Semua Bab Silent Amour : Bab 81 - Bab 90
102 Bab
Chapter 81
Franklyn and Arthur clicked the glasses and stared down at the busy roads humming with the horns of vehicles. They were both a few drinks deep, their inhibitions melting away with each sip. Franklyn couldn't help but notice the softened expression on Arthur's face as he recounted a story from his past."So, when did you realize you were head over heels for Chief?" Franklyn asked, his words slightly slurred from the alcohol.Arthur chuckled, a warm glow of nostalgia washing over him when he remembered the days. "Oh, it was back in our days being rebels. He was just so cool, you know? Like, effortlessly cool. And he had this magnetic charm that drew everyone to him."Franklyn nodded, leaning in closer to catch every word. He found himself fascinated by Arthur's genuine admiration for Adler. To be honest, each word of Arthur was true, how could Adler influence someone, Effortlessly?"And he was, like, the ultimate dream boy," Arthur continued, an admiration in his voice. "I mean, he was
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Chapter 82
The doctor came out of the ICU, and a deep sigh left his mouth. Eryx rushed there, heart palpitating each second. "Is he okay? How is he doing? Was the wound deep?" "Calm down Mister, He is doing fine, we get rid of the bullet, and he will wake up soon." Patting the latter with an assurance, the Doctor walked away from him. Eryx slumped his shoulder, Tears gushed out of his eyes freely. He hadn't reached the precinct yet to hand over the abducted girl, No one knew where they were. Backup police might be looking for them in the forest. Nothing reached his mind since Braylon was hanging between the life and death thread.When the hem of the shirt tucked down, he wiped his tears and looked down. The little girl was afraid and trembling. "Uncle, when will we go home?" She sobbed. Eryx took the girl in his arms, wiping her tears gently. "We will go home soon. Hmm!" He forced a faint smile, The girl hugged the elder tightly, nodding in his embrace."Julie" Mrs Anderson stomped inside the
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Chapter 83
Eryx's heart clenched as he watched Braylon lying so still in the hospital bed, the machines humming softly around them. He held Braylon's hand gently, pressing a kiss to his knuckles, hoping beyond hope that Braylon would wake up soon. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes as sadness consumed him. "It's so hard to see you like this, wake up soon, baby." Another peck washed over Braylon's knuckles, heavy words choked in the throat already.That's when The door creaked open, and Eryx turned and there Mr. and Mrs Rhys entered, their faces etched with worry and grief. In Mrs. Rhys's arms was Alan, his eyes red-rimmed from crying. Eryx informed them about the name of the accident but who would believe him since They knew what kind of field their son was working in?"Uncle, Aunt," Eryx said softly, his voice catching in his throat as he stood to greet them. Mrs Rhys collapsed into a nearby chair, tears streaming down her face. "Braylon," she whispered, reaching out to him. "How did thi
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Chapter 84
As Eryx stepped into the house, a series of thoughts struck him, but it was quickly overshadowed by the sound of laughter echoing from the dining room. His father greeted him with a warm smile, but Eryx's mind was elsewhere, fixated on the voice he heard – Amy's voice. He felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized she was here, which he hated the most. If his dad didn't call him a fourth time, he wouldn't pick it up and agreed to come home for dinner. It had been only two days, Braylon woke up from the coma and leaving him alone was not convincible for him. To the kind information, Braylon was not actually alone since Adler had returned, and his parents were beside him, and his friends as well. Being overdramatic, Eryx almost made a scene about going to dinner and leaving Braylon behind.And the whole bunch of people had to convince him and kick him out of the hospital. The pile of work had been left behind by the detectives, yet here, Eryx, being stubborn, stayed at his side and
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Chapter 85
"So, it's like that; I told them that I'm Gay and I'm in a relationship. They disown me," Eryx shrugged his shoulders, Explaining whatever happened at dinner time. Braylon's heart clenched how Eryx was smiling but he knew deep down the latter was feeling miserable. "So you are now homeless," Adler made fun of Eryx; instantly, Eryx's eyebrows made a frown. "Enough of your little silly fights, I'm really done with you guys," Braylon groaned. The others went to buy them something to eat while Arthur was staying there to protect them, simply.The room buzzed as the trio made their entrance, their presence grabbed the attention of everyone within, distracting them from the conversation. Alex couldn't help but puff out his chest a bit, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as he produced a handful of snacks from beneath his shirt. Revilla and Franklyn followed the male, their laughter ringing out in the otherwise serious atmosphere.When Revilla sensed the weird gaze of the Eryx and Bray
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Chapter 86
"Gosh! You aren't a child, Eryx. Stay out of my bed." Braylon pushed the latter away yet Eryx was stubborn to lay beside the male. "It had been so long since we cuddled," Eryx whined, trying to climb up the bed while Braylon blocked him completely."Are you for real? I'm a patient. Treat me like one," Braylon growled low-key when the painkillers wore off; the pain struck his body, making the back hair stand straight. "Baby, are you okay?" Eryx's heart palpitated when Braylon's expression changed to discomfort. He held the latter gently, eyes held a deep concern with a pain. "I'm okay, it's just I got strained. Nothing to worry about," Eryx embraced Braylon softly, planted a deep affectionate peck on his crown, rubbing his shoulder soothingly. Braylon could hear the pounding sound of Eryx's heart, showing how scared he was just now. Braylon involuntarily chuckled, wrapping his hand around Eryx's waist."I make you worry, I'm sorry." He said. "No, I... I don't like seeing you in pain.
