All Chapters of Alpha Zaine’s Rejection: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
74 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
Sophia’s POV“Will they still be together?” I ask, wondering if this is when it all comes crashing down. I hope they will, especially Hattie and Becks. They have been inseparable since they were toddlers and parting them now would be almost as cruel as leaving them in the dilapidated wing. After what I told him, he should know how important they are to me. He did tell Luca not to assign Hattie to George, so maybe he understands.“Mrs Crook, Hattie, Becks and Torrin will all be moving into our wing. There are several rooms which have sat empty ever since I was just a pup. Luca and George have rooms across the corridor from our rooms,” he stalls for a split second. “Your room is usually reserved for visiting Alphas or their representatives.” He tells me what I already knew, and I know he probably wants me to move into his room. I’m not ready for that, so I change the subject just as quickly as he raised it.“Torrin used to live…. where? Does he have a mate who will move with him? Does h
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Chapter Twelve
Torrin’s POVThree hours. They have been gone for three hours.I’m meant to be sleeping right now after spending the night standing guard at her door. How can I sleep when I have no idea what they are doing and the pack house is bustling with activity? Zaine has taken her off to his cabin in the woods, the mate bond driving him to act completely out of character if Luca’s crazy arse is to be believed.You only need to watch one horror movie to know that nothing good comes of going to a cabin in the woods with someone slowly taking leave of their senses.Maybe that is a bit dramatic but with all the madness going on with the omegas, it feels like anything is possible here right now. By the way Luca told the story of the notorious Alpha Zaine rolling around on Sophia’s bed, through fits of giggles and doubled over laughter, it sounds like our Alpha has cracked.He wouldn’t hurt her or force her to accept him, would he? Not after spending so long searching. Maybe that is what will tip hi
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Chapter Thirteen
Torrin’s POV “Hush girls, don’t make a nuisance of yourselves before we even get to our rooms.” Mrs Crook loudly whispers a scolding. Things are certainly going to liven up around here now. I’m not sure that Zaine knew what he was doing when he gave the order for Hattie and Becks to be assigned rooms up here. Sophia will enjoy having her friends so near, and it will definitely help having Mrs Crook so close by although the risk of discovery greatly increases. I couldn’t honestly say what I think Zaine’s reaction would be if he found out about her gifts. He would probably shrug it off as superstition and old wives tales. I have never really given it much thought myself. Aggie and I were thrust into the same arena when Sophia was born, and I took it all in my stride back then. The king and queen trusted their nanny, and I trusted them. I was younger then. Not that I am old now. There is still some life left in this old dog yet. I have known her too long now to start asking questions,
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Chapter Fourteen
Zaine’s POVSophia jumps out of the car and disappears into the crowd the second we pull up at the pack house. I have to park on the grass halfway up the drive due to the six or seven vans out front. I don’t know how he does it, but Luca really has a knack for making the impossible, possible. It’s like a circus out here and he is the ringleader, he revels in the chaos and watching him work as he directs people to where they are needed is a show in itself. He might gripe but he is in his element when under pressure.When I told him I want the omega wing closed down and everybody resituated before tonight he pissed and moaned, telling me it would be impossible and for a minute I thought maybe he was right and the timescale I demanded was unreasonable. He has done it though, by the looks of beds, drawers and wardrobes being humped into the pack house.Sophia had said she wanted to rest, but I’m fairly certain she wants to find her friends and make sure they are okay. I tried to reassure
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Chapter Fifteen
George’s POVWell… the shit has well and truly hit the fan this time.If Zaine finds out his mate was nearly killed because I was busy watching over Hattie and her little friend rather than doing my job, it will be my head on the chopping block along with my nuts.She doesn’t even notice how many heads she turns when she walks around in that little dress and apron with her hair in pigtails. Pigtails. Who the hell knew pigtails could look sexy? I can’t be dealing with this drama for the rest of my life. Warning men off her innocent little arse without giving away what she is has become a full-time occupation. They are like flies around shit, and she hasn’t the foggiest what they are after or that they want it from her.I thought I would have time. When I began my campaign to make her hate men I never gave much thought to what I would do when the time came that she realises who I am to her, or rather, her wolf does. Yeah, I know, I never said it wasn’t messed up from the very beginning.
