All Chapters of Carrying The Alpha's Heir : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
130 Chapters
Delilah gazed at Stephen, her eyes filled with curiosity.Delilah: "Why don't I know about your stepbrother?"Stephen sighed, reminiscing.Stephen: "He was a few years older than me, and when he left, you were hardly a year old, I guess."Delilah: "But why did he leave? Why did your father treat him as the maid's son then?"Stephen's expression shifted, revealing the complexity of the family history.Stephen: "From what I heard, Dad was trying to protect him. Being my father's first son, whose mother wasn't alive anymore, he was in a lot of danger, posing a threat to weaken my father. He was a stubborn kid, always throwing tantrums and running away, causing problems, getting jealous of my mother and me. He even got kidnapped a few times, almost getting my father killed. So, Dad decided to give him to the omega to raise him, which he didn't like, and he ran away. My father tried to find him a lot, but he was just…lost."Delilah furrowed her brows, absorbing the intricate details.Delil
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ASHLEY - JONATHAN'S ROOMThe room was shrouded in darkness as Ashley entered, carrying her husband's tea. She flicked on the lights, revealing Jonathan resting on the couch."Hey, are you okay, Jonathan? You look tired. And why did you turn off the lights?" Ashley inquired, handing him the cup before settling beside him.Opening his eyes, Jonathan began, "Actually, princess, I was thinking something..."Before he could continue, the door was forcefully pushed open, and Delilah barged in. Both Jonathan and Ashley were taken aback as Delilah walked to the couch, took Ashley's hand, and made her stand."Delilah, behave yourself. What is all this?" Ashley demanded, puzzled.Delilah released her hand, a stern expression on her face. "You better behave, Ashley. How much evil are you planning for in this house? Do you even realize what you are doing to this family?"Jonathan, standing up, intervened, "Delilah, you have no right to talk to my wife like this." Delilah turned to him with eviden
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It was 11:00 pm, and Stephen had yet to return home from work, leaving Delilah restless with worry. Nathan had already drifted into sleep, and the minutes dragged on as she anxiously awaited his arrival. Unable to contain her concern, she called Stephen, but he didn't answer, escalating her apprehension.When Stephen finally entered, weariness etched across his face, Delilah's relief mingled with frustration. Approaching him with a furrowed brow, she seized his laptop bag, demanding answers.Why didn't you pick up my call? Do you know how worried I was? And why so late today? Have you ever had dinner?" she fired off, her concern bubbling into anger.The room was bathed in a soft glow from the bedside lamp as Delilah fired off her questions, concerned about lacing her words. Stephen, wearied from a long day, loosened his tie, attempting to address her worries. "I'm not hungry," he replied wearily, signalling his exhaustion.As he headed to the bathroom, leaving Delilah in a state of pu
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PACK MANSION - NEXT MORNINGStephen's mother smiled warmly, "I want the whole house to be decorated with the best flowers today. It's my son's and Delilah's anniversary. It's a special occasion for all of us."Jennifer nodded, "Yes, Luna, I've already informed the maids. They will handle the decorations. But where are Alpha Stephen and Delilah? Haven't they woken up yet?""It's hardly 7:00," Stephen's mother replied, "I'm sure they will come down soon. I've asked Omega to make their favorite breakfast. I'm planning to arrange a party for them tonight.""That's great," Jennifer said, "This day will be full of happiness then."Damon walked in, having overheard the conversation, "The day would be good if Ashley and Jonathan don't create a mess."Stephen's mother sighed, "I've warned Ashley. Hopefully, she'll remain quiet today."Jennifer added, "Let's not spoil our moods by thinking about them. Let's get back to work. We have so much to do."After Damon's remark, everyone dispersed and r
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The living room, dimly lit, buzzed with tension as Stephen addressed the gathering, "Some days back, if you all remember, the Patrol leader was here suspecting Jonathan to be behind this, he began", his voice carrying the weight of accusation.Ashley, unable to contain herself, interrupted, "But then it was proven that he wasn't in the region when this kidnapping happened. He was in a different city, and the letters that he wrote me are already submitted."Stephen sighed, a subtle indication of his impatience. "I know. Would you mind if I finish my talk first? Let me point to the culprit first, and then let's start this question-answer round."The air thickened with anticipation as Stephen continued. It was like a slap for Ashley as his tone remained rigid and firm, a stark contrast to the tension in the room."The handwriting was confirmed, and the letters indeed had been written by Jonathan only. Which proves he was in a different city when Nathan was kidnapped," Stephen declared, hi
