All Chapters of Second Chance Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
152 Chapters
Chapter hundred twenty-one
Ariah’s POV “Ugh!” I exclaimed as I rushed to the water cistern again and dropped to my knees. “I’m going to be sick!”It was the third time I was retching my guts out in two minutes and I felt so sick, like I was going to die any moment from now. I felt so much pain in my body, my legs were shaking and so was my scalp, that animal had my hair in his vicious grip the whole fucking time! I sat on the tiled floor of the bathroom for a while, next to the bathtub, my bath had already been set before I had lashed out at the maids. There was a disgusting taste in my mouth that made me grimace. I struggled to my feet and left the tap running as I washed my mouth and scrubbed my tongue furiously. “You might want to take it easy, Ariah, or else you’ll hurt yourself and start bleeding,” Leia warned softly.“Oh, I’m already bleeding, Leia! Bleeding on the fucking inside! I have to get this horrible taste out of my mouth! You seem to have forgotten that that motherfucker came in my mouth and
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Chapter hundred twenty-two
Ariah’s POV I didn't want to turn around, I remained frozen for what seemed like an eternity before I regained control of myself. The person behind me didn't move, it had to be a he for his body was as hard as a brick wall. He had to be tall because my head hit his chest. Slowly, I turned and my guess was right, the man behind me was so tall that he completely towered above me, but he wasn't dressed as a guard as I had expected. He squinted at me curiously, he was quite handsome, with Viking gold hair and a full beard, and his brown eyes assayed me carefully. "And who are you supposed to be?" He asked in a deep voice. "Uhm...Well..." I stuttered and looked around to see if I could make a quick getaway but the front door was blocked. The only way I could run was right back up the stairs and that would lead me right back to James's room, that was the last place I wanted to be! "You're a fucking spy, aren't you?" He asked, pointing an accusing finger at me. "I have never seen y
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Chapter hundred twenty three
Ariah’s POV "Oh my goodness, Ariah! Are you sure about this? It's a very crazy idea!" Leia exclaimed as I watched the truck leave the next morning. I shrugged, "I got raped by an alpha werewolf, I escaped a fucking dungeon, got captured by Lycans. Fell in love with a Lycan king, had sex with him, got my life fucked by his crazy queen. Then I got two men killed by a pack of bloodthirsty wolves, got captured again, got raped again." I sighed. "My whole life has been full of only crazy stuff, Leia, so it's no surprise that I'm beginning to go crazy too." "It's still too risky." Leia insisted with a worried voice. "No guts, no fucking glory, right? That's what Newton said, I guess." I replied with a little smirk. "I'm not sure it was Newton that said that..." Leia pointed out. "Oh, whatever, it was still said, and it fucking applies now," I said sharply. "You heard what that psychopath, James, said. The pack is armed to its teeth! There's no way I can escape the same way I had
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Chapter hundred twenty-four
Ariah’s POV The whole plan was already figured out even before nighttime came.There was just one thing left to do before James and it all depended on whether he loved his pack enough to care about me. I was so tense, what if he didn’t give a fuck if I died or not? That would collapse the whole plan and also my hopes of ever escaping from this sick hell hole he called a pack. “Your adventurous journey has made you do a lot of crazy stuff, Ariah,” Leia said, her tone carrying a hint of pride.I scoffed with a secret smile as I stood by the window, looking at the sunset while I waited for James's arrival. I never for once thought I would be so eager for him to come back to the same space. “Is that a compliment?” I asked with my chin raised.“Well…” I sensed hesitation in her reply. “You’ve come so far and I think I’m starting to fear for you, Ariah. It’s a strange ominous feeling about this particular escape.” She replied.“Don’t get all dramatic and motherly now, Leia,” I sai
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Chapter hundred twenty-five
Ariah’s POV “Psst!” Leia hissed into my ears repeatedly until I was jolted out of my sleep.I sat up and rubbed my eyes repeatedly, the light next to James’s desk was still on and my eyes widened then I turned sharply and stared at him. James had his face on a stack of papers with saliva oozing slightly out of the corner of his mouth. He snored heavily like a pig and I loved every second of this sight. The mighty James, so weak, so vulnerable. An image of me slashing his skull open with my claws flashed in my mind but Leia brushed it aside immediately. “Hey, Ariah! No violence unless it’s necessary.” She said quickly. “I hope you do realize that we’re talking about the person who brutally raped me twice?” I asked sarcastically. “That beast taught me a thing or two about violence,” I said spitefully as I stared at him with murderous hate. “This isn’t the right way,” Leia said and that took my mind off it completely.I rushed towards the window and peeped out of the blinds. It was
