All Chapters of My Father My Mate : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
214 Chapters
A Weakling
ZeldaThe early morning sunlight streamed through the window, directly into my eyes. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head, trying to block it out. But I couldn't fall back asleep. A nagging thought kept pulling at the corners of my mind until I could no longer ignore it. I sat up, my heart pounding in my chest.I looked around, but Drake was nowhere to be found. I stood up, my legs feeling shaky beneath me. I put on my slippers and held my nightgown close around me. I walked to his chambers, my heart beating faster with every step. I hesitated outside his door, my hand hovering over the knob. Should I go in? What if he was still asleep?I turned the knob and stepped inside. The room was empty. I stepped outside and saw one of the maids in the hallway.“Where's the Alpha?” I asked, my voice trembling slightly. “He's gone on a journey, my lady,” she replied, her eyes downcast.I was angry at Drake for leaving without saying goodbye. I felt like he should have woken me up, e
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ZeldaThe screams pierced the air, sending a wave of panic through me. My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to process what was happening. I heard the sound of footsteps running towards me, and I knew I had to do something. But I was frozen in fear, my body unable to move. All I could do was watch as the attackers closed in on us. I could hear the women around me starting to cry, their sobs filling the air. I knew we had to hide, but I couldn't move. I was completely paralyzed with fear.I forced myself to look up, and what I saw made my stomach drop. It was Drake Beta.“My lady,” he said in a grave tone. “You need to hide. War has begun.” I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could this be happening? I felt my knees buckle beneath me, and I barely managed to catch myself before I fell. Everything was moving too fast, and I felt completely overwhelmed. All I could do was nod my head, unable to form any words.I was pulled down by a strong pair of hands, just as an arro
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War 2
ZeldaI closed my mouth and looked around in disbelief. Where did that roar come from? Could it have been me? I opened my mouth again, and let out another roar, this time louder than the last. It was exhilarating, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I roared again, feeling the sound reverberate through my body. My senses were heightened, and I could hear and see things that I never had before. I could hear the whispers of the enemies, their frantic discussions about what to do. I could see the gleam of weapons, hidden in the shadows. And I could smell the fear, the sickly sweet scent of it clinging to the air. It was overwhelming.I felt the change begin to take hold of me, my limbs growing longer, my body elongating. My clothing shredded into pieces as I transformed into my wolf form, my fur sprouting and covering my body. It was an uncomfortable sensation like my skin was being stretched and pulled, but I knew it was necessary. When it was over, I stood tall and proud, my f
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Save Them
DrakeJake, the alpha of the pack, greeted me warmly when I arrived. The rest of the pack members were as friendly and welcoming as ever, and it was like I had never left. Jake was a good leader, and the pack ran smoothly under his guidance. Nothing had changed while I was gone.Jake invited me to join him for breakfast, but I politely declined. I needed to talk to him about the time-critical matters that had brought me back to his pack. There were some things that needed to be discussed, and I didn't want to waste any time. I knew I had to be direct and to the point, but I also didn't want to offend him. I tried to find the right words to express my thoughts.“Please, sit down,” Jake said, gesturing to a chair in his office. “I will get you some water,” he added, pouring me a glass from a pitcher on his desk. “You have come a long way,” he said, placing the water in front of me. I took a sip, my throat parched from the journey. I looked around the office, taking in the familiar s
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ZeldaI could hear muffled sounds around me as if someone was talking in the distance. I tried to make sense of the words, but I couldn't. But then, I felt something else. A gentle kiss on my forehead, a familiar scent that filled my nose. I knew who it was. It was Drake. I felt his hand against my cheek, and I heard him whispering to me, but I couldn't make out the words. I struggled to speak, to tell him I was all right, but I couldn't. All I could do was lie there, listening to his voice.I felt like I was trapped in a deep, dark well, unable to move or speak. But then, I felt a tiny flicker of light. It was like a tiny spark of hope, and I knew I had to grasp it. I tried to open my eyes, fighting against the weight that seemed to press down on them. It was like lifting a mountain, but I kept pushing, pushing until I felt my eyelids begin to flutter. And then, with tremendous effort, I opened my eyes. The light was blinding, and I had to blink a few times to adjust.“She's awake
