All Chapters of The Ex-Wife Guide: Mr. Fergerson Persists On Lavish Affection: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1169 Chapters
Chapter 131 She Really Knows How To Randomly Hook Up With People
Caleb’s hand was bandaged, and he had just gone to Fergerson Corporation when he ran into Luna.Luna did not dare to be as presumptuous as before. She just looked at his hand with distress.“Ca... Mr. Fergerson, what happened to your hand?”Caleb frowned and simply responded, “I got hurt.”Without saying anything more, he went into his office.Luna’s expression was a little ugly. Coincidentally, someone from the reception came looking for Caleb at this moment. They knocked on the door, intending to enter the office.Luna hurriedly stopped the person.“You’re not an executive. Do you have an appointment? Don’t just walk in.”The receptionist was quite beautiful. For one to be able to work as a receptionist at Fergerson Corporation, she must be outstanding in appearance.“Ms. Shaw, someone sent a gift to Mr. Fergerson. They asked me to bring it up.”Luna’s face got even more unpleasant, and she snatched it over.“I’ll bring it over. You can go back down to your desk.”This co
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Chapter 132 A Superfluous Move
Zane absolutely loathed for Nathan. Initially, Nathan had run off with tens of thousands from a client, nearly causing the Sullivans to lose a big deal.During that time, Zane was run ragged, cleaning up the mess that Nathan had made.He had kindly helped his late ex-wife’s younger brother, only to receive ingratitude in return. Besides, Leo's only son was a disappointment!It was tolerable for Penny to still have contact with Leo, but now, she was mingling with Nathan as well. It left him feeling disappointed.Penny had nothing to say and was not good at lying to Zane.Since Zane had heard about this, her hope of borrowing money now was probably impossible.Though he was her own father, Penny found it hard to mention money troubles to him.Thinking of Zane’s liver cancer, she felt helpless.“Dad, I didn’t attend the banquet not because of Nathan but because Caleb was injured. I went to the hospital with him, and he didn’t go that night either.”Zane narrowed his eyes. He had
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Chapter 133 My Relationship With My Husband Is Very Good
Over the years, she had never actively asked Zane for money, and Zane had always been busy, rarely taking the initiative to think about this matter.After all, he had Susan, Willow, and Asher by his side.Penny had her own job, and if it was not for the sudden pressure from Aunt Sue’s one million, she would not be short of money at all.She just did not expect that the pocket money she asked for from Zane out of desperation last time would be taken back.Her lips twitched slightly.“Dad, take care of yourself. I have something to do today, so I’ll leave first.”“Go, your presence here will only make me angry. Since you’re married, act like it.”Penny did not speak and only gave a light hum before walking out and closing the door of the ward.At the elevator, she ran into Willow, who was coming to see Zane.Willow’s complexion did not look so good, but a touch of surprise appeared in her eyes when she saw Penny.“Pen.”Penny thought of what Zane had just said and knew that th
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Chapter 134 Caleb, I Miss You
Due to the close distance, Penny was certain that they had heard every word she just said.She immediately felt embarrassed, but upon realizing that Caleb did not know he was the 'husband' she was referring to, she discreetly breathed a sigh of relief. Her focus returned to his injury.After all, he had gotten hurt while protecting her from a knife, so she felt obliged to ask him about it.“What’s wrong with your wound, Mr. Fergerson?”After putting away her phone, she quickly approached him.Liam, who was nonchalantly standing behind Caleb, started to repeat Penny’s words.“We got married by choice. We both love each other very much... pfft.”Liam was never one to act formally. He then looked toward Penny and laughed after mimicking her.Penny, realizing her cringe-worthy words had reached both of their ears, decided to play it cool.“I made you watch such a scene.”Liam was not interested in whether Penny was married or not. He just found it amusing that Penny, who was usua
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Chapter 135 These Words Were Indeed Quite Bitchy
Penny raised an eyebrow, a hint of gossip flickering in her eyes.However, Caleb certainly would not want anyone prying on his privacy, so she turned off the screen.Just then, Charlotte sent another message.[Jadey said you’re married. I want to thank your wife for taking care of you when I was absent.]These words were indeed quite bitchy.Penny did not care about Caleb, but women had a natural keen sense for a hypocritical bitchy women.Plus, most women did not like other women of this type, but men tended to be the opposite.It seemed that Caleb liked this type.The thought flashed through her mind, but she did not pay much attention to it. Then, she dutifully picked up the keys and phone before walking to the elevator and pressing the down button.Caleb was in the lobby at that moment. Seeing that Penny was not coming down, he went to wait by the floor-to-ceiling window.When Penny came down, due to the obstruction of several large pillars in the middle, she did not see
