All Chapters of The Ex-Wife Guide: Mr. Fergerson Persists On Lavish Affection: Chapter 1051 - Chapter 1060
1169 Chapters
Chapter 1051 Once You And Penny Break Up
Before Penny realized what Caleb was about to do, she found herself being pressed onto the sofa.She grew worried about someone coming in and quickly suggested, "Let's go home. This is someone else's house."Caleb was breathing heavily as he gripped her waist tightly."Just a taste," he said.Penny was nervous about this, but she was unable to dissuade him.Caleb's idea of a quick taste turned out to be an extended encounter that lasted until the end of the party.When she was escorted downstairs, her legs were trembling.In the hall, only a dozen guests who had not left were saying their goodbyes to the Sanders.Caleb held her close as he approached Finn to say goodbye as well, planning to leave.Exhausted, Penny suddenly asked, "Where's Winona? Give her a call."Since their separation, she had no idea where Winona had gone.Caleb was still holding her as he looked at Finn.Finn stood quietly in front of the remaining guests, his eyes betraying his impatience. He was like
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Chapter 1052 Her Distress Is His Distress
Caleb's frown deepened as he tossed away the cigarette in his hand."Hansel said Penny was born from Holly's affair, right?"Finn flipped through the documents in front of him, uncovering a more sordid truth."It's likely. Holly Zimmerman... used to work in Union County's red-light district. As you know, security wasn't as good 20 years ago. Hansel was a small-time thug who had served time for assaulting a neighbor's daughter. "After his release, he married Holly, who had decided to part ways with her old life. He also has a crippled brother, whom he caught Holly seducing. When the child was born, Hansel suspected it was his brother's daughter, so he sold her. "The hospital records also show that the child's father is Hansel's crippled brother."The revelation was uncomfortable. It was a mother's affair with her husband's brother, leading to the birth of a child. Not to mention, the child's father was a poor cripple of questionable character."Caleb, I've interrogated the coup
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Chapter 1053 Caleb, You’re So Impressive
Penny had kept herself busy for so long, and this time, her illness hit her hard like a rock.After seeing the several coffee cups, she checked the time on her phone, only to realize she had slept for several days.As she rubbed her forehead, her fingertips trembled slightly. She had so many nightmares. Sometimes, she dreamed of Maeve; other times, she dreamed of the small town she had visited recently and of waking up covered in marks.She felt a strong sense of self-loathing, even nausea and disgust.However, when she opened her eyes and saw Caleb, she felt much better.She looked at the coffee cups next to him, frowning."Did you drink all these?"Caleb's eyes still showed signs of fatigue, but he first checked her forehead to make sure her fever had subsided. Only then did he finally relax."Caleb, you have a stomach problem."He chuckled lightly and instructed the helper to take away the coffee cups. He had just finished drinking them, not expecting her to wake up at that
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Chapter 1054 Plans
Khloe gazed at a plate of fruit on the coffee table, looking grim. Florence, that fool, had already gotten herself thrown into jail, and Jeanie was under house arrest once again. Now, she was uncertain about who to use for her plans.She turned to Wind, her mouth curving slightly."Wind, are you also well-versed in computers?"Wind lowered his lashes. "The Strausses provided training in this area, but I'm not a professional in this field, so my knowledge isn't extensive.""As long as you have some knowledge, that's enough. I'll send you the money, and you can go online and expose Penny's family background. She and her company are still in the spotlight. Once the netizens know her origins, they'll start messing with her.""Understood, Ms. Khloe. I'll handle it," Wind responded.Her orders were akin to a decree for Wind. He took a laptop aside and began to work.Khloe did not pay much attention to Wind's appearance, knowing only that he was specially trained by the Strausses.She
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Chapter 1055 I’m Giving Him A Chance
Netizens immediately smelled gossip as the marketing account posted a new update.[Uncovering the background of S.M.'s CEO, Penny Sullivan—mother's a prostitute, father's a rapist, brother's a gambler…]The post was detailed, even sharing photos—including photos of Holly and Hansel being thrown out of S.M.'s building and getting chased away from the Sanders' residence.The tone the marketing account used in their post update was filled with mockery.[Are you still dreaming of becoming her, not knowing she's already despised in the circle? Who would admire such a background? As for her capability, with such a past, how did she even acquire what she has now?]These questions were thrown to the netizens. Seeing those photos, they instantly believed the marketing account's words.Those who initially wished to be like Penny felt embarrassed, and their anger flared up.[Someone born from that kind of family can't be a good person. It’s no wonder Taliah got into an accident. Penny prob
