Semua Bab Not MY Mate: Bab 51 - Bab 60
88 Bab
51- Without Juliet.
“How was the visit?” Terry asks, holding Catherine on the couch.“Good, I need to talk to you and Ollie,” Hank says.“Can I come too?” Catherine asks.“I think you two could use a moment apart,” Hank answers, furrowing his eyebrows.“I meant to help. Give a female perspective,” Catherine rolls his eyes. “We can be separated.”“If forced,” Terry smirks.Catherine laughs, making Hank smile.“Well in this case, I need you to. This is an Alpha issue, not boy talk,” Hank tells them.“Should I get my Mom?” Terry asks.“She is waiting in her office, with Ollie on the phone,” Hank nods.“Be back soon, Baby,” Terry kisses Catherine’s temple. “All I am saying, Ollie, is by 30, you should have a mate,” Temperance tells him as Hank and Terry come in.“Ollie will never take a chosen mate. I think he knows who is mate is and just refuses to tell us,” Terry teases.“Trust me dude, with all the pressure I’m getting, I would tell,” Ollie says via the video call.“Okay, I wanted us to be here, beca
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52-Without Hank.
“What did you find out?” Allen asks Juliet when she gets to his bed side. “There is not better treatment in the Wolf world. Wolves don’t get cancer,” Juliet tells him. “Of course they don’t. Stupid mutts. Anyone harass you?” Allen holds her hand. “No Daddy. No one knows me. I can lead in your place and hopfully keep my name out of it,” Juliet tells him. “We have to keep the company going too. The wolves paying for their own destruction makes me happy,” Allen laughs but winces in pain. “I don’t think we can go back out as we planned. Tell everyone to enjoy the paid time off and to train. But don’t use the alloy bullets for target practice.”“I’ll give the order,” Juliet assures him. “These monsters think we will just give up the fight, I don’t care if it’s with my dying breath I will do as much damage as I can.”“Why do you hate them so much?” Juliet asks him.“They took over, and kicked us out of our homes. I was 4 and shuffled away. My father told us to just do as we were told a
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53- Juliet Arrives
“Welcome, Luna,” several Omegas in the packhouse greet her.“Thank you, but please just call me Juliet,” Juliet smiles at them.“She is here for a few weeks only, on mission. I want everyone to treat her well, but we can’t announce her as Luna publicly yet. This is to stay within the pack,” Hank orders.“Yes, Alpha.” Everyone answers.Juliet looks taken aback.“I used Alpha Command, they can’t disobey without dying,” Hank explains.“Juliet,” Sandra smiles. “We are so glad you are here.”“I’m happy to be here,” Juliet hugs her.“Is her phone set up?” Milo asks Hank.“Yeah we installed a program that will give fake locations for the next month. I get a whole month with my mate,” Hank pulls her close and kisses her head.“Later,” Juliet pushes him slightly.“Like Hell, its been two months, six days, fourteen hours and thirty-nine minutes. You are lucky I haven’t thrown you over my shoulder and run upstairs,” Hank whispers in her ear.“Can we have dinner? I think we need fuel,” Juliet gig
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54- Girl Time.
“Wow, you really do look different, but you smell like my brother,” Catherine teases as they get into the car.“Sorry, we just had a quickie in his office,” Juliet laughs.“Geez, you two are going to end up preggers,” Catherine laughs.“Nah, I had an IUD put in. I suggest it,” Juliet tells her.“Oh, I did,” Catherine smiles. “Even if Terry isn’t my mate, I want him to be my first.”“Will he be okay with that? Don’t males want their mates?” Juliet asks.“Well, yeah, but male wolves are like male humans. They will fuck anything,” Catherine laughs.Juliet laughs as well.They arrive at the mall and start at the food court for smoothies.“So, what are we buying?” Juliet asks.“I want a few dresses, but also some,” Catherine bites her lip. “Is it weird to help me pick underwear?”“Underwear or….” Juliet teases.“Yeah, is it weird?” Catherine makes a face.“No, but you have to help me too,” Juliet raises her eyebrows.“To the store!” Catherine smiles.After trying on a few sets, Catherine s
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55-The Room
“Pops?” Terry questions. “What are you doing here?”Zachary looks shocked. The door to the room he came from starts to open and Zachary pulls it shut quickly.“I have a weekly appointment. Some old Alpha injuries need to be tended to. One day you may have some of your own,” Zachary answers, holding the door shut.“So why in the storage room?” Terry laughs, putting his hand over Zachary’s and opens the door.A nurse is standing there. Terry raises his eyebrows.“Not what you think,” Zachary sighs. He lets the nurse leave the room.“Then start talking before I mindlink Grandmama, Dad and Mom,” Terry says sternly.Zachary huffs, “You were born in this room boy. If I was cheating on your grandmother, she would feel it. It’s none of your business what happens in there. What are you even doing here?”“I help out in the hospital a lot. I’m an unofficial medic,” Terry tells him. “So, what medical procedure requires a secret room and a nurse?”“The doctor comes in too,” Zachary rolls his eyes.
