a message promising to call her when she was fully rested. Her sister's message on the other hand was an assurance to call later and go deep into the happenings of the day. The incident with their father had drawn the girls together as they learned the importance of family and how the family would rarely let you down. Seraphina who was excited for gossip sent an affirmative message that she would be available to talk whenever she was ready. Arabella took a quick warm water shower and dried herself before going downstairs to meet the old couple. Arabella met Everly at the foot of the st
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Ethan walked in to see Everly still holding the hand of Arabella. "I did not know our guest had arrived. Everly why did you not call me when she came?" Ethan said. "Because you hate it when I disturb you when you are playing your games," Everly said. When they arrived she went to tell her husband that Arabella had arrived but she met him playing his favorite video game. Ethan retired almost six years ago and ever since then, he devoted his time and energy to playing video games. He only came out of the game room whenever it was mealtime. Everly could not understand but he seemed to never miss mealtime and was always on point. A perfect example is just now, she was yet to call him to join them for dinner but he had come out without fail. How was he doing it? "Why would you say that darling?" Ethan said with a guilty smile across his face. "Ara, I'm so glad you are here, finally another person to keep me company with these men in this house. I have a husband but I have to talk to
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Unit XIV
Arabella finished her meal and helped with clearing the dishes. She wanted to wash them when Everly came out to meet her. "Oh don't worry Gracie would take care of it" Everly said snatching the gloves out of her hand. "Have a good rest. You have to go to work tomorrow morning" Everly said. "Okay, then Mrs. Sterling. Thank you for the meal and the warm welcome" Arabella said bowing her head. "No need to thank me. I'm happy to have someone to call a daughter and also call me Everly" she said holding her. "It feels weird to call you by your first name" Arabella confessed.If her mom heard about it she was going to have her head. She would never dare call the adults in her family by their names. "I insist" Everly said. "Now run along" she added pushing Arabella towards the direction of the stairs. "Ara, I forgot to mention this" Everly said which made Arabella stop in her tracks and turn back. "What is it?" Arabella asked. For some reason that she couldn't pinpoint, she knew she
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Unit XV
"Kieran Kieran?" Seraphina said multiple times trying to remember. "The scruffy-looking blue eyes boy that lived next door?" Arabella said in a question form. "You mean Mrs. Sterling's son?" Seraphina asked. She knew her sister had a very peculiar way of explaining things but this particular one made her laugh. "Yeah him," Arabella said. "You know you could have asked me if I remember Mrs. Sterling's son?" Seraphina asked her. "Whatever," Arabella said dismissing her sister's criticism. "What about him?" Seraphina asked. She was always ready for tea. "He turned to be a beautiful blue-eyed man. If I had met him outside I would think of him as a beautiful hunk" Arabella said dreamily. "Your book fantasies playing out again?" Seraphina asked. "I wish I took a picture so I could show you," Arabella said. "You would jump at an opportunity to date him" Arabella knew Seraphina. She has been in and out of relationships but never settled with any of them. In all the time she starte
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Unit XVI
After Arabella had successfully confirmed that the picture of the co-CEO she saw on the company website was that of Kieran she went to bed because the next day was going to be a long one for her. It was almost past midnight when Kieran walked in. He met his mother on the couch dozing off. "Why did you wait up for me?" Kieran asked. His voice was stern. He was worried about his mother's back. She has a bad back and had to go into surgery two times now for it. She should be sleeping after all the stress she put herself into to welcome the new girl. "Why did you leave us alone when you knew that we had a guest?" Everly asked ignoring his question. "You did not possibly need me there to keep her company did you?" Kieran asked back. He knew his mother could be extra many times but this time it was simply unacceptable. What was he to be saying to her? "What would we have discussed?" he asked. "She is coming to work in your company. You know that. You could have given her advice" Eve
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Arabella stood at the gate of the mansion. She looked inside and thanked God that she was able to successfully avoid him. She knew she could not avoid him forever but she would continue to do so until she couldn't. She looked around her and realized that she could not recognize it anywhere. She was suddenly tempted to go back and ask for help but then Kieran might have come out for breakfast and her lie would be exposed. She pulled out her phone from her bag and checked the location of the company from her phone. It was a thirty minutes walk from her current location. She looked down at her shoes and laughed loud to herself. She only wore heels to impress the people at the company. She was not going to do it any longer. She has to get coffee first. She pulled up a search result on the coffee shops next to her. She found them within a few steps from her and decided to get a cold coffee drink from them. As opposed to Crescent Bay Japan at this time of the year was much cooler as the
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Kieran comes down for his breakfast. He meets his mom and dad at the table. They were arguing. Ever since Richard retired he had been having it on outs constantly with his wife. "And did you consult me before bringing the girl?" Richard asked. He had no problem with Arabella it was just that his wife did not consult him before inviting her over. He would have still supported but he felt insulted by his wife. "I never knew that I needed your promise to invite my best friend's daughter to my son's house," Everly said sitting beside him. She felt Richard kept hounding on unnecessary things that morning. "And do you both think this is a good time to be talking about this with our guest just above us," Kieran said sitting too. "Don't pay attention to your father. He just likes blowing things out of proportion" Everly said putting a piece of pancake on Kieran's plate. "Mom" Kieran cautioned. "I am sorry then," Everly said giving in. She had always felt cheated living with two men.
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Unit XIX
Arabella stared at him, this was the most he had said to her ever since she knew him even while he was a kid. "I mixed up the time" She opened her mouth and then said. "I would drive you to work from now on," he said. He was not waiting for her to give him a response because he turned on his feet. She wanted to stop him but was not sure how to address him. By his first name? By his last name? By adding Mr to his first or last name? She did not know the protocol of the office so she was going to tell him later that she can get to work by herself and that he doesn't need to worry. "What does he mean to drive you? How did you meet Kieran?" Aurora asked. "I have known Kieran since I was young and it was a surprise I got a job here," Arabella said skipping all the details. "But why is he saying house and why is he thinking of driving you?" Aurora asked. She might be nice and pretty but she did not like any girl that competed with her for Kieran's attention and affection. She had kn
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Unit XX
A little while later they were all seated in a small meeting room that can take at least twenty-five people at once. Ryder Hawthorne who was the CEO was seated by the head of the table, Aurora Quinn was by his right hand, and Kieran Sterling was by his left hand. Beside Kieran, there were four people three men and one woman. Noah, Henry, Aaron, and Mia. Beside Aurora were two women Olivia and Chole. Arabella was seated beside Chole. "There is nothing serious to talk about, all I want to say is that we should all welcome and treat the newbie well. She would be working under Aurora as an editor" Ryder said. "Should we go round the room introducing ourselves?" Ryder asked. Arabella tried to figure out what kind of man he was. His smile was huge and he looked around the same age as Kieran which automatically meant that Aurora was in their age group. Ryder had long red hair that was longer than what men in Crescent Bay usually had. He was dressed in a leather jacket which she though
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