All Chapters of Alpha Aera: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
106 Chapters
His Frustration
[Aera's POV]I remain silent as everyone around me except for Ayla chats happily. From the looks of it, she was feeling about as annoyed about this gathering as I was. That was good; at least she wasn't making puppy eyes at Barren.Honestly, I was still sore over the fact that bastard was here. Today's trip was only supposed to consist of me and Silas, not him.Today was the day that Corinna was supposed to have her pretrial, so I agreed to accompany Silas to the capitol to attend it.It was supposed to be a simple day trip—nothing more, nothing less. So tell me why it ended up like this. Why was I sitting at the same fucking table as Ayla and fucking Barren?When I learned who he was, I was determined to keep them from meeting, but here we were altogether, and he wasn't even bothering to hide his adoration for her, and that was really pissing me off. Couldn't he have a little self-respect? And why wasn't Silas attacking him for oogling his niece?I was already annoyed by his presence
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An Impromptu Date
[Ayla’s POV]I don't move as Aera heads to the amusement park ticket booth to buy passes for us. What in the world was this dude trying, and why was I going along with it?You need a distraction after being bum-rushed by Barren, a small voice in the back of my head says.That was right. It was enough to see him in the real world, but to find out he was an alpha heir and the brother of that bitch Corinna was a bit too much for me to take.I had planned on just going home, but I guess it wouldn't be so bad to spend some time here, especially since I knew an angry uncle would be ready for me when I got back.If I was going to get yelled at, I could at least prolong the inevitable, right?"You coming or just standing there?" Aera calls once he's finished with the drooling woman at the ticket counter."Coming," I respond, shooting her a triumphant look.Skipping forward, I wrap my arms around Aera's and beam while she glares daggers at me."You having fun taunting her?" Aera asks once we w
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Creating A Crack
[Ayla's POV]I'm unable to move as Aera's lips press against mine and his tongue entices my own, and his arms stretch around me so he can pull me close against his broad chest.Everything in me screams to meet his hunger with my own, but my damn head still screams at me to not fall for it.If I gave in now, wouldn't I seem like an easy woman who was willing to forget a man's wrongs? I couldn't and wouldn't be that woman, and if Aera truly wanted to get closer to me, then he was going to have to work for it, and the work would start with him telling me who the fuck was the one who made that damn bet in the first place.Determination settling, I pull Aera's bottom lip between my teeth and bite down, causing him to jerk backwards while letting out a growl of pain."What the hell?" He hisses, touching the place I bit, which is beginning to bleed."Who was it?" I demand, fixing my gaze on his."What?""The one who made that fucking bet with you!" I snap. "If you're truly serious about gett
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[Ayla’s POV]I don’t wait for Aera to say anything about what I’ve told him before I dial Uncle Silas’ number and place my phone against my ear."Ayla," he hisses after the first ring. "Where the hell are you?""Fun Zone, the amusement park by the sea," I respond. "What the hell was that about Evie?""I’ll be there soon," is all he says before hanging up and ignoring my question entirely.Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I turn and take in Aera’s furrowed brows and look of concern."What?" I ask."You said your cousin’s best friend was murdered," he begins, seeming confused. "She’s a member of Crimson Tides, correct?""That’s right," I respond. "Why?"Was he going to use this incident as another reason to try to take down Crimson Tides?"Was there any details on the murder?" he continues."No," I sigh. "It just said that she was found dead in her bed," I explain. "Uncle Silas still has to do a thorough investigation into the whole thing.""Interesting how it happened while he was a
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Defend Her
[Aera's POV]With each passing minute, my anger grows more and more. Was this what Ayla had to endure up until now? False accusations, slander, distrust, and hatred were everywhere she turned.'You joined in on them,' Rayze points out, waking up. 'Aren't you being a hypocrite?''I...' I begin, but stop. He was right. I was being a hypocrite.No wonder she didn't try to fight me when I accused her of the same things due to my personal vendetta with her family. She was used to it, and I was just one more voice in a sea of many.Feeling my heart tug, I look over to take in her eyes, which are sparkling with guilt and fear, and feel something in me snap. I needed to protect this tiny woman beside me at all costs."Shut up!" I growl, fixing my gaze on the two that are openly accusing her without any proof. "Who are any of you to come barging up here like this? Do you know that could be considered insubordination?""What did you say?" The man hisses. "Who the hell are you?""Aera Lebeau, a
