All Chapters of Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
#Chapter 71: Alex’s Curse
Alex offers to help me clean up the kitchen while Ryan packs supplies.Rita’s leg is a lot better. She also offers to help, but Alex tells her to rest, his excuse being that he hopes we can go back to the Ayzena base in the next day or two, and that he needs her at full strength if this issue isn’t resolved.“I want to come with you,” Rita argues. “I deserve the right to kill some rogue scum.”“You’ll get your chance,” Alex assures her. “Just not today. For all we know, this will be a bust and we’ll come back empty handed.”Rita reluctantly agrees and reclines on the couch, elevating her leg.With a little privacy, I get nosey. “Doooyyou. Think. You’ll find them?”Alex keeps his hands busy and his eyes on his task. “I think we’ll find them today.”“Really?” I ask, my hands emersed in hot, sudsy water.“They were close enough to find you, which either means their base is close by or they have scouts watching the woods. My money is on a nearby base.”“Be careful,” I say, my voice cracki
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#Chapter 72: It Takes More Than a Cure
While Alex is resting, Rita asks me to walk with her to exercise her leg. I know it is already healed, and assume it is because she anticipates needing to run on it soon.As long as we can get Alex up and moving; she may be better, but now he’s sick.Others are milling around the pack. I haven’t met anyone else yet, and they’re all curious about me. I catch glances and stares but try to ignore them. After all, I’ve been getting unwanted attention my whole life.Rita waits for a few moments before speaking. “They all want to know why you’re here.”“Me too.”Rita’s gaze is fixed straight ahead, but she can sense my trepidation. “You’re here because Alex put you in danger. It’s as simple as that.”I don’t reply. I don’t know what to say—and I think I may start crying, I’m just so overwhelmed.“Alex cares for you deeply—he doesn’t exactly hide it.”All I can think to say is, “Sssorry.”“Why? It’s not your fault. We can’t help who we love.”So, she knows??? ‘But you and Alex…”“Don’t want
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#Chapter 73: Playing the Waiting Game
Ryan is sleeping when we return. I take the opportunity to spend some time alone writing in my room. I think a good way to work all of this out is to write about it. I miss drama, so I decide to turn the events into a script.I write until I fall asleep and dream about rogue werewolves and dangerous attacks. In my dream, Alex is in trouble, and I can’t get to him. I wake up during this dream…and decide not to take it as a sign.I hear voices down the hall, and I emerge to find Alex putting on his socks and shoes. Ryan is already geared up and waiting in the chair by the couch, the same backpacks from this morning at his feet.“You leaving?” I ask.“I was going to come get you before we left—to say goodbye.”I fold my arms and lean against the wall. “That’sss it? Goodbye?”“Well…I mean…we’ll be back.”I walk back down the hall. We haven’t talked since he came back this morning, and I’m worried about him. There are so many things I want to ask him: like does he know what happened to him
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#Chapter 74: The truth About Michael
We shift and make our way northwest toward the mountain. We figure that’s our best bet at finding the encampment, base…whatever it is. If we don’t find anything there, we can work our way back going east.Worst come to worst, we make it home, regroup, and try again tomorrow, but I’m not leaving until we find them. For Michael. For Cynthia.Since we’ve been gone, my body has recovered. Distance must play a part in that. Since Ryan and I can’t link, we can’t talk, and I have the opportunity to think about why I was sick.When I asked Ryan earlier, he said he didn’t know of anyone that could perform the ritual other than maybe an Elder. But who would have done that in my own pack?It could have been done before I left the Ayzena base by any one of the Elders. If it was one of them, my money would be on Owein. He was determined to use Cynthia as bait, and I may have been the only one standing in his way. Physically.But would he really do that to me? I would like to think all our Elders a
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#Chapter 75: Ambushed at the Malkeye Camp
There are several bangs coming from the front of the house. “Rita?” I cry out before throwing my hand over my mouth.I hear the noise again, a violent Bang! Bang! Bang! on the front door.Then, a crash. It makes me jump, and all I can think is “Oh no… They’re here!”I jump off the bed and rush to my door to lock it, bracing a chair up against it. I know this won’t stop a werewolf, but if I’m lucky, that’s not what’s out there.Rita proves my instinct right when she pushes her way in, almost breaking the door in the process. She puts her finger up to her lips, apparently not realizing she doesn’t have to worry about me being quiet.She locks my door behind her, and I begin backing away toward the bed. As cross the room, I also become aware of our vulnerability due to the window.Thank God I closed it earlier!I peek through the curtains. All I see outside is darkness. When did it get dark out? I pull the curtains shut tight and back away to the center of the room, kneeling down in case
