All Chapters of Rejected And Banished With His Triplets: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
193 Chapters
Kai’s POVI know Klaus well enough to know he wasn’t bluffing about killing us. However, what he doesn’t know is that I wasn’t alone. My men, the crimson warriors, had followed us since we left our territory.They hid in the shadows, masking their scent skillfully, and waited for my signal. Ready to strike, they would take over this pack at my command.How did I know this would happen? As soon as Alex agreed to help me find the children, I felt a sense of dread. I suspected he would lead us into a trap.Alex was not a fool, so I knew he would not switch sides easily, no matter the stakes. Besides, he was a beta wolf, and they were not easy to break. His loyalty to his alpha came before anything else.Throughout the journey, I noticed a hint of deceit in his eyes. His movements were too smooth and unguarded for me to trust him. He did his best to blend in with us, even pretending to be our ally in rescuing our children from Klaus. His little act did not fool me at all. I suspected that
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Alana's POV“Wait! Wait, Alex, please.” I pleaded, my voice quivering. “Don’t do this. I’m begging you. You’re better than this rage you feel. Please, just put the knife away.”He paused with his hand halfway to me, and I let out a shaky breath, swallowing hard. I saw the panic in Kai’s eyes and the flicker of relief when Alex stopped midway. The battle around us had already been over, and most of the warriors were still in their wolf forms, but Alex couldn't care less. He was more focus on ending me.With one word from Kai, they would lunge at him without mercy and tear him to shreds, but that might cost me my own life as he had his arm wrapped around my neck, keeping me close to his chest.Without the knife around my neck, I would have easily stomped on his feet and twisted out of his hold, but he made sure to leave no room for weakness. As the second ticked by, I knew I had to try to talk him out of this madness; it was my only chance to save both our lives.“Alex, please, let me g
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Alana’s POV“Come on, Alana,” Kai said, offering me his hand. I let go of Alex’s limp figure and took hold of his outstretched hand, his grip firm yet gentle as he pulled me up from the floor. He smiled faintly at me, but I could see the worry twirling behind his eyes as he stared at me. “Are you okay? Alana?”I nodded mutely, feeling hollow inside, as he turned and led us through the chaos in search of our children. I was certain they were here somewhere! I could feel their presence as we drew nearer.The first door in the long hallway was empty and dark; no one was there.“Don't worry, we will find them. They have to be here somewhere,” Kai assured me as we continued moving forward, stopping and checking each closed door we passed.Some were empty like the first ones; most were filled with wine and servants hiding from the ongoing attack.We reached a room that was relatively quiet and peaceful. As we were about to turn away, I spotted three small figures curled up on a bed. They sl
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Alana's POV“I don’t want to assume anymore, Kai. I want to know what really happened that night. Please tell me” I begged, my voice almost trembling.Kai nodded, his expression calm. “I will tell you everything because you deserve to know. Your father’s death has nothing to do with my mother, I assure you. She only gave the order to have him executed because he was found guilty and there was no other choice.”“Guilty of what exactly?” I asked through gritted teeth, my hands curled into fists.“Brooks might have been a good father to you, but he wasn’t a good man. He betrayed his people, his alpha, the moment he became a spy for Klaus’s mother. Your father helped her kill my father.”“How could you be so sure? What if it was set up so he could take the blame for it?”.“It wasn’t a setup.” He snapped, his eyes losing their blue color as he looked at me. “I saw them both with my own eyes. I saw him stab my father, and it wasn’t a mistake. He wouldn’t have been smiling if it had been but
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Kai's POVSixteen years later,I haven't seen Alana, my mate, or our three beautiful children for sixteen long, painful years. Sixteen years of missing them like a hole in my chest. Sixteen years of wondering what they're doing, how they're living, if they're happy, or if my thought ever crossed her mind even for a single second.Maybe it did, and maybe it didn’t. I had no way of knowing but her face and memory have forever been embedded in my mind. No day goes by that I don’t think of her or my three children. I honestly wish things were different between us.I have spent sixteen years of my life regretting the choice I gave her—the decision she made that kept us apart. Alana chose to stay in the Oceanic Pack, away from me and our home. She chose to shatter my heart into a million pieces without a second thought.I never gave up hope, though. I always hoped that one day she would change her mind and return to me. But she never did. Alana was as stubborn as a mule. Not only did she no
