All Chapters of Rejected But Unbroken :Fated For The Cruel Alpha: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
144 Chapters
Spend So Much Time Without You
By that evening, multiple bodies of different animals had been brought around from all sides of the pack, and I had marvelled at the number of animal bodies that had been found. They had even gone further and traced all the water sources in the area asides from our own to a singular source, and now the plan was to go ahead to treat it the next day. Lunch and dinner hand gone over well, and although it was probably blind hope from my ends, it looked to to me like everyone who had been ill looked a little better. I had gone around finally to visit Eric, Kimora, Margot, and Lee. The latter had still not opened up his eyes, but the rest had peeled their eyes open and had been told about what it was like to find out that my parents were rogues and I had a family that came from a pack of warriors. They could barely speak, except for Margot who had said, “cool.” which had been a sign to me that I had been forgiven. At the end of the day, I climbed up to Brad's room, unafraid of cross con
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So Much To Tell You
Three days into our new routine, dawn brought us the return of Erin and Remy, the joy on their features was a stark contrast to the mood in the pack, but with them they brought good news that lit up my eyes.“Erin, Remy! Oh, thank the gods that you are home and safe. I was so worried about you, I kept saying prayers to the moon goddess to keep you safe.” “Hey Layla,” Remy giggled, “thank you. We were definitely safe, and I'm sure it was your prayers that kept us going. We came with help. Alpha Dan and a few others insisted on coming to help, once we let them know who we were.”With that, the throng of people behind them stepped away, and I saw the face of Alpha Dan, and a few other Alphas the outcasts had an ally ship with. Fat tears rolled down my cheeks with gratitude, and I looked between them and Remy, arms flailing. “I can't even begin to thank you enough. I can try, but my words will fail me. Thank you so much, oh gods, I'm going to start crying,” I wept, putting a hand to my
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This Is My Family
In agreement, Brad turned to face me, nodding in agreement. His skin was still a lot paler than it had been before, but color had started to return to his cheeks, rounding him out a little bit. I helped him back to the bed and sat down beside him, chastising him for getting out of bed. “I'm trying, okay? It's just hard for me, ai hate being bedridden and not being able to help when the oacknso obviously needs me." Pulling him into me, I gave him a tight hug, understanding where he was coming from. Although he was weak, he returned my hug with the same intensity, placing his chin on top of my head."You'll be back to your usual self in no time," I assured him, tilti g my head and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "But for now, I need to fill you in on everything that's happened."Stepping back from him, I began to catch him up to speed on the events of the past few hours, from the arrival of Alpha Dan and some other allies, along with the progress being made in restoring the pack. “
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Plundering Songs
The next morning, I got to work alongside the members of Alpha Dan's pack, and I noticed a dissonance between them and my pack members. Gone was the openness that my pack members had displayed when they had first arrived, in its place was a hostility they did not bother to hide. Calling Seth over, I asked him what the entire skirmish was about. “Seth, I see that you do not get along the best with the allies. Is there a problem? Everyone in the pack seems to be following your lead, more or less, and I don't want any fights to break out.” Seth, usually a man of few words, opened his mouth and shut it, like a fish, seemingly deciding on what to say to me. Finally, he came to a conclusion, and met me in the eyes, the blinding blue of his keeping my focused on what he had to say. “Alpha Layla, they are bad vibes. There's something about all of them that just isn't right, and while they works, they sing songs of plundering and destruction, and we don't like that in our pack. I'm sorry.
