Semua Bab Owned By The Alpha : Bab 11 - Bab 20
80 Bab
Sex Slave
With my mind still reeling at the thought of my mystery helper, I went to the small house I shared with Marsha in other to feed my grumbling stomach. It was a long walk and I was starting to feel weak. I managed to push my way to the small house only to witness a dire scene in front of me.Marshmallow's voice filled the hushed air, she was pleading and begging to be set free. Mr. Old Face, however, was groaning out of the immense pleasure he was receiving from torturing Marsha in his way.I stood by the corner of the wrecked door, peeping in to get a clear picture of what was going on, only to see Mr. Old Face lying on top of Marsha, shirtless. "Fuck!" I muttered. The scene was irritating and it make my stomach clean, making to puke. This was molestation and Marsha was the victim here. Was the part of being a slave too? I gathered enough confidence and strolled into the house, pushing Mr. Old Face away from Marshmallow with all my might.The man fell to the ground with his head hitti
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The meeting hall was bathed in dim light as Alpha Galan presided over the gathering of his most trusted advisors and warriors. The scent of fresh pine wafted through the room, calming the tense nerves of his pack members. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, as each member eagerly awaiting the alpha's command.Before Alpha Galan could utter a word, his phone rang in the middle of the meeting making his glares at his phone and the caller ID made him frown. He took the phone and placed it on silence before proceeding with his meeting."We must be vigilant, my brothers and sisters", Alpha Galan's voice resonated with authority. "The human encroachment into our territory has escalated, and they are hunting us with increased ferocity. We cannot let the bloodlust go unpunished!"The room filled with a chorus of growls and affirmations, echoing the pack's determination to protect their home and their kind. Marcus nodded in agreement, his loyalty and respect for his leader evident in his
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Shackles Of Enslavement
The full moon shone brightly in the night sky, casting a mesmerizing silvery glow across the land. Alpha Galan, stood at the edge of a cliff, his keen eyes fixed on the radiant lunar sphere. It was on this sacred night that he could call upon Selene, the moon goddess, his mother, and the divine being who bestowed him with his extraordinary abilities.As the moonlight reached its peak, a celestial aura enveloped Alpha Galan, and he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. He raised his arms to the heavens, calling out to his mother, the moon goddess, with a melodic incantation passed down through generations:"Oh, Moon Goddess, hear my call,I seek your wisdom, I stand tall.Reveal to me what visions mean,For in my dreams, a woman's seen."The night air seemed to respond to his plea, and a radiant figure appeared before him, her form ethereal and luminous. She was draped in a flowing how that shimmered like the moonlight itself, her silver hair cascading down her back, and he
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Claim Her (1)
The following day was going to be a hectic one as Marcus groggily woke up, stretching his arms as he yawned and rubbed his eyes. Feeling parched, he decided to head to the kitchen for a glass of water. As he opened his bedroom door and shuffled through the hallways, he noticed a dim light coming from the kitchen.To his surprise, he found Alpha Galan, standing by the refrigerator, fully dressed and causally sipping a glass of red wine. Marcus couldn't help but be startled by the unexpected encounter."Uh, hey, Alpha Galan," Marcus stammered, trying to hide his surprise. "Didn't expect you'll be up so early."Alpha Galan scrutinized Marcus from head to toe, disapprovingly shaking his head as he noticed that Marcus was still in his pajamas."Tsk, tsk. Why are you still dressed in your pajamas?" Alpha Galan asked with a disappointed look on his face."Why? Am I not allowed to be dressed in my pajamas?" Marcus retorted not knowing to reason why he was being scolded for wearing his pajamas
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Claim Her (2)
The drive from Elysian Manor to the cabbage was a tiring but fulfilling one. Alpha Galan was still staring at the photo of the red-haired woman while Marcus was sighing continuously or kissing his teeth out of uneasiness. He felt that things are getting out of hand and the danger lurking in the shadows.On getting to the cabbage store, Alpha Galan gestured for Marcus the do the needful without spilling the beans. "Don't talk out of point and get the information from the old lady's mouth." Marcus nodded and stepped out of the car, arranging his suit as he approached the cabbage store. He met the old lady sitting outside by the corner of the store, talking to a middle-aged man that has a scar on his left eye and had a smug look on his face.He paused for a while and tried to act invisible so that he wouldn't get their attention. Marcus overhead some hushed whispers coming from the both of them making him realize that both the old lady and the man had some deep connection."It's been a
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Claim Her (3)
