Semua Bab Rejected But Unbroken :Fated For The Cruel Alpha: Bab 71 - Bab 80
144 Bab
Into The Safe Water Pack
I met Elder Elara's gaze with one of humility. "Thank you for allowing me to speak with you. I've come here seeking answers about my parents, and I'll approach this with utmost honesty and respect."Elder Elara nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Very well, Layla Quinn. Tell us your story."I took a deep breath, summoning the strength to recount the life I had known. "I was born into the Safe Water pack, or at least that's what I've been told. I never knew my parents, and I grew up as a servant in the pack. It was a difficult life, marked by mistreatment and hardship."The elders listened attentively, their eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and concern."Recently," I continued, "I discovered the truth about my parents. They were rogues who had gone rogue many years ago. They were involved in attacks on pack members, and it's said that they were killed during a purge. My world was shattered when I learned this."Elder Elara leaned forward, her gaze unwavering. "And how did you
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Elder Elara
Elder Elara led me to a spacious room in her home, and as I stepped inside, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The room was adorned with rich fabrics, intricate carvings, and soft, plush furnishings. It was a stark contrast to the simplicity of my life in the Safe Water Pack."Please make yourself comfortable, Layla," Elder Elara said warmly. "This is your room for as long as you stay with us."I couldn't believe my eyes as I took in the luxurious surroundings. A large, canopied bed dominated one corner of the room, covered in the softest furs I had ever seen. The walls were adorned with tapestries that depicted scenes from the pack's history, and a balcony overlooked a breathtaking view of the surrounding forest."It's... it's beautiful," I stammered, feeling overwhelmed by the opulence of it all.Elder Elara smiled kindly. "You've been through much, Layla. You deserve a comfortable place to rest and heal. If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask."I nodded, s
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A Tour
The next morning, as the golden rays of the sun painted the sky, I found myself standing at the threshold of a new adventure. Elder Elara's son, a tall, broad-shouldered man with a warm smile named Cedric, had offered to take me on a tour of the Black Creek pack's territory.As we ventured beyond the boundaries of the elder's residence, I was immediately struck by the breathtaking beauty of the land. The Black Creek pack's territory was a place of enchantment, a sprawling wilderness that seemed untouched by time.Cedric led me through a forest that was dense with towering trees, their branches forming a verdant canopy high above us. Sunlight filtered through the leaves in dappled patterns, creating a mosaic of light and shadow on the forest floor. The air was filled with the earthy scent of moss and damp soil, and the melodic symphony of chirping birds and rustling leaves surrounded us."Welcome to our home, Layla," Cedric said, his voice filled with pride. "This land has been in our
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Moon Goddess
Upon returning to Elder Elara's home, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The landscape I had explored, so vibrant and teeming with life, was now etched in my memory. I knew that this was just the beginning of my quest to understand my parents and the life they had lived in this pack.Elder Elara greeted me with a warm smile as I entered. "Layla, I hope your exploration went well. You look like you've found something special."I nodded, my heart filled with both tranquility and curiosity. "Yes, Elder Elara. The land here is incredible, and I feel closer to my parents with every step I take."Elder Elara's eyes held a hint of understanding. "Your journey of discovery is a sacred one, Layla. It's a path that can bring you closure and connection. And you have our support every step of the way."I thanked her once more for her kindness and understanding. Then, as the days passed, I continued my exploration of the pack's territory. Each new location held a piece of my parents' history, and
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I Need To Go Back
The words hung in the air, and I felt a wave of astonishment wash over me. Elder Elara's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and disbelief. It was a revelation that seemed to transcend time itself.Alda continued, her voice gentle and filled with sincerity. "We lost touch with you when you were just a child, Layla. Your parents faced difficult circumstances, and we were separated. We've spent years searching for you, and it was only recently that we learned you were here."My hands trembled slightly as I absorbed the enormity of the revelation. Tears welled up in my eyes as I extended my arms toward them. "Alda, Eamon, I never thought I had any living relatives.”With joyful tears, we embraced, a reunion decades in the making. It was a poignant reminder that even in the midst of our individual journeys and the complexities of life, family bonds could endure.As Elder Elara watched us, a sense of warmth and unity washed over me. The Black Creek pack had become my new family, and wi
