All Chapters of The Billionaire CEO Returns to College: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
120 Chapters
Chapter 81
"I got a call to come in, sir. Is there any problem?" Faith asked immediately they were both seated.The man blinked in surprise. "Oh, right, about that, you were here some weeks ago about taking on more courses and I never heard back from you about that so I called you in."Faith deflated in her chair. "Oh my gosh," she murmured."Is there a problem?" The dean asked, worried."No." Faith began to laugh with relief. He looked even more worried. Faith sat up and comported herself. "I'm sorry. It's just that I thought it was something about my exams."His face brightened with understanding. He laughed. "Oh, I see. No, it's nothing like that.""I'm so relieved. I was worried I'd lost my scholarship.""I could show you your results if you want," he offered."That would be wonderful, thank you."He tapped at his keyboard for a few minutes and pulled up her result. He turned the screen to her. "There you go."Faith scanned through everything quickly. She sighed with relief. She'd passed eve
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Chapter 82
"Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to you, dearest.Happy birthday to you."Faith woke up to the sound of Devlin's voice singing to her. She stretched with a smile on her face."Thank you," she said when the song ended."You're welcome." He tried to kiss her.Faith drew back. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet.""When has that ever stopped me?""True," she said with a laugh and let him kiss her."Remember the surprise I told you about?""Of course. Thanks to you I've been living in suspence.""Well, you don't have to wait anymore. It's downstairs waiting for you.""Finally!" Faith hopped off the bed. "Let's go already!""Geez, calm down. It's not doing anywhere."She rushed down to the living room anyway. "Hello? Sheila? Adele? Cassius? Mama Rose? I know you guys are here. Come on out!"No one jumped out at her yelling surprise. She turned to Devlin who was standing at the doorway, watching her with a smirk."There's no one here!""I never told you that there w
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Chapter 83
Faith pulled into the parking lot of the mall. Adele's brand new car was right behind her followed by Sheila's. Miraculously, she found an opening with three parking spaces side by side.Faith pulled into the first one, followed by Adele and then Sheila. As though timed, they opened the door at the same time, stepped out and put on their sunglasses.It was all Faith could do to keep herself from laughing out loud. It was like a scene from a movie. They would be the super rich, cheerleader friends who moonlighted as mean girls.Lots of eyes were on them. Faith could feel the admiration...and in some cases envy, rolling off them in spades.She ignored all of them and headed into the store with her friends, side by side. How many times has she watched rich young girls driving past in their cute little convertibles and cute little outfits and wished that she could be one of them.She was one of them right now, and by god it felt good! She reveled in their gaze on her, knowing that for the
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Chapter 84
Faith was glad that she'd allowed the girls talk her into buying new outfits for the trip to Paris. Walking hand in hand with Devlin on the streets of Paris, it was glaring how stylish and beautiful everyone was.They'd had the car drop them off a little ways from the Eiffel tower so they could enjoy a walk down the quaint streets of Paris and she was loving every second of it.Faith was already in love with the city and they'd only been there a few hours. They took a first class flight to Paris late in the day and arrived at about 5'o'clock. The next couple of hours were spent checking into their hotel room and getting ready for the night ahead.It was currently a few minutes to eight, a perfect time to see the tower according to Devlin. They walked leisurely. There was no hurry, as Devlin had reminded her when she took off at a brisk oace immediately they alighted.But she couldn't help it. She was so excited! Faith had never been to Paris, of course. Her only knowledge of the Eiffe
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Chapter 85
"Just say it," Faith breathed. She thought she heard her voice shake slightly but she could hardly tell over the roaring in her ears."Faith Donovan...I love you."A sob broke through her lips. "Oh, my gosh!" She laughed through the tears."You're crying? Why are you crying?" "I've never heard you say my last name."He blinked. "That is the first thing you're going to say?"Faith laughed. It came out as a watery sound. She grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his lips. "I love you! I love you too!"Devlin trapped her before she could let go and deepened the kiss. He turned his body, sliding on top of her. He pressed into her, running his hands up her arm.Suddenly, Faith drew back. "Wait!""What?" Devlin asked, his eyes dark as night."I didn't put it on yet."He blinked. "Put what on?""The red lingerie you asked me to bring along."He hummed impatiently. "Don't worry about it. I can't wait." Faith laughed as his lips crashed on hers again. There was no more talking for a very lon
