All Chapters of Rejected But Unbroken :Fated For The Cruel Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
144 Chapters
I Believe You
The next day, as the first rays of dawn broke through the horizon, our team gathered at the edge of the camp, ready to embark on our journey to the main stream. Brad stood by my side, his gaze focused and determined. The seriousness of the situation was etched on our faces as we exchanged a brief nod, silently acknowledging the mission ahead.With our backpacks filled with supplies and water containers, we set out on the uphill hike. The path was rugged and challenging, but the urgency of the situation pushed us forward. The air was cool and crisp, a refreshing contrast to the worries that plagued our minds.As we ascended, the forest began to change around us. The flowers and shrubs became denser, the sounds of wildlife more pronounced. It was a reminder of the beauty of nature that surrounded us, even in the face of all the chaos.The hike was strenuous, each step a reminder of the importance of our mission. We paused only briefly to catch our breaths and take sips of water, mindful
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I Think I'm Falling In Love With You
The journey to find a new water source had been long and challenging, but as we stood on the edge of a lush oasis, our efforts felt more than rewarded. The sun cast a golden hue over the tranquil scene before us, where crystal-clear water sparkled under its light. It was a sight that made my eyes sparkle, and I felt tears roll down my cheeks at how much closer it was to our pack.Brad and I exchanged a knowing glance, a shared understanding that this discovery marked survival for a lot of our pack members.The journey had been difficult, but the moon goddess and our unwavering persistence had led us to the water of the Oasis."We've found it," Brad murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and triumph.I nodded, a sense of accomplishment swelling within me. "This water source is exactly what we need to ensure the health of our pack members and even begin to better the rest of the members who are ill."With our packs gathered around us, we discussed the best way to harness thi
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Taking Things Slow
His fingers reached out to gently touch mine, a gesture of reassurance and understanding. "I want that too, Layla. But I want you to be sure. I want us to be sure."I nodded, a sense of determination settling within me. "I've thought about this a lot, Brad. And despite everything, I can't deny how I feel."As he looked at me, his gaze softened, and I saw a flicker of hope and longing in his eyes. In that moment, I realized that we were both standing on the edge of something new, something that had the potential to be beautiful and transformative."Then let's take it one step at a time," Brad said, his voice certain. "Let's build something that's based on trust, understanding, and genuine affection. We'll go through this together, just like we've overcome everything else."As his words sank in, a mixture of relief and excitement washed over me. The path that lay in front of us was uncertain, but the possibility of love and the promise of a future filled with hope were enough to carry u
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A Kiss With My Soulmate
P.S; Dear readers, my emotions is seriously bruised because I expected more effort from you all. I sincerely appreciate your time to read this book but I really need the favor of you leaving a comment in the comments section, it boost my self morale to write better. Please do well to leave a review and your vote count as well. See you till next month.***As the days turned into a week, Margot's condition showed no signs of improvement. The frustration and helplessness within the camp were palpable, as everyone rallied around her, offering their well-wishes and support. Kimora, who had made a remarkable recovery herself, spent countless hours by Margot's side, providing comfort and companionship.One evening, as the sun began to set and a warm glow blanketed the camp, I found myself sitting outside Margot's tent, lost in thought. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation, a longing for a miracle that would finally bring healing to our friend.Brad joined me, his familiar presen
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Let's Run AWay
I knew kissing Brad publicly would have consequences, but I had not predicted that it would make the party go silent. Of course, the elders of my pack already knew, and were not surprised by anything that was going on. It was another thing entirely with Brad's pack members though, and they stood in place, watching us, as though they were deciding how to respond to us. Finally, one person began to applaud and whistle, and the sentiment spread like wildfire across the entire celebration. Laughing, I pushed my head into Brad's chest and hid my face, and proud, he put his arms around me, making me giggle even more. The rest of the night continued with many different people coming up to Brad and I to congratulate us, and while the party had died down long ago, that went on for hours and hours until I was too exhausted to continue. “I'm exhausted,” I said to Brad, pulling away from him, “aren't you?” “I was waiting for you to say something,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “
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My Parents Were Killed By Brad
The next morning, I woke up blissfully unaware, and went out in search of Kimora, Lee and Brad. They were the people I led the pack with, and since I had slept in, I needed to get a progress report from them. I had unofficially announced to everyone in the pack that Brad and I were together, and we had even confirmed it together with the things we had done,staying back for a meet and greet and all that. I had expected backlash the entire time, but none of it had come. Yet, this morning, as I left my cabin and stepped into the general public, I heard murmurs all around me. “That's her.” “Does she know?”“Probably not, she would be a fool if she knew and still stayed with him.”“Man, he is really fucked up. The nerve of him to even get close to her after what his family did.” Shaking my head, I decided for myself that I was paranoid. Looking around at the people who were speaking, I recognized them as the elderly members of Brad's pack, my former pack. It took me a second before I
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Why Didn't You Tell Me?
