All Chapters of Rejected But Unbroken :Fated For The Cruel Alpha: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
144 Chapters
Not Just An Alpha
As I stepped into the moonlit clearing where the pair stood, the weight of what was about to go down settled heavily on my shoulders. The night was alive, and shadows danced around as I moved, with the trees whispering secrets as the wind blew through them. Dan and Leon stood before me, their smirks showing the twisted pleasure they took in this power play. It enraged me, and I frowned and I approached them. I could feel the power of the full moon thrumming beneath my skin, an angry energy that demanded recognition. I clenched my fists, the familiar burst of adrenaline and determination flooding my veins. I had faced challenges before, but this was different. This time, it was personal to me. They had taken Erin, my friend, my family, and I would stop at nothing to avenge that, not just because they had taken her, but also because of how they had taken and treated me. My captivity had not left my mind.As they stood there, more people jumped out of the woods, men I recognized and fou
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Show Me The Way, Moon Goddess
After the battle, my body still pulsing with adrenaline, I made a decision. Without a word to Brad or my pack members, I slipped away under the cover of the night. My steps were quiet as I went even deeper into the forest, away from the remnants of the battle. I needed some time to myself, a chance to gather my thoughts, away from the responsibilities of being Alpha Layla..The forest welcomed me, its weathered trees whispering secrets as I walked. The moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting a welcoming glow on the forest floor, and for a moment, I considered just laying there and falling asleep. My mind was a wide range of emotions - relief for Erin's safety, anger for what had been done, and a strange, unwelcome sadness for the lives I had taken in order to save my own. I needed to feel connected to myself again, needed to feel a sense of purpose beyond the battles that seemed to be all I dealt with, every single day. I found a quiet spot, a small clearing bathed in moonligh
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Alone Into The Night
That night, in the middle of the forest, I decided to get settled down in a small clearing. The moon was shining brightly, casting a silvery glow over the old, thick trees that surrounded me. As I made a makeshift bed of leaves and grass, I couldn't shake off the feeling of loneliness that clung to me like a shadow, which was silly, since I had chosen this life for myself. The sounds of the forest, the chirping noises of crickets and the rustle of leaves from the animals around me, seemed both comforting and scary.I lay down, my eyes heavy with exhaustion from the battle and the journey, but my mind was restless, and I couldn't get it to settle down. Thoughts of Brad and Erin played like a bittersweet song in my head. I was glad that they had made their way to the pack back, and that they were both safe, since I loved them both so completely.I could picture Erin, strong and brave, leading the pack in my absence. I imagined her telling stories of my bravery, how I had sacrificed myse
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I Would Get Them Now
With the first light of dawn filtering through the thick canopy of trees above, I started out on the trail left by Alpha Dan and Leon. Their footsteps were planted in the soft forest floor, and the direction they winded down was leading me deeper into the heart of the forest. The anger inside me burned like a wildfire, and I turned it inwards, allowing it propel me forward with a force that felt almost primal.The forest was alive with the sounds of nature waking up. Birds chirped their morning songs, and small creatures scurried about, oblivious to the anger that was consuming me from the inside. I moved very quickly so nothing got a chance to truly perceive me for too long, my senses were alert to every sound and movement around me too, so I could avoid every indication of danger that even came remotely close to where I was. My eyes were fast and sharp, and all they did was repetitive motions, scanning the ground for any signs that would reveal the path my enemies had taken.As I f
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You Both Will Face The Consequences
With my senses sharp and my anger burning like a wildfire, I crept closer to the cave where Alpha Dan and Leon had taken rest in. The scent of their joy mixed with the natural musk of the forest filled my nostrils. It was a heady aroma, one that fueled my dedication to bring them to justice.Gathering thick vines from the surrounding trees, my fingers moved deftly, weaving them into a sturdy rope. Every knot I tied held the weight of my vengeance, an anger so potent it seemed to move my hands. The moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting a pale glow on my hands as I worked.Silently, I approached the entrance of the cave, my steps light and careful. The soft murmur of voices drifted to my ears, confirming their presence inside. I steeled myself so I would not make a foolish mistake because I was over taken by my anger, and made my grip on the makeshift rope firm.As I looked into the darkness of the cave, my eyes adjusted to the dim light, revealing Alpha Dan and Leon hunched ov
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We Will Rebuild
The journey back to the pack took two long, exhausting days. My body was sore from all of the fighting I had to do to get there, and every step was a reminder of the battles fought and the demons I had faced. As I approached the familiar territory, my stomach began to hurt, and anticipation and anxiety gnawed at my insides. The taste of victory from Dan and Leon was bittersweet, because I had emerged from the forest a changed person, my revenge seemed to mark me. Finally, I stepped into the boundaries of our pack, the place I had called home for so long. But as I walked through the familiar pathways, a strange aura hung in the air. Whispers followed me, carried by the wind, and I could feel the gaze of every pack member who had sighted upon me. Some people hurried into their homes, and I wondered why. Children pointed with curious eyes, their innocence unaware of the battles I had fought and won when they weren't there. I smiled weakly at them, trying to muster the strength to face
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Who Are You?
