All Chapters of The Ex-Wife Guide: Mr. Fergerson Persists On Lavish Affection: Chapter 1081 - Chapter 1090
1169 Chapters
Chapter 1081 I Have Plenty Of Ways, Caspian
Penny was now confined in a room without windows. There was only a transparent glass on the ceiling through which she could see the blue sky.She had no idea if she was in the city or in the suburbs.Nor did she know how long she had been unconscious. By the time she regained consciousness, she was already in this room.She thought of the small snake that had bitten Caleb and belatedly felt frightened.The snake's venom was potent enough to be lethal. She wondered how Caleb was doing and what Casby's purpose was."Open the door! Open it!" she shouted, banging on the room's only door. However, after two hours, there was no response.She sat on the floor, feeling exhausted. Finally, she heard footsteps outside.The door opened, and Casby walked in.The room only had a clock on the wall, and it showed that it was 9:00 pm. Casby saw her curled up on the floor, her arms tightly hugging her knees. He smirked.He knelt on one knee, grabbed her chin, and examined her face.Penny tr
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Chapter 1082 I Won’t Hurt You
Casby finished the drink in his cup and decided to sleep on the couch for a while.He suddenly woke up at midnight, got up to prepare some food in the kitchen, and brought it to the room where Penny was confined.Penny was still sitting on the floor, her eyebrows furrowing when she saw him enter.He pulled her up, guiding her to a chair next to a table where he placed the plate."Eat something first."His tone was gentle as he pulled out the chair for her.Penny watched him warily, even momentarily wondering if he was mentally ill.Caspian looked at her, his eyelashes drooping sorrowfully."Penpen, things are too complicated. I don't know how to explain it to you. Just think of it as if there's someone with a bad temper living in my body."Penny did not respond.Caspian raised his hand, wanting to comfort her. He then realized he no longer had that right, so his hand hung in the air before he quietly withdrew it."There are people outside. You can't leave yet, but I’ll help
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Chapter 1083 Separate Caleb And Penny
Casby repeatedly told Sir Fergerson about these events."Grandpa, your proudest grandson was treated like livestock on the experimental table. At that moment, he was no prodigy. In the eyes of those people, he was just a rabbit waiting to be dissected. And all this was because you agreed to let him undertake that mission."Grandpa, why is Caleb so lucky? He's now the heir and gets to receive your affection. I'm the one who has to bear all this because I'm his elder brother. If I weren’t his brother, I wouldn't have had to protect him, right?"Francis' health was already failing, and he could hardly bear hearing these things.Just imagining Caspian, such an outstanding person, being experimented on in a lab made Sir Fergerson vomit blood repeatedly.In his youth, Sir Fergerson was known for his iron fist. In his old age, family became his priority.His two most beloved grandsons were Caleb and Caspian.He had thought Caspian was dead all these years and handed over Fergerson Corp
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Chapter 1084 He's Too Silent And Too Calm
"Grandpa..."Caleb held his hand and called out calmly, yet his eyes were brewing with pain.The hands of the young man and the old man were tightly clasped together. For a moment, there was a flash of clarity in Sir Fergerson's eyes."Don't... Don't be with Penpen."Caleb, promise me..."Sir Fergerson tried to lift his body, but after raising it only a few inches, he slowly fell back. He clutched Caleb's hand tightly, his cloudy eyes betraying no emotion."Promise me..."He struggled to utter these two words, his murky gaze fixed on Caleb.Caleb remained silent for a minute before replying, "Why..."He truly did not understand what all of this was about."Promise me, you promise me..."Sir Fergerson's expression began to show pain, and Caleb quickly grasped his hand. "I promise you, Grandpa. I promise you."As soon as he spoke, doctors rushed into the ward.Sir Fergerson's gaze remained steadily on Caleb as he muttered his last few words."I'm sorry..."The aged hand in
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Chapter 1085 You’re Finally Not Pretending To Be A Goody-Goody
The memorial service the Fergersons held was grand, befitting Sir Fergerson's special status. Many high-profile individuals attended, so it could not be a low-key affair.On the day of Sir Fergerson's memorial service, Caleb was absent. Prominent figures arrived one after another, their cars adorned with small red flags.In addition to these dignitaries, influential business leaders closely associated with the Fergersons were also present.Some exchanged pleasantries with the Fergerson family members and inquired about Caleb's whereabouts, but no one knew where he was.Sir Fergerson's wake caused a stir in their circles, though the news had not spread beyond that.However, anyone who really wanted to find out would surely know about the passing of Sir Fergerson.Meanwhile, Penny was still trapped in the small room when she suddenly heard footsteps outside.In the past few days, either the gentleman or the erratic man would enter her room.The gentleman would typically knock, bu
