All Chapters of My Father My Mate : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
214 Chapters
Intruder 2
DrakeI pushed her away, my body reacting before my mind could process what was happening. She stumbled backwards, falling to the floor. I stood there, frozen, as we both stared at each other in shock. I couldn't believe that she had just done that, that she had crossed that line. It was as if the world had stopped spinning, and all I could do was stand there, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't move, I was unable to speak, I couldn't think.My emotions were in a whirl of turmoil. I felt a storm of emotion brewing within me, a maelstrom of anger, frustration, and confusion. I felt my breath quickening, my heart racing, and my hands trembling. I wanted to scream, to lash out, to do something to release the pressure building within me. But I knew that I couldn't. I had to keep control, to stay calm. But I could feel myself losing my grip, the storm brewing within me, threatening to break free.She got to her feet, brushing off her clothes. She looked at me with a sly smile, and
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Intruder 3
ZeldaI watched him, my eyes never leaving his face. He seemed to be searching for an answer, his brow furrowed in concentration. The only sound in the room was our breathing, the air heavy with tension. He looked down at the floor, his hands clasped in front of him. I could feel my heart racing, my mind racing to come up with something....anything... to say. But no words would come. The silence stretched on, suffocating us both.“Drake,” I repeated, my voice tinged with irritation. “Who was the person you dragged outside?” I wanted an answer, and I wanted it now. He looked up at me, his face unreadable. Then, he looked down at his hands, his fingers twisting together. I waited, my patience wearing thin. Finally, he spoke, his voice soft and hesitant. “It was… it was someone you don’t know.” I felt my heart drop. I knew he was lying. I had seen Amelia when she entered the room, and I wasn't going to let him deny it. I wasn't imagining things, and I wasn't angry. I was just confuse
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Spill Over
JakeI had been away from my pack for far too long. I needed to go back and see what was happening, to see what I had missed. My senses were on high alert, taking in every detail of my surroundings. The scent of pine and rain filled my nostrils, and I could hear birdsong in the distance. I could feel the wind blowing through my hair, ruffling my clothes. I was struck by the beauty of my surroundings, the lush greenery, and the sense of freedom. But I knew I couldn't stay. I had to return to my pack, to my responsibilities.I set out towards Zelda's Chambers, the familiar path feeling all too strange after all this time. The last time we had spoken, I had told her we would never see each other again, that I would leave her in peace. Since then, our only interactions had been from a distance, a simple “hello” as we passed by. I knocked on her door, and I heard her faint voice call out, “Come in.” I opened the door, and I saw Zelda seated on the bed, her back leaning against the headbo
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Every Second
DrakeThe morning sun streamed through the window, its bright rays streaming directly into my eyes. I groaned, pulling the covers over my head in an attempt to block out the light. But it was no use—the maid had other plans. I heard the rustle of curtains as she spread them open, letting in even more light. “Good morning, my lady!” she chirped, her voice cheerful and bright. I sighed, knowing there was no escape. I sat up, stretching my body and letting out a yawn.I turned to the other side of the bed, expecting to see Drake there. But the space was empty, the sheets rumpled and unoccupied. I felt a twinge of disappointment, followed by a flash of anger. I knew where he must be — with Amelia, the woman he had chosen over me. I rolled my eyes, scoffing at the thought of her. How could he decide her over me? She was nothing special, just another pretty face. But I pushed the thought away, not wanting to dwell on it.“Is everything alright, my lady?” the maid asked, her brow furrowed
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Stay Calm
DrakeI looked up at my mother, and she returned my gaze with a soft, knowing smile. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation I knew was about to come. “Since you are mated to Dad, how has life been?” I asked, my voice trembling. She took a moment to consider her words, choosing them carefully. “Life has been a journey of ups and downs,” she said, “but I have never regretted my decision to be with your father. It has not been easy, but it has been worth it.” “Has he ever cheated on you?” I asked, the question hanging in the air between us. She seemed taken aback by the question. I saw the hesitation on my mother’s face, her eyes searching mine for a moment. But I needed to know the truth. I needed to know if what I was feeling was normal, if I could trust my instincts. I was holding my breath, waiting for her answer.“No because we are mates,” she said, her voice steady and sure. “The mate bond is strong. If he were to cheat on me, I would know immediately. It is
