All Chapters of The Ex-Wife Guide: Mr. Fergerson Persists On Lavish Affection: Chapter 1041 - Chapter 1050
1169 Chapters
Chapter 1041 A Man’s Affection Will Always Have An Expiry Date
Thinking she had misheard, Holly quickly got up from the ground and lunged toward Penny!"Do you have no conscience? We're your biological parents! Is this how you treat us?!"Penny almost got dragged down but was fortunately saved by a timely intervention from a nearby bodyguard.She stepped back several times and turned around, leaving Holly behind. The woman was stomping her feet in frustration."You'll regret this! You will!"Shortly after, Holly and Hansel were escorted out, both looking disgruntled. It was especially so in such a high-end setting, where they resembled clowns.Hansel immediately took out his phone and called someone."She refuses to acknowledge us and even had her bodyguards throw us out."A man's voice responded on the other end."Take some pictures of yourselves looking disheveled, preferably in front of the company."Hansel hurriedly complied, knowing that their reunion with their daughter depended on this benefactor over the phone.He was the one wh
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Chapter 1042 A Strange Kind Of Silent Treatment
"Ms. Khloe, are you attending the party tomorrow?"Tomorrow was Finn’s birthday, and he was the heir of the Sanders family. The Sanders family would hold a grand party every year, and Khloe had already received an invitation. She was definitely going.She slowly propped herself up, picking up the invitation from the table and glancing at it. Her lips curled slightly."Is Cally bringing that woman along? Arrange for Holly and Hansel to attend the event tomorrow. Let them see the extravagance. Once they experience the luxury, they'll likely cling even more to Penny. "Let these two ruin the party. Once it's known they're Penny's parents, the news will spread fast, and Penny will surely feel embarrassed."Khloe chuckled, her fingertip tapping on Wind's forehead."And prepare my gown for me. I want the most beautiful one available."Wind immediately knelt on one knee, gently massaging her leg."It's already prepared, Ms. Khloe. You'll surely dazzle everyone there."Khloe laughed s
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Chapter 1043 Suddenly
Penny leaned on the sofa, feeling exhausted. She forced herself upstairs and managed to take a bath. Once that was done, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.The next morning, she woke up and still saw no messages from Caleb.After arriving at the office, she started another meeting.The executives were all focused, listening intently as Penny spoke for two hours. Finally, she lowered her eyelashes slowly."The recent work is roughly as mentioned. Everyone must not slack off, and the PR department should constantly monitor online public opinion. I'm concerned that the remaining people from Astral Motion might cause more trouble.""Ms. Sullivan, Taliah's show has been released, and it's doing well. There are a bunch of endorsements reaching out to us. She's on the verge of becoming a top star. She'll probably reach that level by the time the show is over."Penny, who had not slept well the previous night, finally yawned.She looked at Jackson."You'll be in charge of Taliah'
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Chapter 1044 Idols Would Sometimes Become A Person’s Faith
Penny felt a headache coming on, as if everything was happening at once and she was struggling to cope."Where are the bodyguards on the first floor? Have them work with the police to guard the entrance and prevent the fans from disturbing the employees.""We've already spoken to the bodyguards. For now, they've managed to hold their positions, but the fans are too frenzied. If Taliah doesn't show, I doubt anyone will be able to go home tonight."Penny hoped Taliah could make an appearance, but she was still undergoing emergency treatment. The doctors said there was no life-threatening danger, but they needed to monitor her head injury.Penny, Winona, and Jackson alternated between standing and sitting, each of them feeling anxious.Penny walked to a small balcony and looked down.The hospital was surrounded by frenzied fans who were all there to visit Taliah. Having heard the rumors of her death spread by some marketing accounts, some were even more distraught. They were even cr
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Chapter 1045 Being Perfunctory With Him
With that touch of makeup, Taliah instantly looked much livelier and more spirited.Winona took her photo, did some editing, and then let Taliah log into her account to post it on Instagram.[Sorry for worrying everyone. I just woke up. The company's leaders have been with me in the hospital the whole time. I'm okay now. I hope my fans don't take any extreme actions and don't hurt my teammates who have been fighting alongside me. [This incident isn't the company's fault. None of us expected that to happen.] This post quickly soared to the top of the trending topics, pushing down the criticism against S.M.The fans outside the company's doors started to disperse after seeing this update.As for those irrational fans who had smashed the windows, they would be dealt with by the police.Penny stood up and walked to the window to look down.There were still many fans gathered below, but at least it was possible to leave now.It was at this moment that Winona reminded her."Ms. S