The mention of Erin being in the pack house, attending to Alpha Brad, sent alarm bells of worry ringing through my heart. I remembered the crush Erin had on Brad, how she had admired him from afar before I ever noticed or realized that she wanted to fit into the picture. The thought of her spending time alone with him, especially in his vulnerable state, sparked an uneasy feeling in my chest.A rush of memories flooded my mind, taking me back to the days when Erin would blush and stammer whenever Brad was around. She had been so obvious about her feelings, even though she tried her best to hide them. I recalled the time she accidentally spilled a tray of food on him during a pack gathering, her face turning the shade of a ripe tomato as she mumbled apologies. Brad had always been gracious, laughing it off and reassuring her that it was alright.I shook my head, trying to take away the irrational jealousy that threatened to consume me. Erin was my friend, and she had always supported m
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I Don't Want To Hurt You
The words hit me like a forceful tidal wave, crashing against the fragile walls of happiness I had built around my heart. Brad's eyes, once filled with love and recognition, now held only confusion and amusement. I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill, but my emotions betrayed me, and a sob escaped my lips."What do you mean you don't know me?" I choked out, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and desperation. "Brad, it's me, Layla. Your mate. The person who loves you more than anything in this world. We have been through way too much together for you to say that you don't love me. You have to, you just have to."He stared at me, his brows furrowed in deep concentration as if he was trying to grasp at a memory just beyond his reach. "I... I don't remember. I remember coming back with Erin, but your face... it's unfamiliar to me." At his back, I caught my reflection in the mirror to see if I had changed so much that I wouldn't be recognized in the few days I had
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I'm In Love With Him
The room was dimly lit by the soft light of a bedside lamp, casting long shadows across Brad's face as he lay there, still and vulnerable. I tucked the blanket around him, my touch gentle. While my hands moved smoothly, my heart was heavy with the weight of the situation. He looked so lost, so different from the strong, confident Alpha he had always been. As I brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, I pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, my love for him echoing in the quiet room."Sleep well, my love," I whispered, my voice breaking with the sadness I felt. With one last lingering glance, I stepped away from the bed, my decision firming with each step I took. I couldn't let myself crumble under the weight of my feelings. I had to find out what happened, and Erin was the only one who could provide me with the answers I wanted.As I stepped out into the night, the air felt heavy with the weight of my tension. The moon hung low in the sky, casting strange shadows across the familia
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This Tastes Familiar
The morning sun coloured the room with soft hues of gold, throwing a warm glow on Brad's sleeping form. His features, once so familiar, now seemed distant and foreign. I watched him for a moment in his sleep, wondering just how much of him had changed, asides from his memories. I did this with my heart aching with the pain of his lack of recollection of me. I felt a sadness settle within me, and I knew that I had to help him find his way back to us.With a deep breath, I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I decided to prepare Brad's favorite breakfast, hoping that the familiar taste might trigger some memories. The aroma of sizzling bacon and fresh coffee filled the air, a familiar, nostalgic scent that had once brought a smile to Brad's face.As I set the table, I heard Brad's footsteps approaching from behind. He walked into the kitchen, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of the breakfast spread before him."Wow, this looks amazing," he said, his voice filled wit
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