All Chapters of Rejected And Banished With His Triplets: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
193 Chapters
Kai’s POVI was cooped up in the cozy silence of my study room, lost in the endless pile of packed documents that sprawled over my desk. The faint aroma of old paper lingered in the air, a soothing reminder of the duties I once carried and would soon be passing over.I have spent years training my daughter, Willow, for this moment and even though she was a female and still lacking a mate, I have no doubt she would do just great. She was focused and ready to lead.As soon as she returns from her training. I would have her look at the pack agreement and treaties. It was the first step to becoming alpha.The abrupt knock on the door shattered the stillness, jolting me out of my train of thoughts. “Come in,” I invited, my voice calm, and expecting whoever was behind the closed door.The door squeaked open, revealing the last person I expected to see—my mother, Luna Emilia, standing at the doorway. She looked frail and pale, her long silver hair cascading over her shoulders. She smiled we
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Alana’s POV"Abby, thank you for everything. You're the best friend I ever had." I hugged Abigail goodbye, feeling a lump form in my throat.Honestly, I wish she could stay a bit longer and keep me company. Having her around makes me forget the worries in my heart."Don't worry, Alana. Everything will be okay. You'll see." She smiled at me, her eyes shining with hope, as she stepped away from the hug and towards the door.“Okay.” I agreed with a nod.I sighed in deeply, feeling a wave of relief wash over me as I watched her disappear down the hallway, her encouraging words still echoing in my ears. I truly hoped she was right and that everything would be okay.Abigail has stood by me too many times in the past and still doing it without hesitation. This time, I wish I could share her optimism.However, I was still worried that if the boys didn’t find their mates sooner than expected, I would have no choice but to grant the council their wishes. Having a mate was vital for the role the
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Kai’s POV.My heart skipped a beat as I locked eyes with Matthew. “Where is Willow?” I demanded, my voice trembling with fear. “Tell me exactly where my daughter is. Right now!”“I ran towards the path that leads to the waterfall.” He managed to let me go, but his reply only made every hair on my body stand on edge. “The waterfall?” I growled out, unsure if I had heard correctly. Is he talking about the waterfall close to the creek or the one I had forbidden her to approach?The look in his eyes told me I had guessed right. He nodded, his eyes filled with fear and regret. “I’m so sorry, Alpha. I tried to stop her from wandering that far, but she didn’t listen, and now she is in danger.”“Son, you have to go quickly,” said my mother, whom I had forgotten was sitting right there. The urgency in her tone matched the rhythm of my heart.“Alpha, I can take you there.” At this point, I was far beyond the reach of Matthew’s words. My mind was already a storm of emotions as I turned and ran o
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Alana’s POVI felt my heart hammering in my chest; each beat was a loud thud that matched the pace of my racing thoughts. My children, Chase and Cameron, had done something unthinkable, something I had feared they would do.They had brought Willow, their half-sister, who was also a stranger, into our home, violating the rules I had duly set up to prevent them from wandering into the Crimson Pack. Was I dreaming? If Willow were here, then it couldn’t be a dream.I found myself torn between fury and pride. On one hand, they had defied my authority, an act that cannot go unpunished. Yet, on the other hand, their kindness and their instinct to defend and protect life were commendable. There is no going back from what has happened."Chase!" I called out. My voice was echoing in the silent room. “Fetch Abigail. She knows what to do.” Without uttering a single word, Chase spun on his heel and dashed out the door, his swift departure mirroring the gravity of the situation.Cameron, ever the l
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Kai’s POVI inhaled the familiar scent of the Oceanic Pack deeply the moment we stepped into the pack house. A surge of emotions coursed through my chest, and lost memories flooded my mind—memories of pain and sorrow, of Alana’s decision to turn her back on me forever.It was so long ago, yet the wounds and memories were just as fresh. After sixteen long and painful years, I found myself back in the same land that had taken everything from me. Adam, my loyal friend and Beta, was with me. His reassuring presence served as a steady anchor in my life.He knew what this place meant to me and what I had gone through here. He also knew why I had come back. I looked around, marveling at the transformation.Oceanic Pack was no longer a barren wasteland, scarred by war and death and consumed by smoke. It was now vibrant and full of life, unlike when it was dull and lifeless. Alana did a remarkable job restoring the pack to its former glory.She was a great leader, respected, and loved by her p
