All Chapters of Carrying The Alpha's Heir : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
130 Chapters
"I am not like those usual women you used to mess around." She said while looking away from his eyes. She remembered the day when he proposed to her with the contract marriage after getting pressured she said the same thing that day. He let out a chuckle after hearing her."Indeed, you are nothing like them." He said with the same smirk as he took another small step toward her. Her breath hitched once again. But a frown of disappointment came up on her face when he said that she wasn't anything like those women he hung out with. It means she wasn't worthy enough and attractive enough for him. "You are my queen. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen owning the most gorgeous and worth worshipping body ever." He said while looking at her from head to toe. Her silky smooth legs and milky white skin was making it really hard for himself to hold into.Her eyes immediately met his eyes after she heard him. Her heart did a flip and all the butterflies in her stomach wanted to set
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"Just feel it, baby." Stephen said in a soothing tone.He started stroking her down there making Delilah forget everything, even her existence.She saw their reflection in the mirror and her breath shortened looking at themselves. She felt her entrance getting wetter. His left arm was covering her upper part, making sure to have a firm hold on while his right palm was covering her vagina as if he owned them.He pressed her clothed intimate part with his two fingers for a few seconds before releasing the pressure. She gasped as he did that. His actions were leaving her breathless."S... stop…" She gasped out, trying to push his hand away or more like acting to push his hand away."I have not even started yet, baby girl." He whispered seductively in her ear which built up more heat down there."Oh my God!" She gasped once again as it was getting too much for her. She couldn't wonder what he was doing to her. Her hands are still wrapped around his neck while his hands were playing with h
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"I thought it was my punishment time." She breathed out in a seductive tone, making him groan. It was getting painfully hard for him. "We will get there, but for now, get ready for your first orgasm, baby." He breathed in her ear.Before she could register his words, he used his right foot to kick her right foot aside and spread her legs apart. And before she could protest, he slid his hand in her panty and cupped her bare womanhood making her moan in pleasure.She was not alone who made this sound of pure lust and pleasure as the same sound came out of his throat too when his fingers touched her most intimate part."You are already more than prepared." He groaned.His palm stayed there, covering her wet entrance perfectly while his breathing became heavy. She could feel his chest going up and down and something very hard was poking her lower back. It didn't take her time to understand what it was and that was enough to make her heart go crazy in anticipation.His hold on her breast
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IN CARThey are returning today when they bumped into David once again. Even though nothing happened today, Stephen was pissed. He once again stood up for Delilah in front of her father just like she did years ago for him. Stephen was driving at his usual speed and Delilah was still thinking about her meeting with her father and how Stephen came in between to justify her. She turned to see her mate but he looked straight at the road only to reach home as soon as he could. He needed a cold shower to calm his anger down and she could see that.Delilah's gratitude lingered in the air as she spoke, "Thanks, Stephen... Thanks for speaking up for me." Her smile was a mix of relief and appreciation. Stephen, comprehending the depth of her emotions, continued driving, occasionally stealing glances in her direction."I just did my duty," he replied sincerely. "You're my mate, and I can't see anyone pointing at you for nothing." His eyes briefly connected with hers, expressing a silent reassur
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A FEW HOURS LATER Jennifer's revelation sent a jolt through the room, startling both Delilah and Stephen.Jennifer affirmed, "Yes, Delilah... I myself heard Jonathan talking to someone and asking that person to meet him out."Stephen, quickly connecting the dots, realized the gravity of the situation, "Today even one of the kidnappers is going to meet their main boss."Delilah, glancing at Stephen with a furrowed brow, voiced her uncertainty, "Are you thinking the same that I am thinking at the moment?" Her voice held a mixture of concern and doubt, leaving the air charged with tension. Stephen, caught in his own thoughts, couldn't immediately confirm whether he shared her unspoken suspicions.Jennifer, solidifying her stance, stated with conviction, "Now I have full doubt on him. He is the one involved in all this."Stephen, his jaw clenched with determination, declared, "If he is the one, then I won't spare him today. I just need one damn clue that he is the one." Delilah, sensing h