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Chapter hundred twenty-six
Ariah’s POVI was so shocked that I didn’t realize when the truck stopped moving.The people I saw in the back of the truck weren’t effigies, they were dolls or mannequins, those were real humans! Covered in dust and blood that I suspected to be their own. The worst part of it all was that they were all dead. “Prisoners,” Leia said to me in a choked, low voice. “Prisoners that died from too much torture and probably starvation.”I gasped with horror and that was when my senses tingled and I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned and met the shocked face of a huge, angry man, it was the driver and the surprise in his eyes still revealed itself through his anger. “Who the fuck are you and how the fuck did you get into the truck?” He roared in a deep, intimidating voice.I stared at the dead bodies again and my heart broke as a wave of pity swept over me. I looked at the angry driver and said, “I’m just trying to get out, I don’t know how I found my way in here but I…I’m lo
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Chapter hundred twenty -seven
Ethan’s POVMy wolf kept going crazy from time to time.Once it was on a certain night, I didn’t know what was going on but my wolf was moving like a mad dog within me. Although I knew that it had something to do with Ariah, I still tried to ignore it for most of the day. Lowell had walked in that day to meet me with a frown as I was drinking at the bar in the living room. “What’s the matter? Lady problems?” He asked with a hint of humor as he sat on a bar stool.“You got accurate enough for your first trial,” I replied and took another sip of the glass of wine I held. “Which of them?” He asked with a serious face.“Hmm…” I said and looked ahead without answering for a while. “You do realize that the pack would be in jeopardy if Ariah isn’t crowned queen, right?” I asked him suddenly.It was an unexpected question and it caught him off guard as his eyes widened, “Oh come on, Ethan, you know that’s not possible. Look at the pack, look at everyone! The Lycan community would never a
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Chapter hundred twenty-eight
Ethan’s POV I turned slowly to Layla, she was breathing heavily through now as she stared fixedly at me. Her chest rose and fell like she was tensed. Lowell was stunned and the look of disbelief still hadn’t left his face, it was like she had just vomited the most vulgar thing from her mouth. “What did you say?” I asked slowly.“The girl you’re after, the girl you call your fucking mate is a bloody werewolf.” She replied huskily.The tension above the move could be cut with an executioner’s axe, I could hardly believe what she said. Layla was just being her usual cunning self, trying to mess everything up so that it would go in her favor. I shook my head and scoffed, “Nice try, Layla, but I don’t think you can fool me so easily,” I said spitefully. “You know that you’re on the verge of losing my attention so you say anything that comes to your vile tongue, be careful.” “The night of the last full moon, I saw the both of you in that wooden shack, I didn’t just want to sa
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Chapter hundred twenty-eight
Ethan’s POV I turned sharply and listened with alert eyes and ears, waiting to hear the sound again but it didn’t come. Again that pain in my chest rocked me violently and I dropped to one knee, clutching my chest and groaning. “Ariah…where the hell are you?” I asked through clenched teeth.The next thing I heard was the sound of heavy footsteps and I got to both feet again and followed the sound. Then a very familiar scent that set my heart racing with fire came to my nostrils, it was Ariah’s scent. I could never mistake it. I followed the scent, past trees and a few bushes and I finally detected the harsh smell of blood. It was getting darker by the minute and that made it more difficult to make out where I was going. Then my eyes caught a body lying at the trunk of the tree, I slowly approached the tree and my eyes widened with both relief and panic. The lower half of what she wore was covered in blood, her beautiful face was pale. Her hands too were covered in dried blood
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Chapter hundred twenty-nine
James’s POV "Wake up, come on, James, what the fuck has gotten into him?" I heard a distant voice ask, the words echoed in my head but I still couldn't understand what was going on. "What? Why are you looking at me? I don't sleep in the same room with him." Another voice replied. "Matter of fact, if we should be asking anyone, it should be the Ariah girl he kidnapped." "Kidnapped? You mean found?" The first voice said firmly. It was now that I realized who the second voice belonged to. Caleb scoffed, "Oh please, that's not how you find a girl and bring her back. He's kept her captive since he kidnapped her and now that he's all stoned out, she's no fucking where to be found." The glare of the morning sun danced upon my heavy eyelids and the scorching run was showering its fervor down on the Blue Moon pack. It was most unusual for me to still be in bed when the sun was already out and even more absurd that my whole body felt so stiff, it was like the worst hangover. T
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