All Chapters of Seductive Vibrations Book 2 Enticing Touch: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
141 Chapters
Burning Words
It is one of the reasons I love him, yet I feel so alone right now like no one has any idea what I am going through. The car stops. Looking up, we are already home. Getting out, I walk into the house. Not saying anything, I walk straight upstairs. I can’t face the questions right now. Getting changed, I climb into bed. Right now, is the time I would love to fall asleep so easily, yet my mind just won’t stop. It keeps going on and on about everything I have done wrong that has led to this point. I can hear the faint talking downstairs. I can’t make out what they are saying and, to be honest, I don’t care. They can’t be saying anything about me worse than I am already thinking. Looking around this room, I can’t help but wonder if our relationship is toxic. Sure, it might not be like me and Max but all these issues, maybe it is a sign? Laying here, every possible thought goes through my head - why it is my fault, why I might deserve this and how much I hate myself. 
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Waking up, Jackson is still asleep next to me. Grabbing my phone, I check the time: seven-thirty. I should get up and start cooking breakfast. Unlocking the phone, I have a message from Georgina. Alena, let me know you are okay.  I can see something has happened other than you passing out. Just meet me for a drink, a girls’ night in, anything. I should say no, but a relaxing night with Georgina talking through everything would be perfect right now.  I am pregnant and once again, it’s my mistake for being late with the pill. I don’t know what to do, how to feel or anything. Replying to her, I can only hope she is not busy tonight. Can you come here tonight? Jackson and Marcus can stay out of the way, but a lot has happened. Closing the phone, I get out of bed. No doubt she will still be asleep. Going downstairs, I try being quiet - I don’t want to wake anyone up. Slowly, I begin cooking, trying to take my mind off everything
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“Dinner is ready now.” Turning. Jackson is at the door. I have spent nearly four hours writing just for the blog. I have not even done work. Okay around three of those four hours I spent reminiscing about that night but still, a long time to spend on just the blog. “Okay. I will come down now and bring the laptop then I will finish everything downstairs with you.” Getting up, I grab the laptop. Going to walk out the door, Jackson takes it off me and carries it.  I can’t even carry a laptop, really? No arguing, just let it go and carry on. Following him downstairs, I sit at the table. I still, even now, find it strange to be sitting here without Marcus. He has become part of the family, which really is not a good thing.“Right, so we have a choice: more Christmas films, or we do something crazy and watch something like Easter films, just so we get a break from the big red guy.” Jackson laughs, looking at me and waiting for my answer. “I
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Girls Night
My head drops. “What is it with me and coming between you and people you’re close to? Liam when we met, then Liam after you went missing, Marcus and now again Marcus.” I have just realised I am causing all the trouble in his life. “Every bit of drama you have had is because of me: Caroline, Max, Marcus, Liam and now all this with Roxy. Everything seems to follow me around.” Everything stems back to me, all of it. “Erm, I will leave you two alone.” Marcus gets up and walks out. I totally forgot he was in here and I just said all that in front of him. “You don’t come between me and anyone. Everyone falls out. It is part of life, Alena, and Caroline was my drama, not yours.” Walking over to me, he pulls me up, his arms wrapping around me. “I love you, Alena, and I would give up everyone to have just you and the girls.” Resting my head against his chest, I understand that. I would do the same for him. “Right, you go see Georgina. I
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Healthy Baby
“Right, he will be here in two minutes. Grab your things and say goodbye to my wife because she is going to bed.” Jackson walks in, helping her up, and to get her coat on Georgina pulls a face at him. “It is only eleven o’clock. Does daddy give her a bedtime now as well?” Yeah, she is gone. Poor Liam is all I can think. He has all this to come tonight now. “No, but considering she is pregnant, passed out, fell down the stairs and has to be up in the morning, I am making it an order tonight.” He looks at her and then at me. “I am more than willing to comply. I am tired now anyway. I will see you soon, Georgina.” After hugging her, Jackson walks her to the door just in time for Liam to open it. He looks at her in shock because of how drunk she is. “Really, did you share any of the alcohol with, Alena?” He is laughing so clearly isn’t too angry about the whole thing. “No, because she went and got pregnant again.” Oh great!
