All Chapters of Fated Alpha: The Rejected Queen: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 Chapters
Our tongues clashed in a fierce battle for dominance. Isabelle never backed down from a challenge, matching my intensity every step of the way. Her fingers entwined in my hair, pulling me closer, sending a jolt of desire through me. As the key slipped from my grasp, I scooped her up and carried her towards the bed.The intoxicating influence of the black moon lingered, and even though I knew she couldn't resist, I couldn't hold back. I needed her now, in this moment.She released her hold on me, swiftly unbuttoning my jeans, setting me free. A deep groan escaped my lips as her slender hands encircled my throbbing arousal.Damn, she felt incredible.Her thighs remained locked around me, her urgency evident as she guided me to her dripping core. She teased me, rubbing the swollen head of my cock against her slick entrance, and I nearly lost my mind. With a groan, I broke free from her lips."You little tease.""Not just your little tease, but alpha tease to you now," she taunted, her la
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Chase’s Point of View"I don't have all the details yet. The radio crackled with a message about a breach in the perimeter. Someone forcefully made their way past the guards stationed at the outskirts of town.""Wolves?" Isabelle inquired.I shook my head. "Not from what I've heard. It would be highly unusual.""Agreed." Isabelle swiftly got dressed, and within moments, there was a forceful pounding on the door."Well, at least your hearing is still sharp," I remarked as I turned and made my way toward the door. Suddenly, a clock whizzed past my head, narrowly missing me. "Good thing your aim is a bit off.""My aim is just fine," she retorted.A quiet chuckle escaped my lips. I couldn't help but love the fire in her. Another round of pounding interrupted our banter."I can hear you already!""Then hurry up and open the damn door. What the hell are you doing inside—"I unlocked the door and flung it open. Surprisingly, Malik stood before us fully dressed, a gun holstered at his side. I
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Chase’s Point of View"Chase, are you there?" The crackling sound of my walkie-talkie buzzed at my side. I snatched it up and pressed the talk button."Yeah, I'm here. Please tell me you have some news.""Yep, we sure do. We've apprehended the intruder.""Only one? Is that confirmed? And what about the missing pack members?" I asked, turning to Isabelle with a glimmer of hope in my eyes."No, we've only caught one person so far, and there's no sign of our pack. Looks like we're dealing with a team, but this guy isn't talking," the voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie relayed."Is he human?" I asked, my worry mounting."Uh, yeah, I think so.""You think so?" I probed, my anxiety growing. "Never mind. Put him in a holding cell in town. Once we're sure Isabelle is safe, I'll come down to interrogate him. And no one should try to extract information from him unless he willingly offers details about his group or their intentions. Got it?""Yeah, Boss. But I think you need to come do
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Isabelle’s Point Of ViewI observed Chase closely, taking note of the simmering anger and restrained violence that he held within. Despite knowing him for as long as I could remember, there was always a lingering feeling that he carried hidden depths. Nevertheless, I had complete trust in him to safeguard my life. His love for me burned fiercely and unwaveringly, yet he maintained a distance whenever his darker side threatened to emerge. It was a human thing, perhaps, as he may not belong to our kind, but he possessed a different kind of primal instinct. And now, he channeled those instincts as he prepared to confront our adversary.Anyone who dared to trespass upon our territory would soon regret it once Chase got his hands on them. With thoughts of our pack in mind, I bent down to secure a knife around my calf. It irked me to rely on cold steel as a means of protection, but at the same time, it provided a sense of reassurance when unexpected dangers lurked. I smoothed down my pants,
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Chase reached for his walkie-talkie and pressed it to his lips. "We've arrived.""What do you mean you're here? Where are you?""We're holding position at the forest's edge, awaiting your signal."Suddenly, a piercing howl pierced the night, originating from the direction of the sheriff's office. That couldn't be--Instinct overruled rationality, and I took off in a full sprint. Malik and Chase shouted after me, but I pushed myself even harder. Who or what had infiltrated my jail?Onlookers turned to me with wide eyes as I tore through the area, kicking up clouds of dust. Even without my shifter abilities, as a human, I moved with swiftness surpassing that of my packmates.At the entrance of the jailhouse, two men stood in my path. A low growl rumbled in my throat. "Step aside. Let me through.""I'm sorry, ma'am, but we can't allow you inside. We've received strict orders," they replied, their uneasy stances revealing their hesitation.My hand tightened around the handle of the knife