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Alana POVAs the council members filed out of the grand hall, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Their voices gradually faded into the distance as they whispered among themselves.For over sixteen years, I led the Oceanic Pack as their leader. I faced countless challenges and threats from the resistance. Many submitted to my leadership as the Luna, but others rejected me. They called me names, claiming that I was unfit to fill the shoes of their last Alpha. To them, I was a stranger, a nobody in their midst. However, that didn’t stop me from filling the position.But now it was time to let go and entrust the leadership to my two sons, Cameron and Chase. They had turned eighteen a few days ago, but they had not yet found their mates—a rare occurrence among werewolves.The council had urged me to arrange a mating ceremony for them so they could select suitable partners from the young she-wolves who had just come of age and also without mates.Although they meant well, I resented their
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Willow POV“Willow, wake up!” A voice snapped me out of my dream. I opened my eyes with momentary confusion as I stared at the white ceiling above me. A frustrated groan escaped my lips as the early morning sun’s rays pierced through the curtains hanging by the window, signaling the start of another day."Come on, Willow, you have to get up and ready for training," the voice persisted. It was my father, Alpha Kai, the leader of the Crimson Pack. He was standing by the door and grinning at me like a cat."I don't want to train today," I mumbled, pulling the warm blanket over my head.“Don’t be silly, Willow. As the heir to the pack, you must train every day. It’s essential for you to learn how to fight and how to conceal your alpha scent. You should be strong in body and mind, brave in facing challenges, and smart in making decisions. Strive to be the best. So, let’s get started. The earlier you begin, the sooner you can finish and rest.”I rolled my eyes, unimpressed by his lectures.
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Cameron POVI stared into the near distance, taking in the sight that was so familiar: my face reflected in another. Chase, my twin brother, stood before me. His handsome features mirrored mine.Mother said we had inherited our father’s striking blue eyes that contrasted with her chocolate-brown hair but those rosy lips were definitely hers. Chase and I were almost identical in appearance, but anyone who knew us well enough could tell us apart by our personalities.I was calm and rational. Before making a decision, I consistently weighed the pros and cons. While on the other hand, Chase was wild and reckless, habitually following his gut without considering the potential consequences. He was like a curious child living life without worries while I bear the burden for us both.Our mother, Luna Alana, the Alpha female of the Oceanic Pack, had noticed this striking difference since we were pups and had given me the task of keeping an eye on my younger siblings, Chase and our sister Cassa
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Willow POVThe path that lay ahead seemed endless. My heart hammered in my chest, and my paws quickened their pace as I ran through the forest, the wind gently whipping my fur.Willow, we need to turn back." Matt’s voice echoed urgently in my head, his fear palpable. “You’re unaware of the dangers that lurk here.”Ignoring him, I propelled myself faster. The trees became a blur as I raced past them, their branches grazing my skin. The familiar scent of home gradually faded into the distance, supplanted by the thrilling aroma of danger and boundless adventure.For a moment there, I was sure Matt would turn around and head back, but he was still right behind me, his panting echoing loudly in my ears. He was undoubtedly my best friend and my partner in crime, but he was also a worrier. “Willow, we need to turn back,” he said through the mind link, his voice tenser than ever. "Are you listening?”I growled, annoyed by his caution. ‘I’m not afraid, Matt,’ I retorted, my voice firm. ‘I can
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Cameron POVNeither I nor my brother, Chase, could resist the sweet scent that filled our nostrils. It was like a melody that drew me in—a spell that enchanted every part of me. I felt powerless and unable to resist its pull. Drawn by the irresistible allure, we ventured deeper into the forest, pushing through the thick bushes and trees, our ears perked and our chests heaving with excitement as we searched for the source.The scent became even more intense as we approached a clearing where a waterfall crashed down with a thunderous roar. But what we saw there was not what we had expected.A brown wolf, brave and proud, was fighting for its life against a group of angry-looking rogues. Its eyes sparkled with fierce resolve, and its body danced with deadly elegance, but it was obvious that that brown wolf was outnumbered and would undoubtedly be defeated."Wow, look at that wolf," Chase said, admiring its courage as we stood across the plains watching.“It’s amazing. But the brown wolf
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