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Chapter 1086 Spring Sleeps In Their Pen Not Aware Of Dawn, Everywhere I Hear Birds Singing
Of course, Penny did not believe that.However, at that moment, she lacked the strength to argue and just watched Casby drink one glass after another.She had an illusion that Casby was somewhat affected by Sir Fergerson's death. Was that possible? After all, Sir Fergerson's demise was orchestrated by him in the first place.Penny felt tears searing her eyes. She was still bewildered by everything that was happening, as if she was pulled into a huge mystery.No matter what, Sir Fergerson had always been kind to her.Yet, such a formidable elder had become so haggard, as if he had undergone tremendous torment.He even resembled someone haunted by their inner demons, persisting until his death.…Caleb sat alone in the early morning at Dawn Haven, with a black-and-white photo of Sir Fergerson in front of him. Dawn Haven Villa was a pre-marital property gifted to Penny by Sir Fergerson, and all of the staff were trained by him.Now, with the news of Sir Fergerson's passing, t
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Chapter 1087 Liking Someone Is Essentially A Superficial Thing
Finn was silent for a moment before he softly said, "Cas doesn't seem like someone so superficial."So superficial as to excerpt a line of poetry that included the name of the woman he liked. He would not have done it so blatantly, without trying to hide anything.Caleb lowered his eyelashes, his hands were clenched into fists with all his strength."Liking someone is essentially a superficial thing. If it really is Penny, then doesn't everything make sense? We've never suspected her, so we were always investigating in the wrong direction. That's why there's been no progress in the matter until now.""But Caleb, if Penny really is that woman, then her appearance in your life would have an ulterior motive. She has always known we were looking for Cas, yet she never revealed that she's the woman Cas liked. "With Grandpa Fergerson following Cas and Penny's timely disappearance, were all of the people at the cliff Cas' men?"This implied that Caspian and Penny conspired to kill Sir
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Chapter 1088 Should Look For Penny
Caleb did not say anything. He simply opened the door of the room and left the place.Returning to the Fergerson Mansion, he found it draped in white, with people still keeping vigil.He ignored the people in the hall and went upstairs to take a shower. He changed into clean clothes. Then, he set off to collect Sir Fergerson's ashes.Throughout the process, he did not call anyone. He placed the urn of ashes on the passenger seat, contacted the burial personnel, and prepared for Sir Fergerson's burial.The burial was scheduled for noon. Caleb and other members of the Fergersons waited by the grave under the harsh afternoon sun.Only after the last shovelful of dirt was placed on the grave did Caleb solemnly kneel down. He looked at Sir Fergerson's photo on the tombstone, stood up, and left.The remaining Fergersons stood still, all feeling that Caleb was too cold. He had not cried at the memorial service, had not wept in the past few days, and even today, not a single tear was she
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Chapter 1089 Mine Or Caleb’s?
Meanwhile, Penny fell into a heavy sleep last night and did not wake up until noon.She looked up at the sky overhead, where the sun shone brightly. By now, Sir Fergerson's funeral must have been over, right?How was Caleb doing?Was he really hiding somewhere, as Casby had said?She felt tears welling up in her eyes. She thought that she should be by his side at this moment.The door to her room was pushed open abruptly, and Casby walked in. Seeing her red eyes, he found it amusing."Worried about Caleb?"Penny's face instantly darkened. In front of Casby, she was like an impenetrable wall, unwilling to reveal any of her emotions.Casby noticed this, and his gaze turned harsher."Not in the mood to talk to me? Too bad. You'll have to stay by my side for a while."He irritably tossed a cup of instant noodles onto the table. His tone was cold when he spoke."Eat up. After you're done, we'll leave." Penny remained silent. Her diet had been very irregular these past few days.
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Chapter 1090 The Wish Is Related To Penny
The doctor took out an IV needle, intending to insert it into Penny's hand.However, when Caspian saw the needle, he abruptly stood up.He seemed to recall some distressing memories and took a big step back.The doctor was a little surprised and thought he was afraid of needles."Sir, if you're afraid of needles, you don't have to look," the doctor suggested.Caspian lowered his eyes, his fingers trembling slightly. The painful emotions enveloped him like spreading spiderwebs, tightly wrapping his whole body.He felt like he was out of breath and desperately tried to breathe, but the spiderwebs were getting tighter and tighter.The doctor was not paying attention to him and inserted the needle into Penny's hand.Meanwhile, Caspian struggled to control his shaking fingers.The doctor stood up and said, "When the IV bag is empty, remember to help her remove the needle."Caspian looked up, his eyes somewhat dazed.The doctor politely nodded and then left.Caspian, who was worr
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