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ISABELLE’S POINT OF VIEW"Call me queen bitch now, and if you don't mind, I'd rather cut the crap and get to the point. What do you want from me?""I've come for you. Haven't you figured that out yet?"Both Chase and Malik tensed up behind me, ready to pounce, but I held up my hand, signaling them to hold back. I didn't know his game, but I needed to unravel this mystery before taking any action.I mustered a half-hearted smile. "If it's me you're after, then release the others. Let them go, and we can settle our issues face-to-face.""You mean your dear old father?"Anger swelled within me, but I suppressed it. I wouldn't let this jerk get the upper hand. Not again."Alright, since you seem to know so much about me, why don't you spill the beans and tell us what you really want? Let's see if we can come to some sort of agreement."There was something about the way he locked eyes with me, his gaze cool and piercing, that stirred a deep ache in my gut. He exuded confidence in knowing m
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A flicker of hurt crossed Malik's eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. He stepped back, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. I spared a quick glance at Chase, and the anger simmering in his gaze told me he shared my frustration, yet he remained silent.Turning my attention back to Tyler, I shielded my emotions as best as I could. The three men I had loved in this world were now gathered in this room, and my instincts screamed that the situation was bound to end in turmoil."Sure thing, but we gotta be real quick about it, you know? Your arrival just so happens to line up with the black moon, and honestly, that's the only shot we've got for any kind of impact. It requires some dark moon magic and, well, getting intimate." I looked him straight in the eye, holding his gaze, letting him search for the truth behind my words. Little did he know, getting involved with him would put me in way more danger than he could ever imagine. "But let me tell ya, it's a seriously long s
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TylerI narrowed my eyes, my gaze fixated on Isabelle as she whispered with her imposing bodyguard, positioned partway down the hallway. Memories flooded back from our college days. I vividly recalled seeing him tailing her around campus like an obedient puppy—or perhaps more accurately, a ferocious pit bull, ready to lash out at anyone who dared to come too close.She had insisted on keeping our relationship hidden, and I had chosen not to push for further disclosure. I was barely twenty years old back then, and I had encountered a young woman with an insatiable appetite for sex and a penchant for venturing into daring territories. To be frank, she was an absolute marvel between the sheets. In my eyes, I had believed I had stumbled upon paradise.Until everything unraveled, descending into chaos and turmoil.Thanks to the savage bite that damn woman had inflicted on me during our final encounter, I had heard every word they uttered crystal clear. It appeared that the alluring alpha f
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TylerI narrowed my eyes, my gaze fixated on Isabelle as she whispered with her imposing bodyguard, positioned partway down the hallway. Memories flooded back from our college days. I vividly recalled seeing him tailing her around campus like an obedient puppy—or perhaps more accurately, a ferocious pit bull, ready to lash out at anyone who dared to come too close.She had insisted on keeping our relationship hidden, and I had chosen not to push for further disclosure. I was barely twenty years old back then, and I had encountered a young woman with an insatiable appetite for sex and a penchant for venturing into daring territories. To be frank, she was an absolute marvel between the sheets. In my eyes, I had believed I had stumbled upon paradise.Until everything unraveled, descending into chaos and turmoil.Thanks to the savage bite that damn woman had inflicted on me during our final encounter, I had heard every word they uttered crystal clear. It appeared that the alluring alpha f
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"Where are we headed?" I queried, my curiosity piqued."Into the woods, where we can find some seclusion. But don't be foolish enough to believe that we will be entirely alone. I managed to instruct Malik and Chase to stay behind, but they will remain within proximity," she cautioned."You prefer not to indulge in the comfort of a bed?" I probed, hoping for a glimmer of insight.She paid no heed to my remark, brushing it off with silence.Eager to catch up with her stride, I quickened my pace, closing the distance between us. "So, what's the rationale behind the double bodyguards? Is being the alpha of a pack situated in the heart of nowhere truly that treacherous?""They're not exactly my bodyguards. Well, Chase plays that role to some extent, but Malik is my newfound mate, and he's far from pleased that you disrupted our mating ritual," she revealed, her words piercing through me like scorching flames, igniting a blaze of jealousy within my core.He's mine."What the fuck? You have
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