All Chapters of Rejected But Unbroken :Fated For The Cruel Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
144 Chapters
Missed You Too
The next morning, excitement woke everyone up before we actually had to leave, and we set on the road before dawn's forgiving light filtered through. We were less than an hour away from the pack that I called home, and everyone was merry, singing songs and chants of joy. As we approached the familiar territory of the Safe Water pack, my heart quickened with a mix of excitement and fear. I hadn't known what to expect as I returned, but now that I was back, I realized that a lot–so much–had changed. The landscape seemed to have morphed in my absence. The once-charred remains of the pack house that had held our sick had now been replaced by vibrant greenery and thriving farms. It was as if nature itself had conspired to erase the scars left by the fire on the land. It was beautiful, and I smiled when I realized that the flowers that grew were red roses, in Isabella's honor. The other buildings all around us stood tall and proud, freshly repaired and adorned with colorful banners. Pe
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Have To Go
The next day had settled into warm tones, and the sun was casting a gentle glow over the ever-busy Safe Water pack. As I stood in the verandah of our new home, I could feel the energy of the pack wrap around me like a comforting blanket, and it felt like I was being hugged.Brad came to join me soon after, and got lost in his thoughts, so I said nothing, settling into the moment with him. I glanced at Brad, my brown eyes filled with adoration, and I felt a sudden, suffocating sense of gratitude for the life we were building together. If things had not happened the way they did, we would never have gotten together, or perhaps we would have failed. “I love you, ” Brad muttered, walking over to pull me into a hug. “I love you too, and I'm so glad to be back.” Just then, I heard a peal of laughter from a little kid down the path, and I smiled, feeling the joy from yhat kittle spujd givwbny heart a squeeze. But amidst the joy, a pang of guilt gripped me. I hadn't had a chance to prope
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Past From Alpha Dan's Dungeon
On my way to her, I met so many packs members, and I spent my time saying hi and surveying them to see if I would come across Kimora on the way there, instead of ending up in her cabin. There was no sign of her out there, and all the people I asked mentioned that they had not seen her since she went into her cabin to make dinner, so I continued on my way to her.As expected, I found Kimora in her cabin, the inviting aroma of spices and herbs filling the air. One thing about Kimora was that she always cooked a meal. On good occasions and bad ones, Kimora was constantly whipping up something in the kitchen.I knocked firmly at her door twice, and the door came open, Kimora's confused face looking out. Her eyes brightened when she saw that it was me, and she waved me over. "Layla, come in! I'm just preparing dinner. It's a pot roast–are you hungry?"I smiled, grateful for the warm reception "I am, actually. Thank you for inviting me in, Kimora."“Nonsense!” she waved away, “if I didn't
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That's Horrible
The warm water from the shower cascaded over me, soothing my tense muscles as I stood beneath the showerhead. My day had not been the worst, but it had not been the easiest, and the sound of the running water drowned out the world outside, giving me a momentary escape from the chaos of the day. The water was hot, the way I liked it, anx steam filled the bathroom, wrapping around me like a comforting embrace, and for a moment, I allowed myself to forget the worries that had plagued my mind. After what felt like both an eternity and a mere second, I turned off the shower's stream of water and wrapped a fluffy towel around myself. Stepping out of the bathroom, I felt like I had just gotten a bit of renewal; as if the water had washed away some of the weight that had been dragging me down.While I was in the dungeon at Alpha Dan's pack, I had not had the opportunity to take showers every day, having had to save the water from my meals in the dirty bucket so I could use a cloth on my sk
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Your Instinct
The next morning, I woke up to the gentle light of the sun filtering through the curtains and for a moment, I was disoriented, used to the lack of light in the dungeons. Brad was still sleeping beside me, his arm wrapped protectively around my waist, and I watched the rise and fall of his chest, realizing that he was still asleep. I carefully untangled myself from his hold, not wanting to wake him before he as ready, and I got out of bed. After freshening up and changing into my day clothes, I made my way downstairs, so I could start my day.In the kitchen, on the same white dish was the stale loaf of bread, and it reminded me of the entire interaction I had with Brad the night before, and my fear of the return of Alpha Dan.Had the bread not been thrown out? Shaking my head free of the thought, I threw it out myself and washed the dish, readying myself to go out. As I descended the staircase in front of the pack house, I spotted Seth, the head of security, talking with a group of