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Chapter 1056 He'd Make A Big Fuss For Her
Sean was genuinely worried that his family would blame him if anything were to happen to Khloe. He could not control her anymore; everyone knew she was the treasured child at home, especially in the eyes of their mother, who would gladly take a bullet for her.If something were to happen to her, it would disrupt the peace of the entire Imperial City.Nonetheless, Caleb was a formidable figure as well.Sean immediately called Ethan.A cold voice answered the phone, "Speak."Hearing his voice made Sean somewhat apprehensive."Ethan, you should come to Imperial City.""Made another mess?""Khloe is really stirring up trouble here. She's obsessed with Caleb Fergerson and acting recklessly. You told me before not to provoke Caleb, but Khlo keeps crossing his boundaries. Caleb even called to warn me."Ethan was silent for a few seconds before asking."Khlo wants to date him?""Yes, but Caleb has someone he likes. He'd make a big fuss for her.""Which family is she from?""She's
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Chapter 1057 Being With Caleb
Meanwhile, in Imperial City, the online discussion about Penny's background rapidly disappeared from the trending searches.Even attempts to search for Penny's name across the entire network yielded little information.Wind furrowed his brows."Ms. Khloe, Caleb has stepped in to buy off the trending searches."Khloe sat up from the sofa, glancing at the time on the wall.It was already 3:00 am. Caleb's intervention at this hour showed just how much he cared for Penny.Her eyes turned cold, and her lips formed a straight line."Wind, release Holly and Hansel's information online.""I have, but it's not gaining much traction. It seems like it's being suppressed. All these names have been suppressed."Khloe felt a surge of frustration. She grabbed her phone, refusing to believe it. She frantically typed 'Penny' into all social media platforms, but the name indeed seemed to be blocked. She then tried entering 'Holly' and 'Hansel', but still, nothing significant appeared.In a fit
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Chapter 1058 The Surge Of Embarrassment
Caleb sensed her mood and rested his chin on her chest. "What's wrong?"His tone was almost coquettish.Perhaps no one else had ever seen this side of Caleb Fergerson.Penny's defenses instantly dropped."It's nothing. I'm just thinking about how busy you are and how you've handled so many things for my company."He chuckled softly, playing with her hand."Penpen, once we get through this busy period, I'll take you on a vacation.""Okay."Penny agreed verbally, but she had a feeling that the so-called vacation would be indefinitely postponed.Caleb stood up, leading her to sit beside him."I want to take you for another health check-up."Holly's background and the diseases she could carry were too many. If there were any diseases transmitted from the womb, it was better to know sooner.Moreover, Hansel's brother, besides being a cripple, seemed to have other defects.He was worried about Penny and wanted to take precautions.However, the last thing Penny wanted to care ab
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Chapter 1059 I’ll Meet With Her
Wind stood by silently, knowing that nobody could stop Caleb from reclaiming what he came for.Khloe's eyes brimmed with hatred. She adored Blanche and visited the pet daily. She had never seen a pet as majestic as Blanche.In the past, she was never allowed to have pets at home due to concerns about her health.Taking a deep breath, she remembered she had to pick someone up from the airport."I need to leave through the back door to pick up Ethan. Wind, tell him I'm not here."After saying this, Khloe changed her clothes and decided to leave through the back door.Caleb waited outside for 20 minutes, only to hear Wind say, "Ms. Khloe is not here at the moment. She's gone to the airport. Maybe you should come another time, Mr. Fergerson."As soon as Wind finished speaking, Caleb pulled out his phone and uttered one sentence."Break down the gate."Knowing that Blanche would come out upon hearing his call, the driver of the truck behind him slammed the gas pedal, aiming for the
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Chapter 1060 Well-Versed In The Art Of Winning Affection
Penny had not expected Caleb to bring Blanche back so forcefully.Blanche's temperament was much like Caleb's—strong and arrogant toward strangers but instantly submissive upon seeing a special someone.They were now back at Dawn Haven Villa, where Caleb smacked Blanche's backside in a fit of anger."You're too quick to acknowledge someone else as your master! What's the point of me raising you!" he exclaimed, his hand striking with even more force.Penny was seated nearby with a fruit plate prepared by Lucy. She nibbled on a piece of fruit as she watched Caleb. She somehow thought of how he might sternly reprimand his own son in the future with the same strict attitude.She then felt her cheeks warming up.Caleb was oblivious to her thoughts as he was busy scolding Blanche.Blanche was eager to please, so he lay down and wagged his body, signaling for Caleb not to be mad.Caleb found himself both irritated and amused. As he was about to continue his lecture, he caught sight of
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