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Stepping Into Chaos
The journey had taken a lot from me, mentally and even physically, but I had finally managed to make it back to the Safe Water pack. Home. That is, if the outcasts were still there. Usually, I would be excited to finally get back to seeing my pack members and family, but something about the air was wrong. As I moved my feet closer to the pack boundaries, the familiar scent of my pack members and the land hit me at once - pine mixed in with solid oak - yet something was wrong. On a normal day, the entire pack was filled with sounds of life, children singing, a folksong being carried all about, something. Instead today, there was a silence that was uncharacteristic of the Safe Water pack, talk even less of the outcasts.My legs went one in front of the other in an all too familiar pattern, and I realized that the farther I went, the more that had changed. Usually, even in the night time, members of the pack were out and about, going about their business, and the laughter of the kids o
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P.S; Dear readers, please leave a comment in the comments section and your vote rating matters too. Thank you.*****In front of me was illness like I had never witnessed before. In pools of their own vomit, little children lay face down, forgotten meals perched with flies. There were mini fire piles with ashes that looked like clothing remnants, and I assumed that those had come from the pile of clothes that sat beside the fire, waiting to be burnt. I looked around for the shelter that was supposed to keep these people safe from the elements, and in place of anything solid, all I saw was the makeshift overhead raffia roofs. “Is this how they live?” I asked Erin, my disapproval heavy on my face. “This can’t be comfortable for them, or anyone. Why haven’t provisions for homes been made for them?”“We cannot afford to,” came Erin’s solemn response, her serious face convincing me that was the truth. “The only men able bodied enough to build are the warriors of the pack, and if they fal
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A Relief
Her words hit their mark, and I coughed to hide my shock, running after her. “Wait up! You can’t just say something like that and walk away. I don’t think you get it. None of you get it.”Pulling her hand out of my vice-like grip, she turned around. “Don’t I? Really? Do you remember where you found us, Layla? In the bush, abandoned by our family. We had never known what it meant to be in a pack before we met you, Layla,” she laughed sardonically, running a hand though her hair. “I had a pack that ostracized me, Erin. You cannot lose what you never had, but I got to grow up wondering and asking myself if it was something about me that was so wrong, it made me unworthy of love. I spent hours of my time crying at night only to wake up to slave in a man’s home so I could have shelter. When I walked past people, the hid their children, and even on occasion, they threw stones at me. Forgive me if I wanted to find a place where that wasn’t the case. If you found out that the man you love h
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Woman Up
Walking into the living room, Erin was shocked to see that I was already awake and going at it. “Layla? Is everything okay? Did you sleep at all?” she asked, and with a wave, I brushed it off, calling her attention elsewhere. “None of that matters. I think I've come up with a plan to help us solve this problem. Come, take a seat,” I urged, tapping at the seat beside me. Curious, she took a seat and raised a brow at me in concern. “Hey, this is pretty early. You can take a quick nap and I'll just-”“No, this is urgent. We have to talk about this now.” With a sigh, she nodded, and I filled her in on the details of the plans I had made in the frenzy of the night, letting her know that I would be sending she and Remy to the packs whose help we needed. “In a few days, they can find their way here after gathering the people they select to make the journey. You can come right back. It's perfect, if you ask me. What do you think? Are you okay with that?”She nodded, and I sighed in relief
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You Did What You Had To Do
In a few hours, the worst of the cleaning was over. The pack members had taken to wearing nylon bags on their hands so they could go over to the sites and pick up all of the ok clothing that could no longer be worn, and on the other end, a makeshift shower had been created, away from other water sources, so they could have their baths. The pack house was already clean from top to bottom, but I went around to all of the rooms and made sure that they were all clean, packing away all of the valuables into one of the other cabins belonging to the pack. Satisfied, I had instructed the move of the sick people to begin, going into the kitchen to check in the broth that was being prepared for the sick. The sight of carrots and floating bits of meat was enough to warm me up, and I thought about what it would do for the rest. “Well done guys!” I called, smiling at them.In return, I got a host of smiles, which satisfied me. “Thank you,” they chorused, beginning to dish the food into bowls. B
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