All Chapters of Silent Amour : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
102 Chapters
Chapter 91
Braylon sat on his couch, feeling the effects of the medications. The sleeping pills, painkillers, and antibiotics prescribed by the doctor for his wound healing were doing their job, making him drowsy. He was on the verge of drifting off when his mobile phone chimed, startling him. He fumbled for it, blinking at the screen. It was an incoming call from Eryx."Eryx?" Braylon muttered to himself, confused. Eryx hadn’t replied to his messages in a whole day, now why? With a groan, he swiped to answer the call, his voice heavy with sleep. "Hello?""Braylon, you won’t believe what happened!" Eryx’s voice came through, loud and erratic, with a crackled chuckle and sudden pick up of his words. "I broke off my engagement with Amy at dinner that night. In front of my parents!"Braylon sat up from the couch, his drowsiness momentarily forgotten. "What? You did what?""Yeah, and that’s not all," Eryx continued, his words tumbling out in a rush. "I came out to my family. Told them I’m gay. And m
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Chapter 92
Eryx woke up the next morning with a start, his eyes blinking rapidly as he tried to get his bearings. It took a moment for the fog in his mind to clear, but when it did, he realized he wasn't alone. Beside him, nestled comfortably in his embrace, was Braylon. Eryx's heart skipped a beat. His eyes widened as he tried to piece together the events of the previous night, but no memories came to mind. Despite the confusion, a peace washed over him as he gazed at the sleeping face of the man he adored.Braylon stirred, eyelids fluttering open to reveal sleepy eyes that soon locked onto Eryx's. A small smile played on Braylon's lips as he caught his love staring at him. For a few precious moments, they simply looked at each other, eyes communicating feelings words couldn't capture. Then, unable to resist, Eryx leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Braylon's lips, earning a returned smile."Good morning," Braylon murmured, voice husky with sleep."Good morning," Eryx replied, his heart sw
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Chapter 93
It had been hours passed since Eryx came to the precinct and everyone was indulged in their own work. That's when Revilla suddenly spoke up. "Eryx, look at this." She pointed to a name on the staff list. "This guy, David Palmer. He worked with Thornton at his last job. Could be a coincidence, but maybe not."Eryx raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. Let's get in touch with Palmer. See if he can tell us anything about Thornton's past behaviour.""Alex, call Palmer to investigate." Eryx ordered, the latter got his task and pulled out a phone to call him.By late afternoon, Franklyn finally had an update on surveillance. "Brother Eryx, we got something. The tech team managed to restore part of the footage. It's not much, but it shows someone accessing the security system right before the cameras were tampered with."Eryx’s eyes lit up. "Can we identify them?"Franklyn nodded. "It’s not very clear, but it looks like someone wearing a staff uniform. We’re trying to enhance the image to get a b
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Chapter 94
Zaneta had rushed over to Braylon's house the moment she heard the news from her parents. The shock of hearing that her cousin had been shot had made her heart race, and now, standing at his front door, she could feel her pulse thudding in her ears. She knocked urgently, and it was only a few moments before Braylon himself opened the door, looking surprised but happy to see her."Sister! What are you doing here?" he asked, stepping aside to let her in."I heard what happened," she said, her voice filled with concern. "I had to come and see you. Are you okay? You idiot"Braylon gave her a weak smile and shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a flesh wound, really. The doctors said I'm lucky.""Lucky?" Zaneta echoed, raising an eyebrow as she stepped into the house. "You got shot, Braylon! That's not something you just shrug off.""I know, I know," he said, leading her to the living room. "But I'm okay, really. I'm a detective and it's all normal.""Normal, my ass." She grunted."But I'm more
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Chapter 95
As Zaneta drove home, she couldn't stop thinking about Braylon and the difficult choices he had to make. She hoped with all her heart that Braylon would find the happiness he deserved and that Alan would grow up knowing just how much he was loved.The next few days were a whirlwind for Braylon. He had a lot of time to think about his conversation with Zaneta, and he knew she was right. He had to follow his heart, not just for his own sake but for Alan's too.-------------------------Stiles slammed his fist on the table, frustration boiling over. He had meticulously planned the kidnapping of Braylon’s son, Alan, only to be thwarted by the ever-vigilant shadow guards. The guards, an elite force unknown to most, had rendered his attempts futile. "Damn it!" Stiles growled, pacing back and forth in the dimly lit room. "How the hell did Braylon get shadow guards? Who even are they?"He glared at his lackey, who shrank back in fear. "Find out everything you can about those guards. I want t
