All Chapters of THEIRS: BOUND TO THE ALPHA KINGS: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
103 Chapters
51. The Last Dying Breath of Hope
ReynaIt was the sound of three sets of footsteps crunching over the burnt earth that I heard before I could even see them. My body was screaming for me to end this dark and torturous puppetry by running towards them, but I stood there, frozen in fear. The will of Pyrra’s malevolent energy, like a wisp of nightshade, silences my desperate cries. It intoxicates me, fills me with a seething fury that was not my own. Pyrra whispers in the far recesses of my mind, “Stay still, Reyna. Let them come to you.”So, I waited, every muscle quivering like a taut bowstring.I saw Rune first, rushing into the clearing, his eyes widening as they met my gaze. Cassian and Malachi followed, their jaws clenched, tension radiating off them. They hesitated, only for a moment, as if weighing their choices. But I could see it in their eyes—their insatiable need to save me.Rune stepped into the flaming circle that surrounded me. The agony in his eyes almost broke me, almost tore Pyrra’s tendrils from my
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52. Loss And Gain; A Blessing
ReynaThe world feels lighter, as if a dark veil has been lifted. The tension in the air is so palpable you could cut it with a knife, and I wonder how we came to be entangled in this web of darkness and light, of love and supposed betrayal.A snarl echoes through the air; Shae’s, and I remember how it all started.As they come closer, I notice the subtle changes that have settled over them during our separation. New lines of worry etched onto Rune’s forehead, Malachi’s eyes dimmer than I remember, as if they’ve seen too much, and Cassian, the usually poised leader, has a ragged edge to him now.But what hasn’t changed is the way they look at me: with a love so pure, it’s almost devastating. I’m struck by how that same love nearly got us killed, how it made us pawns in a game we didn’t even know we were playing.“Reyna, darling, are you—” Rune starts but hesitates, as if not sure how to phrase what we’re all wondering.“I’m me,” I say, voice thick with emotion, my vision blurring wit
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53. Twin Warning
ReynaWe’re standing in a cavern, much like the one from my dream, our eyes transfixed on the scene in front of us. High stone seats almost reach the ceiling, every seat filled by someone with a vendetta; someone who lost a loved one over the last fifty years because of her actions.But Shae doesn’t even look bothered about her pending execution; her face a mask of contentment and her heartbeat as calm as the sea. The four Elemental Alphas surround her as she’s on her knees with a silver contraption around her neck.“The council of Cardinaem sentences Shae Maddox to death,” my uncle declares to everyone present. “For the murder of my brother, Alpha Konrad, the destruction of an entire kingdom and its people on Aether, destruction of half of Embereign and the premeditated murders of Alpha Zephyrus, Alpha Terra and Alpha Alpha Boreas’ fathers; our previous Alphas.”Alpha Zephyrus steps forward. “However, the council of Cardinaem also permits any person sentenced to death to say their la
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54. Four Sprouts
ReynaIt feels like the shattered pieces of my soul are slowly coming together as I lay entangled with my Alpha. As much as I wanted this to be all three of us, I felt like being alone with each of them tonight. As Cassian slowly moves inside me, I wrap my arms around his neck and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. The way he's kissing me makes it seem like I am his very breath and I am reciprocating with just as much vigour.With each forceful thrust, he drives deeper into me, and I revel in the weight of his body on top of mine. His grip on my hair is painful but adds to the pleasure at the same time. My protector in every sense of the word, the first one of the three to Sight me as his.Right now it’s just the two of us, his blue eyes sparking with the red of his beast as it comes out to play. I can't help but dig my nails deeper into his muscular back, scraping down the length of him, and as I do so, the growl rumbling in his chest intensifies.“Reyna,” he groans my name, pickin
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55. Phase V: Revelation
Reyna The atmosphere is absolutely electric, with the smell of rich earth and warm bonfires filling the air and adding to the overall experience. We’re in the grand hall of the Four Elemental Alphas’ stronghold, saying our final goodbyes as we get ready to depart for our island.Alphas Boreas, Zephyrus, Terra, and my uncle, Konrad, stand in a semicircle, their faces a mix of relief and contentment. Rune, Malachi, Cassian, and I exchange firm handshakes and heartfelt hugs with them.“You always have a place here,” Alpha Boreas says, his voice as steady as the frozen mountains he reigns over.“And you, in our kingdom,” Malachi responds and I watch as he and Alpha Boreas exchange a look of agreement, as if they knew something we didn’t.Alpha Terra, smothered in the aroma of fresh greenery, takes Rune’s hand and shakes it fiercely. “May your roots find fertile ground, wherever you go!” he says and I see the amusement in Malachi’s eyes at this exchange.I walk toward Uncle Konrad to emb
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56. Lavender
ReynaAs the doors open to the island, the sea wind catches my hair and whips it around my face. Coming back here is supposed to feel like coming home… It’s supposed to be our sanctuary.The island’s paradise-like charm now seems like a distant memory, as if nature is punishing me for seeking refuge there.Cassian steps off the jet first, his eyes briefly scanning the scenery before focusing back on me. Rune is next, a steady, reassuring presence. Malachi allows me to walk ahead before he follows, his face the picture of stoicism that barely conceals the boiling emotions underneath. Each represents a part of my own fractured soul, and as they turn to me, their eyes filled with love and concern, I feel the familiar pang of guilt sharpen.“Welcome home, Reyna,” Rune says, extending his hand to help me as I walk down the steps.Cassian opens his mouth as if to say something but refrains, and Malachi simply nods, his eyes meeting mine in a silent, piercing exchange.“Let’s not stand here
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57. A Gamble Or A Game?