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Self Conscious
DrakeI stared at Zelda, her eyes filled with questions, but she seemed to be holding herself back, biting her tongue. I could see the wheels turning in her head, her thoughts racing behind her eyes. But I couldn't guess what was bothering her, what was keeping her from saying what was on her mind. I felt like I was in the dark, trying to figure out what was happening, but unable to see the whole picture. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I was afraid of the answer.We sat there, staring at each other, the silence hanging between us like a weight. The only sound was our breathing, heavy and labored. It was as if time had stopped, and the world had gone still. We were frozen, trapped currently, unable to move forward. I wanted to break the silence, to say something, anything, but I was paralyzed, my lips sealed shut. The tension in the air was palpable, suffocating. I felt like I was suffocating, gasping for air, but unable to breathe.“Do you have a mistress?” she blurted out,
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His Mistress
Zelda“I will be right back,” Drake said in a firm tone, and I nodded. I watched as Drake left the room, the door closing behind him. I stood in front of the mirror, my eyes closed, not wanting to see my reflection, not wanting to see the worry and fear written on my face. I tried to focus on my breathing, taking deep, slow breaths to calm my racing heart. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears, the sound deafening in the silence of the room. I tried to focus on the sound, and attempted to grind myself in the present moment.His words echoed in my mind, over and over again. “You are the only woman in my life.” It was like a knife to my heart, a betrayal I had never felt before. How could he say those words to me when I knew he had lied? I remembered the lipstick stain on his shirt, the one I had seen on my sick bed, the day I had found Amelia in our home. The memory was still fresh, the pain still raw. I wanted to scream, to cry, to break something. But instead, I stood there,
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His Mistress 2
DrakeI made my way to the pack’s doctor's, my heart pounding in my chest. I needed answers, and I hoped that he would have some positive news for me. The thought of Zelda being poisoned was too much to bear, and I needed to know who was responsible. As I approached the doctor's office, I felt a knot of anxiety form in my stomach. I opened the door and stepped inside, bracing myself for whatever news he had to tell me.I knocked on the door, and a guard stepped out. “The doctor is attending to a patient right now,” he said. I nodded, trying to calm my racing heart. I paced back and forth in the hallway, each step taking me further from the answers I so desperately needed. The minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity. I looked at the clock, willing the hands to move faster, to bring me closer to the moment when I could finally talk to the doctor.The door swung open, and the patient emerged. He bowed his head in my direction, and I responded with a polite nod. I watched
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Luna Is A Liar
DrakeAs the door swung open, I was met with a sight I never could have imagined. There, in the middle of the room, was Zelda and Amelia, their eyes locked on me. Zelda's lips were curled in a wicked smirk, her eyes glittering with mischief. And Amelia, her hands on her cheeks, her eyes wide with surprise, her mouth agape. I stood frozen, my mind racing, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. My heart began to pound, my head spinning, as I tried to process what this could mean."What's going on here?" I asked, my voice firm, my tone demanding answers. I stared at the two women, my gaze shifting from one to the other. Zelda's expression remained unchanged, her smirk still in place. But Amelia's face flushed, her eyes downcast, refusing to meet my gaze. "Ask your mistress," Zelda said, her words dripping with malice. I wanted to reprimand her for referring to Amelia as my mistress, but I had more pressing concerns at the moment.I waited, my patience stretched to its breaking poin
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Luna Is A Liar 2
ZeldaI said nothing, even though I could tell he wanted me to. I simply turned and walked over to the mirror, sinking onto the stool. I could feel his eyes on me, but I kept my gaze fixed on my reflection, my jaw clenched. I was beyond angry, my thoughts swirling, my heart racing. I couldn't believe he had done this, had put me in this position. And yet, a small part of me couldn't help but wonder if I had brought this on myself.I saw him approaching me through the reflection of the mirror, and I rolled my eyes, my anger growing. “Why the attitude?” he asked, his voice laced with frustration. And that was the final straw. My anger bubbled over, and before I knew it, I was turning around, my eyes blazing. “Don't you dare ask me that,” I hissed, my words like ice. “You are the one who put me in this position, not me.” I could see the surprise on his face, the realization that he had crossed a line. But it was too late.“I never asked for Amelia to show up here,” he said, his voice
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