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Chapter 1046 Could She Successfully Console Him This Time
Khloe sneered to herself because she had already the viral news. Penny was most likely still with Taliah, and it would be well past eight o’clock by the time she arrived. Besides, she had prepared for a showdown to happen here as well. The corners of her lips curved upward. She knew she could not rush things and thus continued talking to the other ladies after she finished her sentence. Everyone was praising her boyfriend and brother, telling her how handsome they were. Khloe held a glass of wine in her hands and made her way through the party with ease. Caleb merely stood in a corner, and everyone who tried approaching him to say hello backed away when they sensed his frosty aura. It was chillier than even the room’s air-conditioning.Finn, the star of the night, had the most on his plate that evening. He was usually not much of a talker, but he knew he had to at least exchange pleasantries with all the party’s attendees. He had a calm expression, but there was an aggrava
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Chapter 1047 Thought They Were Getting Married
Neither Holly nor Hansel had ever imagined they could step foot into a place as luxurious as this. The man had told them the attendees all had a minimum net worth of a billion dollars.A billion… That was money they would never even dare to dream of in their lives. As they walked in, they took in the sprawling mansion, the massive swimming pool, and the seemingly never-ending golf course just a couple dozen feet away from them. They were from the suburbs and had no idea how golf worked. All they knew was that the mountains were beautiful and much better-looking than those back home. The men told them to work in the kitchen because their looks and ages would not allow them access to the front hall. Only the young and good-looking were allowed to work in the front hall. Holly and Hansel had not forgotten their instructions. Penny would be here this evening, and their job was to humiliate her. Since their daughter refused to acknowledge them, the only way to scare her would
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Chapter 1048 A Status Equivalent To Mud
Selina was feeling smug. If Caleb had abandoned Penny, that would mean the woman was worth nothing.Her company was only established not too long ago. Destroying Penny would be as easy as killing an ant for the Sanders family. Selina thought her time to get revenge had arrived. However, Holly could not sense her hatred for Penny and thought Selina was there to help Penny. “Judge for yourself, everyone! She owns a company now, so is it really that bad that I approached her to ask for some money? Given her current status, money is no longer something valuable to her. "It wouldn’t be too much for her to give out several hundred thousand dollars, right? Yet, she only gave me a measly 3,000 dollars last night. I went through so much trouble to carry her to term, and all that is only worth three grand?" Everyone’s gazes landed on Penny. No matter the reason, being the person everyone was gossiping about in such a venue was extremely humiliating. Not to mention the fact there were
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Chapter 1049 My Girlfriend, Penpen
Caleb’s arrival caused Penny to feel slightly less overwhelmed by everything going on. She was no saint and had a hard time accepting the fact she was not Maeve Easton’s daughter. After countless nights of sobbing, she only found the will to live by reminding herself of the love Maeve had shown her. Perhaps she did not dare look for her family because she was afraid she was abandoned. The word 'family' was even more hurtful than the swords her enemies drove into her body. There was a part of Penny that had always hated herself, and she hated herself even more upon finding out what terrible people her parents were. Caleb’s appearance seemed to rejuvenate her. Chuckling, she said, “What explanation should I offer you? Didn’t you want a million dollars from me? Fine. I’ll give you a million dollars to cut ties with you. Don't contact me anymore.” Before attending the party that evening, Holly and Hansel had thought a million dollars was a sky-high number. However, after
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Chapter 1050 Love Won't Appear When You're At Your Best
Everyone gasped when they heard that. Before this, everyone had thought he was dating Khloe and that they were going to get married soon. What was going on now? Finn’s gaze landed on Penny before he spoke coolly. “Haven’t you already introduced her before?” That surprised everyone even more. Finn had long since known Penny was Caleb’s girlfriend? Was Penny the woman Caleb had been referring to on social media?Odd looks appeared on their faces. If Caleb liked Penny, how did Khloe fit into the picture? Caleb smiled at Finn as he pointed toward upstairs.“Penny’s not in the greatest mood right now. I’ll come back down soon after I console her.” Finn nodded. Caleb pulled Penny toward his chest and led her toward the nearby elevator. At that moment, Penny felt like a puppet that did not have the capacity to think. All she knew was that Caleb had acknowledged their relationship in front of so many people. He had kindly and generously given her a title.Love would no
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