All Chapters of Not MY Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
88 Chapters
41-The Future is Coming.
“Sebastian, good to see you,” The Alpha says, looking confused.“I apologize, Alphas, for being the first representative from Biczi on this call. However, it is important. As you all can see I am not feral, nor has my mark faded,” Sebastian shows them his mark.“After 6 months, it’s hard to believe,” Mitchell states. “Unless I lost a bet with my Luna.”“I want to assure all of you that the deception was necessary and productive,” Sebastian tells them.“You caught him red-handed?” Learner asks with a smile.Sebastian nods, “Attempting to attack a she-wolf he thought was with child.”“Jasper Justice should be stripped of his title and executed forthwith,” Learner offers.“Can the rest of us hear the evidence?” An Alpha asks. “And not from a Beta.”“Of course,” Sebastian stands, and Temperance sits down to the shock of everyone.“I assure you the deception was necessary,” Temperance tells them.“Yep, lost a bet with my Luna,” Mitchell smile and sighs. “Good to see you, Tempe.”“Thank you
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42-Back at Reynolds
Milo returns home to find his Beta waiting for him.“Charles,” Milo says with a nod.“You are mated to a human and have children with her?” Charles asks.“Yes,” Milo answers.“Then I, Charles Barren, Beta of Reynolds Pack, challenge you, Alpha Milo Reynolds, for the title Alpha,” Charles declares.“Fine,” Milo smiles. “Let’s go.”“You aren’t afraid at all?” Charles asks, his voice shaking.“Nope. I spent my time in jail working out. I spent time with Justice training, and just this morning I had sex with my mate. I’m about as fit as a fiddle. I don’t want anyone in the pack who can’t respect my Luna, and if my Beta feels he can run the pack better, I am more than happy to prove him wrong,” Milo removes his jacket. “Let’s go, the captains are watching. Alpha Kinder will be my second.”“I got your back,” Kinder smirks, sitting on the hood of his own car to watch the fight.“To submission,” Charles stumbles a little.“No, this will be to the death. Anyone who challenges me or disrespects
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43-Book 1 Epilogue, New World Summit
Three Months Later-“Baby,” Sebastian yells as Terry squirms in his arms. “He can’t walk yet, why does he want down?”“Because he can crawl,” Temperance laughs. “Just let him down. I put the gate on the stairs.”“Fine, whatever,” Sebastian releases his wild son to the floor. Sebastian laughs as Terry makes a bee line for the stairs.“Are you coming to Grandma?” Janice teases, opening the gate and scooping Terry up.“He squirmed from me,” Sebastian pouts.“You aren’t grandma,” Temperance teases him, before kissing his cheek.Sebastian looks down at her. Sebastian bites his lips as he takes in his mate.“Damn Baby, are we welcoming the Alphas?” Sebastian asks.“Yes, why?” Temperance asks.“Because this outfit has me thinking other thoughts,” Sebastian pulls her close and kisses her neck, making her laugh.“It's a pant suit, what kind of male finds a pant suit sexy?” Temperance asks.“Me,” Sebastian growls, capturing her lips.“Okay, you two, no need to make another baby, yet.” Janice le
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44 BOOK 2-Alpha Hank.
15 YEARS LATER“HANK!” Terry yells, running from the car and jumping on his favorite person in the world.“Terry!” Hank hugs him close.“Hank!” Oliver also yells, joining their hug.“GROSS!” Catherine Reynolds yell at her brother and his best friends.“What is so gross?” Oliver asks, smirking at her.“You three all over each other,” Catherine makes a face.“Bet you wouldn’t care if I was all over you,” Terry says, surprising himself. He quickly stutters and recovers. “Sorry, no idea when that came from.”Hank looks between his best friend and his sister.“You guys are only a few months from sixteen,” Oliver smiles. “You might be you know what.”Terry and Catherine smile at each other.“I’m okay with that,” Terry declares.“Me too,” Catherine giggles.“Okay, but right now, today is about me,” Hank reminds them. “I am becoming Alpha today.”“Yes, this trip is about you,” Temperance joins them. Sebastian and their daughter, Nova, behind her.“Hi Hank,” Nova smiles, walking up to him.“He
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45-Who is she?