ReynaThe next morning, the sun bathes the castle gardens in hues of gold and amber, a stark contrast to the weight of the shadows in my heart. I find Amina near the rose bushes, her hands gently cupping the blossoms as if whispering secrets to them. She looks up as I approach, and her face brightens.“Reyna, good morning. I was just checking on the lavender and roses for a few arrangements. How are you feeling today?”“I’m hanging in there,” I reply, my voice laced with exhaustion. “The sleepless nights are starting to take a toll.”She nods sympathetically, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s understandable. The body and mind need rest, especially now. Would you like me to speak to Rune about possibly creating a mixture to make you sleep better?”“If it will be safe for the baby,” I say, then I step back when she drops the pruning scissors, her eyes wide. Oh, I forgot my pregnancy isn’t common knowledge yet.“The baby?!” she exclaims as wonder fills her eyes. “Oh, R
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58. A Brief Respite
RuneFrom my office window, I gaze down at the garden below, my eyes catching sight of Reyna and Amina walking side by side among the blooming foliage. The sound of their laughter fills the air with such a sweet and pleasant tone that not even the fragrance of roses can match it. I haven’t heard Reyna laugh like that in weeks, maybe even months. Her laughter was a welcome relief from the tension that had been building for weeks. My chest tightens with unspoken joy; it’s as though a weight has been lifted that I hadn’t even realised I was carrying.With a sigh, I lean back in my chair and my hand instinctively reaches for the small communication device on my desk. I can’t contain this happiness; I need to share it, especially with those who would find as much comfort in it as I do.Dialling the familiar numbers, I wait for the telltale click that signals a connection. The faces of the two men I trust above all else appear on my screen and I smile.“Cassian, Malachi,” I begin, my voic
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59. Wedding Planning
ReynaThe weight of a thousand parchment scrolls felt lighter than the responsibility of planning this wedding. Here I am, standing in the grand hall of our island castle, neck-deep in swatches of silks, fragrant candles, and colour-coded guest lists. The countdown had started—less than a month until the wedding. With every tick of the clock, my pulse seemed to race faster. I’d always dreamed of this day, but the reality was nothing like my fantasies. It wasn’t just a wedding; it was a convergence of powerful Alphas from across the kingdoms, including the elemental Alphas from beyond the sea.It was the stuff of legends, or nightmares, depending on how I felt at any given moment.And then there was Pyrra. That insidious voice that had once been a part of me, was now an ever-present threat lurking in the unborn life within me. Between her past betrayal and her current menacing silence, I had enough dread to fill an ocean. But the wedding planning? That was an entirely different beast
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60. Something Old, Something Blue
ReynaThe sun cast its golden rays through the sheer curtains, illuminating the room with a warm glow. I sat on a plush armchair, scrolling through the final checklist on a tablet. Food tasting—done. Security measures for the Alphas—done. Music selection—done. The list went on, but with each checkmark, I felt a satisfying sense of accomplishment. Every item ticked off was a step closer to my wedding day—a day that, despite its overwhelming enormity, was finally coming together.Just as I was relishing this tiny moment of calm, I heard a knock on the door.“Come in,” I call out, setting the tablet aside.The door swung open, and a servant stepped in. “Luna, Queen Consort Deana has arrived.”My ears perk up at this, and I place the tablet down before getting to my feet.“Thank you. Please, have her meet me in the garden. I’ll be right there,” I say. I feel a mix of excitement and apprehension at the thought of her arrival. Would she approve of all the wedding plans?I take a seat acro
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