All Chapters of A contract in Dubai: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
133 Chapters
Summer in my heart Part 1
Summer in my heart Part 1 Hazel Finally, Jonathan comes home, in fact, it didn't take him long, thank God!I am already showered and waiting for him so as not to delay our walk, or whatever he has in mind for us to do. All he said was that he needed to go out with me later today. The fact is that since the latest events involving his partner, the dream I had and the need to have a security guard have made me apprehensive every time he goes out. If I don't have something to distract myself with, I will spend my days in constant anxiety. I've tried to plan the online lessons but... anyway, it's been a week of discovery for Jonathan and me and this whole new world that has opened up to me with BDSM.It is sad that everything can't be perfect. I can't wait for him to finally solve all his problems at work. I can't imagine how he must be feeling with all this going on at the same time and still having to imagine that this work still has about four years to come to an end. Jonathan goes s
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Summer in my heart Part 2
Summer in my heart Part 2 HazelStanding there in front of the mirror, I am still lost in my thoughts.What is there in this romance that provokes something in me that I haven't felt even with Andrew, whom I waited so long to have by my side? I remember the almost adolescent happiness that came over me when he finally asked me out. But what I feel now with Jonathan is so much deeper, and there are no words in my vocabulary to define this sensation, it's even stronger and more ecstatic than all the different ways I've come with him so far.What's in his words has nothing to do with romance; they are not words designed to seduce and conquer. There was even a kind of heaviness in the clear and honest way he exposed his feelings. He was real! And that gives me a unique sense of security. We are both provoking new and unique moments, sensations and feelings in each other, and I am feeling with him everything I would love to feel. I feel loved, not just wanted. Many men want me, I know! An
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Emergencies Jon After we finally have a real engagement ring, I need to sort some things out, boring things like the Hamza Saad issue. I think I should take Sayid to dinner with Mohammed so that I can defend myself properly against the delay in construction and the accident with Omar. I need to defend myself against this man, he smells of death.Not only that, but I've arranged to meet Sayid Jarrah on the quayside in Dubai on Saturday. It's an open place where we can talk freely. He comes in like a chimney, smoking a lot, which makes me want to smoke too."Yes, Mr. Turner."He says between breaths, looking around. Alex is standing back and carries a gun in his waistband, just in case."Don't worry, my security guard is ready.""What do you want?"" I'm going to dinner with Mohammed and Hamdan and I want you to go with me to expose this guy.""What? No, sir."" Sayid, get on the right side of the situation, we can get Hamza out of Dubai, you have the chance to do justice for that poor
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The voice that excites, is the same that tranquilizes.
The voice that excites, is the same that tranquilizes. Hazel It's already Saturday afternoon and; having already managed to get back into my routine of exercises; I take the opportunity to pack my clothes back into Jonathan's room. Now it's permanent. I think so.Every now and then, I think back to the ring I tried on my finger last night. Really breathtaking. I was so bewildered at the moment I chose it together with Jonathan, I'm not even sure how much he paid for it.I noticed a while ago that Jonathan acts in a way like he doesn't want to leave traces, or let anyone know what he buys, or where and what he spends his money on. He doesn't usually pay his bills with a credit card. It's strange. Or maybe it's just a habit because he doesn't like drawing attention to himself. Maybe because he's afraid of exposing himself because he's in a different country? In the conditions that he's been facing lately, I'd be cautious too. I don't know. If being poor is bad, it seems that being ver
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Decisive meeting Part 1
Decisive meeting Part 1 Jon It's Tuesday morning when I get the message from Aziz that dinner with the Sheik will be tonight. I look at my cell phone sitting on my desk in my office at the Burj Khalifa. Hazel sends too many messages and, in this way, I can understand how much she likes me. After all, she says she loves me. I believe in her love, so I worry about her. What I doubt is what I feel. I came very close to feeling that way years ago and it didn't work out. It wasn't repeated due to life's misfortunes and I wonder what it will take for me to allow myself to feel... The glove I never take off is synonymous with a lack of trust in other people's judgment. Do I still expect her to let me down? I shouldn't, she's shown herself to be faithful even in critical situations. This unfair and cruel environment has affected me deeply. It's affected the way I see others, the way I feel about my own emotions, to the point where I only understand
