All Chapters of Dear Wife, You Are Mine!: Chapter 171 - Chapter 178
178 Chapters
Chapter 59
Chapter 59Andrew's POVThe Dark Circle didn't only murder Amanda's father,they also took my family away from me,now they plan to ruin my marriage as well,who the hell are these people?I couldn't feel my self anymore and I didn't want to go home feeling this way so I visited the old pack to calm my head.I should have noticed things were wrong from the beginning,how come I never did? They looked so happy talking to me like our home was perfect,no one would know something went wrong and here I was thinking one of the houses my father owns was burnt down,I never knew it's still existing till date,why does it have to be that very year we returned to Georgia all these bad events took place,why? And why was I so stupid to focus on Canada thinking everything has to be there,when the real killers are somewhere in this country,what do I do now I know the truth. Where do I start from ?Dad,mom,you did your best to protect me and I promise you both that your death won't be in vain,I am going
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Chapter 60
Chapter 60Amanda's POVWill my mother ever get her sanity back fully or this is how it's going to be till the very end of my story? "It's okay Mom, I can take care of myself, come sit with me and style my hair, I need to get ready for prom,” I added bringing out the hair comb and passing it to her. She took it from me and styled my hair, she didn't say a word to me, should I be worried?She was crying, "Mom, is everything okay? Why are you crying?”"Promise me that you won't die.” She asked of me."What do you mean Mom? I am not dying okay, look at me, I am strong.”"Just promise me.” She asked again and I gave her my word.My mother is really acting weird and I really don't know what is happening to her.I will meet with the doctor afterward to know what is going on with her.I later had fruit with my mom before meeting the doctor, I made sure she was asleep.The doctor welcomed me to his office and I thanked him for doing a good job right from the time my mother was brought in he
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Chapter 61
Chapter 61Amanda's POV"Yes Layla, we are together now, I am sorry for not telling you all this while, please don't be angry at her.” Andrew just revealed the whole thing to them and I still couldn't utter a word out."Oh wow, I knew something was going on between you two and I couldn't connect the dots at all, I am so happy for you two,” Layla said out loud with so much excitement and hugged me and here I was stuck in my mind thinking she will be so offended that I am married to her adopted brother.Right, I haven't mentioned our marriage yet to her."Thank you.”"Congratulations man, I am so happy for you and now we can go out for a double date.” Nate shook hands with Andrew and they hugged."Thank you so much,” Andrew said in excitement."So we are going to be expecting a wedding soon!” Layla added and Andrew and I kept calm."Right?” Layla inquired again."Layla, the truth is, we are married already and we are sorry again,” Andrew revealed the remaining part."OMG, are you guys j
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Chapter 62
Chapter 62Andrew's POV I was happy she bought my stories and also, Layla is aware of the truth but before I could bring my wife publicly and do a proper wedding for us, I need to bring the Dark Circle to book, I feel I am kind of sluggish these days, I need answers as soon as possible because I don't want my wife to feel I am keeping a distance.I woke up to an empty bed, at first I thought my wife was taken away while I was asleep because I slept so deeply.I rushed out and I saw her sitting with her laptop, I felt better but seeing the way she closed her laptop, seems she was up to something but what exactly?Immediately she told me she had to reply to a few emails, I stopped thinking otherwise.I made sure everything was sorted at home like giving her breakfast, I got a text from Romeo saying he was around and we needed to dig out my father's old office that was locked, I knew it would be a long day so I didn't know when I will be returning home, so I just told her I will be late
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Chapter 63
Chapter 63Andrew's POVImmediately they fired the gun,they left with speed,I really can't explain what just happened but I thought I lost my friend,then I notice it was powder dust, meaning this is a warning."I am sorry I had to shock you that way,last warning because next time a real bullet will take down your friend and your beautiful wife,I can see she is enjoying herself at home,do you also want me to pay her a visit?”"Stay away from my wife,if anything should happen to her,know this,I will find you and you will be the first person I will kill.”"You know you are bluffing,talk to your soon Walter.” He ended the call and I was really angry.I rushed to my friend and helped him to the car,when the security finally stepped out,I told them to get me the footage of those power bike,I believe it should have plate numbers on them as well.I entered the car and said to my friend,"I am truly sorry for involving you in my mess.”"Come on friend,this is not your fault, those bastards can'
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Chapter 64
Chapter 64Amanda's POV I am really lost here, what exactly is going on that I need to know at once?I took a deep breath wondering what went wrong. Was I too direct? Maybe I should have maintained a friendship with him before asking him that kind of question, this is so weird and I really don't know what to do.Who is Andrew Walter, is it that difficult to know who my husband really is and what he is capable of doing as well? Everything just sucks and I am tired.I made an attempt to call the doctor again but for no reason, I didn't since I am home today, let me do some work on my laptop to get myself busy, In the meantime, I am tired of starting afresh with companies, it makes me wonder, why don't I just start with my brand by airing a few entertainment online, I guess people will love it, they always love me so doing that won't be a problem right? I asked myself and I spent a lot of time on my laptop without blinking.I drank my orange juice in the process and about to wrap things
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Chapter 65
Chapter 65Amanda's POV"Okay baby, let's go then, as long we are both together always, then I have no problem at all.”"That's my wife.” He kissed me and we took our time to pack up our things, while doing that, we heard a knock at the door."I will go and get that,” I said in a rush because I was certain maybe someone had come to make a delivery for him.I opened the door in a hurry and I was shocked to see Layla and her husband Nate."Layla, I didn't know you were coming,” I said because I wasn't expecting her and her husband."Come here love.” she hugged me."Well, she did call you but you weren't answering your calls,” Nate added."I bought pizza.” She said and they both came in, then I realized I left my phone on the table in the living room."Wow, pizza time it is, sorry I didn't pick up your call, I wasn't with my phone.“ I apologize."Hey, Man.” Andrew shook hands with Nate and they were really happy to meet both of us at home but I noticed Andrew was not comfortable with it
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Chapter 66
Chapter 66Andrew's POVI didn't expect to see Nate and Layla, it was an unexpected visit to me, but there is nothing I can do but bear a little, I hope no one comes in here to harm us, I will keep observing.While eating, my wife and I argued and it was unlike us, or maybe I am just reacting, nothing is going on with us, I am just impatient and need to leave here as soon as possible so I can get home and check what is inside the laptop so I know if it can be of help to me.After having pizza, Layla went in to meet Amanda, I was left with Nate."So man, what exactly is eating you up? The ladies are not here now so you can talk to me,” he said to me."Guess it was too obvious.”"Exactly, so tell me, are you having issues at the company? Don't tell me you are going bankrupt?”"Hell no, I can never get bankrupt, I know the wealth my father argued while he was alive and I also know the double wealth I acquired immediately after I took over at an early age.”"Good way to brag to me.” He ad
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