On getting to the slave establishment, the duo came down from the car. Marcus was nervous at first but regained his sense of determination but Alpha Galan was determined to claim his mate. They were welcomed by a brutal sight, where men and women were brutally beaten by angry men, they looked pitiful but the duo remained unfazed by the whole situation not until a man approached them with a smile on his face.He looked so happy to see both Alpha Galan and Marcus as he knew they were from a higher class. He welcomed them with open arms, gesturing them to walk with him and they did obediently."The look on his face makes me want to puke," Marcus whispered to Alpha Galan who used his hand to push Marcus' face away from his ear. "Pttf!" He hissed."You're such a busybody." He cautioned the man standing beside him who rolled his eyes before forcing them on their mission.The man who was showing them the way kept engaging them in a series of discussion but neither of them were interested. A
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Claim Her (4)
My guardian angel stood elegantly behind Mr. Old Face but when I turned to know who was standing beside him, I almost got choked in my saliva. The man looked intimidating and alluring at first sight, his red eyes were captivating and frightening, stood tall, his aura emitting elegance and authority. With an imposing presence, the man stands tall, exuding an aura that commands attention and respect. His strong, chiseled features are accentuated by sharp jawlines and piercing red eyes that seem to hold a captivating allure. Confident and composed, his every movement reflects a sense of innate authority.Dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, his attire further complements his magnetic charm. The fabric hugs his athletic physique, highlighting his toned frame and the rich colors enhance the air of power he exudes. A subtle hint of cologne lingers in the air, leaving a trail of sophistication in his wake.I couldn't break my eyes off him and our gazes locked, sending cold shivers down my
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Claim Her (5)
The black limousine glided to a graceful stop, its outstanding presence accentuating the air of dignity that surrounded us. The red-eyed man handed over his black card to my guardian angel, granting us exclusive access to the elegant boutique. As my guardian angel stepped out, I followed, my heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.The boutique's grand entrance beckoned us inside, and the moment I stepped through those majestic doors, I was immediately awestruck. The aura of opulence enveloped me, from the gleaming marble floors go the intricate crystal chandeliers that hung upwards. It was a world reserved for the elite, and I felt like an outsider, cautiously navigating this luxurious realm."It's quite breathtaking, isn't it?" He observed, noticing the wonder in my eyes.I nodded, my voice barely above a whisper. "I've never seen... anything like this before. It's... overwhelming."He chuckled, a warm twinkle in his eye. "I understand, girl. But today, this world i
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Claim Her (6)
The sleek black limo hovered along a patched its way through a winding path that was covered by well-trimmed gardens, the bright green leaves bloomed creating an intruding sight. As we went further into the estate, my heart grew with every bit of excitement.Elysian Manor emerged in all its grandeur, a sight that left me utterly speechless. The mansion stood tall and emitted a majestic aura of architectural brilliance, a perfect fusion of unlimited beauty and modern luxury. It was a huge masterpiece, bringing out intricate details and towering spires that seemed to reach up to the heavens."Welcome to Elysian Manor," Marcus announced from the front seat with a hint of pride, watching my eyes widen with awe. "This is where I and Galan reside.""So that's his name," I muttered inwardly.I couldn't contain my amazement as we drove further toward the main mansion. The estate had a perfect sight to behold, it was wide and had many buildings in it, beautiful gardens, fountains, and statues o
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Claim Her (7)
As I followed Galan, we climbed the staircase, the air hushed with anticipation. Exactly when we showed up at the fourth floor, he opened an entrance and motioned for me to enter. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by a lovely sight – it was a female's room, tastefully decorated, and all the bags from the shopping mall were neatly arranged, giving the impression that they had been awaiting my arrival. The warm climate caused me to feel like a treasured visitor, and I really wanted to be shocked by the act of kindness."This is your room." He expressed, resting on the wall, collapsing his arms across his chest.I turned to face him, he looked breathtaking that I could almost forget to breathe. "Thank you, sir." I bowed in acknowledgment.He approached me and tapped my hair, raising my jaw as our eyes met. I felt shivers down my spine again and his warm act was making me nervous and scared."Are you scared?" He asked with his eyes not leaving mine."I'm not," I said firmly, shifting my g
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