All Chapters of The Darkest Alpha: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
123 Chapters
chapter 31
slowly sat up and swung my feet over the edge of the bed. So far so good. I looked at Xavier and his breathing was even. With luck it was deep sleep, then he wouldn't notice anything.I stood up slowly and took a step. Unfortunately, my circulation was poor, which made me dizzy. But I wouldn't let that slow me down.I took another step forward, which caused the dizziness to get worse. That made me struggle.Eventually, I staggered, lost my balance, and landed on the ground with a bang.Lilia said: "Yes, I shouldn't have worried. Firstly, you are unable to escape. Secondly, you are still too weak from the last escape. Thirdly, Xavier would have found us anyway." That she couldn't even keep her damn mouth shut. That was a completely unnecessary comment.I asked annoyed: "Could you be quiet for a moment?" She did me a favor and kept her mouth shut. It may be rare, but it did happen.The fall had hurt and I was just able to catch myself with my hands. My body was definitely not ready for
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chapter 32
When Xavier walked through that door, my heart ached. But I couldn't forget what he had done to me. It was anchored in my mind.You didn't do something like that well if you were suddenly nice. Besides, it wasn't said if he would stay like this. Maybe Xavier would change his mind and be an asshole again. Nobody could give me the answer. Probably not even himself.Lilia, of course, had to add her two cents: "Layla, don't be a bitch. He's our mate and everyone makes mistakes." "Yes, but those were big mistakes and several. Xavier had no problem hurting us. Physically and mentally." She sighed and pulled away.At least there was no endless drama from her. Further discussion would have resulted in a nervous breakdown.The door opened, so I looked over. Melody came in and she beamed all over her face when she saw me. "Layla, I'm so glad. The alpha let me know you were awake." She came to me and asked, "May I?" I nodded so she hugged me tight and I returned it.She added, "You can't imagine
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chapter 33
I spent a week in the hospital wing before being discharged. I was fine again and the doctors were all happy. I was still considered a miracle because I had recovered so well.Melody came to me every day, which made me very happy. She did her best and always appeared in a good mood.Sarafine stopped by often too and meanwhile she avoided the subject of Xavier. Apparently she had something like sensitivity. That was very considerate of her and she provided me with information about the pack. Supposedly everyone was happy that I was getting better every day and that the pack finally had a Luna. At the same time, I didn't know if I would even accept this title. That was written in the stars.Even Jarek came by with Sarafine. But he, too, didn't mention Xavier at all. Which I found odd since he was his best friend. Nonetheless, I enjoyed his visit. It showed you that you cared about those around you.I didn't see Xavier once. Not that I asked about him, but it disappointed me nonetheless.
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chapter 34
xavier He just came out on my balcony. Everything froze inside me, and I immediately said, "Mum, I have to stop. I'll see you some other time." With these words I hung up. I certainly would not continue this call in his presence. As long as it's been since I've talked to my mum. But this conversation would have to wait. At least we knew we were both fine.Now Xavier was here. So suddenly he came to me. I would never have expected him in my room, he had completely avoided me for the past few days. As if he didn't care a bit about how I was doing.I had missed this sight. Currently his eyes were dark blue, he wasn't looking at me, but you could see them. It's actually a good thing he wasn't looking at me, otherwise I'd be caught up in it. Still, he had an attraction I could feel all too well.Damn mate band.Xavier went to the railing and held on tight, he looked into the distance. I just barely dared to breathe, he just had this dominant charisma, it was unsettling and fascinating at
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chapter 35
Our lips were only millimeters apart when there was a knock. Xavier stiffened, let go of me and took a step back. There he was again, the familiar Xavier, the cold and menacing Alpha. I shouldn't have expected anything else. Also, I should pull myself together and not let this man get too close to me. I couldn't just give in. Not after what had happened. I wasn't weak and wouldn't put up with anything.Still, this sudden cold hurt. Hardly anyone came and he kept his distance. I just didn't want anyone to know that he had a soft side. No, nobody should be able to guess that. If he had a soft side at all, who knows what that just was.Then Melody came in, she saw Xavier and stopped dead in her tracks. It didn't take long, but finally she said: "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll..." She wanted to turn around and leave, but Xavier interrupted her: "No, I was just about to leave." With these words he left the room and an emptiness remained in me. He left as easily as if absolutely nothing had happened
