All Chapters of THEIRS: BOUND TO THE ALPHA KINGS: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
103 Chapters
61. Wedding Day
ReynaToday’s the day. The day I've been planning, dreading, and yearning for has finally arrived, and I'm caught in a whirlwind of emotions that I can’t quite describe. I stand in front of a tall mirror, watching as Amina adjusts the last of the delicate silver pins in my hair. My hands shake ever so slightly, and my reflection looks back at me, equally jittery. Deana’s heirloom glints at my neck under the moonlight, giving me just a little more confidence.“Deep breaths, Reyna,” Amina reminds me, her fingers finishing their work with a final flourish. “You’re going to be spectacular.”“Or spectacularly awful,” I murmur, half-joking, half-serious. It’s no small ceremony—Alphas from all across the kingdoms have travelled to be here, not to mention the four elemental Alphas from beyond the sea. The stakes are astronomical.I leave my bridal chamber, feeling the weight of my long, flowing gown with its intricate lace and beadwork. Amina hands me my bouquet, now elegantly bound in soft
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62. Mate…?
ReynaThe back garden space behind the castle was alive with the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of laughter. A canopy of twinkling fairy lights crisscrosses the sky, imitating the stars. The tables, adorned in deep purples, crimsons, emerald greens, and royal blues, stood out majestically amidst the lush greenery. Candlelit lanterns float in the air, illuminating the space in a soft, otherworldly glow. It feels like a vivid dream, suspended in a realm between reality and fantasy.The moment we stepped into the enchanting space, we were greeted by a chorus of cheers and applause. While we greet well-wishers with smiles, our hands entwined, a sudden bellow pierces through the festive atmosphere.“MATE!”The word echoes through the air like a sudden clap of thunder, causing everyone to stop in their tracks. The cry echoes through the air, and as I turn my head, I catch sight of Elemental Alpha Boreas of the Frozen Throne, his eyes locked on Amina. The crowd erupts into whisper
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63. Theirs
ReynaI pull at the straps of the harness and grin to myself, knowing exactly how Malachi’s face will look when I walk out wearing nothing but this. We’re back on our island home now, while our guests are staying over at Queen’s Court for the night. Although we’ve already claimed each other on our first full moon together, I still wanted this night to be special.Besides, I’m not only their mate now, but their Luna.I look down at the three intricate bands on my ring finger, and my heart soars. I didn’t think I could feel any happier than this. My protector, my heart and my soul– I am now irrevocably theirs.Taking a breath, I walk outside the castle to meet them, knowing tonight will be even more intimate than our first time together. The moon is radiant tonight, casting its silver glow across the secluded garden behind the castle. I should feel elated, overjoyed even, but instead, a strange sense of trepidation envelops me.I’ve fought beside these men, seen them in their most unt
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64. Crimson Morning Rays
ReynaI wake up, my eyes adjusting to the morning light filtering through the curtains. For the first time in what feels like forever, my mind is blissfully free of worries, even the dark shadow of Pyrra that’s been haunting me. I turn my head, taking in the sight of Cassian, Rune, and Malachi, all asleep, their faces relaxed in the tranquillity of early morning. I turn my head to look at my mates still deep in slumber, their faces serene. Last night with them felt different, more primal, as if they were claiming me anew. Every inch of my body aches, a reminder of how all three of them made me feel worshipped last night. An overwhelming sense of gratitude washes over me, settling in the deepest corners of my heart. These men are my rock, the calm in the midst of life’s relentless storm.Slipping out of bed without disturbing them, I drape a robe over my shoulders and walk toward the balcony. The door creaks open, yielding to the soft touch of dawn. As I step outside, the sea breeze
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65. I Can't Do This
ReynaI can’t hold it in. A scream tears through me, raw and gut-wrenching, slicing the tranquillity of the morning into jagged shards of reality. My voice rips through the air, a desperate cry for something—sanity, forgiveness, a rewind button to undo whatever horror I’ve just wrought.Malachi and Rune burst onto the balcony, their faces twisted in confusion and growing horror as they take in the scene: my bloodied hands, Cassian’s limp body, and the ever-rising plumes of my purple flames surrounding me like malevolent spirits.Rune’s eyes lock onto Cassian and, without a word, he dashes over to check his pulse, his hands trembling as they make contact with Cassian’s wounded flesh.“Reyna, what happened, love?” Malachi’s voice is choked, tinged with worry and the bitter sting of impending dread.I look at him, my eyes wild, and instinctively envelop my hands in swirling purple flames. “Stay back, Malachi,” I warn, my voice tinged with hysteria. “I don’t know if I’ll hurt you too!”In
