All Chapters of My Sweet Revenge : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
159 Chapters
As the years gone by.
Belinda's POVI cannot believe how fast the years have gone by. It is the last year of Conner's school. He still has his old friends from when they started going to school together. He and Eva are in a relationship. Norma is still the snob she used to be. She always looks down on Eva. However, she is furious when Eva gets a scholarship and she does not. Norma is always trying to make trouble between Connor and Eva. I let my children sort out their things. Bella is more of a bookworm and likes to study constantly. We did not have any other children, although I wanted more children. Chase and I decided that two children were enough. They were keeping us very busy when they were younger. Connor and Chase are very protective of Bella. Bella is still young. She is only thirteen. She's not interested in boys at this stage of her life and would rather spend time on the Internet playing games. And study, of course. She has already decided to become a lawyer like her mother and grandmother.On
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Connor's new apartment.
Connor's POVThe party and graduation went well yesterday. However, my eyes opened to Eva last night. Eva was never catty. She was always a brilliant young lady who was quiet and clever but became a little snobbish since she got the scholarship. I couldn't believe it was the same girl I grew up with. Last night she was bitchy to some of our old friends. She acted like she was already a doctor. I will have to talk to her about it because I wouldn't say I like her new behavior. I do not know if I like this new Eva. However, I'm not going to think about it today. I want to go and see my new apartment. My parents have both for me and have given me an allowance to buy all the furniture I want. I can't wait to show it to Jimmy and Eva. I'm sure they will be happy for me. I also could have gotten a scholarship, but I refused it because my parents have enough money to pay for my studies, and I feel that the children who do not have enough money should get the scholarships.My parents went and
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Norma's secret.
Norma's POVI know everybody sees me as a bully. Everybody thinks I am jealous of Eva. Nobody knows about the sadness I carry around in me. Nobody knows about the pressure my parents put on me. I don't care about me. Nobody does. I've always lived with servants while my parents went up partying. My mother only had time for me when I had to practice for the one-after-the-other beauty contest. They were so mad at me when I did not get a scholarship. I just couldn't fit in everything that I had to do. My mom was angry at me because I was not the head cheerleader. They bought me a car when I was sixteen. It was a pink Porsche. I didn't want it. I didn't want to be noticed all the time. The more I got noticed, the more I had to act the role of being happy. I was even my daddy's little princess. I was never my mom's best friend. They were shouting and screaming at each other the whole day. And if they couldn't take it out on each other, they would take it out on me. I could never make real
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Eva's jealousy
Eva's POV I don't get to do wealthy children whose parents care about them all the time. Why would Connor rub his new apartment in the faces of Jimmy and me? I thought it was different, but he always bragged about everything he gets. He thinks he shares it with his friends, but I don't believe so. I think that he is just showing off like the rest of the rich children. And I can no longer see him. He's just like the rest of them. He will fit better with somebody like Norma. She will be thrilled to see his new apartment and wear her beautiful dresses when they go out. I do not believe in love. I have seen how my parents acted not only to each other but also to their new partners. There is no such thing as love. I want to become a doctor. I want to become an independent woman to buy the stuff Connor and his wealthy friends get for free. I know a lot of people think that I am jealous, but I'm not jealous. I do not care what the wealthy people have in this town. All I know is I wanted some
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Norma's new job.
Norma's POVWell, tonight, I saw just a waiter in this diner. I am happy that I got the job so quickly. I hope that I can find a cheap place to stay. I took my laptop with me. I don't think my parents will care. They never cared about anything I did. They did not care that I had good grades in school. To them, it was not good enough. Nothing I ever did was good enough for them. I always had to be number one. I walked out and started cleaning the tables in the section the manager gave me. That is when I saw Eva and my heart fell in my shoes. She always pretended to be this little angel in front of Connor and everyone else. She always pretended that I was the one who bullied her. And in the beginning, it was true. But later on, she would get me around the corner and tell me that I was not worthy of Connor and that he would never look at me because he would always be in love with her. After all, she was more type and not me. She knew I was in love with Connor. She never told him because
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Invited to the diner.