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Drake“Can you tell us your heritage?” The elder repeated the question, but she remained silent.I turned my attention to the elder, and I could tell she was nervous. I tried to send her a message through our shared mind link, but she wasn't responding. I knew she was blocking me, trying to keep me out. It made me feel isolated, cut off from the only person who could help me understand what was happening. I felt like I was alone, trapped in a situation I couldn't control. And the more I attempted to resist, the more I felt myself slipping into despair.Just then, I decided to help her out, “Why do you ask?” I asked the elder. The elder replied, "Her wolf seems strong, so she can't be a low omega. I have never seen an omega wolf as strong as hers.”“Hmm, maybe you are right,” one of the elders said, and I felt a wave of relief. “Perhaps she needs time to rest before we start questioning her,” another said, and I almost let out a sigh of relief. Zelda stood up, excusing herself from
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Her Father
ZeldaAs Drake left the room, I curled up in bed, alone with my thoughts. I tried to be happy about finally getting my wolf, but instead, I felt a heavy sadness settling over me. The familiar ache in my chest returned, making it hard to breathe. The room was cold and dark, the moonlight shining through the window, casting shadows on the floor. I shivered, feeling a chill in the air. I closed my eyes, trying to block out the world, but the sadness remained.I had never thought that not knowing my father would be such an issue. I knew Drake didn't care, but the elders did. They wanted to know my history, to understand where I came from. But I didn't want to. I didn't want to think about the past, about the people who had abandoned me. I just wanted to move forward, to live my life as it is now. I wanted to forget the past and focus on the future, but now it seems the future demands my past.I had never asked my mother about my father. She had never spoken about him, and I would rather
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Her Father 2
ZeldaI waited for my mother to say something, but she remained silent. I grew more and more frustrated by the second. “Mum,” I said, my voice rising. “I'm waiting!” I was surprised by the anger in my voice. It was like a pressure cooker that had finally reached its boiling point. I was so tired of waiting. Tired of not knowing what was going to happen next. I just wanted to know the truth. I needed answers.“Let's not talk about this,” my mother said, her voice firm. But her words only served to increase my frustration. “No!” I said, my voice, rising even louder. “I require my answers now. I deserve to know the truth, Mum!” I was practically shouting, but I couldn't help it. The words just spilled out of me, like a dam that had been broken. I needed to get everything off my chest, no matter what.“Why do you need answers now?” my mother asked, her voice gentle and curious. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. “Because I am tired of being in the dark,” I said, my vo
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From You
ZeldaI awoke to the morning sun shining through my window, the light falling directly on my eyes. I blinked, trying to adjust to the brightness. I shifted in bed and then realized that I was wrapped in Drake's arms. I felt a moment of panic, but then I remembered what had happened the night before. We had just fallen asleep like that, and I had drifted off to sleep in his embrace. I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace wash over me.I rested my head back on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. My fingers began to draw small circles on his ribs, feeling the softness of his skin beneath my touch. At that moment, I wished that I could stay like this forever. I wanted to stay wrapped in his arms, safe and protected. I would rather not face the day, didn't want to face the problems that awaited me. I just wanted to stay at this moment, wrapped in his embrace.“Why did you stop?” he asked, his voice heavy with sleep. “You were so peaceful,” he said, a hint
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Next To Her
Zelda“Mum!” I shouted, hoping to get her attention. But she didn't respond, she just kept shaking uncontrollably. I felt a wave of fear wash over me, my heart racing. What was wrong with her? Was she sick? Had something happened to her? I felt a surge of panic, my mind racing with terrible possibilities. I had to do something, I had to help her. But what could I do? I was at a loss.Drake put his hand on my shoulder, his voice calm and soothing. “Calm down,” he said, his voice soft. But I couldn't hear him, my thoughts consumed by worry and fear. All I could see was my mother being carried away by the guards, and it broke my heart. I wanted to run to her, to save her, to do something. But I was frozen in place, my mind whirling, my heart pounding."Come on,” Drake said, pulling me to my feet. “You need to be strong right now. Your mum needs you.” I stared at him, his words sinking in. He was right, I couldn't break down. I had to be strong, for my mother's sake. He looked at me wi
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