All Chapters of Second Chance Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
152 Chapters
Chapter eighty-one
Layla's POV I didn't hear anything about everything though, just the important things. I would be very honest here, I was scared, absolutely terrified by that note in Ethan's voice. It carried so much emotion, so much menace, one wouldn't dare go against Ethan in this mood and it made me feel like all I had done to get her with him was truly worth it. Only if...only if the lady he fought so vehemently and ferociously for was me. It was at that moment I knew just how much he loved Ariah and it broke my heart into a million pieces. For a moment, I didn't see myself with him, I came to terms with the thought that there was truly no way of making Ethan mine. It seemed impossible for that brief moment, but then that determination within me, that doggedness sprung to life. I had to get him, I had to make this powerful man mine. I couldn't believe that I once thought Ethan didn't know how to exercise his powers, but look at him! A man like him would make me completely fulfilled, not j
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Chapter eighty-two
Ariah’s POV Although I was resting on the promises of Ethan, I still got to discover the terrible side of the Lycans.Over the next few weeks, it went from one tragedy to another traumatic event and I found myself seriously struggling to cope. It was at this point that I discovered just how brutal the Lycan community could be, they were so determined to get me out of the way and it was scary. It all started with Layla on the day of the meeting Ethan had with the elders, she summoned me to the garden through her maid, Sally. There was a way Sally carried herself ever since she became Layla's mate that made me very surprised and curious. She seemed excited to be working so closely with Layla and for some reason, that raised a red, warning flag in my mind. Even when she escorted me to the garden, I knew I had to be conscious of Sally because anyone close to Layla was as harmful as Layla was to me. "Do you have any idea why she wants to see me?" I asked her as we walked out of the pa
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Chapter eighty-three
Ariah’s POV The scariest thing since I moved into Ethan’s pack happened on the second night of my ultimatum given to me by Layla.The pack was attacked! It was crazy, I had never experienced such a thing and it came as a great shock and surprise to me the moment I heard the screams and alarmed voices. I was in my room and I sprang up from the comfort of my bed as a shrill cry rang into the atmosphere. I was breathing heavily as I listened intently, my heart was suddenly gripped by fear, and beads of perspiration started to form on my forehead on the cold night. “What was that, Leia?” I asked my wolf, my voice was shaky. That was when another shrill cry erupted and pierced through the calm atmosphere of the night that suddenly had a husky air of danger. “I have no idea, you can only find out if you go see for yourself,” Leia replied. “What? Are you crazy? I can’t go out there when I know there’s so much danger!” I exclaimed, shocked that Leia would even suggest such an absurd t
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Chapter eighty-four
Ethan’s POV“It has to be her!” A voice yelled out of the crowd and I saw an accusing finger being pointed at Ariah.Ariah’s face went ashen instantly and her white skin went pale, she had a look of disbelief on that beautiful face of hers and so did I. I turned and stared at her accuser, it was one of the elders. “What do you mean by that?” I asked, suddenly filled with more fury. “It is established that there is no way anyone could invade this pack and cause such disruption without inside information. Look, King Ethan, they even set one of the bronze statues ablaze!” The elder exclaimed, pointing to the melted bronze statue of my great-grandfather that was situated at the center of the pack. I glared at the elder, “So what has brought you to the conclusion that it was Ariah who staged this? What makes her a fucking suspect?” I asked impatiently, I was ready to lurch at him and knock his teeth out with my fists. “She is the only one in this community that could be a trojan horse
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Chapter eighty-five
Ariah's POV I was greatly shaken by that incident, not the attack, but the accusations. Everyone was against me, standing in front of them without Ethan by my side for that brief moment, I felt the pang of the bad energy emitting from everyone in the pack. And it was all directed at me. I went pale with fright at that moment, this had all been a plot against me. From their eyes, I imagined all of them conniving against me, it was a hellish thought. I didn't want Ethan to leave my side after he took me to the bedroom, I didn't want to be alone for even a second. I heard him assigning guards to guard the door of the room, but I didn't feel safe. What if the guards just walked in and took me away? What if the guards felt the same way about me as just the rest of the pack and Layla did? What if they just snuck in at any moment now and did damage to me? I kept staring at the door, my sweat was cold against the skin of my forehead and it trickled down my neck, my heart was hammering a