Jake freezes as does the dark beauty in front of him.“Wow, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen,” she says looking at him. She drops her gun and stares into Jakes black eye. “I’m ordered to kill you, why can’t I?”Jake gives Hank back control.“Because we are mates,” Hank answers. “I’m Hank Reynolds.”“Juliet Collins,” she says, smirking at his naked body. “I feel the connection.“I’m 18,” Hank tells her, narrowing his eyes.“I’m 18 too,” she says. “My father will kill me if I am marked by a wolf.”“Can you call off the attack? You are Luna of the pack you are attacking,” Hank tells her.“Luna as in Queen of these wolves?” Juliet looks around and hears the screams. She lifts her walkie.“Pull back, stop firing.”“You feel the urge to protect them now,” Hank smiles. “It will only get stronger.”“Put your number in my phone under Hank, don’t put your last name or mate,” Juliet hands him her phone and he does it quickly. “I have to go, I’ll text you.”“I’ll be waiting,”
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46-Mates Meet
“You sure we can’t come too?” Terry asks. “I want to meet her.”“Can I meet her properly first?” Hank asks, running his fingers through his hair again.“You have your whole life with her,” Oliver laughs. “We have to return to our packs tomorrow.”“Guys,” Hank holds out his hands and his friends chuckle and don’t follow.“You can hear him, right?” Terry asks Oliver.“How do I have better hearing than you?” Oliver asks.“Want to take an eye test against me?” Terry asks.“Okay, you can see him, right?” Oliver asks.“How do I have better eyesight than you?” Terry mocks him. “Yeah, I got him. Damn she is hot.”“What does she look like?” Oliver asks.“Your complexion, maybe a little lighter, natural curly hair. Sweet face,” Terry tells him.“See any weapons or anything?” Oliver asks.“No,” Terry confirms.~~~Hank approaches her with caution.“You can cross the border, you are Luna here,” Hank tells her.“Yeah, I know how you guys work. I cross the border and you never let me go. My father
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47-A Day with His Mate
Hank and Juliet are sleeping comfortably on Hank's bed when the door opens.Hank jumps up and sees Nova walking in with Catherine.“What the hell are you two doing in here?” Hank asks.Catherine laughs and Nova bites her lip to stop smiling.“We want to meet her,” Nova finally answers.“She is not a side show, get out,” Hank orders.“Oh, come on,” Catherine whines.“Get out, both of you,” Hank rushes them out the door and locks it.“Who was that?” Juliet asks, sitting up slightly.“My bratty sister and her brat of a best friend,” Hank answers. “Oh, and FYI, if Nova Timberman gives you any trouble I want to know immediately. She wanted to be my mate and there is a whole drama about it.”He pulls her back to the cuddle position they were in.“Did you make sure to inflate the death numbers?” Juliet asks.“Yeah, 50 died last night. All the Alphas agree to the inflation as long as you give us info on the next attacks. We will keep inflating numbers,” Hank tells her.“How is it possible you
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Hank walks Juliet to the border before the sun comes up.“The past 36 hours have been,” Hank can’t find the word.“Orgasmic,” Juliet offers.Hank smiles and pulls her to him for one more kiss. After dinner, they said good-bye to everyone and returned to their bedroom for more love making.“We had a few of those, yes,” Hank smiles at her.“You had a few, I’m still high from losing count,” Juliet teases.“Will be waiting patiently for you to come visit, or to text me, where to meet you,” Hank tells her. “Just know you are loved here.”“My next text will be telling you about the next attack,” Juliet tells him.Hank nods. “Luna Juliet, text me three times a day, if you miss more than two in a row, I’m tracking you down.”“I promise,” Juliet smiles. “8am, 12pm, 9pm.”Hank nods in agreement.They kiss and Juliet crosses the border.She back tracks several times and goes the long way around. She stays in the neutral zone for the most part, unaware that Hank can feel every time she steps over
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Hank and Juliet lock eyes as Laylon falls at her feet.“The werewolves will have heard that,” Hank tells her. “More of your people are coming this way.”Hank pulls his phone from his jeans hanging in the tree and texts Alpha Dawson to hold, that the shot was friendly.“What happened?” Allan yells and grabs Juliet’s arm.Hank gets ready to jump from his perch.“He tried to,” Juliet cries. “Daddy, he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”Allan grip turns into a hug and Hank relaxes.“Your silencer has been tampered with,” Allan’s second in command says. “Tim, Eli, go see if any wolves heard this.”Hank watches as two men run off in opposite directions.“Is he dead?” Juliet asks.“You shot him in the forehead. Yes, he is dead,” The second tells her.“Daddy, he wouldn’t stop, even when I pointed the gun at him,” Juliet tells Allan, still crying.“You defended yourself,” Allan tells her. “I am proud of you. This will teach everyone you are not to be messed with.”Allan looks smug and smirks at
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“Happy Birthdaym, an,” Hank slaps Terry’s back.“Thank you,” Terry says, sitting down to breakfast with the Reynolds family.“Just three months,” Catherine bounces into the kitchen.Terry lights up with a huge smile.“Just three months,” Terry tilts his head up and Cateherine plants a kiss right on his lips. Her wavy brown hair covering their faces so no one sees how passionate or deep it is.“I’m gonna be sick,” Hank shakes his head. His phone goes off.Juliet- Dad, took a turn for the worse. We may not head out raiding for a while.Hank- I miss you.Juliet- Can you meet me at Biczi Pack?Hank- YES! I’m going there today with Terry.Juliet- I’ll meet you there tonight. Will the Alpha and Luna let me stay?Hank- I’ll get you and I a hotel for however long you can stay.Juliet- No more than two days.Hank- Okay. See you tonight.Juliet- YES! *Heart emoji*“Juliet says her day has taken a turn and will likely not go out on schedule,” Hank tells Milo.“So what do that mean for you and Jul
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