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Chapter 96
"Do you hate me that much?" Adler added. Franklyn shook his head. He definitely didn't hate him. He was superior in every aspect. But not him. "I don't want to hurt you. I just... You are like a moon but I'm like a toy on the dirt. You deserve better." Adler's eyes softened at the statement. His eyes met the younger who froze at his place. "I like you, and there is no partiality in that. Why are you lowering yourself. Hmm! I like the way you are right now." Adler squeezed Franklyn's hands, building up the tension in his heart."Okay, let's do this. No more arguments. Let's just get wasted. You can do that, right." Franklyn nodded, raised his glass.They continued drinking, the conversation shortened. Franklyn was well past tipsy, and Adler was feeling the effects too, though he kept a bit more control. Franklyn started to get wobbly, and Adler realised it was time to call it a night."Alright, I think we’ve had enough," Adler said, standing up and reaching for Franklyn's arm. "Let’s
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Chapter 97
"There are several reasons for his silence. Firstly, loyalty or fear. If Andrew felt a strong loyalty to the person who ordered the theft—perhaps because they helped him in the past or offered him protection—he might have chosen to stay silent. Fear is another reason. The person behind the theft might have threatened him, making the risk of speaking out greater than the risk of staying quiet."Franklyn interjected, "So, why do you think he will be ready to confess now? What if he keeps silent""Good question," Eryx replied. "After spending time in jail, He definitely won't let himself behind the bar a second time. Perhaps he's recognized that protecting the mastermind isn't worth the cost of his freedom. Alternatively, the isolation and pressure of incarceration can change a person's perspective. The guilt can become too heavy to bear, prompting a desire to come clean and seek redemption."Franklyn made a thumbs up sign, Eyes sparkled by the great speech Eryx had given. Both chuckled
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Chapter 98
Braylon took Alan out for lunch, meeting Zaneta who had been nagging him to join her so she could introduce her new boyfriend. It was a sunny afternoon, and the little family settled into a cosy corner of a charming restaurant. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and roasted meats, mingling with the chatter of other diners.“Braylon, this is Dr. Thomas Everett,” Zaneta said with a warm smile, gesturing to the tall, bespectacled man beside her. “He’s a chief surgeon at my hospital, as I mentioned before.” Zaneta chuckled low-key, excited about their intro.Thomas extended his hand, which Braylon shook firmly. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Braylon. Zaneta speaks a lot about you. You look even more handsome in real life.”Braylon smiled back. “Nice to meet you too, Dr. Thomas. I’m glad Zaneta has found someone who shares her interests, finally.” Zaneta huffed at Braylon who laughed in his throat."So, He is Alan." Thomas's eyes landed on the little guy whose doe ey
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Chapter 99
Adler squeezed his shoulder gently, caressing now and then. "But you didn't. Alan is safe now, thanks to the people who fought off those kidnappers."Braylon nodded, his eyes filled with tears again. "I owe them everything. I don't even know who they are."A thought seemed to strike Braylon suddenly, and he looked at Adler with wide eyes. "Wait... Adler, were those your people?"Adler nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. He gets caught clumsily. "Yes, they were. After the cult case, I knew you might be targeted. I couldn't risk your safety, so I hired some shadow guards to protect you."Braylon's eyes welled up with tears as the weight of Adler's words sank in. "I let my profession hurt my son.""Of course not," Adler said softly. "We haven't confirmed whether it was them or not. Don't think too much. Alan is safe and that's what we should be concerned about."Braylon whispered a few words of thanks, his voice choked with emotion. He reached out and hugged Adler tightly, finding
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Chapter 100
Amy stood behind the podium, a confident smile on her face as cameras flashed and reporters jotted down notes. The room buzzed with mutters, the media eager to hear her announcement. "Thank you all for coming," Amy began, her voice smooth and authoritative. "I'm excited to announce that Richardson and Silvester Group will be merging. This union will create unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation."The crowd erupted in questions, microphones thrust forward, but Amy held up a hand to silence them. "We'll take questions in a moment. For now, I'd like to focus on the incredible future this merger promises. Our legal team is on the mission to work on papers, the official notice will be shared shortly."Eryx watched the live stream from the precinct, his stomach turning with each word. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His parents had disowned him for being homosexual, and yet they had no issue merging their company with the Richardson family business. It was a slap in
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