All Chapters of The Ex-Wife Guide: Mr. Fergerson Persists On Lavish Affection: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1169 Chapters
Chapter 151 Wild And Intense Jealousy
Zane had already gotten into the car. Willow and Asher glanced at each other before they got in too.Willow chose the seat by the window. She was awestruck when she saw a luxury car parked not far away.‘That's Caleb's car!’"Don't make a move just yet. I want to go say hi to someone!"Her tone was a little elevated as she never expected to bump into Caleb there. Before the others in the car could react, Willow had already gotten out of the car and headed straight for Caleb.The car windows were shut, so she could not see the inside from the outside.Willow had stalked Caleb for so long that she was familiar with every car he ever drove.‘This car is his. He’s at the hospital.’She hastily touched up her makeup. Her tone was quite eager as she said, "Mr. Fergerson, you’re at the hospital too!”She lowered her head slightly and knocked on the car window, her posture humble.However, what she was not aware of was that Penny was sitting on the side that she knocked on.Penny wa
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Chapter 152 It’s Not Like I Actually Like Her
Penny had been suspicious of Willow's attitude toward her. She thought that the two got along harmoniously but then Willow would yammer to Zane from time to time.Willow would casually mention something that would make Zane lose his temper at Penny.Even so, Penny did not think that things were bad between them. Willow would speak to her affectionately every time as if their sisterhood ran deep.Susan's dislike for Penny was all laid out, but Willow's ill intentions were well hidden.At that moment, Penny finally figured it out. Willow could not possibly like her because she occupied the position of Caleb's wife.Penny thought of all the previous events, and it now made sense why Willow insisted on going outside even when she was sick. Penny heard Willow walking away, so she got up slowly. She could smell Caleb’s natural musk at the tip of her nose. The distance between the two instantly drew close.She looked up, and Caleb just so happened to look down. The tips of their noses
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Chapter 153 I'm Coming Home, Caleb
He comforted himself rationally and unfeelingly before he quickly looked away.After Penny stepped into the hospital, she could not hold it in anymore. She leaned against the wall as she gasped for air.The drug in her body was acting up, and her cheek ached from being slapped.The combination made her head spin.Fortunately, a nurse passed by and helped her into a ward.Penny thought of what just happened and felt nauseous.She vomited everything out and accepted an infusion as per the doctor's orders. Her face was pale when she finally settled down. Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, Zane texted her again to remind her to bring Caleb over to theirs.[Penny, you’re Caleb’s wife. We want to meet him at the Sullivans' residence.]Penny was aware of his intentions right off the bat. The Sullivans needed Caleb to go over to dispel the rumors.After all, the Sullivans’ network would only expand now that they had passed the second round of financing.Many aided Sullivan Corp
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Chapter 154 She Wanted To Be His Wife
Caleb looked at the sky, his face not showing a hint of excitement."Are you done with your work over there?"The two were forcibly separated by Aurelia, after which Caleb married Penny and went abroad for three years.Charlotte was still mad that Aurelia broke them up.She thought that Caleb would go to her in person or make countless calls to save their relationship, but he was unexpectedly calm about the end of their relationship.Charlotte was cornered into an awkward position. She did not want to return on her own initiative as Aurelia has a problem with her.However, if she chose to stay abroad, she and Caleb might miss their ship.Caleb had asked her to stay, but she had different expectations. She wanted Caleb to fight with the Fergersons for her and elope with her. She wanted to take revenge on Aurelia and make it hurt.The Shaws had a little money but were not considered rich.Charlotte was not part of the socialite circle, but she lived a comfortable and pampered li
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Chapter 155 He Thinks I Went Too Far?