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Decisive meeting Part 2
Decisive meeting Part 2JonWe'll spend the afternoon in bed, without sex. We don't have the mind for it. Hazel does her nails and hair. She prepares for dinner with Sheik."Isn't all this preparation for me? I'm jealous.”"Mr. Turner, you already see me every day, the Sheik doesn't." She replies gracefully."Ahhh, that's worrying, Hazel, when the bride starts to think that we don't deserve to see her beautiful, that's a sign of wear and tear on the engagement.We laughed. I stare at her beautiful face and that angelic smile. She doesn't even notice. But I love looking at her. She's so beautiful that she could be Miss England. I don't even know if these contests still exist, but if she applied, she could even be Miss Universe! She's already number one in my universe... I feel like having her under my body, blindfolded, naked and tied up. But my body doesn't react so well to that because of the worry. It would be wonderful to dispel all this worry in the fourth dungeon. Unfortunately,
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After the storm, the calm Part 1
After the storm, the calm Part 1Hazel It's been amazing how things have changed in the last few days. From one moment to another, a simple event can turn our lives upside down. Just now I was thanking Allah that Jonathan had the opportunity to talk to the Sheik and go in search of the one who can solve all these problems involving his work.Dinner was scheduled for tonight, and I was already starting to think about an outfit for that moment when, through the door of the living room, I see a strange movement in the hallway outside the house. Nadia sees me standing there and joins me. We keep watching. We look at each other without saying anything. I need to understand what's going on, so I open the door and go outside to look through the front garden. I see more security guards. Could it all be because of a dinner?Suddenly, one of the security guards appears at the gate and frightens me."Miss. Please, wait inside the house."
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After the storm, the calm Part 2
After the storm, the calm Part 2 Hazel The Sheik wasn't lying when he said that the women of Dubai love my work. One of the women, from what little I've managed to learn of Arabic, practically announces me as Samira, "the woman who dances with swords and veils". It's truly a great feeling to have my work acknowledged. They get happy to see me and manage to make me feel comfortable. I let out a smile and start to feel more at ease. My luck is that English is a second language for most all of them, but I struggle to understand what they all say.They're lively and I feel comfortable among them and I almost forget what's happening outside with my Jonathan. Some show my videos on Instagram. They are my followers. They talk things with me that are much simpler, everyday things, they ask me some curious questions about my way of life, about my dancing, and I even wish I could spend more time with them. One of them turns to me and say someth
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A prince for Hazel
A prince for HazelJonIt had been an incredible night with Sheik and Hazel and nothing could have spoiled it the next day. Except for my girlfriend being so distant from me. She brings that air of worry mixed with a certain frustration. Today won't pass, my love, and little do you know what I have prepared for you before my mother-in-law arrives... Mother-in-law ... Strange word. I've never had a real mother-in-law. I've met the mother of some submissive who introduced me as their boyfriend, but it doesn't feel the same. It's the first time I've come into contact with this feeling in such a profound way. I've never really been in love with anyone. I'm terrified of losing it, and I don't like things that are out of my control. My feelings are out of my control at the moment. It bothers me.I see Hazel with a frown all day, while I'm just smiling. Everything worked out. Hamza is leaving Dubai, my construction company is staying on the solo project, and
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The proposal Part 1
The proposal Part 1Hazel The day is finally coming when I will meet my mother and sister again after almost a year apart! It has been the craziest year of my life.I had to face long nights working alone in a completely unknown place and barely had time to get to know it properly. Such a beautiful city to enjoy, and all I could do was work. I had arrived in the middle of summer, and the first few months were the worst. I spent the evenings at work until very late, slept all morning still adjusting to the new routine, and in the afternoons I was locked in the house because of the heat. At first, I stayed in a small rented house with other girls who were also starting their careers as dancers in Dubai. The difference was that I already had many followers in England long before coming to Dubai.As evening approached, it was time for me to get ready for work. I would have done all of this much happier if everything had
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