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Her Struggle
[Ayla’s POV]"You can sit wherever," I announce, eyeing Aera. "I’m going to shower."I don’t wait for him to respond before I’m heading toward the bathroom and disappearing inside so that I can finally be alone with my raging thoughts.Sighing, I begin to yank my clothes off and then step into the shower. After turning on the water, I sit in the tub and pull my knees against my chest while the steaming hot water crashes down on me.Now that I’m alone, I let all the guilt and fear that I was feeling crash into me. I knew there was no way that Uncle Silas would be able to calm the pack once word got out about what happened to Evie, and if what her parents were saying was thought to be true, all eyes would come to rest on me.This was only the beginning of an even bigger ordeal that would possibly end up landing me in the capitol sooner than expected so that the elders could watch me closely. And if even more murders happened, wouldn't that ignite a witch hunt that would have everyone ou
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An Over-Protective Alpha
[Ayla's POV]I watch in horror as Uncle Silas slams Aera against the wall and pins him there with his forearm."Why are you sleeping on my niece's bed?" He growls while Aera remains irritatingly calm given the circumstances. "As a matter of fact, Why are you even in her room?""Because she brought me here," Aera shrugs, shooting me a look of amusement. "So tell me, where else should I be if this is where I'm wanted?"My eyes grow wide as Aera's taunting words settle around us and Uncle Silas' aura begins to prickle against my skin.Dammit, Aera was enjoying this whole thing, and if he didn't stop poking the beast, I was almost positive Uncle Silas would send him crashing through the window and down toward the ground below."Ayla!" Uncle Silas calls over his shoulder. "Please leave the room.""Why?" I ask, getting a bad feeling. "What are you planning to do?""Create discord between Crimson Tides and Caelum," he responds, not bothering to hide his intent. "I'm not going to let this bas
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Am I Pregnant
[Ayla's POV]I continue to stare in the direction that Aera left, stunned by his proclamation. He was coming to the capitol with me… What the hell was this man actually thinking? Was this another one of his schemes, or was he really being sincere?There was no way to tell, and I needed to keep my guard up. "Ayla," Uncle Silas calls, snapping me out of my daze. "There's something I want to ask you.""What is it?""What's really going on between you and Aera?""I don't know," I admit.It was the simplest of answers, and it was the truth. A few weeks prior, I could have easily said that there wasn't anything between us. But now, I honestly didn't know."Do you like him?" He continues, treading dangerous waters.As I prepare to say no, I find myself faltering. Did I like him? I mean, he was drop-dead sexy and great in bed. Physically, he was the perfect specimen, and those features... Goddess, he was gorgeous. However, no relationship could be formed on the basis of physical attraction a
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Do You Hate Me
[Ayla's POV]"Why do you keep haunting me?" I demand, eyeing Barren. "Are you here to feed me even more lies?"I didn't know why he kept appearing after I made it clear that I didn't want anything to do with him, but I was beginning to get fed up with it. And right now, I had more important things to worry about.A look of pain crosses Barren's features as the words leave my lips. Good, at least he could feel something. Unless even this was an act just like all the others in the past. This was for the best; keeping everyone at arms length was. I was a fool in the past to think that anyone could truly care for me, and I learned and grew."Can you please let me explain?" He begs, reaching out and grabbing my hands. "There was a reason I...""Abandoned me," I offer. "You've already said it, so you don't have to say it again. Your father is some psycho that wanted to destroy our world by using you, and because of that, there are these freaky monsters roaming the dreamworld. I get it. You
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Give In
[Aera's POV]The next day, I wake up early and head out. Since I couldn't go to the capitol with Ayla, I at least wanted to see her off. That wouldn't be too much, right?However, when I arrive, the front of Crimson Tides Estate is surrounded by people screaming the same thing."Stop harboring a monster.""What the hell?" I hiss, jumping out of my car and rushing forward. "What the hell is going on?" I continue, grabbing the person closest to me.For a moment, the man examines me as if trying to figure out exactly who I am before his gaze turns hard."Alpha Silas' niece is a murderer!" He growls. "She's killed two of our own!""Two?" I repeat in confusion. "I thought there was only one. When did the other happen?""Last night!" He roars. "A very promising young man who she almost killed in the past! Now she has succeeded in what she couldn't do then!"Eyes widening, I look toward the large building ahead to find murderer written in big red letters spreading across the front of it.Wha
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