All Chapters of My Sweet Revenge : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
159 Chapters
Meeting her father.
Third person's POVSarah enjoys the night with Frank and his mother, whose name is Maria. Maria enjoys Sarah staying with them for the night. Sarah is not a spoilt brat as Maria thought. She enjoyed that Sarah enjoyed her food. She never thought a woman as wealthy as Sarah would enjoy plain lasagna. However, she plans to go to Sarah's father the following morning. She believes that Sarah's father is judging Sarah unnecessarily. She believes that Shara has changed. She can see the way Sarah is looking at her son. She knows that Sarah is not a bad person and that Sarah will become a great mother. But it is time for her father to stand behind her. She knows she is not a wealthy woman and knows that Sarah's father will probably chase her away. She does not care. She will wear her best clothing and see him tomorrow at his office. She doesn't know how she will be received. However, she does not care. She wants to meet Sarah's father and tell him to go easy on his daughter as she tries to ch
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Apologizing to my daughter.
Simon's POVI am impressed with Maria. She is standing up for the children. She is not somebody who will take any nonsense. I am glad she was open to me and came to me and talked to me about my daughter. I did not realize how badly I was handling the whole situation. From now on, if somebody comes to me to complain about my daughter, asking them to forgive her, I will tell them to grow up and accept her apology as she means it from her heart. My daughter is humiliating herself by asking them for forgiveness. Why can't people accept it? Why do they have to be so mean? She is going out for a way to do the right thing. If Belinda Stone can forgive, why can't other people? If Frank and Maria can forgive her, why can't other people? They must have hurt the most of all the people she has hurt. Yet thou willing to forgive her and give her another chance. I was not even willing to give my daughter another chance. I was heartless. She tried her best to please and show me that she had changed,
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Talking to my boss and his wife.
Frank's POVI know I will have to tell Chase I am seeing Sarah again. I know he does not trust Sarah, and I fear it will jeopardize my job. I love working with a little Connor. I hope that Chase understands. I hope he can forgive Sarah like Belinda has. I don't want to get my hopes up. If Chase does not want me to work for him again, I do not know what I will do. I know my boss is hard and does not quickly forgive somebody. However, I am sure you will forgive Sarah if Belinda forgives her. As I walk into his office, Belinda sits with him, drinking coffee. She smiles up at me, and he frowns. I am head of his security at the moment. My priority is to ensure Conner's safety. It is in the morning job, but I put the best men we have at the school, and I think Chase is concerned because I am not there. I made an appointment with him, but I am glad Belinda is there."You do not have to worry, Sir. Connor is in the best hands. The guards at his school are well-trained and some of our best men
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Coming home.
Sarah's POVI drive behind my father and Frank's mother with everything I own in my car. I am glad my father accepted that I will stay with Frank and his mother. We made peace at last. I did not expect my father to forgive me for everything that I have done in my life. I have asked Frank's mother if we can eat at their house tonight, and she agreed immediately. Tonight, we are going to have a family dinner. I do not believe my father cannot take his eyes off Frank's mother. She must have impressed him a lot. I will be glad if my father can find love again. He does not trust anybody. And I don't want him to be left out. If Frank's mother moves in with my father, I can still ask for her help with the baby, but I don't want to get too excited about everything. What if Frank's mother does not like my father? Anyway, I'm just hoping for the best at this moment.I have to concentrate on myself and my baby. I have to go for a scan again. Perhaps I should find out what the baby's gender is so
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Going to the hospital.
Belinda's POVI know how Connor and Chase had panicked when little Mason was born. So when I start getting birth pains, I don't think I should alert them and make them panic. Nick and Amanda will be busy with the baby, so I do not want to disturb them. It is still early in the morning, and I know it will take a while before I give birth. So I get up out of bed while Chase is still sleeping. I call one of the servants to help me put all the bags and stuff in the car. We move as quietly as possible. The servant looks at me worried. I know they are all concerned about me. I want to get everything in place before the two men in my life wake up and start panicking. I don't want them to run around like crazy chickens that have been spooked. I know how much Chase and Connor love me, and I love them as much as they love me. Everything is loaded, and the car is ready before the front door. I go back into the room and shake Chase awake. "What is wrong, baby?" Chase asks. He is still a little s
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A girl is born!