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A minute later he comes out with a bag. I am intrigued as to what it is.  Getting in the car, he puts the bag next to him. My hand reaches over to grab it but his hands stop mine. “What is in the bag?” I look at him with a million questions. “Nothing for you, Kitten, don’t worry.” Then who is it for? What can he possibly get from a sex shop for someone else? Maybe Liam, in which case I don’t want to know so I won’t even ask again. “So, I don’t want to push but the date, any idea?” He starts driving. Looking over, I shake my head. “I will wait till we get home. I will check online and see. Hopefully, the date comes back what I want it to.” Looking at the scan picture, I can’t help but wonder what if the baby is Marcus’s? “And what date would that be?” Does he even have to ask? Does he really think I would want Marcus to be the dad? “I am shocked you even have to ask that. What do you think?” Looking
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Answered by a date
Walking upstairs to the office, I sit down. Going through paperwork, I try to concentrate but I just can’t, my mind constantly asking me why I am delaying finding out. Why am I delaying it? I could find out now and just not say anything until the girls are in bed, but then that would be wrong. I can’t hide the truth from Jackson.  I know I wouldn’t be able to look him in the eyes knowing he’s the dad and not tell him, and it would break my heart seeing him if I knew he wasn’t.  So, it waits until tonight. Sitting, I get into the paperwork, trying to forget everything. Right now would be a good time for Jackson to help me into my subspace. That is one good thing that came from today for sure - the baby is fine so we can use the playroom again. Nothing considered edge play, or too rough, but still, I can have some things in there.  I feel tired. Leaning my head against my arm, I close my eyes, the thought of today just making me exhausted
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Limited Options
His hands guide me across the room. I am excited yet at the same time, I know it won’t be the same. He won’t use the paddle as hard and he won’t whip me with the whip. He will use the pinwheel at least, but there is a long list of no’s he has in his mind.  His hands pull mine above my head, tying the rope around my wrists. I can move whereas usually my arms are stretched straight up with no freedom to move them at all. “Remember, you get tired or your body gets tired, you tell me, no matter what, Alena.” Nodding, I agree, but I know how hard it will be for me to tell him to stop when I become tired.  His mouth gently caresses mine, slowly kissing down my neck. His hand grasps my breast as he keeps moving down, his fingers running down my skin. Everything is heightened with every little touch. I can feel so much more. His hand stops just at the bottom of my back, his mouth kissing against my pubic bone. His hand slaps down on my ass, making m
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Future Plans
He smiles at me, his finger stroking along my cheek. “Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy sex. You can. I just need to tease you a lot with words and thoughts of what we have done before.” Looking up at him, I smile. “Oh, you did that already. Just teasing me with your words made me wet.” His slight chuckle is full of humour. “I did. Maybe tomorrow I will play one of the videos for you. Mmm, which one shall I put on?” Oh, now that would be amazing! “What do you mean which one?” Looking at him, I sense there are more than just two. “Well, every time we have been in here since you agreed to live stream is recorded and that time at work is also recorded, all for you. Beforehand at least one camera was always on recording, that was for safety though, not pleasure hence only one camera before.” Oh, now that sounds good. “The time at work, as in the Christmas party? If so, it has to be that one.” I don’
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Carolines Request
While I am cooking, I hear him walking down the stairs. Trying to concentrate on cooking, I pretend I didn’t hear him. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t? “What is going on?” Turning, I look at him. He looks at me, confused. “I am not stupid, Marcus. I saw his face. Something has happened and he spoke to you about it.” Standing my ground, I put my hands on my hips. Marcus’s laugh is loud. I swear Jackson could probably hear it outside. “You think stamping your foot and putting your hands on your hips will work with me, missy?” Looking at him, it clearly isn’t. “Worth a try, isn’t it? It might have worked.” It really was all I had. I can’t do anything else that might make him tell me. “Well, no, it doesn’t and it isn’t my place to say. You need Jackson to tell you, not me.” He walks out the front door. So it is something about Jackson? Had it been the team, Marcus would just have said that it is a team matter. Standing, I finish cook
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