Connor's POVI do not know where Jimmy went, but when he got back, he looked angry. I can see that he is very disappointed. And I understand that he must have gone and confronted Eva. To my surprise, I'm not very upset that we broke up. I saw it's coming a long time because Eva was changing overtime. It was like she was thinking that she was better than everyone else. I am not very thrilled about it, but what can I do? I always loved Eva, but more like a sister than a girlfriend. Eva was always jealous of the children whose parents cared about them and would vent her frustrations on Norma. Norma has gone quiet over the last few years. She had a few mean girlfriends but hadn't been friends with them the previous couple of months and was always sitting by herself. She always looked sad. But if somebody tried to talk to her, she was bitchy and drove them away.On prom night, she came with Johnny, one of our friends, and she looked like a beauty queen with too much makeup and a pageant ha
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End of the first night.
Norma's POVI'm thankful that Connor helped me out tonight. As I am about to walk out of the diner door, the manager calls me. I wondered what I had done wrong and if Eva got me into trouble. Perhaps she went to complain to the manager about me. I will not be surprised if that is the case. She has a knife in for me the whole night. And I think she is furious because Connor and his friends helped me. I suspect they will fire me as I walk into the office. Eva and the rest of the servers are all sitting there. I have not done anything to any of the others, so I hope they didn't take Eva's side because she has been working here for a while. "Norma, I just want to give you your tips for tonight. You don't have to look like you are going to the slaughterhouse. You did a great job tonight, and none of your tables complained about you. You also made most of the tips tonight. The other servers are happy you helped them when swamped, and your tables were already served. The only one that has a
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Eva's anger
Connor's POVThe receptionist at my apartment called me and told me a young lady wanted to see me. She was here earlier today. I immediately know that it is Eva. I understand she will be angry with me for taking Norma's side. However, I couldn't help it. Norma looked so sad today, and I think her parents kicked her out of the house. Why else would she work in a diner? I wonder what happened, but I am sure Eva will tell me everything after she shouts at me. Jimmy is staying with me tonight, and we are playing games. I say to the receptionist to let her in. "Let me guess, Eva is here," Jimmy says. "Yeah, she is here. I think the two of us will get it," I say. We smile at each other because we no longer take Eva seriously. My door bursts open. This is supposed to be my first night in my apartment, and I'm already having drama."How dare you? How do you take that woman's side over mine? I lost my job tonight, or because of you! I thought we were supposed to be friends. How could you do
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The end of a friendship.
Eva's POVI look furious at the two people who were supposed to be my best friends. I cannot believe that I have betrayed myself for somebody like Norma. They always took my side. I was like a sister to him. Connor and I have been dating for a few years, and I thought we would get married. But then I decided I didn't want to get married. And that is why I broke up with Connor. I like to become something on my own. I like to show the world that I do not need a man to be happy. I can reach out and show everybody I am worthy of this bursary. I do not care that my parents gave me money, and I do not care that people think that I should give back the bursary for poorer people to use. Why should I? I have deserved it. I have worked hard for it, as I did not know if my parents would give me money to go and study further. Besides, who are they to judge me? Jimmy took his scholarship. We all know that Connor's mother and father would have paid Jimmy if he had not gotten a scholarship. "Well,
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A visit to the diner.
Connor's POVI want to find out what Norma's story is. Why is she working in the diner? And is Eva even telling us the truth? Eva has been very jealous of Norma ever since we started going to school. I think Eva did not care about Norma's parents, but she did not like that Norma won many beauty pageants. I know a lot of women are very jealous of women who are beautiful and when beauty pageants or become models or something like that. I constantly criticize those people who are attractive. I think it is human nature to be jealous of the most beautiful people around you. I always felt that Norma thought she was better than us. She never invited us to her birthday parties or her house. Now I wonder if it is because she was ashamed of her parents. Perhaps she didn't want us to see how her parents treated her. Maybe she didn't even like participating in beauty pageants. I remember that she always had to look like a doll when she was a little girl. When she was older, she always had to loo
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