All Chapters of Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
#Chapter 81: The Malkeye Luna Revealed
It’s like time stops. The first time you kill someone, or some werewolf, I should say. It is a life-changing moment.I can taste blood in my mouth…and it’s good.Ryan’s body appears lifeless below me. I wait a few seconds before I let him go, waiting to make sure he’s dead. His body goes limp. He’s not breathing, and his heart has stopped. I can tell because I hear everything.When I finally dismount his corpse, I shake my body like a dog drying off after a bath. I feel all my muscles, the new structure of my bones and how they relate to each other, the sway of my fur. It all feels good. Somehow right.To think, I recently wished for the gifts of the werewolf—enhanced hearing, acute sight—and here I am, a werewolf after all.I walk over to where Alex is lying. The physical pull between us now unquestionable as my body vibrates within when I am this close to him. There is no mistaking it now: Our bodies are in tune.Alex’s eyes search mine. I wish I knew what he was thinking.He nuzzle
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#Chapter 82: Return of the Luna
We’re greeted by the whole freaking pack!Apparently, Jeaoul and Lenor had already spread the word about what was going on. I’m sure the other pack members didn’t quite believe them, but they must certainly have been curious because a lot of them are standing at the entrance to the base.As we approach, I fall behind the others. I don’t exactly want to be the first to be questioned or interrogated.Plus, I’m sure they can tell I’m different now.Jeaoul approaches us with his wife and a couple of other pack Elders. “Where is Ryan?”“Defeated,” Charles calls out, his voice booming. “Our Alpha was defeated and now lies dead and in dishonor.”There are high-pitched murmurs among the group.I grow a little concerned at first, because I remember Jeaoul saying that no one believed them when they suspected Ryan’s treachery.Charles steps aside, still under Alex’s shoulder, revealing me. “Here is our long-lost Luna, Dyanthiana.”And the one who killed your Alpha. The murmurs grow to a loud cl
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#Chapter 83: An Unwelcome Family Reunion
Once we’re done eating, everyone else joins us in the living room. They all gaze at me fondly, and I can’t imagine what this moment means for them. I lost my parents, but they lost a leader.A thought slips in and teases at me again: It’s like I’m royalty.“How are you feeling?” Charles asks from the doorway.“Better, thank you. I think Alex’s leg is healing up rather nicely,” I add, alluding to it with a nod.“Good. That’s all very good,” he says hastily.Jeaoul, who is seated in a much more comfortable, normal chair than the last one I saw him in, …. “How is our prisoner?”“What prisoner?” Alex asks.“We were able to subdue and capture the rogue that attack Dyanthiana.”At first, I forget this name is attached to me. “Oh…” I perk up. “Is he still alive?”“Yes, my Luna. To keep him from healing, he was forced to shift into human form.”I don’t know how that works, and right now I don’t really care.“We can question him when you’re ready,” Charles says to Jeaoul.Jeaoul looks at me. “
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#Chapter 84: Time to Process
Lenor and Jeaoul prepare a bed for me in their home, and somehow scrounge together some clothes that fit me relatively well, even if they are a little loose.I take my first shower in probably three days, and after, I feel like a new woman. Yes…a woman. I’m not eighteen just yet, but I have grown since I left home. I have become a whole other person—a werewolf—and have attained a fresh identity.I sit in my room with my journal. I have so much material for my play now, but that isn’t my focus. I need to work out my thoughts. After all, so much has come to light in the past twenty-four hours. My parents are not who I thought they were, and one of them even tried to kill me. Then there’s the whole werewolf thing, and I’m not even some plain-jane one at that.It’s a lot to process, but now that my shock is wearing off, I can think about things rationally. The pack is going to expect me to stay and fulfill my duty. The wolf in me wants to, but I have a whole other life I can’t disappear f
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#Chapter 85: Some Time With Alex
When I walk out, I’m on cloud nine. Not as a Luna, or a werewolf of any sort, but as a teenage girl in love.And there is my boyfriend—my love—waiting for me, his hair a sexy mess and a feverish look in his eyes. As I walk toward him, a life together flashes before my eyes: Us getting older, having children, finding our way together…forever.I don’t know if it will be like that, but in the moment it’s the only thing I want to think about.He takes my hand, playfully swinging them back and forth as we walk to the outer perimeter. Then we take a turn into the woods. “I thought we could use some privacy,” Alex explains.“Whatever happened to the rogues? Did you find them?”“I don’t think we found all of them. There were thirteen there. But we left a message for any that returned.”“Do you think they’ll be a problem?”“Charles thinks they won’t be an issue now that Ryan is dead, and we’ve cleared their camp.”“I hope he’s right.”“Me, too.” He kisses me on the head. “Have you noticed…” Al