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Chapter Sixteen
Sophia’s POV“It’s alright baby. You’re okay. Don’t try to move, I’ll get you a drink, one second.” Zaine’s voice is calm and soothing, but I can sense his worry throbbing along our tenuous bond. My body feels tight, like the skin all across my chest and back is one size too small and it itches so much I think even razor blades wouldn’t scratch it. The bed moves as Zaine stands and walks across the room.“Mrs Crook?” I peel my tongue off the roof of my mouth and ask for the one person who has always helped ease my pain.“She will be here in a moment sweetheart. Here you go, take a sip of this.” a cold metal straw rests on my lip and a take a few welcome sips of the ice-cold water.“What happened?” I slowly open my eyes and squint against the blinding light in the ceiling. He must notice my discomfort because he jumps up and hits the switch on the wall, now the only light in the room comes from the moon and it filters in through the long black net panels at the windows.“We don’t know.
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Chapter Seventeen
Zaine’s POVThe consequences of my actions are right in front of my face and it takes every ounce of resolve not to react.The first time Mrs Crook booted me out of my own room to do Sophia’s treatment, she didn’t mince her words about how Sophia felt about her scars. She wasn’t disrespectful about it, but she said what needed saying and left it at that. Needless to say, I left the room every time she visited from then on. It was the only time I have left her side for the last four days.Luca is probably just about ready to kill me since I have left him to almost single handedly take care of the pack and all that goes along with it. He is more than capable under usual circumstances, but with everything going on with all the changes, now is not the best time for me to disappear. George has been working tirelessly to try to make up for his fuck up. There is something else going on with my temperamental beta, he will disappear for hours on end and his mood has been up and down like a who
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Chapter Eighteen
Sophia’s POVI nod when he asks if I like what he’s doing. I don’t trust my voice to answer and even if I thought anything more than a squeak would come out, there is no air in my lungs anyway.“Use your words little moineau.” His voice is low, and quiet and it vibrates right through me, igniting every nerve on its path.“Yes.” I gasp as he squeezes and rolls my nipples between his finger and thumb. It is almost painful but not quite and he loosens his grip as soon as I answer.“Good girl. You don’t need to be shy with me sweetheart. You were made for me, and I for you. Your nipples are my nipples.” He squeezes again, making his point. “Your pussy is my pussy.” He whispers into my ear and kisses my cheek. “Your lips, are my lips.” He trails kisses along my jaw between each of his words until his lips find mine.His kiss is feather light, his lips only just brush mine and his tongue darts along my bottom lip before retreating. I strain to lift my head, to feel him closer, deeper, but h
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Chapter Nineteen
Zaine’s POVHer inexperience is as evident as it is alluring. The look of horror on her face, as I lean down to finally get my first taste of her, is a picture of innocence ruined.The feel of her warmth on my lips and tongue and the way her juices glaze my chin, is a reward from the heavens that I’m not sure I deserve. I drink from her like a parched man under the midday desert sun and my scalp burns as she grips my hair in both hands. She tries to pull me away as she thrusts against my face, her poor little body has no idea how to handle these new sensations.I could take it easy on her. Actually, what I mean is, I should take it easy on her, but the second I sucked her essence from my finger, I knew her pussy was going to be the only thing I want to dine on for the foreseeable future.“Zaine.” She mewls as she lets go of my hair and grabs fists full of the bedsheet under her. The hedonist in me wants to hear her screaming my name and to know that she has forgotten about what put he
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Chapter Twenty
Sophia’s POV “Fuuuuucccck.” Zaine growls into my neck as he shudders between my legs. I had no idea my body could feel something so… so… I don’t even know how to describe it. I’m fizzy and fuzzy all over. My legs won't stop shaking, my fingers ache and hurt from holding onto him so tightly, and my pussy feels like it is there but also isn’t. Zaine takes me in his arms and rolls over so I’m laying on top him rather than in the wet patch of my own making. I couldn’t protest even if I wanted to. My limbs don’t work, my brain has forgotten all words and my wolf is useless. The invisible tether connecting Zaine and I feels stronger than before. My wolf feels it too. She watched everything, and muttered to herself and I tried to ignore her ramblings about protectors and danger. She has been blowing hot and cold since i woke up and her moods have been giving me whiplash ever since the first time she spoke to me. She is happy that I have stopped fighting the pull of the mate bond. I thoug
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