All Chapters of Alpha Aera: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
106 Chapters
His Secret
[Alphonze's POV]I keep my gaze fixed on the door of my room until Aera appears with a look of relief plastered on his face.Immediately, my heart constricts painfully as I'm reminded of how much of a burden I truly am, not only to him but to everyone around me."How are you feeling?" He asks, making his way toward me. "Does anything hurt? Should I have Hanson come back?"'Calm down,' I sigh through mindlink. 'I'm fine.'"Are you sure?" He counters, not seeming convinced. "You don't have to pretend to try to be strong. If it hurts, say it."'You're one to talk,' I chuckle. 'Maybe you should take your own advice.'"This isn't about me," Aera snaps, going on defense as he always did when anyone broached the topic of feelings. "I'm not the one who almost..."'I didn't,' I argue. 'It was just a bit of fluid on the lungs, nothing major.'At my words, Aera's face falls, and his eyes shoot toward the door. I'm sure he is silently cursing Ayla, even though she wasn't the one responsible for m
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His Honest Feelings
[Ayla’s POV]I lay in bed staring at my roof while trying to get Alphonze’s current condition out of my head. Even though he looked rough regularly, to see him so vulnerable was just a bit too much. In a way, he looked as though he was on his last leg, but despite that, he tried to pretend that everything was alright.Flipping over, I pull my pillow to myself while inwardly debating whether or not I should break my biggest rule since learning about what my blood could do.Back then, it was purely by accident that I found out what it could do.If I hadn’t convinced Isabella to go out with me that day, it never would have happened. I knew that it was dangerous to roam outside of the pack grounds given mine and her identities, but I did it anyway.The minute we were past safety, we were attacked, and Isabella was severely injured. In my desperation, I clung to her, crying, and at some point, the blood from a wound on my head got into her mouth.When Uncle Silas and Aunt Lennox found us,
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His Guilt
[Aera’s POV]I must be imagining things. This had to be an illusion from the alcohol, especially since the last time I approached Ayla, she turned me down immediately. But the body that is beneath me feels so real and warm."Is this an illusion?" I murmur."No, this is real," Ayla responds.Frowning, I lift onto my elbows and stare down into her flushed face, taking in the sparkling forest green eyes that watch me.Positioning my weight on one arm, I lift my other hand and slap myself in the face, causing Ayla’s eyes to grow wide with shock."What are you doing?" she gasps. "Why did…""This isn’t my imagination," I hiss, sobering up instantly and sitting up. "Dammit!"Immediately, guilt begins to slam into me as Alphonze’s face flashes in my mind.What the fuck was I doing? He had said that he was interested in Ayla, but here I was attacking her, and what was worse, she was responding to me."Aera?" she repeats, sitting up and attempting to touch me. "Are you al…""DON’T FUCKING TOUCH
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A Scorned Woman
[Ayla's POV]Pain shoots through my head as the world around me slowly begins to take shape.Wincing, I attempt to lift a hand to touch the spot that is stinging so badly, only to find that I'm unable to move.Eyes flying open, I begin to look around, taking in the small cell that I'm currently in and the chains that hold my hands and feet in place.Frowning, I try to recall exactly how I got here.I remembered lying on Aera's living room floor with him, all but begging him to take me, and then his anger as he threw me out of Caelum Estate.After that, I stood outside for a while waiting to see if he would change his mind, and when he didn't, I began the long trek from Caelum to Crimson Tides.By the time I reached the border of Crimson Tides territory, the sun was already up.Then… Corinna appeared, and when I approached her, the bitch jabbed me, and then I was surrounded by a bunch of men.Before the world faded, I remembered calling out to Uncle Silas, but after that, everything wa
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No Other Choice
[Ayla's POV]I cut off the connection with Aera while fighting against my chains. Within me, I can feel the darkness begging to be released, but I ignore it while trying to calm myself so I can think rationally. If it were to take control, then my chances of escape would greatly diminish. I couldn't let it win—not now, not ever.Above and around me, the cracks are growing bigger, allowing more water to fill my cell. As it rises inch by inch, my need to survive kicks up, and with it, the thought of maybe allowing the darkness to take over hits. It's becoming near impossible to keep it at bay, and at this point, what did I have to lose? If I was near death, what was to stop it from taking over anyway?Immediately, I feel a jolt within me as it attempts to make my desire a reality, but I quickly squash it down.No, I couldn't give in until it was absolutely necessary. If there was still a will, there was a way.Feeling my need to live kick in, I strengthen my attempts to break the chains