She was blunt, and Caleb was not stupid. He could tell what she wanted.Charlotte even fantasized that Caleb would divorce his wife after her return.‘I know he's waiting for me to go back to him. I can be Mrs. Fergerson if I want to.’She smiled as she flipped through the album on her phone. She stared at the photo with Caleb.Caleb was young in the photo. ‘No one can ruin our relationship. She’s nothing but a clown—absolutely nothing to worry about.’Charlotte had just put down her phone when it rang. Luna Shaw was calling her.Luna would call her to report about Caleb every few days."Charlotte, Caleb has been close to a designer, and she seems suspicious."Luna had also mentioned Penny when she spoke to Charlotte before.However, Charlotte trusted Caleb. After all, Caleb had not been close to any women in all these years.As such, she did not pay too much attention to the designer that Luna mentioned."Cousin, you'd better come back soon. I think that this woman has a cr
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Chapter 156 Another Run In
Sherman realized that Penny had blocked him when he tried to call her again. ‘How dare this bitch block my number?! Damn it!’He assumed that Penny would be easy to handle, but it ended up with the police being involved. If Penny insisted on pursuing the matter, he would be exposed and it would ruin his company’s reputation. Sherman was taken aback that a seemingly weak woman like Penny sent the two strong men packing.He still did not know who helped Penny but acknowledged that he had underestimated her."That bitch!"He scolded her with all the bad words he could muster but knew that he had to settle the matter amicably with Penny. He did not want to get into more trouble than he already was.Sherman left his home in a hurry to look for Penny.Penny did not want to spend any more time on the matter and decided that she would leave it to the police to handle.She walked out of the hospital, only to run into Amber Fergerson again.Penny almost subconsciously hid her bruis
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Chapter 157 He Wanted To File For Divorce Promptly
Penny knew that Amber was a cultured woman the first time they met as she always spoke softly.Liam called his mother a tiger, but Penny envied him. Apart from her mother, Amber was the most gentle-tempered woman she had ever met.She was emotionally weak after what had happened the night before. It was a humid night. Her cheek hurt and she felt uncomfortable due to the after-effects of the drug.She dreamed of her mother.However, the dream was too short. Her mother had passed away many years ago, and she had long forgotten what her mother’s warmth felt like.Amber was the embodiment of gentleness itself."Penny?"Amber thought that she had upset Penny seeing that she was lost in thought."Every family has their issues. I won’t go if you don't want me to talk to your parents. Remember what I told you last time? Ask Liam for help if something happens. You’re his girlfriend, so he'll help you."The kinder Amber was, the guiltier Penny felt."Madam Fergerson, I will."She de
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Chapter 158 A Hint Of Sarcasm
Penny went downstairs and found no one in the living room. She called her business partner and made an appointment for 7:00 pm. After that, she grabbed her bag and left the house without paying attention to the presents on the coffee table.Lucy was talking to the kitchen staff about making a scrumptious dinner for Penny, so she did not notice that she left.There were not many house staff in Dawn Haven Villa. Penny rarely saw other staff here. She rarely spoke to others except for Lucy, who often appeared in sight.She told Sir Fergerson that she valued peace and quiet.That was why Sir Fergerson made a note to keep it to a bare-bone crew in the Dawn Heaven Villa.Caleb received a call from Sir Fergerson as soon as he got out of the car.Caleb was concerned with Sir Fergerson's health, so he did not talk back. "Grandpa, I'm back at Dawn Haven Villa."Only then was Sir Fergerson able to relax. Penny's father was sick a few days ago, so he found it normal that she was in a bad
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Chapter 159 I Don't Want To Hear Anything About Her
‘She's bailed on me a couple of times. Dinner is ready, but she’s sleeping upstairs and making everyone wait for her. She’s nothing but a good-for-nothing living off the Fergersons.’That was how he thought of ‘Penny.’"Let's eat. We won't wait anymore."He said that in a calm tone before he got up and walked to the table.Lucy was extra cautious as she could tell that Mr. Fergerson was fuming.‘Sigh, the two are drifting further and further apart.‘Ms. Sullivan didn’t look too good before she went upstairs. She probably just didn't hear me knocking.’She wanted to boost Penny's image but was interrupted by Caleb before she could speak."I don't want to hear anything about her."His gaze was full of calmness and restraint. His cold tone shut Lucy up completely.Lucy minimized her presence throughout dinner so as to not annoy Caleb even further.The other house staff were also stepping on eggshells about Caleb.Caleb did not eat much and finished his meal in silence before h
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Chapter 160 Is She Dumb?
Penny's back stiffened. She wanted to use the flashlight on her phone to light the floor and pick up the broken shards.However, she was overwhelmed the moment she heard Caleb’s voice.Caleb held a cup in his hand. He must have been working overtime and came downstairs to get a cup of coffee.There was no light inside the house, so he could only vaguely see a figure that he thought was a house staff in the villa."Where's the coffee machine?"He asked softly, already smelling the aroma of coffee at the tip of his nose.Before he went upstairs, Lucy told him there would always be fresh coffee downstairs, 24 hours a day.He needed coffee to keep himself awake when he stayed up late for work.The kitchen was spacious, and the coffee machine was not far from Penny, but she did not dare to open her mouth.Caleb's nose had already picked up the coffee scent, so he walked straight into the kitchen.He did not look at the 'house staff' whose back was turned to him as he put the cup i
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