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#Chapter 86: About Us
“Ahhh…” I exhale bliss when we stop. “Thank you, Alex.”“I know you need to go back to your mom soon, so I’ll do everything I can. But you will eventually have to come back to your pack.”“Yeah—I know. I just have to figure out how to do that. What to tell my mom and when to make that break.”“Just remember, I may not be able to go with you…at first.”“Oh, no—Michael!” How could I have forgotten? “Is there a cure for Wolfsbane?”“If there is, it probably died with the wolf that poisoned him.”“I’m ssso sorry.”“Yeah…we’ll deal with it when we get back. But I probably can’t go back home with you, to live anyway. The pack will be my home now.”Finally, this seems to be a good time to ask him about us. I need to know how he feels…what he thinks.“Where does that leave us?”“I’ve given this some thought. Once you turned, it all made sense: my attraction to you, my inability to leave you alone.”“But what about Rita?”“Yeah…about Rita.” He pauses to organize his thoughts. It’s almost like
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#Chapter 87: Dinner and a Speech
We return to the base in time to go to my honorary dinner. Which is terrible.No—it’s actually very nice. Extremely thoughtful. It’s just awkward to be thrust into a position you know nothing about and to have to tell them you don’t intend to stay. At least not for now. If I can get my words together, I hope to be able to make them understand.When Alex and I enter the Meeting Hall, everyone is there. Tables have been set up with food, and my stomach growls at the thought of getting to slaughter some meat. Literally.Yeah, it’s weird for me.Everyone stops and looks at us. I smile, cordially, though I’m sure my face is red.Lenor comes to my rescue. She rushes over to me, takes my hand, and leads me to the other end of the table.I know from the last pack dinner I attended that the opposite end is where the leaders sit: the Alpha and his family.I see Rita on that end, along with two empty chairs.What I don’t see is an Alpha because there isn’t one. I’m afraid I know where they’re go
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#Chapter 88: Return to the Ayzena
With no need to fear future attacks, we are set to leave the next morning. I meet with the Elders first so we could work out the details of my absence. Charles is also there, and there is a very informal “changing of the guard,” so to speak. He already knows his duties, so anything they explain to him is merely formality.For the first time, I feel a part of them. I may not know hardly anyone in the Malkeye pack, but I know this handful of Council members and they treat me like an equal. It makes me feel so included.And so grown up. Will my mother even recognize me? Of course she will, but will she notice any changes in me? I hope so…and for the better.The Elders and Charles also see us off. I feel like Charles and I have a connection, especially since he’s the first one to recognize me for who I am. I should be able to trust him while I’m gone.Rita and Alex wait until we’re out of town to shift.“I know it may take you a while to figure it out, and I didn’t want you to have to fig
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#Chapter 89: Out in the Open
That afternoon, I prepare to make my transition home.I talk to my mom and tell her I will be back within the week. I can hear the relief in her voice and it makes me yearn to see her. To be honest, I appreciate her even more now that I know she chose to keep me and love me as her own, though I’m disappointed she never told me the truth.I also text Hailey to tell her that camp is almost over. When I first left, I told her I didn’t know how many weeks I would stay to allow some leniency and to keep her from getting suspicious. She’s excited to catch up, and I promise to call her when I get back.That evening, we return to see Michael, who is looking substantially better. He’s sitting up and some color has returned to his face. He also already has a visitor. Sitting on the side of his bed—holding his hand—is Rita.Then it hits me. She didn’t want Alex because she’s already in love…with his brother. I can tell, because the look in her eyes is the same one I see in the mirror.Alex, my s
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#Chapter 90: A Hard Truth
Alex talks to Michael for hours, leaving me to guess what is happening and eventually causing Rita and me to fear if something has gone wrong.Eventually, Alex returns to his parents’ house. I’m sitting at the table with his parents and with Rita, barely touching the plate of food in front of me. In fact, Mr. Hewlett is the only one who seems to have an appetite.Tala rises as Alex approaches. “Let me make you a plate,” she says before turning to walk away.“Don’t,” Alex says, causing her to stop in her tracks.She approaches him and places a hand on his shoulder, searching his face. “You need to eat something.”“I don’t have an appetite. I just need some time alone.”She lowers her hand and locks her fingers together, resolved to . “Of course. I’ll have something in the refrigerator for you when you’re ready.”I want to follow him to his room, but I don’t know if that would be appropriate, and he doesn’t ask for me. He simply walks away, followed by the sound of a door shutting. The
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