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The Patrol leader's somber tone filled the room, "The matter is more complicated now. Even if Jonathan is not your step-brother, Alpha Stephen, it means there is really someone out there who is still safe from us. Someone who is still having enough time to plan for his escape. We have to be cautious. And that person is not Alpha Kevin as well. Our eyes are always on him."Stephen, his suspicion unwavering, asserted, "Whatever it is, even if he isn't my step-brother, I still have a doubt that he is the one supporting the man behind all this."Delilah, standing by Stephen's side, added, "Yes. I too can't believe he is a saint now. He is somewhere involved in the kidnapping."The Patrol leader, caught between suspicion and the need for concrete evidence, replied, "But based on these suspicions, we cannot arrest him, Luna Delilah. We need proper proofs."Stephen, frustrated but determined, proposed a course of action, "Fine. Let's keep some men behind Jonathan. I want him to be spied on e
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NOAH'S HOUSEDelilah cautiously pushed Noah's room door ajar and caught sight of him deeply engrossed in a tense phone conversation. The room, bathed in the soft glow of a table lamp, held a lingering air of secrecy."Noah, I've told you a hundred times not to call me on my number. Why?" There was a palpable pause, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Noah's furrowed brow betrayed the gravity of the discussion. "Give me some time to think and don't call me again." With a swift motion, he hung up, turning around to find Delilah standing there."Delilah? You... I..." Noah stammered, visibly shocked. His eyes, still reflecting the remnants of the conversation, met Delilah's gaze."Busy?" she asked casually, seemingly unaware of the tension that lingered in the room."No, I mean, I was just talking to a friend. Come in," Noah replied, his tone attempting to mask the underlying unease. Delilah stepped into the room, taking in the ambiance that seemed to hold the echoes of the c
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Delilah smiled and then continued gazing at him."After you came into my life, things just started becoming better," Stephen confessed, his voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and regret. "Though I always ignored you, I could feel I was getting attached to you. But I was not ready to accept it so easily. And you know what all happened after that. How I messed up things between us. How I gave you some rights only assuming it to be my first wife. How I blamed you for cheating me and my family. Huhhh!" He looked out from the French windows with a heavy heart, unwilling to remember those painful moments. Delilah turned towards the windows too, ready to respond."Some memories are good to be forgotten, Stephen," Delilah replied with a calm yet firm tone."Not the ones that hurt the person you care about, Delilah," Stephen said, his gaze still fixed outside. "I cannot forget all that pain I gave you unnecessarily. I cannot forget that anytime soon, Delilah. Every time I see you, I feel gu
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Upon arriving home, they strolled up the driveway, where attentive guards swung open the front doors to welcome them into Stephen's elegant mansion. Once inside, the guards swiftly secured the entrance, locking the door behind them.Damon and Jennifer took sleepy Nathan away, giving them some privacy as they went to his personal mansion, a few blocks away from the pack mansion."So, what's the surprise?" she asked, her voice huskier than normal.She was ready to throw off her heels and slip out of her dress. There was nothing she wanted more than to get lustfully lost in a world with Stephen."Where's the chess game?" he asked her. His voice replicated her own, deeper than normal.She couldn't help but smile as she led the way to her room, making sure to sway her hips a little more than normal. She wanted—no, needed—him to desire her as much as she desired him.The moment they arrived in front of her door, Stephen pushed her in and locked the door behind them. Her heartbeat quickened
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Stephen woke up with the chirping of the birds. A smile came up on his face as soon as he saw Delilah's heavenly face. It was soothing. She was sleeping peacefully in his arms, with her arms on his chest. Last night came running down to his mind and dominated his thoughts.But with Delilah, it was different. Completely different. It was special. Just like she was special than others. She was his wife and he was madly falling more in love with her everyday.He had never gotten this much satisfaction even after taking girls in his way. Maybe because she possesses the thing that he was searching for in other girls. That's what makes her special.The way she touched, the way she wiggled, the way she responded to his touches told him how pure, innocent, and untouched she is.Damn! He was getting hard again.Moving forward he nuzzled his nose on her neck. Her scent and her presence give him peace no matter how stressed he is. He just wanted to keep her around him all the time. But then thin
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