As I stood in front of Brad's pack house, my heart pounded with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Margot had revealed to me a piece of my past that I had never known, and it had shaken the foundation of my trust in Brad. The man I loved, the man I had grown closer to, might have known the truth about my parents and never told me. The weight of this revelation threatened to overwhelm me, but I needed answers. I needed to confront Brad and find out the truth, no matter how painful it might be. Margot stood beside me, her presence a source of comfort. She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and said, "Layla, whatever happens, we'll face it together. You don't have to do this alone." Her words were a lifeline, a reminder that I had friends who cared about me, no matter the circumstances. With a deep breath, I nodded at her and then reached for the door handle. As I entered the pack house, I was met with familiar surroundings. The scent of wood and leather, the warmth of the fire c
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Angry At Brad
As the truth of Brad's past weighed heavily on my heart, I found myself torn between my love for him and the overwhelming emotions that swirled within me. His confession had revealed a side of him I had never known, a past shrouded in darkness and painful choices.After our conversation, I needed space to process everything. I needed to be alone with my thoughts, away from the pack, away from Brad. The weight of the secrets we had both carried had become too much to bear.That evening, under the cover of the moonlight, I quietly left his cabin, leaving only a note for Brad on our bed. It read:"Brad,I need time to think and clear my head. This isn't about blame or judgment; it's about finding clarity within myself. I love you, but right now, I need space.- Layla"I slipped out of the cabin and made my way through the pack territory, my footsteps guided by the pale glow of the moon. The night air was cool against my skin, and the rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of the fores
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Finding Myself
As I traveled deeper into the forest, the memories of my time with Brad and the pack haunted me. I couldn't deny that a part of me still loved him, but the wounds ran deep, and trust needed to be rebuilt.Each step I took felt like a step further into the unknown. The wild was both beautiful and unforgiving. Nature had a way of revealing harsh truths, just as Brad had done. It was time for me to discover my own truth.Days turned into weeks as I roamed through the vast expanse of the wilderness. I encountered other wolves, some friendly, some territorial, but none had the answers I sought. It seemed that my quest for the truth was destined to be an arduous one.One evening, as I sat by a campfire I had built, the flames dancing in the darkness, I couldn't help but reflect on the events that had led me here. The stars above twinkled like distant memories, and the wind whispered secrets of the forest.It had barely been a day, but I really, really missed the pack, even Brad. The pain of
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Black Creek Pack
The journey to find the Black Creek pack had taken me far from my old home. It had been a long and solitary trek through untamed wilderness, but finally, after days of traveling, I stood at the edge of the forest, peering out into an open meadow. In the distance, the towering trees gave way to a vast expanse of rolling hills and valleys.This was it, the territory of the Black Creek pack. It was said to be one of the oldest and most storied packs in the region, steeped in tradition and history. My parents had once called this place home, and I had come here seeking answers about my past and perhaps a fresh start for my future.As I stepped cautiously into the meadow, I couldn't help but be struck by the sheer beauty of the landscape. The grass swayed in the gentle breeze, and the scent of wildflowers filled the air. Birds chirped merrily in the trees, and I could hear the distant gurgle of a creek, which likely gave the pack its name.The forest on the far side of the meadow was a den
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