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Chapter 136 She Was Indeed The Unforgettable First Love
Penny got into the car, taking the driver’s seat.The injury on her foot was still aching faintly, but it had mostly healed.Neither of them spoke, making the inside of the car feel stuffy.Penny did not immediately press the accelerator but instead glanced at him through the rearview mirror.Were they going to Dawn Haven Villa, Fergerson Corporation, or the hotel?She was not sure.“Your phone.”She passed Caleb’s phone to him.Caleb took it, noticing two new message notifications, which caused a slight furrow in his brows.Penny did not pay attention to whether he actually opened and read them, but she could tell that Caleb’s mood had worsened.She could sense his irritation before he even spoke.Usually, Caleb was always calm and composed, but two texts from Charlotte were enough to make him show all these emotions.Penny could not help but sigh. Indeed, Charlotte was his unforgettable first love.“Go to Fergerson Corporation.”He tossed his phone aside nonchalantly wi
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Chapter 137 Thank You, Mr. Fergerson
“Sir Fergerson, he and I are doing well. You don’t need to worry.”She spoke gently, offering him a cup of tea.“Compared to this, you should be more concerned about your body health.”Upon hearing this, Sir Fergerson’s cheeks immediately flushed with vitality, and he could not control the smile creeping up his face.He had initially thought that Caleb was oblivious, but it turned out that the boy had good taste. No wonder he was trying so hard. He had already won her over.Seeing the young couple so in love made his probing visit seem pointless, so he happily sipped his tea.“Penny, if anyone else bothers you, don’t hesitate to stand your ground. If there’s anything you can’t handle, let Caleb handle it.”Penny dared not say too much on this topic, fearing it would reveal too much. Thus, she changed the subject.An hour later, she got up to prepare some soup.“Penny, let the others do these things. You shouldn’t have to do it yourself.”“Sir Fergerson, this is something I pr
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Chapter 138 Caleb, Let’s Play Together
After replying, she knew Caleb would not respond, so she sent him another message using her work number.[Mr. Fergerson, should I wire the compensation money to your account? Please give me your account number.]Just a minute ago, she borrowed money from him, and now she was using it to repay her debt to him. Penny did not feel guilty at all.Seeing the message, Caleb furrowed his brows. Where did she get so much money from?Was she not still renting with her husband?The damaged car could be covered by insurance, and he was originally making Jenni pay just to make things difficult for her.When Penny stood up to bear the compensation, Caleb never really expected her to come up with one million in cash.However, looking at her behavior of taking everything upon herself, a cold scoff crossed his eyes.Just as he was about to reply, Winston called, asking if he was up for drinks.Caleb just grabbed his coat from the side and drove himself to the bar.Penny had come to the bar t
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Chapter 139 Deliberately Ruining His Reputation
Everyone initially thought that Caleb would not participate as he had always disdained such games, which often revolved around petty romantic affairs.Moreover, Winston was really adept at stirring up trouble.Therefore, when they heard that Caleb wanted to participate, the atmosphere at the scene became even more heated. All the single women immediately straightened their backs, hoping for a dare so that they might have a chance with Caleb.Everyone in this circle knew that Caleb was with Charlotte in the past and had remained single for many years. They all said that he was staying celibate for Charlotte’s sake.Thus, all those who wanted to become Mrs. Fergerson should stop dreaming.Nonetheless, even a little flirting session with the handsome Caleb would be a memory worth cherishing for a long time.Before the game began, Winston made a statement.“Since everyone wants to play, don’t be sore losers if it’s a dare.”After saying that, he glanced at Penny and smiled slightly
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Chapter 140 Truth Or Dare
Caleb had initially maintained a casual aura, but upon hearing the question, his body stiffened.Winston chuckled, quietly took a sip of his wine, and kept a low profile.The others present were all looking at Caleb, eager to hear his answer.Caleb had gotten together with Charlotte so early. They must have done it a long time ago, probably when he was 18 or 19?Penny, too, was intrigued. She curved her lips and glanced at him.Everyone knew about him and Charlotte, so his first time was probably with Charlotte.After all, young men and women burned with passion.Moreover, they were both alumni of Imperial City University. The circle there knew how to play around. They frequented nightlife venues since childhood.Caleb noticed Penny’s look of enjoyment and, for some reason, felt a slight annoyance.“When I had just returned to the country. It was the night of the Fergersons’ banquet.”Was that not just recently?Everyone was taken aback, but they also knew that Caleb would n
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