All Chapters of The Darkest Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
123 Chapters
Chapter 11
I hardly slept that night. I couldn't get Alpha Blackmoon out of my head and I was heartbroken.Then he took my phone from me. The Mindlink no longer worked at this distance, even though I was still in my father's pack. Luckily I wasn't included in Alpha Blackmoon's pack, that was the last thing I wanted. Not at all after the last experiences.In the morning I stayed in bed because I had lost my motivation. I was practically finished. Who would have thought that the Mateband could get you down like that. Well, you only knew that when it happened to you.My thoughts were interrupted by a knock, and I automatically called out, "Come in!" I looked at the door, expecting Melody, rather it was a great hope in me.A little relief flooded through me when a smiling Melody walked through the door. So I was right."Good morning, Layla." Her voice mirrored the expression on her face. She seemed to be in a good mood and I kindly replied, "Good morning Melody." I tried a smile, but it never reache
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Chapter 12
Melody took me through the garden and it was beautiful, no question. But I couldn't concentrate. My mate was constantly on my mind. The whole thing bothered me and I was much too restless inside.I didn't catch what Melody was talking about. It was more of a background noise for me. Her good mood didn't reach me one bit.Since it was a huge garden, it became a long walk. At least the fresh air was good and stretching your legs was just as good.Lilia struggled through and it was already annoying me. "Layla, the garden is endlessly boring. I want to see Xavier."I gritted my teeth to keep from completely freaking out. Controlling myself, I managed to calmly ask, "Do you have brain trauma? The man doesn't want us anywhere near him. He'd probably rather die than see us."I got the following convincing answer: "That's not true and you know it. He just doesn't handle feelings well. Xavier has to get used to it first." Could you kill the inner wolf? Yes, I was ready to ask myself this ques
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Chapter 13
My heart was pounding in my chest, I'm about to have a heart attack. I was afraid of what to expect. You didn't want to face an angry alpha. I had to do this to myself.I shouldn't get my hopes up too much. Our first meeting had gone very badly. It couldn't be any better when Alpha Blackmoon was upset. Basically I could only pray that he wouldn't do any violence to me. I felt these chances to be small at the moment, so something was definitely coming.Melody accompanied me into the house. We walked up the stairs and neither of us had said a word. She felt comfortable with me or was afraid of punishment herself. It was probably both and I could understand her.At least Lilia didn't fight her way through. There was a good chance she was a little uneasy herself. Her presence would have made things worse.Melody and I reached my room faster than I would have liked. The door was open and Melody stopped a few steps away. I looked at her and she looked worried.I nodded to her to let her go.
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Chapter 14
I didn't really want to be a submissive puppy, but this feeling that I had for him. I reacted very differently than usual and practically submitted to him. Fear was certainly part of the blame.I didn't dare walk right next to him, so I stayed just behind him. In a cold tone he said, "Stop calling me Alpha Blackmoon. Xavier will do just fine."Actually, I hadn't wanted to climb this personal level, but with this man, it was better to follow orders. I liked to call him by his first name.I quietly answered, "All right, Al... Xavier." That just went well. I should call him by his first name in my mind as well. Maybe it hammered that into me to avoid mistakes.We went down the stairs and neither of us said anything. Xavier looked strained and serious. I had trouble keeping up with him, he was much taller, my legs were shorter than his.I was thankful for the silence between us. Something friendly would certainly not have come from him. I shouldn't expect that even in my wildest dreams.H
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Chapter 15
Once in the dining room, Xavier took the chair. I sat on his right and Jarek on his left. Logically, Sarafine sat next to her mate.The meal was pretty quiet, we didn't talk much. The quiet had been a bit uncomfortable, at least that's how I felt.After the meal, Sarafine sat across the table with me. On the grounds that we wanted time for us women. That was fine with everyone, the men would have their own entertainment anyway. For me it was much more comfortable. I had more distance to Xavier and he was more than fine with me.In the meantime we had drunk quite a bit, because there was no lack of alcohol in this house. Sarafine and I could tell.She was nice company and we laughed a lot. Which was almost a miracle, but she made me forget all the stress. I focused on her and blocked out everything else.Then she began: "Tell me about your male exes." That was very uncomfortable. I had saved myself, which was unusual for a 20-year-old. And I didn't want to say it, after all my mate rej