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“Terry what were you doing at the hospital today?” Temperance asks as they all sit in the Alpha Living Room after telling Nova what happened. “I go there three or four times a week to help. I’m training to be a medic,” Terry explains. “Terry really wants to a doctor,” Nova tells them absentmindly.“Want to tell your parents why you are a medic?” Sebastian asks. Terry looks around. “I like being a part of the healing process. If Nova is mated to someone who would make a good Beta to her Alpha. I might want to be come a doctor.”“That is amazing. Why haven’t you told us until now?” Temperance asks. “I need to see who Nova is going to be mated to. I did tell Mom I didn’t want to take over until Nova has a mate.” “You don’t think you can be an Alpha and a doctor? Healing on the field where you kill?” Sebastian asks. “Wouldn’t an Alpha who can heal be helpful?” “I have a few years,” Terry holds up his hands. “You only have a few years. Don’t give up on what makes you happy because i
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57-Oliver turns 23
“Hi Oliver,” a overly sweet voice floats into his office. “It’s Alpha,” Oliver corrects the owner. “We may be the same age, but I have never given you permission to call me by my name.”“I apologize Alpha. Beta Mason and Gamma Hunter thought you might need a little relief to celebrate your birthday,” the voice comes into view. It’s Madison. “No I am relived,” Oliver tells her with a smile. “You have no mate, no girlfriend, no bedwarmer, how exactly are your relieved?” Madison asks standing in front of him. “I could make it feel good for you.”Oliver looks up at her and is surprised. “No you can’t. I have a mate out there and I want her to know I waited as long for her as she waited for me. In that realization, I am relieved. I am perfectly content with my life,” Oliver tells her. “Now if you wish to see how happy I am you should join me tonight at Luna Bar. I will be ringing in my 23rd birthday with my best friends, Terry Timmerman and Hank Reynolds will be here. Along with their s
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58-Catherine at 16
“Terry,” Milo greets him in front of the packhouse with a smile and a handshake. “You look a little green.” “Im nervous. I’m completely in love with Catherine, if in a few minutes I find out she belongs to someone else, Im not sure what I’ll do. I won’t ever be able to see her with her mate. I’ll hate him,” Terry confesses. Milo chuckles. “She said something very similar about an hour ago.” Terry smiles at the thought .“Sorry brother,” Hank comes running out. “Thought I would be done with is the phone call before you got here. Everyone else coming later?”“Alpha business always takes priority, Oliver is arriving with my parents and Nova,” Terry and Hank hug. “I cut it as close to midnight as I could.” “I get it. Everyone is gathering in the back garden,” Hank leads the way. “Terry,” Juliet greets him. “Welcome back.” “Thanks Luna,” Terry gives her a friendly hug. “Catherine has been discussing with Jessie and Jessie is not giving anything away.” Juliet tells him. “Astro is bo
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59-Juliet’s Last Night
“It’s going to be insane to not have you here,” Hank whines on his last night with Juliet.“I’ll try and get back as soon as possible,” Juliet snuggles into him. “It won’t be soon enough,” Hank pouts. “I’ll let you fuck me really really hard and I won’t shower for the flight back,” Juliet sings. Hanks smiles. “If you weren’t flying with my sister who would have to endure the smell the whole time, I would totally do that.”Juliet laughs. “She is so happy to see Terry she won’t care what I smell like.”“Hey you know about Terry’s grandfather right?” Hank asks and Juliet nods. “Well part of the research found a formula that could help your father. Terry is happy to give it to you.”Juliet lays in his arms not believing what she is hearing. “If I give it to him he might get better, then what do we do?” Juliet asks. “We celebrate and tell him the truth. Then he walks you down the aisle at our commitment ceremony. We all live happily ever after.” Hank tells her..“That is a nice story
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60-Juliet and Hank
“Whoa,” Milo runs in and looks around at the scene. “Catherine, what is happening?”“Juliet is defending herself and me against Hank’s anger,” Catherine says shakily. “She is a little more aggressive than I thought she would be.”“Is that a silver knife?” Milo asks Catherine, putting her behind him.“Yes,” Catherine answers, swallowing hard.Milo and Catherine take in the two mates with shock.They are standing nose to nose. Juliet holding his bare dick in one hand and a silver knife in the other. Hank standing with his arms by his side.“Put the knife down,” Hank says again.“Take your punishments back. You will not keep Catherine from her mate. And you will not be angry that I protected a pack member. Either I am your Luna and your equal or I’m not, choose now,” Juliet yanks his member, making him moan.“Catherine can go, and you are not to be punished.” Hank finally says.Juliet drops the knife and grabs the back of Hank’s head as their lips touch.“Okay, I’m out,” Milo shakes his h
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