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66. Regret
MalachiMy boots strike the floor in rhythmic echoes that boom through the empty corridor, the sound a physical manifestation of the turmoil inside me. The walls of the corridor seem to close in, much like the walls of dread and confusion closing in around my thoughts. Reyna is gone, and this time I’m not sure if we can get her back.As I pace back and forth outside Cassian’s hospital room, I can’t help but feel trapped in a swirl of emotions at war with each other — fury at Pyrra, guilt for not being able to protect Reyna, and a relentless, gnawing worry for Cassian. The air clings to my skin like a heavy, oppressive blanket, carrying the weight of my heartache and dread. I can’t shake the image of Reyna, her flames wild like her eyes, filled with a despair so deep that it swallowed her whole. Could I have stopped her? My mind races in futile circles, endlessly replaying that last moment when she looked at me, her eyes so full of love and so devoid of hope.What if she becomes the
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67. Sorrow
RuneI close my eyes, leaning into our mind link, the connection that has always been an open channel between the four of us. But now it feels like I’m throwing pebbles into a void, each one falling farther and farther without the familiar bounce back of his consciousness. The link is stretched thin, fragile as spider silk, and I’m terrified that one more tug will snap it.Opening my eyes, I see Cassian’s chest rise and fall in a slow rhythm, and the evidence of Reyna’s outburst marks his skin in cruel, scorched patterns. Despite the treatments and his Alpha blood working to heal him, the wounds look agonisingly raw. Whatever Reyna, or Pyrra, did to him, it was worse than any harm that’s come to me or anyone else we know.Her powers singed Cassian’s insides to a degree I’ve never seen before—not even when I was at the receiving end of her accidental outbursts. The burns are deeper, the tissue damage extensive, the healing infuriatingly slow despite Cassian’s Alpha Blood.The door ope
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68. Revived
MalachiThe tension in the room is thick enough to cut with a knife. Cassian lies in the intensive care unit, his condition stable but still far from reassuring. Rune and I had been bouncing strategies back and forth for hours. His eyes are bloodshot, evidence of the sleepless night we’ve both had. He sits across from me, his fingers nervously drumming on the table.“We can’t just sit here, Kai,” Rune finally breaks the silence, frustration lacing his voice. “It feels like we’re wasting time right now!”“I know,” I say, locking eyes with him. “But charging in blindly could make things worse for everyone, especially Reyna.”He leans back, scrubbing his face with both hands before running his fingers through his dishevelled hair. “I know, I know. It’s just... watching Cassian like this, it’s a grim reminder of what we’re up against. And what she’s up against.”I get up and walk over to him, drawing my hand to his throat and squeezing gently. His eyes close and he breathes out a heavy si
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69. Despair
ReynaIn this endless void, there is no up or down, and I feel weightless and disoriented. I am surrounded by a deafening silence, as if the world has stopped turning. The flames have gone dormant, subsiding to a mere flicker. I’m alone with my thoughts, each one dripping with regret and self-loathing.I close my eyes and surrender to memories. In this isolation, they offer momentary refuge. I remember laughing with Cassian as he attempted to teach me how to use a gun, but I freaked out as soon as the first bullet shot. His laughter, melodious like a song I could listen to for an eternity, resounds in my mind.Then there’s Rune, teaching me the secrets of the celestial constellations, weaving myths and love stories among the stars. “See that cluster there? It’s called Lyra,” he’d whispered, his voice so full with awe reserved for something truly wondrous. “It’s the harp that plays the music of the gods.”And Malachi... oh, Malachi. Every stolen moment with him seemed to ripple through
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70. The Keeper
ReynaI step into the forest clearing, a familiar dreamscape woven of fog and whispers. The fog is a tactile thing tonight, curling around me as if it knows the burdens I carry. My eyes land on the charred tree stump that stands like a sentinel in this sacred place. Four tiny green sprouts breathe life from its scorched trunk, and something about that breaks my heart and mends it at the same time.“Keeper,” I say, my voice not much more than a husky whisper, laced with a sense of impending dread. The Keeper manifests from the fog as though woven from it. His eyes are like the night sky on the clearest of nights—limitless and deep. “Ah, Reyna, child of complexity, you stand at the threshold of choice, do you not?”“Yes,” I confess, my eyes reluctantly leaving the tiny sprouts. “Much has happened since we last spoke. I’ve come to seek your counsel, but I can’t shake the feeling that the lock and key you speak of are slipping through my fingers.” He seems to sigh. “Each time you step
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