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Chapter 16
I had spent the day after the evening with Sarafine and Jarek locked in my room. Once because I didn't want to see anyone and twice because I didn't dare.Xavier was far too freaked out last time, even though I was only in the garden. I didn't have to take another risk.Melody had visited me and brought me something to eat. Otherwise I hadn't seen anyone, which was fine with me. I didn't want to leave my room the next day either, but someone else had other plans. It was afternoon and when there was a knock on my room door I assumed it was Melody so I opened the door with a smile.To my surprise it said Sarafine. I hadn't expected her. She gave me an apologetic smile and said, "Hi Layla." It took a moment, but finally I answered: "Hello Sarafine." "I would pick you up for a run." The word run had fallen and Lilia immediately said: "Run! We can go out and transform! Say yes, Layla! Just say yes."The usual reaction of the inner wolf when it comes to morphing. Still, she had startled m
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chapter 17
Xavier roughly pulled me back towards the house. He didn't say a word and I didn't dare say anything.I almost tripped over the stairs as he practically dragged me along. The fall didn't come because Xavier held me too tight. He was probably thinking how incompetent I was.When we got to the first floor, we turned left and went to the second door. Xavier tore it open and pushed me into my room, and not in a friendly way.He pulled the door behind us and it slammed shut with a bang. Since he had pushed me into the room, Xavier had let go of my arm. I immediately took three steps back and fear was written all over my face. I couldn't play it anymore. The man scared me too much for that.He took a big step towards me and involuntarily I took a step back. A distance would be for my own safety.I would have asked what exactly the problem was, but I was unable to speak.Xavier was faster than me and closed the gap between us. He roughly grabbed my forearm and asked, "What are you thinking a
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chapter 18
As soon as Jarek had asked this question, Xavier abruptly let go of me. He didn't answer and stormed off. In all his anger and footsteps echoed down the hall.No one said another word or expressed any emotion. The bomb had dropped that I was his mate. He probably hadn't intended to say that. That would explain his departure.Shortly thereafter, a door was heard slamming. It reassured me that it meant that Xavier had disappeared into some room. For now, he wouldn't come too close to me. That was a small relief.Jarek was the first to come alive and he asked, "You're his mate?"Should I lie? What would that get me? But Xavier hadn't looked like it was on purpose to say so. Would he be mad if I admitted it? I couldn't find a correct answer to that.Not daring to answer, I turned and went back to my room.Sarafine shouted, "Layla! Wait!" No, I certainly wouldn't. I could very well do without another conversation. That would only get on my nerves and that was enough for today.Lucky for me
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chapter 19
Sarafine said goodbye after our conversation, which was more than fine with me. I didn't have to talk about it any longer.I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. There was a lot to think about. Way too much. The thoughts in my head raced. My life had become one big mess.The fear that I would soon have to face Xavier nagged at me. The man could do anything to me. He kept getting angry, so Xavier would find a reason again. And I dreaded it.So I hid in my room for the rest of the day. I didn't want to go out and face reality, it scared me too much for that. Lilia eavesdropped on my thoughts and said, "Layla, you have been chosen by the moon goddess to be the perfect Luna for the most powerful pack. After all, we are Xavier's mate. So you are neither weak nor afraid. We're going out of this now, and we'll do it with our heads held high ." I just couldn't. Lilia was right, we were chosen as Luna, but this was all new and unexpected. In addition, Xavier lived in this house.How
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chapter 20
I was frozen at that tone and unable to come up with an answer. An answer I didn't have in the first place.What did I do to him? No, I basically did nothing. I would voluntarily avoid him. It just wasn't possible for me tonight because Xavier asked for my presence, or rather forced me to.His black eyes pierced me and that made this whole situation that much more awkward.Still able to think, Lilia said, "Tell him we're mates. I think he means the mate band." That sounded realistic and was definitely a possibility.I cleared my throat and Lilia had given me a little courage. So I managed to answer quietly, "We're mates, if that's what you mean." Our eye contact continued, but I couldn't quite make out what was going through this man's mind. He made it anything but easy for me.I cleared my throat and dared again: "I basically do nothing, this is the mate band that the moon goddess gave us." Maybe that appeased him and saw that it wasn't my fault.Lilia gushed: "The moon goddess, wh
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