All Chapters of Second Chance Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
152 Chapters
Chapter hundred one
Ariah's POV I couldn’t remember the last time I slept so well, but there was no better feeling than this.I headed back to my room in the pack house at midday the next day and I realized that the pack was in a state of complete chaos. What the hell was happening? Why hadn’t I noticed this? Oh shit! Of course, I couldn’t when I was busy crashing in the quiet place, it was called that for a reason. Everyone was running around, some were even wailing and there was a clamoring air as everyone seemed to be talking and pacing about with panic. There was only one person that could tell me what was going on so I decided to rush directly to Ethan’s study. I knocked on the door but there was no response for the first twenty seconds or so. I knocked again and there was still no response until I heard the shattering of a glass against a wall. I gasped, wondering how the pack had transformed from being a very calm place to a haven of absolute havoc. “Ethan, it’s me!” I yelled finally.Silence
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Chapter hundred two
Ethan's POV I was angry and nervous at the same time. I couldn’t believe that such important documents could have been stolen so easily. “Where are the fucking guards?” I asked as I left the study. “They’ve got to be somewhere around the pack house, maybe you should calm down a bit, Ethan, so you’ll find it easier to think,” Lowell said calmly but his face was clouded with worry and urgency. “Gather all the fucking guards that were on duty the previous night and bring them to the fucking courtyard. I’m going to be sending some asses off to that fucking dungeon!” I ordered and walked away. I was so panicky that I ignored everyone who stopped to bow to me as I made my way to the courtyard. In about twenty minutes, Lowell returned with a dozen guards whose faces had gone ashen at the sight of me. “Who and who were on duty inside the fucking house?” I asked and nine hands went up in the air. “Who and who were stationed to guard the ground floor?” Five hands went up this time and t
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Chapter hundred three
Ariah's POV I knew that working together with Ethan would only bring us closer and for a very weird reason, there was no issue with that. My encounter with Layla had shaken my nerves greatly when she first asked that question, how the hell did she find out? It was a truly nerve-breaking situation but everything changed when she suddenly flashed an awkward smile at me. “But then, it’s not entirely your fault, is it?” She asked, making me stare at her in confusion. “You’ve kept your part of the deal, the whole abstinence from Ethan and all that, and trust me, you’ve done well, but just not well enough. But then, Ethan is also at fault, he doesn’t get over things. I’ve tried but he still chases after you, of course, I find it very pathetic for a king to be chasing after a complete nobody, but then, what can I do?” She raised her shoulders and dropped them helplessly with a deep sigh. “Do whatever you want Ariah, I guess the whole mate bond shit doesn’t fade, does it?” She smirked
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Chapter hundred four
Ethan's POV Everything about Lowell’s approach compelled me to follow him and it stirred up my curiosity immediately. I slowed down as I noticed that where we were headed was Ariah’s bedroom, what the hell were we doing here? I held Lowell’s arm and stopped him, “What the hell are we doing here?” I asked him sharply. He had a disappointed look in his eyes that made me even more impatient, “Why don’t you come and take a look for yourself, Ethan?” He said, was that a scornful note I detected in his voice? I turned and looked at Ariah, her face was just as confused as mine, only that hers carried a tinge of fear. I looked away from her and followed Lowell into the room, the guards there bowed with a triumphant look on their faces. I didn’t like any of this, an ominous air suddenly hung over the room. “There,” Lowell said, pointing to the bed. I refused to believe what I had just seen. Everything froze at that moment, the earth stopped rotating and the air hung above us huskily.