Chase's POV I am concerned about the birth. I know Belinda is in good hands. However, I have never been at the birth of a child before. This will be the first time that I will stand next to her while she gives birth. Nick has told me how awful it is to see the woman that you love in so much pain. I do not know if I will be able to handle seeing Belinda in so much pain. She and Connor are my life. I do not want to see any one of them suffering. Connor will always be my big boy, but I don't want to see him ever hurt. I hope they will find happiness at a younger age than I did. It took me a very long time to find Belinda. I don't want my son to be unhappy like I was until I found Belinda. And tonight, I am praying that nothing happens to her or the baby. I don't think I will be able to handle life without Belinda. I look at her face. She is sweating from the pain. Everything is prepared for the birth, and her water breaks on our way to the room. I was walking behind her and the nurse wh
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Meeting Bella.
Chase's POVConnor and I walk into the room where they have made Belinda and Little Bella comfortable. Connor walks to his little sister lying in a crib beside Belinda's bed. He peeks in and looks up at Belinda and me. The expression on his face says everything. He is not impressed with how his sister looks at this moment. We all know that babies do not look as beautiful when they are born as when they get a week or two older. Well, most babies, some babies are born pretty. "We should have called the Beast instead of Bella," Connor mumbles to himself. At that moment, Bella starts crying."I was just kidding. You are beautiful. You are Bella. Don't cry. You will look ugly when people come and look at you. Mommy, Daddy, help! She cannot cry. It would make her face puffy, and she would look worse. You must remember that many people in the waiting room are ready to see her. Can't we hide her face of something until she becomes more beautiful? I will tell everybody that the doctor said no
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A hyper Connor.
Chase's POVI soon realized the mistake that I had made. After eating ice cream and chocolate, Connor is hyperactive. He's jumping on the couch, running around the house like a racing horse, and I must watch him constantly. I never understood why his mother said I could not give him too much sweets. Now I know why. How was I supposed to know he would be hyperactive after eating a lot of sweets? I am tired of being with Belinda the whole night, and I go to sit down on the couch while Connor runs past me and will not sit still for a second. I love my boy but do not know what to do with him when he gets this active. Hopefully, it goes over fast. Hopefully, we'll take a nap. I'm tired as I put my hands in my hair. I must have napped for a few seconds because I was drenched in water the next moment. Connor stands laughing in front of me with a bucket in his hand."I called you, Daddy, and you did not hear me. I was making sure that you were still alive. The only way I could do it was to th
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Going home.
Chase's POVThe days have gone by fast. Today, I'm going to pick up my daughter and my wife from the hospital. I have learned my lesson and will never give Connor so much sweets again. When I reached my parents' house, they looked like they were just in World War Two. The poor servants looked tired. The gardener was still busy filling the hole that Connor dicked. Their house was in chaos. Connor was fast asleep. None of us wanted to wake him up, so we let him sleep until the following day. I just came from visiting Belinda and Bella. Connor's room was full of mud, but we were afraid to wake the little menace. We closed the door to the room and let him sleep. The following morning, Connor got up in an awful mood, like someone who had a hangover. I had to tell Belinda everything that night when Connor and I saw her and Bella. Belinda laughed at me and told me never to give him too much sweets again. I had to admit to her that we had to clean his room the following day and put him in a
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A day full of surprises.
Belinda's POVI knew my mother-in-law would not leave it. I knew she would plan a surprise party for us to come home. So I am prepared. Little Bella and I are dressed in pink, and Connor looks glad to see us. He comes running to us. However, he is cautious around his little sister. It is like he is half afraid of her getting hurt. He just hugged my legs and let his father pick him up so he could kiss his little sister hello. He's cautious when he kisses her. She looks so tiny. And I know that he is afraid that he will hurt her. Connor will never hurt anybody. He may have hit a child at school, but that child was looking for trouble with him. He will only do it in self-defense. He has been trained from a very young time to defend himself. I was always worried that somebody wanted to pick on him or kidnap him. And that is why I let him take jujitsu classes from a young age. I wanted him to be able to defend himself in case somebody tried to grab him. Little Bella will do the same. I kno
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