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Chapter eighty-six
Layla's POV I was enjoying every single moment of Ariah's tragedy.It would have been perfect if Ethan didn't stop interfering and saving her ass! That got on my nerves each time, just when everything was going fine, Ethan would morph out of nowhere and save the fucking day. Before the first attack that night, I had left the pack in the morning, and immediately Ethan was out of the pack house. It was a very brief meeting with a few efficient men I trusted in my pack. From the moment I overheard Ethan's meeting with the elders, I knew to do something. Something that would break through the shield of immunity Ethan had placed around Ariah and the plan was just perfect. I had staged the whole attack and it was no surprise it worked to…well, it was almost perfect if not for Ethan. These men were highly skilled and intelligent and of course, I had to pay a large sum of money for their services, even though I was still their princess. I had made it very clear that they couldn't fail, on
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Chapter eighty-seven
The next day, I headed down the stairs and I saw two guards standing alertly in front of a room. It was a sight to arouse one's curiosity and I thought it was Ethan in there. As I walked towards the guards, the door swung open and Ariah walked out with a gloomy look on her face. Well, that was a surprise, why was Ariah being guarded? It was either Ethan or Lowell who had stationed those guards to watch over her. I took my guess, it had to be Ethan. She bowed slightly to the guards who just nodded and grunted coldly, then she turned and saw me. I flashed a genteel smile at her and beckoned on her. I saw the reluctance and the look of disdain in her eyes, it was a mutual feeling. She bowed slightly to me and I said, "You look like a mess, Freathen up and meet me on the balcony of my bedroom in twenty minutes." She didn't object or say a word, I didn't even give her the chance, I just turned and walked away. I had Sally prepare a small table for the both of us, of tea and biscuits. I
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Chapter eighty-eight
Layla’s POVMy heart stopped for a moment, I was so scared that I went completely white.I had done a lot of evil deeds in the past, but never have I been caught in this manner. My mind was in a fucking turmoil, what would he do to me now? My short reign in Ethan's pack was over! How was I supposed to answer all the questions he was going to throw at me? Goodness, I was toast. Ethan looked at me with impassive eyes, I couldn't read his emotions and those eyes of his told me nothing. That made me more petrified. "Layla, there you are." He said, walking over to me as if nothing had happened. "I've been looking for you."My eyes flickered, why wasn't he saying anything about the drink? Or did he not see anything? I was in a feat of suspense, so I just played along in the meantime. "Uhm…me? Why?" I asked, my voice stammering slightly. He stared at the tray for the first time, his eyes were still the same and he just looked away. That made my heavy chest drop with relief, he hadn't see
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Chapter eighty-nine
Ethan’s POV "What? That's impossible!"I exclaimed and jumped to my feet, shock waves sizzling through my body as I turned the news over in my head. That was impossible! "What did you say?" I asked one more time, making sure I had ears correctly.The guards that had rushed into my office stared at each other nervously, then one said, "The…The moonstone of the pack, King Ethan…" He stammered. "It's gone."I looked at Ariah, who just had a confused frown on her face. She had come to me about thirty minutes ago and right in the middle of our conversation, the guards had barged in. "What about Lowell?" I asked, my heart racing with panic instantly. "Get Lowell here right-”The door flung open and Lowell rushed in, breathing heavily and his eyes were wide and wild. "What the fuck, Ethan! Have you heard of it? The fucking moonstone's gone!" He exclaimed, sweating on a cold night. Fuck! I thought to myself, this was bad news! No, this was the worst possible news! "Search everywhere, ev
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Chapter ninety
Ariah’s POV I was still in Ethan's study when the door finally burst open suddenly and an elder and two guards walked in. "There she is! Seize her!" The old man yelled in a strained voice and the guards pranced towards me menacingly. I was terrified at the scene, what was going on? Why were they after me again?The guards took my arms roughly and jerked me off the seat. I was completely engulfed with fear by now and my heart couldn't stop beating like a Cherokee drum. "What did I do? What's going on?" I asked, my voice laden with fear and wonder as they dragged me out of the room. "Shut the fuck up, you little pest!" The elder snarled with an ugly look of distaste that sent shivers down my spine.Where was Ethan? I wondered with panic as they dragged me out of the pack house like a fucking criminal. I was completely helpless in the grips of the giant guards, I stopped struggling at a point, and my eyes darted around in fright. Outside, the chill of the night seethed through my
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