All Chapters of MOONBOUND ES: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
97 Chapters
Phoebe and Luna arrived at the pack house; Luna stopped and glanced back. Phoebe kept on running but stopped when she could not find Luna beside her. She turned back, ran back to Luna, and tried to pull her hand away. Luna resisted her hold, her eyes focused on the darkness in front of them. "We have to leave," Phoebe said. Instead of looking at Phoebe, she pushed her behind her. "Stay behind me," Luna ordered. Phoebe pushed herself forward, trying to push her head forward to see what Luna was looking at. "What are you doing? We have to go," Phoebe said. Luna stood still, her eyes trailing in the darkness. Her great silver pupil stretched far enough that it could see a figure looming in the distance. Her eyes followed each of its movements. The figure was all black, and she could not see it properly. If she could try to look further, she was sure she was going to see his face. Her eyes were going to glow if she did that if he was the man looking for her. He was going to know she
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Bartram reacted immediately when he saw the fangs; he pulled off his shirt and placed it over her head. "What are you doing?" Luna asked. Bartram glanced back at Adrian; he was still having a discussion with Phoebe. Bartram carried Luna on his arm in a bridal style and hurriedly took her out of the environment. Luna struggled and kept on questioning him about what he was doing, but he ignored her. She tried to kick her legs but gave up in the end. When they got home, he hurried up the stairs to her room. He dropped her on the bed, making her land with a thud. With a yelp, she instinctively tore his shirt from her face, her gaze then shifting to him. One by one, he yanked down the curtains in her room, his movements urgent and focused. A mixture of curiosity and bewilderment crossed her features as she followed his actions, unsure of his intent. "What are you doing?" she questioned. He ignored her and continued drawing down the curtains. Luna sprang to her feet and rushed to him in
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Earlier, "What happened to her?" Ashford asked as they laid Diana on the bed. Her head was staggering to the side, and her eyes and lips were flushed white and pale. Her long eyelashes twirled around each other. Her eyes bulged out and swelled as if she had been crying for a very long time. She was putting on a matching gown to his red outfit. There was a red necklace on her neck. Evelyn was holding her hand, and there was this sad look on her face. Then she raised her head and glared at Ashford. "Why are you asking that? We should be asking you. You should know everything about your bride and stop asking stupid questions." She snarled. "You have only one responsibility, and you failed at that." "She is not my responsibility, and I have a bride; it is high time you let her know that I am not interested in her at all," Ashford yelled back. Neon took a deep breath. "Now is not the time to fight. We have to help her." Evelyn turned her glare towards Neon, and he bit his lips, stari
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"There was someone out there that tried to harm you, Phoebe. I will tell Alpha Dean about it; first I have to find Alexa. Beta Alex said Adrian nodded in agreement. "Be careful, Beta." Alex shrugged. "I will go with a gamma; don’t worry about me." He turned around and left. Adrian watched him until he was out of sight before turning to Phoebe. He suddenly felt like a jerk for not going after Luna or thanking her for saving his sister. She had taken the hit for his sister, and that meant a lot to him. "Phoebe, go to your room and don’t come out until it is morning, and I don’t want to see you anywhere near the center of both packs. Do you understand me?" Phoebe's brows furrowed. "That means I can’t go to Cruster Toon?" "Yes." He said. He held her shoulder and stared down at her when he saw the sad look on her face. "It's for the better; you must be safe for us and me. Now let me walk you home." "Can’t I check up on Luna before going to my room?" Adrian sighed. "Fine, let’s go."