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Chapter 87
The eerie silence echoed through the eroded building as the group of people stood motionless, waiting for someone to speak. Finally, he stepped forward, his voice shaking with barely contained rage. “Our plan was flawless, how did it go wrong?” he demanded, looking around at the others.A woman in the group sighed heavily. “That detective. He showed up right in the middle of our chants,” she spoke; literally, they were in a rage.“How did he find out? We were cautious about it.”No one had an answer. They all knew the Plan had been perfect, meticulously laid out with every detail accounted for. Yet, somehow, Braylon had discovered their location and intervened at the last moment, disrupting everything.In the corner, Stiles stood silent, his eyes burning with a vengeful fire. As the others continued to discuss what had gone wrong, his thoughts were consumed by his growing hatred for Braylon. His brain was accumulating the details of how Braylon and Eryx collapsed everything.Suddenly,
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Chapter 88
Eryx began his investigation by interviewing the museum staff and reviewing security footage. He asked Franklyn and Revilla to take the footage to see if it had been tampered with. Meanwhile, Alex started to investigate the staff, and Eryx was roaming around to collect any evidence if there was any. The museum was a sprawling old building with high ceilings and large, echoing halls. Eryx methodically checked each exhibit room, glancing at the glass cases and the security setups. The museum director, Thompson, hovered nearby."Do you think it could have been an inside job?" Thompson asked."It's too early to say," Eryx replied, scanning the marble floor for any signs of disturbance. "But we have to consider all possibilities."Alex, meanwhile, was talking to the employees in the break room. Most were shocked that anything had gone missing at all. The security guards seemed especially rattled, one of them, a young woman named Clara, couldn't stop fidgeting with her keychain."It’s just
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Chapter 89
Eryx sat at his cluttered desk, stacks of papers and old files littering the surface. He was engrossed in the museum staff list, carefully examining each name and its corresponding details. Across the table, Alex was hunched over his laptop, reading aloud from an article about the recent rash of antique thefts."Listen to this, Eryx," Alex said, not looking up from his screen. "Some of these stolen antiques are worth millions on the black market. There's this one Ming vase, for example, that could fetch up to three million dollars. Can you believe that?"Eryx nodded absently, still focused on his task. "Yeah, I can believe it. People will pay anything for a piece of history. Just keep track of the most valuable items. It might help us understand the thief's motive better."Just then, Franklyn burst into the room just always, a folder in his hand. He looked slightly dishevelled as if he had rushed over from somewhere. Eryx and Alex turned to him expectantly."Got the surveillance resul
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Chapter 90
Just then, the door to his bedroom burst open, and his son Alan came barreling in. The little boy’s face was lit up with excitement, his eyes sparkling with the pure joy only children can muster. Alan leapt onto the bed, landing with a soft thud beside Braylon."Daddy, come play with me!" Alan exclaimed, tugging at his father's arm. "You promised!"Braylon couldn't help but chuckle at his son’s enthusiasm. His worries about Eryx began to fade as he looked at Alan. "Alright, alright," Braylon said, nodding and smiling. He scooped Alan into his arms carefully, lifting him off the bed. "Let's go play."Alan cheered as Braylon carried him out of the bedroom and into the living room. They settled onto the floor, surrounded by Alan's toys. Alan grabbed his favourite toy car and handed another to Braylon."Daddy, let’s race!" Alan declared, already lining up his car on an imaginary track.Braylon smiled and positioned his car next to Alan's. "Ready, set, go!" he shouted, pushing his car forw
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