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There's Trouble
A week had passed, and the construction project was well underway. According to the reports I had gotten from Seth, in less than a week we should be all set. The tension that had once simmered between the two packs had eased, thanks to Alpha Dan's willingness to address the issue with the plundering songs his men had sung. My pack members and his had gradually found common ground, working together with the aim of getting the job done as fast as possible.I had stayed by Brad every day, watching him regain his strength bit by bit. He was back on his feet, and though he still had some recovery ahead, the improvement in his health wasn't too hard to see. All around the pack too, everywhere, the sick began to get better, and many of them were convalescing well, volunteering to help out at the construction sites. The new harmony was so beautiful that I found myself stepping away to watch it all unfurl without me. Unknown to me, beneath the surface of this newfound harmony, a sinister pl
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No Knowledge Of Such Plot
The construction project had been quite a huge task, and now, after weeks of hard work from members of both of the packs, the buildings that would serve as shelter for the displaced outcasts were finally complete. The sense of accomplishment hung in the air like sweet nectar, mingling with the anticipation of the unveiling of the homes. Alpha Dan's pack was due to leave the next day, and the bittersweet reality of their departure loomed over us. The bond that had formed during our time together was undeniable, and saying goodbye wouldn't be easy.Asides from the drama that seemed to surround our union, it had been nice to live in a shared space with our old neighbors again, and it felt good to have them around. It was a shame that they would have to leave very soon.Seated around a large bonfire, the crackling flames casting dancing shadows, we shared happy stories and laughter. It was a moment of joy; most of the people who had been sick were now all better, and some of them ran ar
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No Clue
The sun sat low in the sky, casting long shadows across the clearing where the members of our pack had gathered. It was a tranquil afternoon, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of the surrounding trees.As I walked through the gathering, I exchanged smiles and nods with familiar faces, a sense of complete satisfaction settling over me. This was my family, and it was a good thing to see people in such high spirits after the painful events of the epidemic and all the fear that had run free in the pack.However, amid the crowd, there was one face that I couldn't quite place. She looked vaguely familiar, but her features were obscured by the crowd's shifting and the sunlight that was coming in through the trees. “Do you know who that is?” I asked Kimora, interrupting her conversation with someone else. She took a second to look in the direction I had pointed and then shook her head. “No clue,” she said, frowning, “but there have been many people I haven't seen in the pack. She co
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Too Much Dry Loaves of Bread
That night, the men locked me up in a dark caravan with no windows, and a bowl of water. Thirsty from the trip, I lapped it up with droplets falling against my skin. When they settled down for camp that night, I waited to be given a meal, the dingy walls were smelling of mold, and I allowed myself begin to cry at the hopelessness of the situation. The next morning, they did not bother with a sack, as they carried me whole with the caravan, the motion making me feel queasy. I had hoped for the opportunity to fight, but none were being given to me, and I soon resigned myself to my fate and gave up.Days turned into an agonizing blur as I remained confined within the dark, cramped space of the caravan. My world had been reduced to the stale scent of bread and the repetitive, bland taste of water. The only sounds that reached me were the creaking of the wagon and the occasional dampened voices of my captors. I had still not managed to recognize even a single one of them, and that faili
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You're Not Special
P.S: Dear readers, please leave a comment and review in the comments section of the app. It's been a while I asked for such favor but it will be my greatest pleasure if you do this for me. Thank you.****The journey in the caravan continued, and one night, the door opened to shove in a sack instead of the usual meal. “Get into this.” Confused, I picked up the sack that had been tossed in and got into it..The scratchy fabric must mean that they were planning on bringing me out of the caravan, right? I sat down on the wooden base of the caravan and got comfortable with waiting to be let out.Finally, the caravan came to a complete stop, and I felt the rough hands of my captors pulling me from the sack. My eyes blinked against the sudden light, and I found myself in a dimly lit, grimy dungeon. The offending smells of dampness and decay filled the air, and the walls were covered in layers of moss and grime.I did a double take, unable to believe what was right in front of me. I had been
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Might Help
Weeks dragged on in the darkness of the dungeon, and with each passing day, my hope grew a little dimmer. If anyone was going to find me, they should have found me by now. Even in the dungeon, the monotony of stale bread and water became my only companions aside Wally, and I found myself sinking deeper into despair, but for the few conversations I had with Wally. I missed my pack, I missed Brad, and I longed for the freedom I had once taken for granted, but it was not too bad listening to Wally talk to me about his children and the things he missed from his old pack. He was a friendly man, and I found comfort in his friendship.One morning, as dim light filtered through the small window high above, I was startled by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching my cell. Being the last one on the row, I watched as heads popped out on either side of the dungeon, curious as to where they were about to stop. The dungeon had been silent for so long that any disturbance was enough to make my
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