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chapter 36
None other than Xavier walked in, turning the relaxed mood into a tense one. Melody jumped up from the chair and Frank wanted to refill my glass and stopped moving. Xavier said in the familiar menacing tone: "Good evening." We greeted all three in the same way and Frank poured me more wine stiffly. Melody tugged at her clothes, you could see how uncomfortable she was. It was definitely not forbidden if she sat down with me. Everyone enjoyed eating company, so Melody did me a favour. My heart pounded at Xavier's presence. I never expected him, not at the last meeting. The heart attack was imminent. First I didn't see him for a week and twice today.Frank cleared his throat and asked, "May I bring something to eat?" Xavier answered coolly: "No, just a scotch." Frank nodded and hurried out. That would probably not take a minute and the drink would be at the table.Xavier took his seat and the man could surely silence a roomful of alphas with just his aura. It was scary, but somehow I l
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chapter 37
Anger was written all over his face. Even a blind person couldn't miss it. She just radiated from him.He said coldly, "Sit down." That was the pure tone of command and tolerated absolutely no contradiction. An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach.Would I even survive this?Lilia said, "If you sit down, then yes. Otherwise I wouldn't be sure." I grumbled and replied, "Thanks for nothing, Lilia." I could have answered that myself.I glared at Xavier, not giving up just yet. I skilfully ignored my bad gut feeling and asked: "What else?"He didn't have to think about it for a second to come up with an appropriate answer. "I'll make you do it." No, that wasn't a joke. He really would.I cleared my throat and nodded, "All right, I'll sit down. Of my own free will." I should have noted that. It made me feel less like I was his pet.I took a step back and sat in my seat. Thanks, there was distance between us. distance, which I found very pleasant.It took a moment, but Xavier sat back down
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chapter 38
To my astonishment, Xavier hadn't followed us yesterday evening. He was probably too shocked by Lilia's statement. I was just as surprised by her behavior. I was too embarrassed to ever face him again.She spoke to him about the heat of all things. No, I wanted to drop dead and never see him again. No, never again.I paced up and down my room with anxiety and nervousness. I could hardly sit down as it was killing me inside. I lived with this man under one roof, inevitably I saw him again.Lilia laughed and said, "That was funny yesterday. We gave it to him, Layla. Girl power!" I sighed, rubbed the bridge of my nose and replied: "Girl power is all right. But that was more than daring."Full of enthusiasm, which only she felt, she said: "No, I suspected that he would react like that. The innocent virgin and comes up with such a topic." She burst out laughing and added, "His facial expression."Well, now I had to laugh too, which is why I stopped. We had never brought him so out of the c
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chapter 39
Tailoring was a dream and I loved it. My future new personal sanctuary.I would have stayed and started sewing or designing, but I had my phone back. Which meant I wanted to call my folks at home first.After all, I had just choked off my mum and hadn't even called my brother or Finns yet.So the tailoring had to wait for me. family came first.I dismissed Melody for the day and she could understand me.Who couldn't understand that either?I was in my room now, my cell phone in my hand. Who should I call first? Finn's or my brother?Well, my mum must have let my brother know long ago. Probably Finn's as well, but I preferred to play it safe. I would call him first.My mum had called a couple of times, but she'd be fine if I dealt with the other two first.I looked up Finns in my contacts and dialed his number. The hooting began and the wait felt like an eternity.Finally he answered and sounded enthusiastic: "Layla! You're still alive! Hallelujah!" He had made me laugh with that and h
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chapter 40
One week. A whole agonizing week had passed since I last saw Xavier. Withdrawal from mate. Painful was the best way to do it. Lilia spun anyway. After all, since the day before yesterday it had become very quiet. She had isolated herself. Which was fine with me. Finally, at least she wasn't stressing me anymore. I stressed myself enough already.I spent most of my days with Melody. Not to forget Frank at the food. Otherwise I was mainly in my tailor shop. That was a very good pastime. I loved it and it was a dream come true for me.I mainly tailored for me and Melody. For who else? Sure, there was also Sarafine, but I hadn't seen them for a while. Next time I would definitely ask her. Thanks to my cell phone, I was in regular contact with the Finns, my mum and my brother. That brightened my days. I just felt this constant emptiness without Xavier. I would soon go crazy if this continued. I was just in the tailor's shop sewing a dress. Melody sat on the chair in front of the desk an
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