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Ashford gulped down all the content before answering. "Nothing; I was watching her injury heal, and why did she faint the other time?" Bartram walked to Luna and covered her with the blankets. He took a seat on her bed and pointed at a chair for Ashford to take. Ashford did as he was instructed; he pulled out the chair and sat on it. Bartram took a deep breath. Ashford had learned a lot about his daughter in a short time. There was no need to hide anything from him, and he was also mated to her. "I added a sleeping dose to her water." He paused. "Don’t judge me first; I gave her the dose because she kept looking at my neck after her fangs came out. I had no other way to make her unconscious before she headed outside and revealed all her secrets to the pack." "What will they do if they know?" Ashford asked. "She will be banished from the pack or even killed. I can’t bear to lose her, and since there is a monster on the loose claiming he wants my daughter’s blood, I am sure one of t
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Trevor sat down beside his grandfather after checking if anyone new had entered the pack. He had asked his grandfather about the bloody handwriting. His grandfather had been thinking about it, and when he finally opened his mouth to speak, he paused again before taking a deep breath. Trevor could not find anyone suspicious or new to the pack. That means the girl was not from their pack, or she had been in the pack for a very long time. He had found Tristan and the Betas of his pack inspecting the signs the person had left for them. He had to communicate with Phoebe through the mental link. She had not spoken to him since he had asked them to run home. He wondered if they were okay. He had to leave and come back when his grandfather was ready to talk. He got up and pecked his grandfather's cheeks. "I will be back, grandfather. He said. He walked out of his grandfather's room and walked outside. He decided to talk to Phoebe there, and then he opened up his mind link and connected to
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When Bartram woke up the next morning. He made some noise at the door as he dried his wet clothes. The noise was loud, and he silently opened the door. A man was sitting and leaning at the door when the door opened. He lost his balance and fell into the room, his back flat on the floor. Bartram stood over him, and their eyes connected. Bartram's brows furrowed as he glanced down at the man. He couldn't shake the thoughts from his head. 'Another vampire?' He thought. Neon got to his feet and began dusting his clothes. "Morning Beta Bartram." "Who are you?" Bartram asked. "Why were you leaning on the door?" Neon ignored his question. "Our queen surely has a handsome father." Bartram ignored the compliment just as Neon had ignored his question. "Who are you?" Neon's lips broke into a smile. "Neon, Ashford's best friend." Bartram nodded. "Okay? So what are you doing here?" "I came with Ashford yesterday; he let him in at the front of the building. I thought we were leaving soone
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"You already agreed to be his Luna." "I know. I live in Lunar Crest; pursuing a relationship with you is forbidden." She wanted to add more if she could be the Luna of the pack. She could make Adrian change some rules for the werewolf or do it herself. But she was gifted with two mates. "Forbidden does not change anything; you are my bride, and it's high time you fill your space even though it's only for once." He paused. "My mother wants me to get married to her friend's daughter." Luna was stunned and confused. She had Alexa in the pack to battle with, and then there was also a girl in the vampire kingdom who wanted her mate. "What's her name?" "Diana." He answered. She was supposed to be married, but she lost consciousness, and the engagement couldn't hold. I already told my mother that I couldn't get married to her. "There is no way you would marry her." Luna yelled. She looked at him, and when she saw the surprised look on his face, she looked away from him. "You can do w
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"You said he was your only friend, and you don’t know anything about him? Who was he? A vampire? A werewolf? Or what?" Ashford asked. Luna tried to think that Assy had been her best friend, but she knew nothing about him. Only the fact that he only comes at night made her feel like a jerk. How was she going to find him when she didn’t even know his identity? She only knew about his dislikes and likes. "I know his likes and dislikes, and that is enough for me." Luna said. "You see why I said he was imaginary?" Bartram asked Ashford. Luna was expecting him to side with her father, and she tried to hide the inner anger within her. If he could side with her father, she was going to snap at him and storm off. Adrian had not believed her when she said she was pushed from the roof by Alexa, and now he won’t believe her? Ashford shook his head. No, Beta, Assy was real. I believe her." Luna raised her head to look at him, and the words brushed over her heart. Her anger was gone, replaced
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Adrian sat on a chair in his room, writing down some stuff on paper. Trevor had told him how his grandfather was killed. Adrian did not let Phoebe sleep alone; she slept in his room, and he watched over her. Whoever that person was, it was sure that they had something against the alphas too. Or was he only after the girl and wanted the search team to be quick with it? Adrian dropped the sheet as soon as he was done writing the names of people who were clearly suspects. His father had been told about the thing going on and had told him not to worry too much. The person was going to be caught; they could not hide behind doors forever. If he lets Phoebe out and acts like he has gotten the man's threat and does not care about it, is the man going to come after Phoebe faster now? He groaned and tossed the sheets, which floated and shattered around the messy floor. Piles and liters of paper were scattered on the ground. Even though he had let Phoebe sleep in his room, she woke up and went
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