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Able To Rest
"Hey, Layla!" Margot's cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink as she got up and approached me, a bright smile on her face. Wally, standing up and placing himself right next to her, grinned warmly in response, and I caught myself wiggling my brows.."Hi, Layla," Wally called. I smiled coyly at him, and in the way of an explanation he offered up a few words. "I bumped into her earlier this morning; we were both watching the kids play. I recognized her, so I decided to say hi. Why, just before you came, Margot and I were just talking about some of the activities we could organize for the kids in the pack. We realized we have a lot in common when it comes to our love for children.""That's wonderful! I'm glad you're making friends. Margot is one o the best people I know, for sure. " I exclaimed, genuinely happy for both of them. At least I didn't have to orchestrate a meeting between the two of them now, and my matchmaking skills couid take a break, since a meeting had happened authentically
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The walk over to the healer's hut was quiet, and Brad and I made it with our hands holding, saying hello to the familiar people that we met on the way. Some of them were people I had not had a personal encounter with since I returned, and it was nice to see them and talk. The path to the healer's hut from where Brad and I had stood before was very windy, with lots of flowers and greenery at the sides, and that was what I looked at as we walked, talking Brad's ear off with my excitement. The healer's hut itself was a quiet, serene place tucked away in a corner of the pack territory. As I walked towards it, I felt myself shudder at the memory of my abduction. I had not expected t be triggered by the mere sight of it, but as I passed it, I felt my knees buckle. Brad, knowing how I had been abducted, said nothing. He simply gave my hand a little squeeze and held on, and that made me smile. We stood in front of the healer's hut for a minute, trying to figure out what the next plan of ac
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A Meadow
The air outside the healer's hut felt fresher as Brad and I stepped out, the calming scent of the healer's herbs still lingering on my skin. The fresh air was a nice contrast to all the mists and scents and aromas that were in the healer's hut, but my relief did not last long.Her warning about potential danger from someone close to me weighed heavily on my mind, and as we started walking towards the pack farm, I couldn't shake off the unease that had settled inside my chest. Now I felt like instead of solving the problem, she had just amplified it, made things a lot worse by making me more paranoid about all of my friendship."Who do you think Healer Ruby meant by 'beware of friends,' Layla?" Brad asked, his brow furrowing in concern. I remembered just then that he had come to the healer with me, and I felt a lot of relief that he had. "I can't imagine anyone in our pack wishing harm upon you. We've all been through so much together. And the people you call your friends are people yo
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Hand In Hand
The tension between Brad and me hung heavy the air, casting a heavy shadow over every single interaction that we had. It had been two days, and every word he had spoken to me in the past few days hd been a grunt, or a barked out response.One evening, as the sun dipped, I had finally hsd enough, and I decided that there was no harm in seeking advice from my closest confidantes,Kimora, Lee, and Margot.I had sent them all ominous notes to meet me, telling them that er would be gathering in a quiet corner of the pack. As expected, I was the first person there, and when the rest got there, they say down quietly and watched me, waiting for me to speak. I hesitated before pouring out the turmoil in my heart. "There's been a misunderstanding between Brad and me," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how to bridge fix things. He's ignoring me and he's angry at me, and it's confusing, but I think I'm angry at him too. It's affecting me very much, and I am afraid it mi
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Make It Up
As we walked towards it, the bonfire flickered warmly in the center of the pack's gathering spot, casting dancing shadows on the faces of the pack members who had come together for a night of laughter and each other's company. As Brad and I arrived hand in hand, the sight of familiar faces brought a sense of relaxation to my body, and I unclenched, unaware that I had even been clenching on the first place.Near the bonfire, asides from the usual Kimora, Lee and David, I spotted Erin, Eric, and Remy, the siblings of the outcast pack before we disbanded, their smiles wide and infectious. It had been a while since I had seen them all together, and their presence added to the joyous energy that the bonfire had going on. We approached them, the crackling fire coloring our faces with its golden glow.Erin, the most outspoken of the trio, wasted no time. "Well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence. It's been ages since you two were out and about together. Are you finally do
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