All Chapters of The Billionaire CEO Returns to College: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
120 Chapters
Chapter 101
The road stretched out before and behind Faith. The miles she'd already covered swept behind her like a wedding train. The miles left to cover spread before her as far as the eyes could see.Faith Donovan was going home. After all the tears and sorrow, she was returning to the one place where she felt most comfortable. It was true what they said after all. There is no place like home.It'll be a bit of a shock for everyone to see her come home in her pearly white car and her fancy new dresses. Someone might just keel over and die from shock.The truth was Faith was no longer that girl that left home all those months ago. She was changed inside and out.Her thinking, her behavior... just everything. She hoped this new her wouldn't rub anyone the wrong way. Not just her family, but the neighbors as well.When you grew up with next to nothing around families facing the same struggles and hardships as you, you ended up as more of a community, a family, than just neighbours.But her new re
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Chapter 102
"Is this yours?" Her father asked, circling the car."Yes, Dad. It's mine.""Wow, that is incredible!""Do you want to drive it?""Yes, but not now. We can go on a drive later, okay?""Sounds good.""Pop the hood, will you? I want to see what it looks like in there."Faith got back in and popped the trunk. She started up the engine up again, knowing that was what her father wanted.Then she climbed back out and joined him in front of the car. "Wow, that is a sweet purr," he gushed. "Devlin bought this for you?""Yes, dad," Faith answered simply.Still, her dad must have caught something in her tone because he slapped the hood shut and dusted his hands off. "That's enough for now. Let's head in."Faith nodded, turned the engine off and followed her father into the house. The house was quiet."Your mom's at work and the kids are still at school," he said by way of explanation.She nodded. "I figured they would be.""I was just waiting for you to arrive. I should head off myself. That m
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Chapter 103
Kaylee walked past Faith as if she wasn't there and disappeared into the house. If not for the telltale sign of her clenched jaw, Faith would have freaked out worrying if her sister had gone blind.She gave her brothers a helpless look. They shrugged and rolled their eyes.Kaylee was the drama queen of the family. Everyone knew not to mess with her when she was in a mood. Faith knew none of the boys would willingly get involved in their drama. It had been the same growing up. This particular drama had been on for a while."Is she still mad?" She asked.It was little Toby who answered. "She's big mad.""So everytime Dad told me she wasn't around for me to speak to her on the phone..."Paul winced. "Sorry.""How have you been coping?" Faith asked Paul sympathetically. "By reminding myself that I only have one year left in the madhouse," he answered with a sigh."You've only been at it, what? One year? Remember, I was in charge here for my entire childhood.""And I salute your fortitu
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Chapter 104
It was almost dinner time, the only time when the entire Donovan family was able to gather. Faith had been locked up in her room with her sister for hours, gisting and catching up.Russ and Toby had tried to come in and join them but they kicked them out and locked the door to keep them out.All their pleadings had fallen on deaf ears as Faith simply reminded them of how they tucked tail and ran when she needed their support.Eventually, they wandered off and left the girls to have their alone time. Faith and Kaylee lay face up, head to head, feet swinging over the edge of her newly made bed. She turned over and tugged at her sister's hair."It's almost dinner time. Who does the cooking now?" She asked."Paul does," Kaylee answered."Paul?" It had been one of the things Faith did when she was here. She'd simply assumed that her sister would step into that role once she left.Faith groaned. "Please tell me that you at least help him with it."Kaylee shrugged. "He never asks for help."