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Kai’s POVI stare at my sons, they were the spitting image of me; their features were a mirror of my own.They bore my hair, my eyes, and my exact build. They were indeed my sons. However, they were oblivious to this fact. They failed to recognize me as their father. Their knowledge was limited to Alana, whom they knew as their mother, Luna, and hero. One of them voiced out, his words echoing the warning his mother had given earlier.“You heard her, man. Willow isn’t fit to leave just yet—not with you or anyone else. She needs to stay here, where she’s safe. You have two options: wait until she wakes up or leave. But you can’t take her without permission. The decision isn’t yours, man. It’s hers.”He looked at me, his eyes filled with a blend of defiance and curiosity, as if he were trying to decipher my intentions. The other one remained silent; his silence spoke volumes. His gaze, filled with suspicion and resentment, seemed to cast me as the enemy, as if he were determined to keep
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Alana’s POVI can feel the tension in the air, oppressive and heavy, as if a storm is about to unleash its fury. The only sound is the faint rustle of the wind, lazily blowing across the rose petals. Kai’s words still echo in my mind, causing me to doubt my ability to comprehend the words he had so carelessly thrown at me.I must have misheard him. He couldn’t have meant what I thought he had, but his grim expression painted a different story as he continued to stare coldly at me."Kai, what are you saying?" I ask, feeling a cold sweat break out on my forehead. His words sound like a twisted joke, a nightmare I can't seem to wake up from. He just told me that not just one, but our two sons, Cameron and Chase, are mated to their stepsister, Willow.I mean, how is that even possible? Werewolves don’t mate with their siblings. It’s against nature, against everything we stand for and believe in. Bound by ancient laws and traditions, they never mated with their half-siblings. Such an act w
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Willow’s POVI awoke to a throbbing pain that quickly pulsed through my skull, spreading its dull, persistent ache to every remote corner of my body. It felt like I had been mercilessly trampled by a relentless herd of wild, stampeding horses. My eyelids felt heavy, like leaden weights, compelling me to keep them closed. That’s when I heard the hushed voices of people talking around me.“I find it hard to stop staring at her face,” a deep voice stated. The sound caused my wolf, Sarah, to purr inside my head. Sarah has been buzzing in my head, talking non-stop since we woke up.“She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen.”“I think so too, Chase,” the first voice responded beside me. His tone was calmer and more soothing. Overcome with curiosity to put a face to the voice, I slowly pried my eyes open. But as my vision cleared, I was startled by how close their faces were to mine.I found myself locked in the gaze of two pairs of strikingly blue eyes, brimming with curiosity and a hin
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Kai’s POV.I stepped into the comfort of my study room, inhaling the familiar scent of aged books and polished mahogany. Swiftly closing the door behind me, I sought peace and clarity in this quiet room. But as soon as the door clicked shut, I felt the walls closing in, trapping me within a prison of my thoughts.My mind was far from being at peace; it was swirling with disbelief and endless doubt. How could this be? How could my daughter, my little girl, be mated to not just one but both of her brothers?It was unthinkable, yet so real. I couldn’t deny it anymore. The truth was staring at me in the face. Despite my intense reluctance to admit it, Alana was right. Nadia, driven by her desperation and desire to become Luna, couldn’t be trusted to tell the truth.Could it be that she lied about being pregnant to achieve her ambition of becoming my Luna? It couldn’t be. She knew the punishment that came with such an offense. On the other hand, Alana’s children are undoubtedly similar to
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Alana’s POVI was overcome by emotion as I looked into Willow’s eyes, the same eyes that had captivated me since she was a child. They were a stunning shade of grey. They sparkled with recognition and warmth, but also with a hint of pain and confusion.I could see the traces of her mother in her features: the high cheekbones, the full lips, and the delicate nose. However, nothing could convince me that she was Kai’s.Despite my deep love for her, I also felt sorrow. Fate had shown its cruelty to all of us—to her, to my sons, and especially to me. How could it be that she's mated to both Cameron and Chase, my twin sons?How could it be possible that they were bound to Nadia’s daughter, the woman who had betrayed me and torn me away from my true mate, Kai? How could it be that the girl I had loved as my own was not related to me by blood but by a lie?The truth was harder to bear than anything I had ever faced. I had lost Kai, the love of my life, and the other half of my soul, due to N
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