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Chapter 86
"Sheila, I'm freaking out!" Faith cried."Just breathe, Faith. It's not a big deal.""Not a big deal?" She squealed into the phone, causing her friend to wince. "It's the biggest deal ever. I don't understand why he thinks I should be at something like that.""You would have had to do it eventually.""Eventually is better than right now." Faith fanned herself. She was suddenly sweating heavily despite the air conditioned room."You're just overreacting."Faith stumbled over to a mirror and peered at her reflection. "I think I'm not breathing. My face is turning bright red. What do you think that means?"Sheila rolled her eyes. "Girl, get a grip! I don't want to have to call 922 on you!""I think I'm gonna lay down." Faith proceeded to lay down on the bare floor, the cold tiles immediately cooling her temperature."If you really don't want to do it, you could just tell him you're not going," she suggested."I can't do that! He's counting on me.""Then get yourself together and let's wo
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Chapter 87
Faith had Devlin's hand in a death grip. She was viscerally aware of it but she couldn't bring herself to let go. Thankfully he wasn't complaining."Dev? You know it's not too late to change your mind, right?"Devlin chuckled. "For the umpteenth time, Faith, I'm not changing my mind. I want you here with me. Just relax. You're going to do great."Faith sighed. "What if I mess everything up for you?""Now how would you do that? Already, you're the most beautiful woman who would be in that room." Faith scoffed at that but also laughed, lightening the mood. "I mean it. Nobody holds a candle to you. Have you seen yourself?"She'd seen herself. She heard the awe in his voice and it was the same feeling she got when she looked in the mirror earlier.In the past two days, she'd been pampered, pruned and plucked to perfection. Her skin was glowing, her makeup was flawless and her dress was gorgeous all because Devlin had spared no expense on getting her ready.She knew she looked amazing but
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Chapter 88
"I have just one question for you, Mr Banks. Who is your date tonight?" Samantha asked in that bright TV voice that grated on Faith's nerves."Correct me if I'm wrong," she charged on, "But this is your tutor, isn't she? I don't knowww but, not many people bring their tutors along as their dates to the event of the year. So tell us, is she really your tutor or something else?"Faith held her breath. Since they actually got together, this was the first time that they were questioned about the nature of their relationship.In the past, they'd simply told the truth...that she was his tutor. But now, she was more than that. She was his lover. They lived together.But the truth was, their relationship was still as undefined as when they'd set out. He hadn't asked her out yet so she wasn't officially his girlfriend although she could tell he already saw her that way.She'd been suspecting for weeks that he was planning something too. Planning to ask her out, most likely and Sheila and Adele
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Chapter 89
Devlin couldn't tell if he walked, ran or flew after Sheila. All he knew was that he found himself exiting the hall through a door he'd never even known was there in all his years coming here.The door led outside where the refreshing night breeze hit him in the face. He didn't dawdle to appreciate it. "What were you guys doing outside the hall?" Sheila only shook her head, apparently unable to speak which upped Devlin's anxiety. There were no thoughts in his head, only the word, "Faith! Faith!" repeated on a loop in his head.She led him through a clearing and then into a garden. Why the h*ll had they come this far? Why did they go so far away from the hall?This was his fault. He shouldn't have left her in the hall but there was no way of knowing that the discussion would take that long.Plus, he'd figured she would be fine with Sheila and Adele. Where was Adele anyway? She'd probably stayed with Faith while Sheila went for help.Without even thinking about it, his phone was alread
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Chapter 90
"Okay..." He drawled. "What is it?" She could see the trepidation in his eyes. She couldn't imagine why he would be so afraid of this conversation."It's about what happened earlier today," Faith clarified. Knowing what the conversation was to be about should help to calm his nerves, shouldn't it?"Oh...yeah? What about that?" He asked hesitantly. Nope, it didn't help at all. If anything, he looked more stressed.Geez, what exactly did he think she was going to do, bite his head off? She supposed there was some credence to his fear. Hadn't she done exactly that earlier? Almost bit his head off for trying to be nice? She sighed. Better just get it out and over with. "I wanted to apologize actually..."His eyes widened slightly. " apologize?" "Yes, I did." What was with his reaction? Why was it surprising that she was apologizing. Wasn't that the right thing to do?"For real?"She blinked in confusion. "Uhm...yeah? I was wrong to react like that. I realize that so now
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