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Chapter 105
Faith hurried back in with a small luggage. She made everyone move their plates aside and placed it on the table top.She probably should just wait until they were all done eating but she couldn't bring herself to. She was so excited to give them what she brought and see their reactions.Faith unzipped the bag and threw it open. "So there's something for everybody," she announced. "Except you guys, mom and dad. Sorry.""It's fine. You shouldn't have bothered getting any gifts at all," Her mum said."Yeah, you didn't have to go to any trouble," her Dad added."I disagree!" Kaylee exclaimed, making them all laugh."It's fine,' she said to her mum, then announced, "I'll start with Toby."She pulled out a small package and passed it to him. He grinned, bopping up and down on his chair as he hurriedly unwrapped the present.He unvieled his gift and gasped. "A Nintendo switch! No way! Mum look."She looked it over in his hands. "What is this?""It's for playing games. Nobody else at school
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Chapter 106
"Shush! It's me!"Faith continued to struggle half-asleep against her captor but the familiar voice eventually registered in her brain.She fought the sleep from her eyes, blinking rapidly until the face in front of hers began to take shape. The light of recognition went on in her eyes."Dad?" She mumbled against her father's hand. He removed his hand from over her mouth. He had a slight smile on."Yes, it's me." He kept his voice at a whisper so as not to wake Kaylee who was snoring lightly in her bed. Faith followed suit."What is going on?" She asked, confused."I thought we could go for an early morning ride before I go off to work; talk and catchup."Faith looked around the room. It was still very dark. There was no light coming in through the windows. "What time is it?" "5 am," he answered."5 am?" She exclaimed quietly. "That's so early.""It's the only time we can talk alone. I'll be off to work in an hour, and I won't be back till late in the evening. I figured we could talk
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Chapter 107
Faith was wolfing down her breakfast at an alarming rate because if she didn't, the three soldiers standing in front of her with folded arms and squinted eyes would drag her off without breakfast.Faith chuckled. "You guys are making me uncomfortable. I'll choke on my food at this rate if you keep looking at me like that."The only response from her three senrtires were deeper frowns. Faith looked over at Paul and rolled her eyes. "You would think I stole the Mona Lisa."He laugned. "I guess as far as they're concerned, if they don't get that ride, you're just as guilty as someone who stole the Mona Lisa."To the kids he said, "Guys, sit down. One would think you've never ridden in a car before."Kaylee scowled. "Eric Paul's cousin's truck doesn't count!""Faith's car is so much cooler," Toby gushed."You should see one of Devlin's cars," Faith murmured but the sharp-eared kids still heard."Who is Devlin?" Kaylee demanded."No one," Faith answered quickly, too quickly."I bet it's th
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Chapter 108
"Hi, Faith," Devlin called carefully, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.All thoughts flew out of her head in that moment. Devlin looked uncomfortably, as he well should. He looked so out of place standing in the dingy restaurant in the middle of nowhere in designer head to toe.As always, his presence was like a blow to the gut for Faith. He looked good; good enough to eat in a casual flower patterned shirt and black pants. A pair of black shades hung casually from his shirt."Wow, yes, who is that?" She heard May repeat. "Is that your rich boyfriend? Damn, he's hot. Now that is no old man!""Oh my gosh, is that truly your boyfriend, Faith?" Kaylee asked excitedly."That is..." The words hung on her tongue. She wasn't thinking straight. No, she wasn't thinking at all. It was like her brain went on holiday the moment she saw him at that door.Kaylee didn't wait for her answer though. With a squeal, she ran straight up to Devlin and asked him directly, "At you Faith's mega rich
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Chapter 109
Devlin prepared himself to begin to speak. Right before Faith's eyes, she saw him transform. A shadow fell across his face, grief entered into his eyes and his shoulders hung down as though being crushed by a heavy weight.Immediately, Faith remembered that she'd seen this before...this man...this version of Devlin. He look older, greyer, more frail. This was a man wrecked with grief and with a start, she realized that this man had always been there under the shadows, lurking and waiting.For every smile and every happy moment she'd had with Devlin, this grief-stricken man was watching, crying beneath the mask.Even without hearing what he had to say yet, Faith's eyes began to water. She fought the urge to pull him into her arms and hug him, to tell him that he was not alone. She fought the urge and she waited.Devlin started speaking. "What I'm about to tell you, I've only ever told three people. I told Casiuss all those years ago when we met. I told Sheila when I was trying to convi
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Chapter 110
"Of course I will help you," she said."So does that mean you will you go back home with me", Devlin asked looking at her pleadingly.She hesitated before answering, "Yeah, I will, but you need to understand, things cannot be the same anymore. I-I can't be with you"."I really hoped you wouldn't say that. I really did, but I understand", he replied looking down, unable to meet her eyes."It's just not fair to me, or to you in fact. We'll go back together but once we arrive, I'll drop you off at the mansion and go on to Greenfield", she said with tears already in her eyes.She stood up, wiping off the tears in her eyes."I am truly sorry Faith. I did not mean for things to get this complicated"."It's ok, truly", Faith replied smiling. "Sh*t happens, but we move on. We'll leave first thing tomorrow, hopefully beat the traffic. We'll see from there"."Thank you, Faith".She drove him back home with her. There was no hotel around that would suit his taste. Her house was no better but at
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