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PACK MANSIONRestlessness consumed Delilah as she awaited news of the unfolding events. Her attempts to reach Stephen went unanswered, intensifying her concern. Unaware of his pursuit of the kidnapper, she contemplated seeking information from Damon or patiently waiting. Suddenly, the familiar sound of Stephen's car horn pierced the air, drawing her attention.Rushing downstairs, Delilah was relieved to see Stephen entering the house. Concerned, she approached him, only to notice bloodstains on his forearm. Panic gripped her."Stephen? What is this? You're hurt?" She swiftly guided him to the couch, instructing a omega to fetch the first aid kit."I'm fine, Delilah. It's just a little scratch," Stephen reassured her, but her eyes welled with tears. The dim light in the room cast shadows on the tension that lingered."I told you not to go. You hurt yourself, dammit!" Delilah's worry spilled over, echoing the months of emotional turbulence they had endured.Stephen cupped her face, his
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PACK MANSION - AFTER AN HOURThe tension in the room was palpable as the family gathered to discuss the shocking revelation about David's suspected involvement in Nathan's kidnapping case. Nathan, unaware of the discussion, was engrossed in his studies."David did this? But he wasn't in the region for long, right?" questioned Stephen's mother, trying to make sense of the situation.Jonathan, with a determined look, responded, "Mother Luna, people like him don't need to be present at the same place for kidnapping. He has his men. He would have told them to do it.""But why? Why will he kidnap Nathan?" Jennifer voiced the confusion that hung in the air."This is something only he can answer," Stephen's mother remarked, turning to Stephen. "Did you check the latest update from the Patrol?"Stephen, lost in his thoughts, was brought back by his mother's persistent call. "Yeah, mom," he replied, "I enquired. They said he is still firm on his reply. He claims he was there to meet the real
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NIGHT - PACK MANSION Delilah was busy with some pack work as the Luna of the pack while it was Stephen's duty at that moment to play with his kid till his Mom is free for him. Stephen was at the poolside sitting on the chair and watching his son playing building blocks alone on the mat placed beside him.Nathan, absorbed in building blocks on the mat, proudly exclaimed, "This is our house, dad."Stephen, his attention captured, smiled warmly. Nathan continued, pointing at various blocks, "This is mom and your room," he gestured, "and this is my room. This is my little sister's room, who's going to come soon, grandma said. Isn't it nice?"Nathan started clapping, feeling excited by his own imaginary story whereas Delilah and Stephen did share an eye lock from their respective places. Their locked gaze shattered as Stephen's phone abruptly rang, the shrill tone cutting through the otherwise tense atmosphere. He swiftly retrieved the device, his expression tensing as he recognized the
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NEXT DAYNathan was eating his breakfast. It was obvious that they planned to take Nathan along. Delilah was busy assigning the jobs to the omegas as she won't be there to monitor the day and Stephen was getting ready. Ashley was down serving breakfast to Jonathan and others had still not joined them at the breakfast table. Nathan was the only one sitting beside Jonathan and eating his bread toast.Nathan beamed with pride as he shared his accomplishment with Aunt Ashley."Nathan, Aunt Ash, you know I made a house from the building blocks yesterday."Ashley smiled, appreciating the innocence in Nathan's excitement, while Jonathan focused on his meal.Nathan, eager to share more, continued: "I've already planned which room to stay in. One for Mommy and Dad, and one for me and my future sister. I'll show you my house in the evening when I'm back."Ashley, curious, inquired: "One room for Mommy and Dad?"Nathan nodded confidently, sipping his health drink. Ashley, seizing the moment, dec
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"Here is the proof, Stephen. I hope you believe these legal papers, at least," David declared, placing a stack of legal documents on the table before Stephen and Delilah. Stephen picked up the papers, his eyes scanning the contents.The room seemed to hold its breath as Stephen delved into the intricacies of the legal documents. The weight of the revelations within the pages was palpable. David continued, "The papers have your father's signature, Stephen. Your father's signatures wherein he has given his whole share of the property, the entire pack, to his long-lost son. Isn't that strange? The only loophole is that if you have an heir before him, he inherits everything."Delilah, sensing the gravity of the situation, also stood up and joined Stephen in reading the papers. Her brow furrowed in confusion and concern as she tried to make sense of the unfolding family saga.The ambiance in the room was tense, accentuated by the flickering light from the grand chandelier overhead. The air
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