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His Touch
[Aera's POV]I begin to move, making my way to the shore while trying to make sense of what I'm witnessing.Shifting back to my human form, I move forward until I'm standing beside Silas so that I'm able to fully take Ayla in."What's wrong with her?" I ask, fixing my gaze on her crazed one. "Why is she like this?""The Lancaster curse," Chandler replies for his father.The Lancaster curse—wasn't that what Silas mentioned earlier when he came to Caelum to attack me for what happened to Ayla?"And what exactly is that?""You can see it for yourself," Silas snaps.I could, but I still couldn't quite understand it.How was it possible that someone could become that feral?As I watch Ayla lash out, digging her canines deep into Silas’ forearm."Shit," he hisses, continuing to hang despite the pain I was sure he was going through. "We need to get her to Brian," he says, turning his attention to Chandler."Isn’t this past what Brian can help?" Chandler asks quietly. "She’s never been...""W
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You Aren't Alone
[Ayla's POV]I stare into Aera's dark gaze, trying to make sense of what is happening.I remembered being in that cell and desperately trying to escape, and then the darkness taking over, and then the prison's roof crumbling, then... I was floating in darkness until a tiny light began to form. Something about that light was so damn comforting that I did everything I could to reach it, and then… Aera's face appeared.Frowning, I lift a hand and touch his cheek, trying to determine if he was real."They must be mates."Chandler's exclamation slams into me like a ton of bricks, causing me to jerk my hand back and fix my disbelieving gaze on Aera's.Mates… How the hell could that be possible? Aera and I went together about as well as two negative ions. We didn't work, and anyway, there was no way we could be mates since neither of us felt it that night.Brushing off Chandler's words, I untangle myself from Aera's hold. He was here too? Then did that mean Uncle Silas was also here?Right n
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Her Brother's Return
[Aera’s POV]I stare up at the large mansion in front of me while wondering exactly how I was supposed to do this without making enemies with the elementalis pack. There was no way they were going to just let me take Corinna that easily, but I made a promise to Silas.Sucking in a breath, I square my shoulders and march up, then knock on the door.After a beat, it opens, and I find myself staring up at a large man with multiple piercings on his face and long, shaggy purple hair that surrounds his chiseled face."Hello?" he says, snapping me out of my confusion. "May I help you?""Aera!"Before I can respond, Corinna pops out from behind the man, and a smile spreads across her face."What are you doing here at this hour?" she asks, wrapping her arms around me. "Did you miss me?"The minute she touches me, I feel a repulsion that I’ve never felt toward her."No," I hiss, untangling myself from her hold. "That isn’t why I’m here."As I speak, I snap my gaze at the man who opened the door
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An Unexpected Meeting
AUTHOR’S NOTE: A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEAUTIFUL AUTHOR MOONLIGHT MUSE! If you haven’t already, be sure to stop by her insta and wish her a happy birthday and show her all the love in the world![Ayla's POV]For the next few days, I'm put under house arrest while Uncle Silas deals with the aftermath of Corinna's crazy antics. Despite insisting I was fine to at least go to practice for my examination even with a broken hand, but he wouldn't budge.During my time of being locked away, I didn't hear a word from Aera, which in the end I guessed was fine. Honestly, I needed to accept that we wouldn't cross paths again, and if I wanted to stick to that, I couldn't even continue my revenge, which was a pity because he was definitely one of the best fucks I ever had, and I did find myself almost slipping and creeping into his dreams many times.To keep myself occupied, I caught up on some of my favorite online stories like Her Forbidden Alpha and Her Cold-Hearted Alpha by Moonlight Muse,
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An Awkward Lunch
[Ayla's POV]No one speaks as the atmosphere around us shifts from light to heavy. All eyes are on me, waiting for me to say something, but I'm too damn shocked to even think straight."I apologize." Barren finally chuckles, coming to the rescue. "I think I may have startled Ayla."Startled was a damn understatement. He had thrown me for a fucking loop by not only appearing in the real world but even showing up with my uncle and Aera, of all people!How was this possible? Why the hell were they together? Was the universe fucking with me right now?"I need to go to the bathroom!" I suddenly announce, jumping up and making a rub for it. "If you'll excuse me."I don't wait for a response before I'm high-tailing it out of there and beelining for the safety of the ladies room, where none of the men could get me.Once inside, I plopped down in a cubicle so I could try to think straight.This was weird. It was really weird. Since meeting Barren, I had only ever interacted with him in the dre
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