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#Chapter 76: Rogue Defeat
After the rogue is so badly damaged that it’s barely breathing, the werewolves shift back to their human form, including Rita.She helps me up as the others stand around the bloodied body of our attacker, their mouths and hands smeared with blood.A couple of them approach to check on me. I don’t know who they are; I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before—but they knew me. One of them, the one with a long beard and haunted eyes, stares at me.It’s unsettling. It reminds me of the way Alex’s mom stares at me. Like he’s looking for something in my face, or rather sees something hidden within it.“My name is Charles,” the one with the beard says, “and these are Oorna, Abner, and Meor. Abner and Meor were on guard tonight, out in the forest. They could smell the intruder and tracked him here.”Rita spits on the ground. Is it odd to think, in this moment, that this is unladylike?“Damn it!” she says. “He’s in rough shape and can’t turn.”She turns to Charles and asks, “Is there somewhere w
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#Chapter 77: Wolf Vs Wolf
What about Cynthia, I manage to say when Ryan lets go.Cynthia is more than she realizes—more than you realize! And I’m going to make sure she’s not a threat to our future. Enraged, I rush at him again, only Ryan is able to get a paw up and swipe me across the face, drawing blood.You’re fucking crazy!No—I’m motivated.We circle each other again, each one ready for the other to be next to strike. I move forward a little, and Ryan backs up. He moves forward a little, and I back up. We go about this dance for way too long.“What do you know of our previous Alpha?” Charles asks us.I shrug, not knowing what my answer should be because my mind has gone numb.“He was murdered by rogues,” Rita states matter-of-factly.“He was attacked by rogues,” he says, correcting her. “He was away from base, and no one bore witness to the events that took place…except for Ryan, his younger brother.”“And your current Alpha,” Rita adds.Charles nods. Jeraoul and Lenor are still staring at me. I try not
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#Chapter 78: The End of All Lies
You’ll never beat me! Ryan says, and I know he means it.Normally, I would be cautious taking on someone of his stature, but now I’m angry…and angry me doesn’t always make the best choices.I snarl. I want to know why Cynthia.Because she stands in my way… But not like your brother did…Now the beast inside me is just pissed.I spring forward, ready to strike. Ready to kill. I get in a swipe to the left of his jaw, then right, then a mouthful of fur and flesh above Ryans’ shoulder.Except Ryan proves too strong for me, and now that I’m on the offensive, I’ve left myself vulnerable. I realize that as soon as I feel him move.Ryan slings me off, knocking me to the ground, and is on top of me before I can manage to get up, using his body weight to hold me down. I’m able to avoid most of his bites, which come fast and ferociously.I use my hips to roll him and get him to the ground. Then I use the momentum of the motion to roll away, but Ryan is too fast. He gets a grip on my shoulder and
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#Chapter 79: Dire Circumstances
They must sense something because their pace quickens. When we hit the stream, they take a right through the water, splashing me and adding to my discomfort.I buck up and tough it out, but soon we are back out of the water and below the mountain, ready to climb.Then I smell it. Blood. And pine. It’s Alex!We can’t see him yet and begin making our way up the mountain, but the progress is slow and my sight is back to zilch. The smell is getting stronger, and my body is beginning to tingle.That familiar tingle. We must be getting really close…Suddenly, Rita rears back and I slide off. She shoots forward and my eyes follow her and Charles. I still can’t see anything, so I run to get closer until my developed night vision locks onto the sight that is driving them.Below an overhand of rock, in a small crevice, lies a werewolf. It isn’t moving—and I know it’s Alex! Another werewolf, Ryan, is crouched over him, like he’s about to go in for the kill.I scream, unable to stop myself.When
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#Chapter 80: My Inner Wolf
As Ryan stalks toward me, the itch becomes unbearable. My skin feels like it’s been burned and is healing, peeling. I want to scratch at it. I want to scratch it off.The feeling becomes so intense—like my skin is burning from within.Ryan stops and watches, his grin apparent. He starts pacing from one side to the other. I don’t understand what he’s doing, but it’s so hard to think right now. I can’t track him while my body is changing.The unexpectedness and newness of it is difficult toAnd my rage returns! I don’t know what’s happening, but I want it to stop! I need to stop him! Aaaahhhh!!!!! This must be what it’s like to be consumed with anger.Now my skin is the least of my concerns. My bones begin shifting, painfully at first as my humerus and my femur elongate, stretching in a way not humanly possible.A growl rumbles deep in my chest and I throw my head back as my nose and jaw stretch out. My spine shifts and my shoulders begin popping. It’s painful, but in a glorious way.Al
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