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Chapter hundred five
Ariah's POV I was as confused as anyone else in the fucking pack. How? When? What the fuck was those documents doing in my room? And it wasn’t even hidden anywhere, it was just under my pillow as if it was begging to be found. Lowell was like a man possessed with rage and I think I could understand him to an extent, but I was so scared. He thought I had fooled him and Ethan because they had been on my side from the onset. “Lowell, you have to listen to me, I was not a part of this, I swear! Please believe me!” I cried as they led me down a creepy hall. “Lowell, please!” “Part of what? You were the only one involved in this!” He snarled and turned to the guards, “I’ll take it from here.” He said to them, The second they let go of me, he gripped my arm viciously, “It beats me how you managed to deceive Ethan and me for so long, Ariah. He should have condemned you the first time you escaped the guards.” He said spitefully to my face. “Lowell, please hear me out. How could I ha
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Chapter hundred six
Ethan’s POV “Unacceptable! I always knew she was bad news! But you, King Ethan, were too blinded by whatever charm she carried!” The elders screamed at me. I had never felt so helpless, so betrayed, and heartbroken before. It was the worst night of my life, the person I loved so much had hurt me in the worst possible way. “I’ll handle it,” I said as I addressed the elders, I gritted my mind and got to my feet, making a decision that had taken a lot of effort. “The crime she has committed is a hefty one, punishable in the most brutal way. She did not only steal the most important and valuable papers in the whole pack, she deceived…she deceived me, the king.” “Death!” One yelled. “Death!” I turned to Lowell with a grim look on my face, “Do you have anything to say before I pass my final judgment?” I asked. Layla, for the first time, was present at this meeting and from the look on her face, she seemed…happy. I wasn’t fooled by the sympathetic mask on her face, I knew that deep
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Chapter hundred seven
Ariah's POV The world was closing in on me. That was my first thought when I heard Ethan's words. I saw the look in his eyes, he wasn't denying me at all, he was just helpless at that point. I saw Ethan at his lowest of lows, I never thought I'd get to see him so powerless, never. But there he was, standing above me, hands tied and his decision willed in the favor of his people. When he walked out of the room, I looked up and saw the scornful looks on the faces of the elders. On Layla's face, was a smirk and a triumphant sparkle in those radiant eyes of hers. I imagined the days, weeks, months, and even years ahead, she had won, and Layla had Ethan all to herself now. "Take her out of our sight!" An elder snarled and I felt a guard tug under my arm. The next moment he gripped my hand and hurled me violently to my feet. I gasped a pain shot through my body. "I'll take it from here." Lowell's calm voice said and he grabbed my arm and led me out. "I suppose you do not have any
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Chapter hundred eight
I didn’t look back, I turned and took to my heels immediately, running like a woman who was possessed I ran like my life depended on it because, well, it did. For a werewolf being chased by two crazy humans, I ran with an incredible speed. I wasn’t even thinking when I dashed into the forest, all I wanted was just to get away from the crazy hunters. I heard them coming behind me and what almost stopped me was when a bullet whistled past my neck. “Quick! Go right!” Leia exclaimed and I took another route around a large tree. I kept running deeper into the forest until I could hear the sounds of chasing footsteps no more. I stood with my back to a large tree, panting and listening intently, still, no sound hinted that my attackers were still after me. Maybe they had given up and counted me as a wild goose chase, it was possible. I relaxed after some five minutes and I slumped on the tree and closed my eyes. “Fuck, Leia! How the hell am I supposed to survive this?” I asked in fru
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Chapter hundred nine
Layla's POV It was one of the best nights of my life, the feeling of Ethan in me was incomparable to anything else. It was a sexual play out of my dearest dreams. I slept in Ethan's arms that night, just like it was meant to be right from the start. I had known all along that it would be a long process but it would eventually be worth it in the end. It was a norm, whatever I wanted, I got, no matter how long it took and no matter how big the obstacle in front of me was. I wouldn't have achieved all this alone, Sally played her part perfectly and I had to give some credit to her. I smiled like a sixteen-year-old on her first date as I traced my fingers playfully on Ethan's chest, making invisible lines. "Having a swell time?" He asked, his deep voice startling me. "Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed and gasped. "You almost gave me a fucking heart attack there, Ethan, I thought you were asleep." "Sleep…" He said to himself. "That will be a luxury from now on, I guess." He remarke
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Chapter hundred ten
*IN THE BLUE MOON PACK* James’s POV I woke up with a ravaging ache in my head. For a long moment, I closed my eyes, trying to remember what had happened the previous night, but I couldn't, I was so dazed. I only recalled the events of the previous night when I opened my eyes and saw the two naked ladies asleep beside me. My eyes traced over their lush bodies for a long time, and then I frowned and got off the bed, completely naked. I walked towards the full-length mirror in the room and stared at it for a long moment. There was something empty about my eyes, something was missing, a part of me that I had somehow lost, but couldnt figure out what. How could I not know? It was Ariah, the little, pathetic slave girl who somehow escaped my dungeon. It was so irritating to know that someone so little and powerless could slip right under the noses of my trained guards. Incompetent bunch of fools! I had cursed that day and still cursed up till today. I stared at my reflection intently
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